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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 76: mysterious box with purple amethyst necklace

After everything is done she went to have her breakfast at the kitchen of the orphanage.

She is done with the breakfast and when she was going to take the dried rug that she washed early in the morning.

At this moment one of the orphans came to Mohini to tell her that the warden wanted her to visit her in the warden’s office.

Mohini don’t have anything to do right now.

She first went to take all her clothes that are left for drying and she neatly folded them and placed them at their usual place.

After that she went to talk to warden Lakshmi in her office.

Mohini arrived at the warden’s office where warden Lakshmi was sitting on the warden’s seat and seeing some account files related to the orphanage.

“Madam did you call for me?”

Mohini asked

Warden Lakshmi looked at Mohini affectionately and said

“Yesterday is your birthday and you are officially 18 year old.

So I called you here to give you the thing we got along with you when we first found you.

You are left in front of the orphanage when you are just a baby along with you there is this box.

This box seems to be some sort of puzzle for you to solve to get the contents in it.

This was stored in the bank locker till now and no one knows about this box till now.

There is no record even in the government books regarding this so as to no one would take this for themselves.

There is also a letter along with this box saying that I should give you this box on this day in it.

So this box belongs to you now.

Take it and see if you can open it and find out what your origins are.”

Warden Lakshmi said while giving Mohini a box.

The box did not look like a box instead it looked like a wooden log.

The wooden log is around one foot tall with only 5 centimeters of diameter.

It looks like it is made out of wood and the texture is very smooth for it to call a box instead of a wooden log.

Mohini took it and was about to go back to the orphanage hall.

But she was stopped as warden Lakshmi stopped her.

“I heard that warden Mandara got your smart phone but it was stolen along with her money yesterday.

I don’t think you will get your smart phone back easily.

I will buy you a new one later so that you can use it when you go to college doesn’t be sad about the lost things.”

Warden Lakshmi said to Mohini.

Mohini nodded her head and left the room.

“She seems to have become more beautiful than yesterday.

Her personality seems to have changed too.

What would have happened in one night?”

Warden Lakshmi thought after Mohini left the warden’s room.

Mohini was now interested in this thing in her hand that she got in her life in the past the item in the box is mysterious.

But she was unable to find out its mysteries then and the reason for that is that it was stolen by the warden Mandara and her son Gaja.

In the previous life Mohini took a little longer to open the puzzle box and found that there is a purple amethyst necklace in the wooden box.

But now she knows how to open the box by solving the puzzle quickly thanks to her good memory.

But she did not want to do that now as it requires quite some time and she don’t want other people in the orphanage to notice this box.

Because curiosity can spread the news causes warden Mandara and Gaja to find out the details regarding the box.

If they became interested in the contents in the box then there is a chance that she will lose the necklace again.

Because of this Mohini first sent this puzzle box into the inventory and then went back to the orphanage main hall.

Then she started to dress up as she wanted to go out of the orphanage into the city after having the lunch.

She knows that she cannot do anything freely in the orphanage.

So she decided to go into the city where she can find some safe place to do her thing.

After getting ready it is already 12 PM in the noon so Mohini went to the kitchen to have her lunch.

After eating lunch she went to the warden’s office to get the permission to go out of the orphanage and into the city.

She got the permission and a restriction that she has to come back to the orphanage before a specific time.

Mohini went out of the orphanage then got on the local transportation to reach the Mumbai city.

It is noon and there is nothing much to do for Mohini she has already completed her studies for the college entrance exam.

The only thing that is left for her to do is to solve the puzzle but she cannot do that outside and go into the dungeon to do that.

In the dungeon there will be no one that would disturb her while she is solving the puzzle box of the purple necklace.

Other than that Mohini still has the task of being fucked by 10,000 people or getting fucked 10,000 times to be more precise.

After getting fucked 10,000 times she will be able to open the special dungeon which can lead her to the completing half of the green jade charm.

For this Mohini has to get fucked as much as she possible can and in the shortest time possible.

But she doesn’t have to worry because every city in the world is not a good place.

As a large number of people live here this will lead to have all kinds of people.

There are over 10,000 people that usually lust over women everywhere in a city as big as Mumbai……..

Chapter 77: purple light shot out of the amethyst pendent

There are over 10,000 people that usually lust over women everywhere in a city as big as Mumbai.

So she can just walk around some red light are to get some gangsters to capture her and then fuck her.

But before that she has to make some preparations for her to escape if something goes wrong.

For now she went to the local library where there are no many people present and there are many blind spots for her to enter the dungeon.

But before entering Mohini went and bought some daily necessities with the money that she previously stole from warden Mandara’s purse.

She also bought a big cauldron from the local blacksmith.

She wanted to refine herbs that she harvested in the morning to make some medicinal liquids and pills that she wanted.

After entering the library Mohini found a blind spot and directly entered the tier 1 low grade dungeon.

After entering she went straight to the safe zone to strip naked and then took out the sports clothes that she just bought.

The sports clothes are not full body clothes instead it is only a bra and underwear that looked quite sexy.

Mohini put on these clothes so that her boobs would not become saggy because they are not being hold firm.

Well as long as she reaches the higher realm of cultivation she doesn’t have to fear about that.

But for now she has to take some precautions so that she would not lose her beauty by much.

After storing her clothes in the inventory Mohini went to clear the first layer of the dungeon as quickly as possible.

This first layer of the dungeon has nearly 39 savage beasts that are killed directly by Mohini or she used the devour skill after she caught them alive.

Her strength is more than that is before she upgraded her level.

Since killing this low level savage beasts did not give her any experience points Mohini started to catch them and devour their points.

This way Mohini can get more stat points, experience points and many other useful things.

It took Mohini around an hour to kill all the savage beasts in the first layer of the dungeon and clear it completely free.

Now that all the savage beasts are dead Mohini will not have to be on alert all the time and can do her own work now.

Then she went near the small river to wash off all the sweat and mud after clearing the first layer of the dungeon.

Mohini also took out a big bucket that is filled with water and stored it in the inventory for the later usage.

Then she took out the wooden box and sat on the rock beside the river.

On the entire wooden box there is only one Ancient runic word written on it and that word is in some ancient language.

Mohini was unable to read that language but instinctively she was able to understand that language.

She doesn’t know the meaning of the word on the wooden box.

But she remembers that when her body sweat touched the wooden box it reacted and opened.

Well Mohini found it when she accidentally put her wet underwear on the wooden box in her past life.

She thought that her sweat is the reason for the word on the wooden box to react and show other words.

But she never expected that it was her cum that activated it that day.

Even now she doesn’t know what activated the puzzle box so she started to rub her sweat onto the puzzle box.

But it did not have any reaction that it gave in the other life.

This made Mohini think it over again and again but there is not possible answer for this in her mind.

But suddenly she remembered that in the past life it was her underwear that caused the box to react.

So she thought for a moment and wanted to make this puzzle box come into contact with her cum.

So she started to masturbate using this puzzle box rubbing it against her little pussy.

Soon after Mohini had cummed a little on the wooden puzzle box and immediately the puzzle box showed reaction.

The single word on the puzzle box started to multiply giving out a strange pattern in the form of a puzzle.

After the appearance of the puzzle Mohini started to solve it based on her memory of the other life.

After a few minutes the strange wooden puzzle box started to split into pieces.

To be precise it split into 5 pieces and revealed a small crucible like space inside the puzzle box.

There is an amethyst pendent necklace in the box just like in her other life there is nothing else inside it.

There are some strange words carved on the pendent and these words seems like it is like Ancient runic language or some other similar language.

As soon as Mohini touched the amethyst pendent a purple light shot out of amethyst pendent into Mohini’s eyebrows and vanished immediately.

Almost immediately Mohini fell of the rock and went into deep sleep.

Mohini slept like that for over 3 hours and finally woke up.

It is a good thing that she is in the dungeon so that there is no waste of time or anything even if she spent an entire day sleeping.

When she woke up she has a severe head ache.

But it started to fade away in just few minutes.

Mohini opened her eyes and there is a vicious light in her eyes and there is an endless killing intent.

Then she stood up and looked at her face in the still water are of the river near her.

“Finally a good thing happened.”

Mohini said with an extremely happy expression on her face.

“I have finally returned to my younger self.

Well technically only my memories have returned though to my younger self.

But this is good……...”

Chapter 78: Time memory inheritance

“I have finally returned to my younger self.

Well technically only my memories have returned though to my younger self.

But this is good.”

The purple light that shot at Mohini is called the “time memory inheritance”

The future self of Mohini used a huge ritual to create a time memory inheritance for her past self.

The time memory inheritance is special inheritances where one can send back her memories and thoughts into the past or future.

This inheritance can only be taken by the person that set up the inheritance.

This inheritance is sealed by the soul of the person that makes the inheritance

If that person died and reincarnated she can get the inheritance from using her soul to unlock the seal.

But the person that creates this inheritance must be careful, so that the object that she makes as vessel for the inheritance must be selected wisely.

If the target past self did not make a contact with the vessel of inheritance then the inheritance will be a complete waste.

There is one more thing that is the time memory inheritance will not disturb the laws of the world.

This is because the memories are not real physical objects or any form of energy.

It is just the detailed note of a possible future that a person can take or make a different choice.

Because of this reason there won’t be a time paradox.

Other than that there is one more profit that is the person that receives the time inheritance will know the future.

Also she might have analyzed the other possible choices too and receive the memory of that research.

So any traps that are fated or willed by the world can either be avoided or may make some preparations before having a calamity on her.

So, Mohini in the future made the inheritance into the amethyst pendent that will come into Mohini hands right after she entered the world of cultivation.

The reason why Mohini fainted previously is because she has received over hundreds and thousands years of memories and lots of knowledge.


“Player has received a new skill super memory”


“Super memory skill has been upgraded to tier 1 of mortal realm”


“Super memory skill has been upgraded to tier 2 of mortal realm”


“Super memory skill has been upgraded to tier 3 of mortal realm”


“Super memory skill has been upgraded to tier 4 of mortal realm”



“Super memory skill has been upgraded to tier 10 of mortal realm”



“Super memory skill has been upgraded to tier 10 of celestial realm”



“Super memory skill has been upgraded to tier 10 of immortal realm”



“Super memory skill has been upgraded to tier 10 of heavenly realm”



“Super memory skill has been upgraded to tier 10 of god realm”


This is the highest skill that Mohini currently possesses.

In order to store all the knowledge her ultimate survivor skill and title created this skill called super memory.

This skill will help Mohini to gain a very large space to store all the memories that she just received.

This also gave Mohini a chance to immediately memorize anything and everything that is in god realm level in an instant.

Mohini started to review the memories to find what is actually happening to her.

The first memory she received is a message from the person that looked like an old man that looked like she was about to die any minute.

She looked more like Mohini himself when she turned into an old woman.

This person is standing in the outer space beside a gigantic planet looking down on it.

Then the old version of Mohini started to speak.

“My past self, take revenge on all these people listed out in the memory and see all the plans I made after hundreds of research.

All my knowledge is yours and we shall have a glorious future.

Something different from my miserable past”

After that the entire planet glowed in red then it completely disintegrated then the old woman started to burn and turn into ash.

This is the last memory that Mohini received.

Mohini did not understand what is actually happening.

As she started to review all the memories that she is receiving.

But just when she was thinking a drop of blood that came out of her nose and eyes fell down from her chin and fell on the amethyst pendent on her hand.

The amethyst pendent started to glow in purple light.

After that Mohini was sucked into the amethyst pendent.

Also the amethyst pendent vanished after Mohini was sucked in side it.

Mohini did not have enough commutative power left in her mind to notice that she was sucked into the amethyst pendent.

She was in the middle of organizing her memories.

The memories are an accumulation of events and knowledge from hundreds and thousands of years of Mohini’s future self.

There are events where she regretted and there are events where she was only helpless to see her people are killed.

There are events where her women were captured, played, and even killed by Mohini’s enemies.

All of her women are murdered by the people she took pity on and trusted.

At these times Mohini was stalled by her enemies or she was in closed door cultivation and there are times when she was betrayed by her own people.

There are many events that Mohini regretted in her life but she still dragged on and persisted in the cultivation reaching the peak of god realm.

But there she became stagnant because of all the regrets that she had in her entire life.

She has gone into closed door cultivation for hundred thousand years to think of ways to solve all of her regrets.

She thought of all the ways she could have solved all of her past regrets and things she was unable to do then……..

Chapter 79: memories of her future self

She thought of all the ways she could have solved all of her past regrets and things she was unable to do then.

She made all these plans because she has found a forbidden technique that is the time memory inheritance.

She wanted to use this technique to clear all of her regrets but in order to do that she should have solutions.

She first went to all sorts of places to get as much of knowledge she can on various cultivation techniques, fighting techniques and many other things.

Other than that Mohini also collected all the events that happened from when she started to cultivate.

Mohini collected the information regarding many inheritances, ruins, various places with rare resources and many other things.

After collecting all the information Mohini went into closed door cultivation to get all the solutions to all of her past problems and regrets.

But since Mohini did not cultivate further and lost too many of her women she lost something more.

She was unable to complete the quest given by lady fate and her enemies are almost succeeded.

This was the situation after she came out of a hundred thousand years of closed door cultivation of solution finding.

But Mohini was already a peak level person in the god realm.

So she decided to execute the plan that is to set up a time memory inheritance for her past self.

Mohini’s future self has used the merit points she obtained the super memory skill so that she would not forget anything.

She has already understood the conditions to obtain this skill. So she was not worry about her past self could not store all of her memories.

Because when these memories rushed into her past self then she will automatically gain the super memory skill.

Other than that Mohini’s future self had thought long and hard about what is the object that she has to choose for inheritance.

She remembered that she got an amethyst pendent right after she started the cultivation after her birthday.

But just after few days when Mohini went to attempt the college entrance exam warden Mandara’s son captured her.

Then after they fucked her in order to make it look like a robbery they took the amethyst pendent.

Mohini’s future self has decided to use this amethyst pendent as her time memory inheritance vessel.

Because she remembered she came into contact with it at least once and it is a sure and compulsory event.

So she was not worried that her time memory inheritance will go to waste.

But she never thought that the amethyst pendent would hold some secret that she did not find in her entire life.

Well due to some unexpected things Mohini was now able to find a secret of the amethyst pendent.

Mohini is still in the state where she is rearranging her memories.

After few minutes she came to the final phase of adjusting these new memories of her future self.

The final phase memories are about her future self setting up the time memory inheritance for her past self.

Her future self has made a calculation on how many resources she is required to make the time memory inheritance formation.

For the time memory inheritance ritual requires living sacrifices and the number will be based on the amount of time the inheritance should be made.

Like 10 years of time or 100 years of time and so on the number of living sacrifices will depend on the amount of time.

For the thing that Mohini required over 100 billion living sacrifices and all of their memories will also be transferred to the inheritance.

This means Mohini will not only get the memories of her future self but also some of the fragments of memories of all the living sacrifices.

This is not a problem for Mohini as she possesses the power of the super memory skill from the game system.

But who are the living sacrifices that are used for this time memory inheritance ritual that Mohini’s future self used.

The 100 billion people are actually all the people that have offended Mohini in one way or the other in her entire life.

They are the reason Mohini has to live the life of solitude with no one to call as her own and no place to call as her home.

Most of the people here are already dead and are reincarnated.

Even now they are still the scum of the world that prey on the weak.

Mohini took all the criminals and the worst scum of the world to a planet where she set up the formation for the time memory inheritance ritual.

For the medium to set up the inheritance she went back to earth to find the amethyst pendent.

But to her surprise the amethyst pendent is now in the god realm too.

It has fallen in the hands of cultivators as it transferred hands of many people reaching the god realm in these hundred thousand years.

This is because of the strange inscriptions on the top of the amethyst pendent.

The curiosities lead the amethyst pendent till the god realm.

Even though Mohini’s future self wanted to research the amethyst pendent more she did not have the time to do that.

Because of all the people she suddenly took to this planed many of the factions either good or bad or even the neutral factions came to attack Mohini’s future self.

So Mohini’s future self placed the pendent at the eye of the formation and started the formation and the ritual of the time memory inheritance.

Since Mohini’s future self was in a hurry she made a little miscalculation the amount of people to sacrifice is not enough.

So she sacrificed herself along with the entire planet and the entire solar system of that place using special method to cover the costs of the time memory ritual.

Finally it was successful and Mohini perished along with the attackers that came near the solar system that Mohini is performing the ritual………

Chapter 80: future memories, ways to increase luck

Finally it was successful and Mohini perished along with the attackers that came near the solar system that Mohini is performing the ritual.

Mohini’s future self used a secret method to sacrifice the entire solar system that she was in as the sacrifice.

But she did not expect that some of the attackers of various factions would also be caught up in the process and become sacrifice.

Since it is excess amount of sacrifices the amount of memory fragments from the strong cultivators will increase and come to Mohini in the past.

Well it is a good thing for Mohini that she can get benefits in the future in unexpected ways that even Mohini’s future self could not imagine.

But this is a story for the later time.

Currently Mohini was like a body that lost the soul with her eyes dim with no light in them as she was sitting blankly in a patch of ground in a strange place.

It took her another 2 hours to finally get back to her usual self from arranging all these memories.

With Mohini’s current level of cultivation accessing some of the high level memories is very hard for him.

She can only access some of the mortal level of memories that are below foundation stage.

She has to cultivate to the higher level of cultivation to get more memories of her and the memory fragments of other cultivators to be unlocked.

For now Mohini has all the memories that have happened in the mortal realm from her future self.

Other than that there are some memories of the plans and knowledge regarding the mortal realm available for Mohini.

The memories are purposefully sealed so that it would now hinder Mohini in any way and let her have a smooth sail.

The biggest gift that Mohini received from her future self is the knowledge.

It will take hundreds and thousands of years for one to learn all the knowledge, get inference from the knowledge and completely understand the knowledge.

But for Mohini after receiving all this knowledge she can use it with a very little practice just like genius that appears in a billion years.

The knowledge Mohini received till mortal level contains all the details of mastery of various fields.

Alchemy mastery till mortal level,

Crafting mastery till mortal level,

Inscriptions and charm making mastery till mortal level,

Formations mastery till mortal level,

Divination mastery till mortal level,

Monster taming mastery till mortal level


There are many things that have reached the mastery level.

Then cultivation techniques related to the body, mind and soul.

The battle arts, fighting technique, weapon techniques ……………

There are many things that the knowledge that Mohini received has.

Most of these techniques are given to Mohini with the recommendation choice by the future self of Mohini.

Each technique is not complete and only has the parts of the mortal realm and a small part of the celestial realm.

But each and every technique is a god realm level technique and the highest technique seems to be from even higher realm.

These details are blurry to Mohini so she doesn’t know how she should react to this.

She can practice the cultivation technique that she already remembered from the erotic fate god cultivation technique from the green jade charm.

Later when she completed the green jade charm Mohini was able to get the locations of another three cultivation techniques.

They are the cultivation techniques related to body, mind and soul.

But they are scattered throughout the mortal realm and Mohini has to get them by exploring some very difficult ruins.

In order to gain these things will less problem and more easy way is to obtain luck stats.

So the suggestion form the future self of Mohini is to improve her stat points of luck stats as much as possible.

But it is not possible to improve them by any way other than adding free stat points in the main status page.

But the Mohini in the future self found few other ways.

The first one is to help others and blessed by them to have good luck.

The second is to make some achievements by obtaining the merit points by killing some evil people or dungeons.

The third is to level up and use the free stat points to improve the luck stats.

But the risk is that Mohini can only level up to level 100.

But in order to move forward to the foundation establishment stage and awaken her spirit she has to get some materials.

The fourth is the special ancient way to extract luck from lucky charms, convert them into stat points and add them to the status page.

The fifth is to use the alchemical way of refining liquid luck or luck pill using the luck fruits from a luck tree.

The sixth is to upgrade the devourer skill and get the luck stat points from other people that fuck her.

These are the only ways available for Mohini to improve her luck stats in her status page.

The Mohini in the future self has actually found the information about the area where lucky tree is present on earth.

But Mohini with her current cultivation cannot go there to get this fruits of that lucky tree which is a tier 10 mortal grade spirit plant.

Other than that Mohini require over 9 mortal realm luck fruits to refine one luck pill that is a tier 10 pill.

Also one luck fruit can make 1 portion of liquid luck that can give her 1 luck stat point after consuming the portion of liquid luck that is a tier 10 medicinal liquid.

But fortunately refining these two things does not require high level of alchemy training.

Also eating 2 luck fruits raw can give a person 1 luck stat point to a person.

But still these things are useless to Mohini right now as she did not have a way to obtain the luck fruits.


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