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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 1: Ark of progenitors

A man working in tourism and trading company suddenly startled with panic in his eyes and sweat beads on his forehead.

He immediately went to the office of the manager and took leave for the day.

“Vicky, are you alright.”

The manager asked.

Well his appearance made the manager to sanction leave immediately.

He immediately went back to his apartment and took a shower.

After that he ate the food in the refrigerator like a hungry ghost that did not ate food in ages.

When he cannot eat any longer he went to sleep.

He woke up in the evening with some nightmares.

When he woke up and saw that everything is fine and calm down his anxiety.

After calming down he started to laugh like a mad man.

“So I have returned back 1 year before the apocalypse after 15 years of surviving various disasters.


That bitch Nisha and bastard Roy has finally killed me.

But they never thought that the treasure that they used me as bait to obtain has let me return back in time.

Well it is the only logical explanation.

Any way since I am back I will play with you.

My love is wasted on that bitch Nisha.

She took my pendent from me as if she knows that it has some sort of space function to it.

I am stupid enough to hand it over to her just because she asked for it.

I did not know that it has space function till I accidentally found out about it.

Unfortunately she became so powerful that I could not do anything to her.

At the same time I cannot leave them either.

No other group in the apocalypse world would trust new person.

The most probable result is that the new person would be killed or worse, 9 times out of 10 times.

So I had no choice but to stay with these people.

They suppressed me and used me as bait in many places.

Finally I took the chance to get the treasure and this is the result.

Well it is good.

Things would be different this time.

As for revenge, I will think about it after I have obtained all the supplies and materials required before apocalypse.

It is never too late to get revenge.

Looking at them dying slowly is also a form of revenge.

So, first thing is first.

I need to check this pendent and obtain what is in it.”

Vicky took out the pendent that he place around his bed side.

It is not big, only around the size of a finger nail.

It is circular in shape and has a strange symbol on it.

Vicky doesn’t have to think too much and went to get a needle.

In the future many artifacts require a drop of blood to bond with the owner.

So he pricked his finger and dripped a drop of blood on the symbol.

Immediately the blood was absorbed and the pendent flew straight towards Vicky.

Vicky felt a strong pain around his heart and the symbol appeared on his chest.

Then he got new information in his mind.


Host was able to successfully bind to one of the keys of ark of progenitors.

Host can learn the back story of the ark of progenitors.

The earth that host live in was once a part of the apocalypse land.

7 people formed a team and created a sanctuary for their people by separating a small piece of land from the apocalypse world.

This piece of land is named earth.

After the molding on the planet earth each of them took a place to stay.

“Matching the records with the current earth”

One of the progenitors that are berserk in nature settled in the northern part of the earth currently Russia, Germany and few other countries.

One progenitor with business nature decided to travel the two continents called America but failed because of the breakage of the ice land connections.

One progenitor that is kind in nature settled at the center of Europe but later he was convinced to form team with the business minded leader.

One progenitor that has the nature of a hunter went to Africa that has a jungle and harsh environment with his people.

One progenitor that has the strange predicting nature and foolish personality left to the east to find a continent that no longer exist called the continent of Mu.

Two progenitors that are half brothers with same father but different mothers choose the eastern lands of India, china, and few other small countries.


Other than these people there are natives on earth.

The progenitors formed their own kingdoms and empires.

They were called as gods and sages at that time.

But they perished over time and the time moved on.

Before the sinking of the continent Mu the progenitor migrated to Australia,

Then he followed the land mass connecting all the way to the Indian Ocean called the Kumari Kandam and settled there.

At that time for the future descendents of each progenitor the foolish progenitor divided their ark into 7 pieces of entries with 7 keys and distributed them to other progenitors equally.

By the time the distribution is done conflicts broke out after the progenitors died it intensified.

The kind hearted progenitor’s descendents mingled with the fairy folk creating Fae.

The business minded progenitor’s descendents used the human greed to kill those Fae for various benefits and sold them in the name of holiness.

They had the conflict of Fae and the holy people.

The progenitor’s descendents that went to Africa has invoked the combinations of beasts and humans forming the Egyptian gods….

But they perished in the internal conflicts.

The berserk progenitor’s descendents in the north were suddenly attacked by severe environment and perished because of the conflicts of food.

At that time the two half brothers progenitor’s descendents that took the eastern lands entered into conflict over supremacy and pride.

After the war the defeated side crossed the……..”

Chapter 2: 10 cubic meters of space with 10 million USD

At that time the two half brothers progenitor’s descendents that took the eastern lands entered into conflict over supremacy and pride.

After the war the defeated side crossed the Gandaki River and moved north and settled there.

But the damage is already done.

The foolish progenitor’s descendents moved up from Kumari Kandam as it was sinking to enter India from the south.


As time passed by the pieces of the ark keys separated and scattered throughout the world.

The number of keys is 7.

The foolish progenitor has predicted that during the time of apocalypse the 7 keys would become active again.

7 keys share the 7 locations in the ark castle equally.

They are warehouse, planting yard, bedroom, smithy, refining room, library, and training room.

The ark is already damaged so the person holding the key has the duty to repair the ark.

Each key holder will have small amount of resources to repair a small place of a selected part of the ark.

You can choose any of the 7 locations to start their repairing process.

The repaired place is usable and the unrepaired place will be blocked.

The materials for repairing will be notified to the host when the host is 100 meters away from the material.

As long as host touches the material or stay 5 meters away from material the ark can extract the things on its own and repair on its own.

The time required for collection of materials depends on how close the host is to the material.

Also host can enter the repaired location of the ark but can only stay 1 hour on the ark per day.

The time can be stacked.

Now host please choose which location of the 7 location you want to start with…”

Vicky did not know how to choose so he asked the key symbol for explanation.

“Host, each of the 7 locations has their own functions and usage.

First is warehouse,

With the available materials host can open 10 cubic meters of space with moving time or stagnant time space of 1 cubic meter.

Second is planting ground,

With the available materials host can open 10 square meters of ordinary fertile land or 1 square meter of super fertile land that can grow any plant in the limited space.

Third is bedroom,

Bed room is not for sleeping instead repairing it can let host store water and electricity here.

Host can choose either water or electricity that host want to repair.

Fourth is smithy,

With the available materials the smithy cannot be repaired but fuels can be stored along with metals.

Fifth is refining room,

With the available materials refining room cannot be upgraded but some fuels, chemicals, herbs can be stored to maintain high quality for a long time.

Sixth is library,

Library was specifically divided and with the available materials host can unlock some techniques of fighting or host can unlock technique that can practice magical techniques.

Magical technique like mental energy techniques, only telekinesis is available.

Seventh is training room,

Host can open a training room that can use various harsh environments to strengthen their adaptability and fighting or other capabilities here.

Now host choose which location you want to start with….”

Vicky doesn’t have to think and choose the warehouse without stagnant time immediately.

He cannot do anything with stagnant time space right now.


Immediately he felt the 10 cubic meters space when he concentrated on the mark on his chest.

Vicky nodded his head thinking that this space is enough to start.

Next he started to prepare a disguise.

There is something is has to get in the flat of another apartment in their community.

Inside the community there are security cameras but there are not security guards.

Vicky looked for the blind spots to go to the apartment building J

His face is covered and his appearance is changed a little by wearing clothes at odd places.

So identifying him is hard.

This is after noon and not many people are outside.

He jumped over the wall of the apartment building J and then went to the place where the power supply meters are present.

He directly switched off the power to room number 1603 and then went straight to the 16th floor.

Whenever there is a camera he would move quickly with odd angles so that his appearance is never fully capture properly.

He went to the room 1603 that has a camera outside.

He turned off the camera first and picked the lock of the apartment.

In the previous life he head that a team searching here found loads of cash, gold and diamonds inside a fake wall.

Unfortunately at that time the value of money, gold and valuables is gone.

All of that cannot even give them a piece of moldy bread.

This was big news at that time.

Vicky went into the room and went straight to the end of the hall where the big TV should be fixed.

This is the real wall but from behind it is a fake wall.

Vicky picked the lock of the room behind it and went inside.

There is another surveillance camera here and Vicky turned it off.

After that he started to hit the wall with the prepared hammer in a slow manner and found the fake wall corners.

He slowly put a hole in the wall and found stacks of currency packed in unit packages.

Each pack contains 10 million rupee in cash.

Each row has 10 packages and there are more than 8 columns filled with cash.

This total to 800 million rupees in cash that is equals to 10 million USD.

Vicky directly stored all the cash into the warehouse and the checked the bottom like that has gold bars, jewels and other things.

Vicky took everything and stored it all after checking that there is nothing more to take he escaped back out of this place and came back to his apartment sneakily………

Chapter 3: repairing the ark

Vicky directly stored all the cash into the warehouse and the checked the bottom like that has gold bars, jewels and other things.

Vicky took everything and stored it all after checking that there is nothing more to take he escaped back out of this place and came back to his apartment sneakily.

When he came back home the system told him that the gold can be turned into essence to repair a part of electricity storage grid in the bed room.

But it is not sufficient to complete repair.

Vicky was shocked and thought for a moment.

“It should turn into gold essence to do the repair or something.”

Vicky did not stop there but took out a money package and opened it into loose cash for easy use.

Vicky went to rent a warehouse for a year first.

His destination is a whole sale construction materials company to see if anything there can be used.

He went to check various sections.

Some of them were marked by the system and he bought them directly.

Not all packets of cement was asked only specific packs of cement was asked.

Vicky collected the materials and paid 500 thousand directly.

The materials contain several bags of cement, steal, gravel, sand………

These materials will be processed by the system and they will repair the space.

Then Vicky went to metals selling store.

He bought copper blocks, iron blocks and some other materials marked by the system.

It did not mark big numbers only in small quantities and selected few.

Fortunately Vicky gave bigger tips making the person happy.

So he was not chased away for his picky nature.

The materials will be delivered to his warehouse.

Vicky also ordered several big containers and water tanks made of copper and asked them to be delivered to his warehouse.

This is not an emergency order and will be delivered in 6 months.

This is for storing cooked items and water for drinking.

Copper has the abilities to purify wanted and intensify the flavor of food.

All the cement and materials that Vicky ordered were delivered quickly in the evening.

Vicky gave them some extra tip and sent them away.

After they left he went to touch the thing and some things vanish quickly while something would be left half finished.

All of this was taken by the space to repair the things.

The in the warehouse increased to 25 cubic meters and the system asked Vicky if he wanted to turn it into stagnant time space.

But Vicky refused.

Vicky then went near a museum while travelling.

He felt a strong attractive force towards the museum.

So he bought a ticket and went inside.

There he felt that the ark space is attracted to many exhibits of ancient times.

Vicky cannot touch them so he stood as close to them as he possible can to let the ark absorb the materials.

Vicky saw that a sword suddenly had holes like it was drilled by something.

Then he saw an ancient jewelry lost some of its gems.

As he moved on he saw other missing parts around the exhibits.

Fortunately he was only walking around them but did not get close to them.

Every time he wait till the ark extract what it wanted from the exhibit.

It was like a picky eater that only eats a few things and leaves the remaining.

No one cares what happens here as the exhibit is still there and the alarm did not go off.

Even in the CCTV footage Vicky was out of its bounds and only looking at them from a distance so it is not a problem

The materials here was able to increase Vicky’s warehouse space to 400 cubic meters with 100 square meters in area and 4 meters in height of the warehouse roof.

This is not the only thing other things were also repaired to the initial level.

But the work has exhausted the entire evening of Vicky.

After he went home he has decide to go get a take out to eat for dinner.

In the evening Nisha that came back home actually came to visit Vicky along with Roy.

Vicky specifically prepared a look alike bronze pendent for her.

Tomorrow is her birthday.

She first asked how Vicky is doing and then invited him to her birthday party.

Vicky smiled and spoke pleasantly as if there is not hatred at all.

Vicky knows that he has to wait till he can make his move.

The best form of revenge is to let them die starving and thirst during the apocalypse.

As long as Nisha did not get the pendent then she would definitely die in the worst way possible.

Vicky can sit on the sidelines to watch her die slowly.

Vicky is staying at the highest floor that is usually very hot during the summer and very cold during the winter.

That is the reason why he could get this apartment for cheap rent.

There is another flat by his two flats by his side.

But there are no residents.

He is an orphan with no one and everything he had was earned by him by himself.

In order to pursue Nisha he rented an apartment in this high end community.

He is barely keeping up with the flow of money to make the ends meet.

But now he doesn’t have to worry.

The money he had on hand is not sufficient and he needs more.

He knows few more places where the black money is hidden like this that was found out during the apocalypse.

He was sent out to collect food by that bitch Nisha.

So he has lot of experience and information as a bottom feeder.

That night he did not rest instead he went around snatching the money from all those places.

Other than that he let ark space absorb any material that it finds when travelling.

His warehouse space increased to 200 square meters with……..

Chapter 4: historical places, library, museum

Other than that he let ark space absorb any material that it finds when travelling.

His warehouse space increased to 200 square meters with the volume of 800 cubic meters.

His bed room was also improved with water storage and electricity storage.

Water storage is divided into two portions.

One is drinking water storage and the other is cleaning water storage.

The drinking water storage is separate with a special tap.

Only some aspects are improved but the amount of money was increase to new heights.

The gold bricks were gone and some of the ornaments are also gone.

But the remaining items are still there.

Vicky went back to his apartment.

The current amount of cash he has is equal to 100 million USD.

Vicky now wants to convert this cash into dollars at the exchange counters slowly to turn it into currency that can be used anywhere in the world.

Vicky has many plans.

Also he understood that museums and old exhibits places are the best places to repair the ark.

With that idea Vicky slept and woke up late.

He already asked for leave today all day in the morning Vicky planned what to do and how to improve his things.

Also he started to plan on what supplies to hoard and made a list of it.

There are many things that should plan carefully and get the things without the knowledge of others.

If others found out then there would be major problem.

Thing about if someone suddenly bought huge amount of materials then immediately the government and corporate would start to pay attention to the person.

If there is no major function or event then they are fearful about a new group that want to start something big.

Vicky doesn’t want that to happen he will hoard things in a systematic way.

Even with all the money on hand Vicky don’t want to quit his job.

The owner of the company Oba is running tourism and trading company.

But it is just a cover.

He is in illegal arms trade.

In a week he would ask Vicky if Vicky wanted to join his team to earn big.

The reason for this is Vicky is an orphan and very trustful person.

So the boss wants to take Vicky into his team.

In his previous life Vicky refused this and Roy took the opportunity.

Vicky for refusing the offer was not relieved or killed instead he was given extra work load that Roy should do too.

While working for boss Oba Roy was able to get his hands on a gun.

This is one of the reasons why Vicky has to stay with them for so long.

Vicky became a servant to them.

But this life, Vicky would not care about the morality and other nonsense.

When he was hungry and helpless no one came to help.

Being an orphan he already knows that but he was naive at that time but not anymore.

After making clear plans on all the things Vicky ordered the exercising equipment of all kinds that he wanted.

He would receive them in a few days.

In the evening Vicky went to attend the birthday party of Nisha.

Vicky did prepare a gift in a fancy box but inside is nothing but a fake product.

Well the face is so real that it is hard to tell it was face.

With that done Vicky wanted to leave but Nisha called him and asked for his pendent.

Vicky put the fake pendent on his neck tied to a normal thread.

Vicky gave the pendent to Nisha with love in his eyes.

Well all of this is an act.

There are people that gossiped all the time,

There are people that would ridicule Vicky on the face,

There are people that even threaten Vicky to stay away from Nisha.

To all these people Vicky answer is just a smile and leaving the place.

After giving that Vicky left silently.

He got the food he ordered and slept peacefully.

On the next day he went to the office as he used to go before.

He worked diligently and even showed more efficiency.

Two days gone by and the exercise equipment that Vicky ordered have arrived.

In the past three days Vicky started to warm up his body to adapt to the new training regimen.

In the morning next day boss Oba called Vicky to talk and told Vicky about the other business.

He asked Vicky if he wanted to earn big.

Vicky showed an enlightened expression and immediately accepted the proposal of the boss.

As for the reason for accepting Vicky directly stated the name of Nisha.

Well everyone in the office knows that he has a crush on Nisha and he could not get her because he was a poor orphan.

So the boss Oba directly understands the point of Vicky and nodded his head.

With that everything is set.

He told Vicky that in a week he would be going to Africa with him and he has to be prepared to go with him.

The eyes of Vicky lit up.

Also Vicky got a holiday for this week before the journey.

After getting the holiday Vicky went back to house to prepare based on his plan.

Vicky stored the exercise equipment in space and started to visit museums of various cities.

That is not all he visited the historical places of old civilization and also the libraries.

He never expected that these boring places to hold so many good things.

Vicky spent the entire week in just few cities close to Mumbai.

While travelling, he suddenly remembered that there is a time when a mafia boss took many men to salvage his weapons stored at a warehouse near the docks.

Vicky was one of the people that went to salvage those weapons.

In return he was given a bread slice.

Well other did not even get that.

Vicky was made to go because of………..

Chapter 5: went for a weapons trade

Well other did not even get that.

Vicky was made to go because of Roy being a friend of this mafia boss during one of the weapons dealings with boss Oba.

Vicky did not go there directly but first put on a mask and some disguise.

Then he went to the warehouse to check.

There is no one guarding this place.

There are only the surveillance cameras around.

Vicky first went to the side to turn off the power and then when the backup power starts he broke the circuit to burn the fuse.

After checking that the power supply is stopped he picked the locks and went inside the warehouse.

Everything is so smooth like he did this many times.

Inside the warehouse there are many boxes.

Vicky looked at the surveillance to see if it is working or not.

Then he went around check if there is anyone inside.

The weapons trade in this country is restricted and it was the same in many countries.

That is the reason where there is no one inside so that there is no problem with news leaking.

After making sure that everything was okay, Vicky went to open the boxes.

They are all filled with weapons.

The number is not that big only around 200 guns of a few types and 4000 rounds of ammunition.

There are some grenades and explosives.

There is also this white powder box that Vicky took.

Vicky would not use this or sell this.

He will convert this into tranquilizer that can be used against beasts in the future.

Using poison is a waste to lose the eatable meat of the mutated beasts.

Also Vicky doesn’t want to kill people indiscriminately.

He would use this as a tranquilizer and then get the information he wanted from them.

This would be the best to get more supplies and other things.

In the market outside getting a real gun is hard but getting a tranquilizer gun is easy.

Also getting empty tranquilizer bullets is even easier.

As long as it is not a zombie or some strange creature the tranquilizer gun is the best choice.

Also it will not make much sound.

Vicky did not take the boxes but the content in the boxes is taken.

After checking around Vicky found that there is an underground room.

He opened it and got more gold and money in dollars.

Vicky stored them all and sneaked away from here silently.

Tomorrow he has to go along with boss Oba to Africa.

Vicky has already prepared his things for the journey and followed boss Oba.

Soon they came to their destination.

Vicky followed the instructions of boss Oba and made the arrangements.

Then they went to the docking area to collect their shipped container.

They took the container with weapons to a local boss that usually deals with boss Oba.

Well Oba is a regular here and exchange gold and diamonds for these weapons.

Usually boss Oba would enjoy a few days here enjoying the care of some rare beauties and the returns back.

He has businesses like this throughout the eastern part of the Asia.

As for purchasing weapons it was from those countries that usually preach peace to the world.

While exchanging things each group checked their goods on the other side.

Vicky went to look at the gold, gemstones and diamonds.

The ark space wanted to take the gold, gemstones and diamonds.

It also wants to extract some of the materials from the weapons that they just delivered.

But Vicky wants to wait till the inspection is complete.

While inspecting he informed boss Oba that the things are not correct.

The people from the mafia came to check their goods and they are indeed missing some things.

They doubted Vicky and checked from head to toe but they did not find anything.

In order to complete the deal the mafia boss changed the deal time for later.

Well no one would believe that there is weird space ability.

Vicky did not take any material but the ark space took them.

On the next day the deal was completed easily.

But before the completion and checking, Vicky took the time to let the ark space take in some materials.

Other than that Vicky went to the museums, libraries and historical sites in the place to let the system absorb the materials.

Process became faster and it was good news to Vicky.

The space in the warehouse increased even more.

Other than that the materials opened up the storage units of the bed room, smithy, refinery room….

With the good news Vicky and boss Oba returned.

The gold and diamonds that were obtained were secretly kept in a different place by boss Oba.

Vicky did not follow nor did anything strange.

Vicky made a decision that he would not let the ark space remove weapons and other things during transaction.

This would become problematic to Vicky and there is a chance of losing trust from boss Oba.

So Vicky’s target has shifted completely to museums, libraries, factories, historical sites and material handling sites………


After returning back to the city, Vicky was given time to go around again.

Also Vicky was paid big money for the work.

It is nearly three times his previous salary.

But this money is nothing in Vicky’s eyes.

Vicky started to go around again collecting the materials for repairing the ark.

His focus is the storage facilities in all.

Warehouse can store material.

Bedroom can store, drinking water, washing water and electricity.

Smithy can store metals and fuels of all kinds.

Refining and research area can store herbs, few special fuels and other complicated things.

Planting are has a storehouse where seeds can be stored.

Of course one cannot store something different in the designated place.

That is planting area cannot store water, daily utilities or other things.

Fuels area cannot store water.

Just like that every place in the ark has its own specialty……….


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