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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 71: increasing the level and stats

Mohini was fortunate enough to have the ultimate survivor skill that helped her transform the normal game system into some sort of personalized game system.

Other than that she obtained the skill called the extra loot that can help her make a large difference in many ways.

Mohini also made one more thing before she went to clear the dungeon this time that is to stop the automatic adding of the stat points to the main status page.

All the devoured stat points and other points will be directed to the extra loot page and stored for free usage.


Name : King of Fate, (hidden name: Mohini)

Age : 18

Gender: female

Species blood lines: human

Job : student

Cultivation base: mortal level 22

Title : ultimate survivor


Health points: 56/56

Spirit points: 52/52

Stamina points: 56/56


Body : 56

Mind :  51

Soul : 53

Beauty : 59

Luck : 42


Stat points: 15

Merit points: 2030

Skill points: 10

Experience points: 37500 (needs 2300 experience points to reach next level)


Then she opened the skills page to see the changes


Skills page


Ultimate survivor skill: tier 1 high grade mortal realm (700/3500)

Invisibility skill: tier 1 high grade mortal realm (20/500)

Shape shifting skill: tier 1 low grade mortal realm (10/250)

Detection skill: tier 1 peak grade mortal realm (870/1000)

Appraisal skill: tier 1 peak grade mortal realm (930/1000)

Map skill: tier 1 peak grade mortal realm (950/1000)

Extra loot: tier 1 middle grade mortal realm (2950/3000)

Devour skill: tier 1 middle grade mortal realm (2800/3000)


Mohini clicked on the extra loot skill to see what she gained


Extra loot (2 percent)


Body: 2

Mind: 1

Soul: 0.98

Beauty: 1

Luck: 0.5

Merit points: 103

Experience points: 1750

Stat points: 0.15

Skill points: 0.1


Mohini killed around 39 beasts and she still has to kill another 21 before her extra profit skill to level up.

With the current experience points available for Mohini she can easily reach level 34 and with the amount of experience points and level ups Mohini can reach level 35 directly.

So Mohini decided to level up now.

Immediately the game system started to spend Mohini’s experience points to level up Mohini’s cultivation.

Other than that Mohini is also becoming stronger.

As she crossed level 30 Mohini has received extra 10 stat points in all of the stats as bonus because of the extra profit skill and the ultimate survivor skill.


Name : King of Fate, (hidden name: Mohini)

Age : 18

Gender: female

Species blood lines: human

Job : student

Cultivation base: mortal level 35

Title : ultimate survivor


Health points: 66/66

Spirit points: 62/62

Stamina points: 66/66


Body : 66

Mind : 61

Soul : 63

Beauty : 69

Luck : 52


Stat points: 75

Merit points: 2030

Skill points: 135

Experience points: 0 (needs 3600 experience points to reach next level)


Now Mohini has to distribute the stat points that Mohini just received

But before allotting the stat points Mohini recalled the details of the savage wild lion from her photographic memory.

She has to make sure that she has enough power to beat the savage wild lion before allotting the stat points.


Name: savage wild lion

Cultivation: level 35

Body: 75 (- 50)

Mind: 40

Soul: 38

Beauty: 22

Luck: 5

Description: savage wild lion with very strong bones. This is because of cultivating constantly using the bone refinement plant essence. This gave it extra 5 stat points in body stats…

Specialities: basic intelligence and beast instincts.

Weakness: currently in a critical phase of bone transformations. Bones are weak and soft for another week. Low luck value.


After seeing all the information Mohini made some speculations regarding the savage wild lion.

That is now that the bone refinement plant is not present the lion will not be cultivating nor its body stats will be reduced.

This means the lion will be far stronger than Mohini can directly face with the current number of stat points.

She first has to have at least 75 stat points in the body stats to at least block the attack of the lion.

Then she has to increase her luck a little more so that she can get a critical hit to the lion to deal more damage or instant kill.

Because of the deep knowledge that Mohini possesses she know all the weak points of a normal lion.

These weak points are same for the same species. So Mohini has to concentrate on these specific things to win and kill the lion.

Then Mohini started to allot the stat points to her status page based on her knowledge of the lion.

But before adding the stat points Mohini wanted to upgrade the extra loot skill to the next level using the skill points.

Only 5 skill points are needed to upgrade the extra loot skill to reach the tier 1 high grade where it would give 3 percent of extra loot.

Mohini did not waste the extra time and directly upgraded the skill.

Here 1 skill points can give 10 experience points of the skill so 5 points gave her 50 skill experience points to the extra profit skill.


Name : King of Fate, (hidden name: Mohini)

Age : 18

Gender: female

Species blood lines: human

Job : student

Cultivation base: mortal level 35

Title : ultimate survivor


Health points: 75/75

Spirit points: 75/75

Stamina points: 75/75


Body : 75

Mind : 75

Soul : 75

Beauty : 75

Luck : 86


Stat points: 0

Merit points: 2030

Skill points: 130

Experience points: 0 (needs 3600 experience points to reach next level)


Then she opened the skills page to see the changes


Skills page


Ultimate survivor skill: tier 1 high grade mortal realm (700/3500)

Invisibility skill: tier 1 high grade mortal realm (20/500)

Shape shifting skill: tier 1 low grade mortal realm (10/250)


Chapter 72: effects of increasing luck stat points

Then she opened the skills page to see the changes


Skills page


Ultimate survivor skill: tier 1 high grade mortal realm (700/3500)

Invisibility skill: tier 1 high grade mortal realm (20/500)

Shape shifting skill: tier 1 low grade mortal realm (10/250)

Detection skill: tier 1 peak grade mortal realm (870/1000)

Appraisal skill: tier 1 peak grade mortal realm (930/1000)

Map skill: tier 1 peak grade mortal realm (950/1000)

Extra loot: tier 1 high grade mortal realm (0/3500)

Devour skill: tier 1 middle grade mortal realm (2800/3000)


Mohini clicked on the extra loot skill to see what she gained


Extra loot (2 percent)


Body: 2.33

Mind: 1.42

Soul: 1.34

Beauty: 1.18

Luck: 1.58

Merit points: 103

Experience points: 1750

Stat points: 1.65

Skill points: 2.6


Mohini was happy to improve most of the stat points in body stats.

She was looking forward to see what changes it will cause after the stat points are added in bulk.

Mohini has immediately felt some changes in her body.

It is as if she has become a lot healthier and stronger at that.

Mohini touched her abs to see they are packs of muscle and well toned for any normal teenager.

It is as if Mohini is practicing some martial arts for a long time.

Her body became well toned and looked strong like a master fighter other than that she hands and legs shows signs of growing as she became taller.

Well she can see the effects of the increase in the body stats but she doesn’t know what the effects of increasing luck stat points are.

The most important thing is her boobs and butt locks became firmer and more bouncy.

Her skin became lot whiter and there is a slight pink shade that made her look more charming.

No, normal man cannot stop himself from wanting to touch Mohini.

Mohini has seen the improvement of the skills but she was still thinking on why she did not get any skill regarding a sword or spear.

She has been using the sword and spear to kill all these beasts till now.

Other than that she was wondering why she did not get any skills on moment or evasion skills as she was evading all those attacks of poisonous snakes.

Mohini has to wait for these skills to come on their own and don’t want to spend any merit points to buy these skills.

She was sure that after today’s killing spree for a few times clearing the dungeon Mohini will be able to get these skills.

It has only been 3 hours since she started this dungeon the second time and it will take less than hour with the lion.

That would be around 4 minutes in the real world

Based on these calculations Mohini was sure that she will be able to clear this dungeon around 7 times.

If everything is good Mohini was sure that she might reach today’s limit of 10 times clearing the dungeon.

After increasing the luck stats Mohini has this strange intuition telling her that there will be something good if she completely clear this dungeon 10 times today.

So Mohini moved fast and went straight to the place where the lion is resting.

This time Mohini appraise the lion it did not have any form of problems or anything and was just resting at the centre of the room.

Mohini don’t have time to waste on the lion so she went straight with a sword on one hand and a spear on the other.

She directly aimed at the weak spots of the lion where she can kill it instantly with a single hit killing the lion on spot.

For some reason Mohini’s got a critical hit and the lion died before it had time to react against Mohini’s attack.

Mohini understood that this is due to the luck stats that she raised that let her have a critical hit.

Mohini put the lion in the inventory of the game system.

Well Mohini is the only one that has the game system while all the other people have the chat system.

Game system supports Mohini in every possible way and it can even change based on the surrounding changes.

While the chat system is the thing all the other members in the chat has that can only show status and other little things.

They cannot add points like Mohini did they will be distributed on their own for them.

But for Mohini she has a choice.

After killing the lion Mohini received a sum of merit points for killing the lion and clearing the dungeon.

Other than that Mohini received experience points for killing the lion and clearing the dungeon.

Mohini did not bother to check as she was on a tight schedule she went out of the dungeon and started the dungeon again.

If it is normal dungeon it will take some time for the beasts to come back to life but this is not the case for the dungeons of the chat group.

But normal dungeons have no limit that a person can enter only 10 times like the dungeons of the chat group.

This continued and Mohini went into the same dungeon as soon as she came out and when she cleared the dungeon the fourth time she received some new skills.

Mohini did not bother with the new notifications as she was having a race with the time clearing the dungeon.

She became faster and faster as she cleared the dungeon to the point that it only took 2 minutes to clear this tier 1 low level dungeon.

When it is 11:59 PM Mohini came out clearing the same tier 1 low leveled dungeon the 10th time for the day.

She was covered in sweat and mud all over her body and she is under her rug that is from where she previously entered the dungeon.

The rug was now spoiled because of all the sweat and mud on her body………

Chapter 73: clearing dungeon 10 times in a row

She was covered in sweat and mud all over her body and she is under her rug that is from where she previously entered the dungeon.

The rug was now spoiled because of all the sweat and mud on her body.

She has to wash this rug tomorrow and she has to first take a bath now to clean off all the sweat and mud on her body.

But if she went to have a bath now someone might recognize her and cause unnecessary problems for her.

So she has to scout around first and then go to take a bath silently without alerting any other person.

But Mohini was so exhausted that she went to sleep straight away.

She even forgot to put on some clothes before sleeping.

All of her clothes are still in the inventory.

Well there are no men in the room as there are only women in this orphanage as it is specific for women.

She has accumulated a good amount of experience points and merit points.

But as she continued to clear the dungeon the experience points that she received reduced slowly reaching zero for most of the beasts.

Because of the exhaustion Mohini directly went to sleep without even looking at the notifications she received after clearing the dungeon 10 times.

Mohini went to deep sleep because of the exhaustion of stamina and mental strain of constant danger with life.

Fortunately she woke up early in the morning before other if not others would have seen her sleeping naked.

She quickly went to the bathroom completely naked holding the rug, to wash it and to wash her body.

She went and first washed the rug and then washed her body and then put on the clothes that she took out of the inventory.

After all of this is done she went back to the hall and to her sleeping place where she sat on the ground while others are still sleeping.

Then she got out of the room again and went to the roof top of the building where there is no disturbance.

After going there she started to check the notifications that she received after clearing the tier 1 low grade dungeon 10 times.

Most of them are from her killing the monster beasts and the received experience points and the merit points.

Then there are notifications about clearing the dungeon and gaining the experience points and the merit points.

Then there are notifications regarding Mohini clearing the dungeon 10 times on the same day as she cleared the dungeon for the first time.

For this feat Mohini gained a reward of extra experience points, merit points and stat points.

There are notifications regarding the skills that Mohini obtained and the skill advancements she gained after that.

There is a notification that Mohini is already eligible to enter the mortal grade middle level tier 1 dungeon.

The previous red mark is now replaced by the green mark.

Finally there is a special reward for completing the hard task of clearing the same dungeon for 10 times without resting in the shortest time possible and with low cultivation level.

After calculating all of that Mohini has received quite a big number of rewards.

Mohini don’t want to calculate all these things so she directly opened the status page to see her gains.

She remembers her previous status page and can easily see the changes in the current status page.

There is a notification where Mohini has to select one of the rewards for clearing a single dungeon 10 times in a row.


“Player has cleared the dungeon so instead of the dungeon core player can choose one of the following rewards

10 free stat points

1000 merit points

10000 experience points

10 skill points


Player, please choose one of the rewards displayed above.

This reward is available for one time that is 10 times clearing of the dungeon.

From the next time this reward for this dungeon is not available from the clearing of this dungeon.”

Similar to the previous time Mohini directly choose the 10 free stat points as reward in this choice reward notification.

She remembers her previous status page and can easily see the changes in the current status page.

Previous status page


Name : King of Fate, (hidden name: Mohini)

Age : 18

Gender: female

Species blood lines: human

Job : student

Cultivation base: mortal level 35

Title : ultimate survivor


Health points: 75/75

Spirit points: 75/75

Stamina points: 75/75


Body : 75

Mind  : 75

Soul : 75

Beauty : 75

Luck : 86


Stat points: 0

Merit points: 2030

Skill points: 130

Experience points: 0 (needs 3600 experience points to reach next level)


Current status page


Name : King of Fate, (hidden name: Mohini)

Age : 18

Gender: female

Species blood lines: human

Job : student

Cultivation base: mortal level 35

Title : ultimate survivor


Health points: 90/90

Spirit points: 90/90

Stamina points: 90/90


Body : 90

Mind : 90

Soul  : 90

Beauty : 90

Luck : 101


Stat points: 10

Merit points: 20300

Skill points: 130

Experience points: 28,500 (needs 3600 experience points to reach next level)


The experience points that Mohini received was reduced by very much because she has raised her cultivation to level 35 of the mortal stage.

This caused Mohini to lose out on most of the experience points from the low level savage beasts.

Some of the very low level savage beasts did not even give any experience to Mohini which disappointed her very much.

Mohini carefully examined the entire status page for the significant changes in the status page.

The thing that she found is that she has gained extra 15 stat points in all of the stat points in the status page.

This surprised her a little.

It should be from the rewards for continuous completion and clearing the dungeon 10 times in the shortest time with low cultivation………

Chapter 74: skills combined, detection skill

It should be from the rewards for continuous completion and clearing the dungeon 10 times in the shortest time with low cultivation.

Then Mohini moved downwards to see the other changes.

He has gained an extra 10 free stat point that is the special reward that she just chose for the first time clearing the same dungeon 10 times.

Then she moved on to the next thing that is merit points she has almost increased the merit points by nearly 10 times the value she previously spent

That is Mohini spent 2500 merit points,

But now she has over 20,240 merit points that she gained after killing the monster beasts and clearing the dungeon.

Now Mohini was eligible to participate in the month end merit treasure box thing as she has already earned 10,000 merit points.

Mohini has to make sure that she did not spend all the merit points too much and reach the value below 10,000.

So that she did not lose the chance to open the merit point box again.

Then the skill points are the same as before.

Then the experience points that Mohini obtained is around 28,500 experience points.

It should be over 30,000 experience points but after Mohini killed the beasts a few times they has stopped giving her experience points.

With the currently available experience points Mohini can directly step into level 40 and she might receive some extra benefits too from the extra loot skill.

Then she opened the skills page to see the changes


Skills page


Ultimate survivor skill: tier 1 high grade mortal realm (2900/3500)

Invisibility skill: tier 1 peak grade mortal realm (70/750)

Shape shifting skill: tier 1 low grade mortal realm (10/250)

Detection skill: tier 2 low grade mortal realm (780/1250)

Appraisal skill: tier 2 low grade mortal realm (1110/1250)

Map skill: tier 2 low grade mortal realm (1150/1250)

Extra loot: tier 1 high grade mortal realm (2550/3500)

Devour skill: tier 1 high grade mortal realm (2670/3500)

Sword arts: tier 1 medium grade mortal realm (120/1500)

Spear arts: tier 1 medium grade mortal realm (140/1500)

Evasion: tier 1 medium grade mortal realm (110/1500)

Sense: tier 1 high grade mortal realm (50/750)

Sprint: tier 1 high grade mortal realm (70/750)


Here Mohini has obtained many new skills and some of the skills have leveled up after clearing the dungeon 10 times.

But there is something that Mohini observe that piqued her interest that is every skill required various amounts of experience points to level up the skill.

This means that the amount of experience points required for each skill varies based on the complication of the skill.

Then Mohini has a doubt previously before the game system terms change it told that the skill points can be used for one point for one point of experience.

But since the terms are changed then there must be a change in the value too.

So Mohini decided to check it.

After she clicked on the skill point’s thing Mohini found that 1 skill point is take as 10 skill experience points.

So the 130 skill points that Mohini has can be turned into 1300 skill experience points that can be used to level up the skill.

Other than that the ultimate survivor skill can help Mohini in many ways.

If the ultimate survivor skill is leveled up then the game system that Mohini has will also leveled up.

Then it will support Mohini even more.

Then Mohini looked at the extra loot skill it has now leveled up and reached tier 1 high grade mortal realm.

So the profits that Mohini obtain will be more than now that the level of the skill is upgraded.

If the skill is leveled up to tier 3 then Mohini can get around 10 percent of extra profits from all the things.

Then Mohini looked at the new skills that she obtained after her previous riding of the dungeon.

She understood most of the skills, but she has still things that she don’t understand like the skill called the sense.

Mohini selected the skill to see what it is actually. Immediately a notification appeared explaining the skill.


“The skill sense can be said as a detection skill that will help the player sense the hidden objects, enemies and many other things that are invisible to normal eyes.

This skill is best useful when used along with the map skill.”

This sense skill is similar to detection skill that Mohini already has.

Immediately a notification appeared


“Since the skills called sense and detection are very similar they have been combined to form a single skill called detection skill.

The level of the new detection skill will be the higher of the two skills that are combined by the game system.”

Mohini thought

This means that this is a skill like radar that will let me see the hidden things.

Mohini wanted to try the skill right then and there.

She activated the skill and it is a passive skill that will stay active from now on and improve endlessly.

As soon as Mohini activated the skill she was able to clearly sense the area around 100 to 130 meters around her.

The detection level now is far clearer than it was previously when she only had detection skill.

This is caused by the combination of the detection and the sense skills which made Mohini very happy.

While sensing Mohini sensed that kitchen area and the warden’s office to see where the people are and what they are hiding.

First Mohini saw that the warden Mandara is sleeping in the accommodation area of the warden’s office.

She seems to have spent most of the last night getting fucked by the cook Hari.

She looked very happy sleeping satisfied.

As for the cook Hari he went back to the kitchen and is sleeping with exhaustion as he fucked the warden Mandara all the night.

He is sleeping soundly in his room beside the kitchen……….

Chapter 75: plan to steal

As for the cook Hari he went back to the kitchen and is sleeping with exhaustion as he fucked the warden Mandara all the night.

He is sleeping soundly in his room beside the kitchen.

Mohini also found the secret stash of money and valuables of the cook Hari that he has hidden in his room.

He has been saving all this money and valuables by cheating the government by purchasing the cheap quality products for the orphanage kitchen.

All the money was stored in his room and there is some that is also a buried behind his room.

Mohini has decided to go and steal all these things but not now she has to make some preparations.

She has to put the cook into deep sleep using some medicine before Mohini was able to make an attempt to steal the things that are hidden.

From her memories of the future Mohini know how to make some special medicines that can be used for inducing sleeping effect and aphrodisiac effect too.

She has decided to use that today and buy the necessary things with the money that she stole from warden Mandara's purse yesterday.

Other than the hidden stash of money there are other things that Mohini found like some herbs that are useful to her are growing like wild plants.

India is a country of chaos here we can find the worst scum of the entire world and at the same time we can find the best person in the world.

This country, no to be precise this land can produce a person that can destroy the world and it can also give birth to a person that can rule the world.

But there will never be a true harmony in this country.

Any person that was not originally born in this country doesn’t have the right to rule this country.

If they forcible tried to get this country under their control then they will be killed or entangled by some unforeseen circumstances.

The best example is the country named British that tried to rule over this land but there was only name but not a person.

Due to geographical conditions India also possesses many kinds of valuable herbs that grow on this land just like weeds.

But the funny thing is not one present has any knowledge regarding these valuable herbs that are growing everywhere.

The knowledge was lost because there are a few generations of people that are retards that believed in western science.

Because of this most of the important information is not inherited and the documented information was either destroyed or was treated as waste of space.

It is as if someone specially wanted to destroy the knowledge of the country to remove it as an obstacle for them.

Well for Mohini this is good news as there is no competition for her to get the rare herbs that are everywhere.

She can just harvest them and use them as she pleases.

The orphanage is already at a deserted area where there is not much population around the area.

So the herbs here are untouched by any person till now.

These herbs are very well aged over the years as they are well preserved.

Also the wild herbs have more potential than the normal herbs that grow in the herb gardens.

Since everyone was asleep Mohini went straight to harvest the herbs that are near to the orphanage.

It is still early in the morning so she just went around and slowly harvested the herbs without damaging the roots of the herbs.

Then stored the herbs in the storage space ring carefully and finally, returned to the orphanage silently without anyone noticing.

By the time Mohini returned the cook has already woken up and is preparing morning breakfast.

Mohini silently went back to the common hall.

It is the only room available in that building.

She started to study for the entrance exam for the college that she is going to take in a few days.

Since she has a very good memory that is comparable to that of the photographic memory and also the sudden increase in the mind stat points helped her.

She was able to memorize the entire book with just one read and she was able to make many new conclusions from the knowledge she acquired.

All of this happened because of the sudden rise in her mind and soul stat points.

Having 75 stat points in the stats of mind and soul, this let her intelligent enough to comparable to that of great minds of the history.

Other than that Mohini beauty stats also reached 75 which will let her charm other people around her.

She is comparable to an above average beauty but not at the level of a super popular heroin in the movies and modeling.

After an hour or so all the people woke up and started to freshen up.

Warden Mandara also freshened up and took a bath with the bathroom available for the warden.

At this time warden Lakshmi has arrived to take over her shift and relieve warden Mandara for the day.

Warden Mandara had a free breakfast from the kitchen and left as her son came and took her to their home.

Warden Lakshmi came to check on Mohini to see how she is now as Mohini was ill for the past few days.

Mohini was silently studying the books she has regarding about the college entrance exam in a few days.

So seeing this warden Lakshmi don’t want to disturb Mohini right now so she just told the other orphans around to call Mohini to the warden’s office when she is done studying.

After giving out the order warden Lakshmi went back to the warden’s office.

Mohini studied for over 2 hours and finally done studying all the books that she has for the entrance exams.

After everything is done she went to have her breakfast at the kitchen of the orphanage……


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