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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 16: flying class rewards

So they cannot fight with each other about that.

Vicky has a peaceful time in the classes.

During the lunch time there are many girls that invited him for eating lunch together.

Vicky never refused and they ate happily.

In the evening when he went to library he was swarmed again.

Fortunately he is only 11 years old right now.

The people that are attracted to him are little girls only.

Big ones are still restrained.

Well nothing unusual about the attraction.

All of them want to be with Vicky.

Vicky did not show any arrogance or spoke any bad words.

Especially that his smile is always there when he speaks.

That is not all but Vicky has already started to score points from the very first class with his intelligent and clear answers.

By the end of the first day Vicky scored 15 points for the house cup.

This continued for the entire week making the total amount of points reach over 100.

Even professor Snape gave points to Vicky because Vicky’s movements in making potions are smooth and precise.

Also his efficiency is top notch,

Vicky actually used the simulations to get the perfection in some things.


On September sixth harry and Ron after the potions class that day.

They had potions class in the morning where harry thought that Snape hated him.

Then during lunch time there is a student that blasted water trying to make it into rum.

Vicky was kind enough to help him correct the process.

Then harry invited him to visit Hagrid later in the evening.

Vicky has nothing to do so he accepted.

Also he has to check out the surrounding area when he is going to retrieve his trophies from Voldemort.

Vicky also met up with Blaise to speak about how things are going in the classes.

Any way they have grown up together.

The girls in Slytherin swarmed Vicky.

It is especially so with pansy that actually hugged Vicky’s hand tightly.

Vicky did not say anything and let her do as she pleases.

Daphne Greengrass much more mature and did not make any move other than speaking normally.

Also Vicky can see jealousy towards pansy in her eyes.

While they are chatting the owls brought in letters.

One of them had a news paper from which harry found out about the Gringotts break in incident.

Strangely Vicky was right there when harry spoke about vault 713.

Actually Vicky was helping Hermoine with something that she did not understand.

That evening they went to take a look at the castle grounds and meet with Hagrid.

Vicky did not have flying classes this week.

It is in the next week.

Vicky was able to get along well.

Vicky also observed the Whomping willow tree and asked Hagrid about the strange tree.

Next day is Sunday and they had no classes.

In the dining room Vicky sat there using the levitation charm when Hermoine and Daphne asked Vicky for a demonstration for their next week class.

Vicky can already use this charm so it was easy for him to show them how to use the charm.

They are quick learners and learnt quickly.

Harry liked magic while Ron is sulking on the side.

On 12, September all four houses have their first flying lesson.

Gryffindor and Slytherin had it in the morning which Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had it in the evening.

Vicky was able to easily control the broomstick.

“I don’t know which idiot actually invented flying on broom sticks.

How bad it is for woman to sit on such a small rod.

Even men would have problems about that.

No wonder the European wizards have such fewer children.

Vicky prefers to bet and win money in Quidditch than to participate in it.

Even if he has to participate he prefers to have wider seat than the one these people are providing.

He prefers his body being healthy than winning a game.

So Vicky has checked over everything and found that there is a spell to create an invisible seat for the person sit easily on a broom stick.

Every time he has to ride a broom stick he would cast that spell.

Better safe than sorry in the future right.

Vicky knows what would happen during the flying class that harry participates.

Also he knows about Neville being injured.

Originally Vicky doesn’t want to put his head into this matter.

But then he got a choice from the system.


Make a choice host

Choice 1: save Neville and disrupt the chance of harry showing off his flying skills

Host will be rewarded with extraordinary flying skills using any flying device or self flying.

Choice 2: leave Neville to injure and let harry show off.

Host will have his popularity in girls stolen by the actions of harry.


Even if Vicky did not gain any flying skill, Vicky doesn’t want to lose his popularity.

His popularity is the main thing that Vicky never willing to lose.

It is his investment and asset that he helping him in many places.

If he loses that it is hard to gain back.

Vicky had free time in the morning today so he went over to take a look at the right moment.

At that time, Vicky casted the levitation charms to soften the landing of Neville and he was not much injured.

Vicky got extra points for helping and saving a person from accident.

At that time, the remember ball rolled down from the pocket of Neville.

Vicky did not let Draco get is and took it using the same levitation spell and returned it back to Neville.

The incident where harry showing off his skills did not happen.

With that Vicky directly received the rewards.

In the evening Vicky was allowed to fly which did not happen in the morning.

Because of his excellent flying skills Vicky was asked to enter the Quidditch team of Ravenclaw as the youngest seeker.

During dinner…

Chapter 17: Vicky fights the troll

Because of his excellent flying skills Vicky was asked to enter the Quidditch team of Ravenclaw as the youngest seeker.

During dinner Vicky was praised by Dumbledore and got an extra 50 points as reward.

Vicky’s popularity stepped up by another notch.

Flitwick made the announcement that Vicky was selected as the youngest seeker for Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

The eyes of the girls are literally shining like stars.

Vicky got congratulations from the surrounding people.

At that time after dinner Draco and harry made this dueling bet making them go to the forbidden area of the Hogwarts.

Vicky knows about that and he sneaked behind them.

Vicky wants to take the chance to see the three headed dog.

But Vicky is not careless as he brought a flute with him just in case.

He is good at playing musical instruments, especially a flute.

Vicky has been following harry’s group and appeared in front of them in the trophy room.

Draco did not appear.

Vicky simply told them that Draco is not going to come over and they should leave.

But they got to the wrong direction because of Ron’s intelligence.

There is fluffy the three headed dog.

Vicky helped Hermoine to move out quickly first as he played the flute to sooth the dog.

After they went out of the room and closed the door Vicky stopped.

The people asked Vicky how he knows that music can sooth the dog into sleeping.

Vicky said that it was coincidence and heard someone say that once.

Hermoine has stars in her eyes when she was saved from the dog head just now.

It was Ron that was behind her that made her move forward.

Even if Vicky is not there they would be fine because of the protagonist aura.

But Vicky took the chance to sell the favor.

Since the next day is a holyday Vicky got some Quidditch lessons from Roger Davies the team captain.

Originally his position should be given to Cho Chang next year.

But now it has shifted.

Well Vicky doesn’t mind.

Also don’t underestimate Dumbledore and the strong competitiveness of Draco.

They both became seekers of their respective house Quidditch teams at the same time.

Dumbledore pulled some strings for harry while Draco asked his father to pull the strings of the managing board of Hogwarts.

On the next day they had classes related to charm and levitation spell.

Hermoine and Daphne that learnt from Vicky performed perfectly.

They got some points.

Vicky got the points too.

Well there is someone that can blast anything.

Vicky was thinking of inviting him to his mining team in the future that can blast rocks for him to make tunnels to get the ore.

Well that is for the future.

The loose mouthed Ron started to taunt Hermoine with his words.

When Ron was bad mouthing her Vicky was there and he did not make any move.

Always wait for the right time to make an entry.

There is going to be a troll tonight.

So Vicky is waiting for that.

Today is the Halloween feast and Vicky already had his full.

After he is done eating he went to harry to ask harry about Hermoine.

But the one on the side gave the answer.

Vicky put on a disappointed look at Ron and left the dining hall.

When he came out and moved towards the women’s bathrooms he saw the running professor Quirrell.

Vicky moved fast towards his destination.

Right at that time he got a choice again.


Make your choice host,

Choice 1: save Hermoine alone and defeat the troll

Host will be rewarded with a skill called reality clone

Choice 2: save Hermoine with the help of harry and Ron and defeat the troll

Host will be rewarded with a book on potions

Choice 3: run away from here and call the teachers

Host will be rewarded with appreciation from the teachers.


Well, harry and Ron is late as usual because of some things Vicky did.

That is simple Ron thought that Vicky should have already taken care of Hermoine.

But harry took time to consider it and move to protect Vicky and Hermoine.

Vicky saw the troll entering the women’s toilet and he quickly followed behind it.

Hermoine saw the troll and she went to hide.

Then she saw the doors open and Vicky appear from the bottom opening of the toilet door.

At the right moment Vicky used the levitation spell and took control of the club in the hand of the troll.

Then Vicky used it as a baseball bat to hit the head of the troll with it.

Hermoine looked at Vicky that was fighting with a troll with stars in her eyes.

She was finally saved.

The troll received two strong heats straight on its head making it dead directly and fell on the floor.

Right at that moment, harry and Ron appeared followed by the teachers that appeared at the right time.

Professor McGonagall panicked looking at the troll that got its head mashed and the students around.

Hermoine took the blame but Vicky interrupted her and spoke with a smile.

“Professor McGonagall let me give you the clear order of events based on my understanding.

Actually it is not any one’s fault.

Miss Hermoine here is not feeling well and did not appear at the dinner at the dining room.

When I asked at their table I found that she was here.

She is my dearest friend and wanted to know what is happening with her or if she needed any help.

Right at that time I saw a troll entering women’s toilet.

I was fearful that any moment of hesitation might be danger to my friend here and came to her rescue.

I have studied about trolls before and the club in its hand gave me an idea.

So I used the levitation charm to lift the club out of its hand and smash it on its…..”

Chapter 18: uses of reality clone

“…I have studied about trolls before and the club in its hand gave me an idea.

So I used the levitation charm to lift the club out of its hand and smash it on its head twice in the form of a sneak attack.

As it fell down, harry and Ron appeared followed by teachers….

This is what happened as far as I know about the events.

Please judge things based on these things professor…”

Vicky said with a bright smile.

This smile calmed them down.

Harry notices the injury on the leg of Snape instead of thinking about the current incident.

After a little enquiry professor McGonagall found that Vicky did not know about the troll or anything.

They checked the dead troll that had its head hit by a club.

Professor Flitwick also came which did not happen in the movie.

He checked the troll and then gave a thumps up to Vicky for his accurate use of charm and knowledge to hit on the right spot on the head to kill the troll.

Vicky got Ravenclaw 10 points.

Harry and Ron did not get anything.

Since Hermoine is actually a victim she did not receive any rewards or punishments.

This thing ended just like that but the young heart of Hermoine now belongs to Vicky.

This incident spread throughout Hogwarts on the very next day because of the loud mouth of Ron.

Vicky once again became very popular.

Literally he was surrounded by girls every time.

Vicky is studying the new skill that he got.

It is called the reality clone.

It will let Vicky produce clone that are solid to touch and stays for a little while and disappear based on the preset time.

But Vicky has to be able to do multi tasking to produce a reality clone.

That is if he wants to have 1 reality clone then he should be able to do two different things at a time.

For having 2 reality clones he should be able to do three different things at the same time.

Vicky practiced it for a week before gaining the ability to produce and control a single reality clone.

Vicky also got the skill multi tasking after his success in practicing of doing two different things at the same time.

The solid reality clone will not cause him much problem even if it was killed.

Also even if it was cursed or anything happens to it, it will not transfer back to Vicky.

The only thing that transfers back is the memory from the clone.

The memories are already scene by Vicky as it was his brain that is controlling the clone through multi tasking.

Other than acting as a tester and disposable person for transferring the things the clones are literally useless for doing any practice.

But they can be used for sneak attacks when the multi tasking skill reaches higher levels.

Another good thing is Vicky can now do two different things at the same time with proficiency.

So Vicky was peaceful

On the next day he has a free hour in the evening when professor Quirrell has a class on the other side of the tower.

There are not many people outside.

Vicky sneaked out of the castle and went to the lake.

There he started to play the music using his flute.

The fishes in the lake and the gentle wind made a perfect contrast in a painting like appearance.

Well this is all a distraction for his clone to check the ransom that Voldemort should have given him at the Whomping willow tree.

Vicky did not enter directly from the Whomping willow tree.

Instead his clone went to Hogsmeade and entered the shrieking shack.

From there he back tracked to the burrow under the Whomping willow tree.

Vicky’s clone is already disguised for anyone to recognize.

After the clone went to the place below the Whomping willow Vicky found the small sack

It looked like Hermione Granger's beaded handbag but more male version that looked like coins sack bag of the old times.

The clone possesses its own storage bag that Vicky gave it.

Well it looked similar.

First of all the clone took the things inside Voldemort’s storage bag one by one.

After checking to see that there is no problem the clone would store it in his own storage bag.

This started with money and valuables.

Usually curses and things would be placed in books and pages where it is hard to detect than on coins and artifacts that are easy to find.

After these things are taken the clone stored its storage bag in the room at a dark corner.

Then it started to check out the books one by one.

With the artifacts and money the clone did not find any curse or magic.

For safety sake Vicky don’t want to move the things right now.

He would do things later.

The clone checked the books and papers one by one.

When it reached a specified set of papers the clone felt a sense of crisis.

As if something was invading its mind.

In the next second Vicky’s clone disappeared.

The system gave out a warning that there is a slow bug like curse that invaded the mind of Vicky’s clone and the system directly cut off the clone.

In another hall where professor Quirrell is teaching felt that his mind bug curse activated and smiled for a second.

But in the next second the connection was severed from his curse.

He knows that the other party has discovered the curse and removed it.

He also understood that the other party might be strong to stop his curse so quickly.

He was prepared for the next letter from his blackmailer or retaliation from the blackmailer.

Well nothing appeared in the news next day instead he got a printed letter again after 3 days.

On that very day his clone disappeared Vicky sent a letter to his house elf……..

Chapter 19: quest to win the house cup

Well nothing appeared in the news next day instead he got a printed letter again after 3 days.

On that very day his clone disappeared Vicky sent a letter to his house elf to send out the next printed letter.

In that letter Vicky wrote about increasing the ransom to more secret books, artifacts and another 20 million gold galleons.

Vicky was sure that with the gold galleons supplied by Voldemort he can directly improve his occlumency, legilimency, spell casting speed, magic control and some other skills to level 60 or even higher.

Vicky is not idling either as he practice hard every day to improve his skill levels.

He is still a kid to flirt with girls.

As long as he can become strong enough he can flirt as much as he want.

He is already popular right now so everything is right on the track.

Vicky is in no hurry to check the situation about the new ransom.

Right now his target is to move along with the plot.

Vicky was so ruthless that he would find new ways to gain points for their house cup.

This is because he got a quest from the system.


Quest: win the house cup

Description: give no chance for Dumbledore to give points to Gryffindor to let it win the house cup

Reward: 1 cubic meter of storage space from the system for every 100 points higher than Gryffindor.


Vicky has been trying to complete this.

So he kept getting points and even used simulation for future sight of anticipating the details.

Vicky helped the people to gain popularity and this popularity was rewarded by the teachers in the form of points.

No one had bad impression on Vicky.

Even though Dumbledore is feeling something wrong with Vicky he cannot point fingers at what is happening.

Vicky is like a little hamster that is putting the dust to construct his own castle of popularity and trust step by step.

The thing was being constructed in the people’s hearts so well, so hard, so slow that in the future no one can break it.

Even Dumbledore might not be able to shake the position of Vicky in the hearts of the people.

It is said that if 9 out of 10 people accepted something as truth then it will become the truth automatically.

Vicky has been trying to get that 9 people out of 10 to trust him

Their trust in him is his asset.

That day harry received a nimbus 2000 as gift from professor McGonagall.

Vicky saw this and came to their table.

Harry did not open the cover but Vicky said to him.

“Thank you for your patronage Harry or whoever that brought you this gift….”

Harry did not understand and asked Vicky.

“Don’t you know it is a nimbus 2000 that has become famous recently?

I bought in some shares from that company last year.

Since you got this someone bought it for you.

This means that I got a cut in the profits.

So I am thanking you…”

Ron on the side has covered his mouth from shock.

Then he shouted.

“You own a part of Nimbus Racing Broom Company’s shares.

My god…”

Soon this has spread around the entire school because of Ron’s mouth.

Vicky made up a proposal to professor Flitwick and professor hooch.

He would talk to the Nimbus Racing Broom Company if Hogwarts wants to but latest nimbus 2000 for the four house Quidditch teams.

It is not fair for a single person to have advantage.

Vicky said the same thing with professor Snape too.

Vicky did not cross the line instead he acted as a business man.

Then he made some students instigate on Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff about having a fair game of Quidditch using his disguised reality clone.

Professor McGonagall fell into a predicament where the gift that she gave harry is either useless or everyone should have one of those to have a fair game.

Even Dumbledore cannot say anything.

He investigated about who made the rumors but he found no one.

This is because it was done by Vicky’s clone that is actually wearing Gryffindor uniform with disguised appearance using his old assassin’s talent.

His disguised appearance looked a bit like Ron with red hair and freckles on cheeks.

When there is a predicament they would vanish on the spot.

So no one can find Vicky’s clone which is the origin of all rumors.

Since these rumors are on the correct side of the argument no one cared about the origin but directly jumped to pick sides.

When even Slytherin wants a fair game and Draco called his father to win against Dumbledore things finally happened.

Vicky made a good profit for around 28 brooms bought from the Nimbus Racing Broom Company.

Vicky has already written letters to them and Yemaya to manage the things and price to gain more profits.


The next thing is the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Vicky helped Hermoine in saving harry and did not reveal about professor Quirrell being the real culprit.

While escaping in a hurry Hermoine slipped and fell but Vicky caught her from falling and directly carried her away from here in princess carry.

Hermoine don’t know that Vicky has such strength.

During that match Vicky’s clone again went to collect his ransom.

This time there is no more backhands as the clone checked everything there and left that place back to the school grounds.

During the rush when people are returning the clone handed over the pouch that contains the checked things.

Not everything is checked but the money is definitely checked.

Except for a little money most of it was recharged into the system.

As for the artifacts and other things Vicky would use them later.

For now he hid the things.

The clone was left out for the night to check the books and paper that Voldemort gave as ransom.

This time the……...

Chapter 20: invisibility cloak was switched by Vicky

The clone was left out for the night to check the books and paper that Voldemort gave as ransom.

This time the clone was not hit by anything and everything is fine.

But Vicky still did not trust this as Voldemort is very cunning person.

So he started to simulate improving his all around capabilities.

New skills like trap detection, magic formations, curse lifting or curse breaking, transfigurations……

Many other skills were improved.

Also during those simulations Vicky found the hidden dangers, traps and loose ends that Voldemort left in those books of information.

Vicky is going to return back home for Christmas for a day and take care of this thing and send another letter for professor Quirrell.

Before that Vicky used the simulations instead of clones to verify the things and problems thoroughly with the money Voldemort gave him.

Vicky’s skills improved by leaps and bounds.

He reached level 60 and level 70 in some of the skills that can let him put up a fight against professors at the very least.

Well Vicky reached the young Auror level or recruit Auror level.

From here improvement is a very hard thing.

Even for professors and other took decades of time to improve from level 60 and level 70 to level 80 and level 90.

Also they should have enough potential to reach the higher levels.

Or he has to find some practices, rituals or inheritances to improve these things.

Well Vicky also found the clues of the big seal that is locking the world and slowly removing the magic from this world.

The corner stone’s of this magic sealing formation are spread around the world.

It was thousands of years old.

The magic of the world tried to remove this seal on its own but lost its magic power instead over time.

The magic sealing formation also eroded over time.

But it was strong enough to completely make this earth devoid of magic.

If there is an external help in breaking the magic sealing formation pillars then it is possible to revive the magic on earth.

Then the wizards and witches don’t have to fear modern weaponry and the real era of magicians and mages would return.

Later Vicky changed his concentration toward Daphne to get close to her along with few other girls.

Well he is not flirting but getting close to them through study and practice.

At the end of November Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had a Quidditch match but did not get much response as they did not compete as much as Slytherin and Gryffindor does.

Well it is not surprising for Ravenclaw to win with Vicky present.

He caught the snitch directly and quickly.

The flying skills that he got from the system were put to a good use.

Also he did not forget to cast the comfortable seat spell to cover his bottom from the broom stick.

There will be no more matches till February.

So Vicky concentrated on other things.

Vicky plans to steal the invisibility cloak that harry receives.

Vicky wanted to study it slowly.

Harry having this invisibility is problematic for Vicky.

Vicky can use it much better than harry in many ways.

So Vicky took a time to visit harry in his dormitory to check out the situation and location of harry’s room and bed.

Vicky will not stay here to look into the things instead he would leave 4 days before the Christmas and use his clone to take the invisibility cloak.

With the current improvement of skills Vicky can maintain the 1 clone continuously for over 5 days.

In place of the invisibility cloak Vicky would leave another cloak that would suit harry.

The time the professors stopped giving out points and they rarely award the points.

Most probably Dumbledore has told them to reduce giving house points.

The reason for this is the house points of Ravenclaw have unknowingly reached over 300 points while the house points of remaining three houses are around 100 points.

Specifically the house points of Gryffindor are the lowest at 65 points with the handling of professor Snape’s penalties for harry.

Well Vicky is not that fearful as he has his plans for this thing.

Soon it was time of Christmas Vicky left back to England to spend Christmas with Yemaya and deal with some things along the way.

While leaving Vicky did not take the books and problematic things that he got from Voldemort.

Instead he took things that did not have a problem and stored them in Gringotts vault for keep safe till they become useful to him.

The money keeps coming for Vicky from the companies that he invested but it is never as much as he got from Voldemort in the past year.

While Vicky is here his clone is waiting in the shrieking shanks in Hogsmeade.

His clone did not need any food or water to survive.

On the day of the Christmas it sneaked back into Hogwarts and silently entered the Gryffindor house room.

Then it came to harry’s room at the early morning time.

Everyone is in deep sleep and the appearance of Vicky is disguised as Ron.

After that Vicky’s clone switched the cloak in the package with a high quality normal cloak that looked exactly like the invisibility cloak in appearance.

Then the clone put on the invisibility cloak and returned back to the Ravenclaw dormitories straight to his room.

Then hid the cloak in a storage bag along and the clone vanished.

Vicky back at home celebrated Christmas with Yemaya and Blaise.

He also sent gifts to all of the woman he was close to along with harry and other people.

Even professor Snape received a gift from Vicky.

This is not the end Vicky went to visit Hermoine at her home meeting with her parents.

Hermoine did not ask him about Nicolas Flamel right now but she has the thoughts of asking if they did not find even after they return………..


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