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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 196: shooting an AV with Benny and fishermen

On the way back to the lagoon company she called Abraham to know the progress of the information about the secret societies.

Even if this is a fantasy world some things like Mount Everest and other things are constant in all the worlds.

Similar to that there will always be people taking care of the secrets of the magical things too.

That day was uneventful as Abraham was still investigating.

Even though Mohini know all the details from the memories of simulation she still want to make Abraham continue to investigate.

Abraham actually found a special clue that even the secret societies don’t know.

It is related to a discovery in the Egyptian mythology.

It was because some writer is doing research here for a movie related to treasure hunt.

This is related to Indiana Jones: riders of the last ark.

Unlike the 10 commandments that should be there in the original story this ark of that once gods created to save people in ancient times from great flood.

This is very important to Mohini so she let Abraham go on with his enquiries.

May be there are other things that can be found too.

This time Mohini called him to tell him that he should not leave any information unchecked no matter how irrelevant it might seem.

Since that day is free Mohini wanted to have some fun.

Well it is also a form of income for her and the lust points are very valuable for her in many places.

Her target is none other than Benny.

She don’t mind being filmed having sex.

So they can open up a hotel room in a cheap hotel.

Her pervert achievements also have Benny in the list.

There is even Bao on the list.

Getting fucked by Bao would give her a talent in wine making as achievement reward.

She can give this talent to one of her subordinates.

She wants to give this to Mary so that her wine making talent sublimate to the next level.

So she went to find Benny that was free and took him to a different place.

They did not open up a room instead they wanted to use the car.

They want to feel the thrill of getting caught.

Mohini don’t mind having an extra pair of dicks along with the dick of Benny.

So they went to the port side and parked the car.

Mohini is not wearing anything as she stripped naked after entering the car.

After they stopped at a deserted place they started to get steamy.

Benny got the first strike filling Mohini’s pussy while they are shaking the car rapidly a pair of strong local fishermen appeared.

After some negotiation Benny acted as a spectator while Mohini was fucked by two big tanned dicks of those fishermen.

Benny recorded this under the words of Mohini as they want to upload in some adult sites.

Mohini got a double penetration and then Benny joined turning the entire thing into triple penetration.

All the holes of Mohini were full with dicks.

Finally she got a creampied in all of her holes.

Then she went close to the camera and showed the cum that is oozing out of her holes and licked it.

After blurring the faces of those three men only Mohini’s face is showing in the video.

They uploaded it to some adult video site.

Mohini has decided that from now on she will have all of her steamy sessions to be recorded and published in all adult sites.

The uneventful day became eventful that day.


On the next day everything is normal as it may look like but it was not really normal.

This is because Dutch went out early telling Revy to look out while rock asks her where Dutch went.

Also rock brought in some strange fruits that Mohini did not take because she knows that they are not eatable.

These lines appear right on the second big event of going on a wild goose chase in the open.

So Mohini was excited and smiled happily.

She is not free at that time as she just checked these things and gave Revy a prediction.

“Revy I have a prediction for you today do you want to here.”

Revy looked interested.

Even though Mohini spanked her ass till she has an orgasm, she really believes that Mohini is some sort of a magician based on her performance.

Also Revy still owes Mohini something related to the bet that they had at yellow flag bar about who would kill more number of E.O mercenaries.

“Tell me what it is.”

Revy asked with a straight face.

Mohini smiled at her and said.

“Today you are going to use your skill and go on a rampage to your heart’s content.

Do you like this news…?”

Mohini asked her with a bright smile.

Revy was really happy as she likes to go on a rampage shooting guns left and right…

Her irritable expression changed to that of an expecting one.

“Bang…Wake up sailor, time to work…”

Dutch came right at that moment opening the door with a big bang.

Revy looked back at Mohini at the same time rock also looks at Mohini because they really got a job right away.

But this is only a job and not a shootout so they still had some reservations related to the predication of Mohini.

Mohini was already ready to go while rock still needs to get ready or change his clothes because of something……

Mohini came down and asked Benny to know if the new board that he spoke off yesterday….

Also she asked about the adult video they shot yesterday.

Benny was very happy and talked about it while rock hurried down.

Benny is driving so he did not have a chance to touch Mohini right now.

Revy don’t want to sit beside Mohini because for some reason she always ends up on the lap of Mohini in an embarrassing situation………

Chapter 197: hand stuck in Revy’s tank top

Revy don’t want to sit beside Mohini because for some reason she always ends up on the lap of Mohini in an embarrassing situation.

Well she did not mind that girly stuff but she don’t want too much contact with Mohini that she rejects love because of her past trauma.

But still she ended up right beside Mohini because rock was late.

In the mean time Dutch introduced the job while Mohini got a notification related to the new task from the group that she joined.

The task is to save the people from the group from being killed and kill the opposite gang.

As for the rewards letting the 4 plot like characters alive with more than 80 percent health, Mohini will get 1000 chaos points each, which is around 4000 chaos points.

Then destroying the ship or killing all the people on a ship of the opposite gang would give him 10,000 chaos points each ship.

That is all there is no free skill points or free stat points rewards for these tasks.

Most probably this was a small time side quest.

Since it has given the quest of saving the lives of the plot like characters it means that they will face life threats today.

This also means that there will be other players in the show today.

Mohini analyzed all that.

Well she already knows about all that and where the threats are.

So she is already ready.

Even though she has memories the sense of time is a little scrambled so she don’t know what day what would happen.

So she doesn’t know today this event would happen but based on some signs she can find the start of the event.

Revy started to quarrel with rock about her aloha shirt that she brought to him before and rock argued back.

Well the driving of Benny is really weird and car was bumped again leaving Revy on the lap of Mohini.

Even though there is rock right beside her she will always ends up on the lap of Mohini for some reason.

“Revy, I don’t know why but you always end up on my lap no matter what.

See on this seat there is also rock right beside me.

So why are you always ending up on my lap no matter which side I sit every time?”

Normally no one notices this small thing but when Mohini mentions it out loud it was really weird as Revy really ends up on her lap every time.

Even Revy was confused because she doesn’t know.

“Since it will happen anyway,

Revy, why don’t you sit on my lap from the start instead of falling like that?

Isn't it better to sit from the start than to fall with a bump?

Revy did not notice another thing that is because Mohini did not like the smell of the cigarette smoke she is trying to open the window just now.

So when Revy fell on her lap Mohini hand accidentally went straight into her black tank top and her tits are in Mohini hands.

Mohini has to accept this fact,

Even though Revy is a tough nut her tits are very soft and shapely.

When Mohini moved her hand Revy’s face turned red which is more feminine and something that should not appear on Revy.

But it did appear this time and she struggled to pull Mohini arm out.

But because of the odd sitting when she fell, it was hard to remove Mohini hand which is being massaged between her tits.

If it was Mohini’s special dick in place of her hand then Mohini was sure to be in heaven from all the pleasure.

But still she was in heaven from all the pleasure.

It is like her hand is having a tit job given by the tits of Revy.

She is not only moving her body but also her ass.

Her struggle is more like a lap dance than a struggle to get free from Mohini.

This aroused Mohini again with the rubbing of her rough jeans shorts against her pussy and clit made her have a small orgasm.

Well what she is wearing is a thin fabric that barely covered her body.

Finally after sometime Mohini calmed Revy down and pulled out her hand from inside Revy’s tank top.

Throughout the entire plot there is not even once where the face of Revy blushed.

But right now Mohini was able to witness this scene.

Well her annoying face is far more beautiful than the blushing face.

Revy moved to the side to sit on the seat.

No one spoke about this mattes are the car was completely silent.

Well the people in the car had a hard on because of the girls play that happened right in front of them.

Especially rock was even more silent.

Previously when Revy dropped on Mohini's lap her legs moved uncontrollably giving rock a kick on his face.

The shoe print is still on his face and he stayed silent not wanting to light the fuse of Revy whose face is red.

They don’t know if she is blushing or angry.

Well they soon arrived at the docks and they got on the ship.

The atmosphere eased after they started moving on the waters.

Revy over came her embarrassment and became normal.

She started to teach how to tie knots.

Mohini did not require any teaching as she can do all of that.

Also Revy did not want to see Mohini right now as she still remembers that happened just now.

Revy asked rock about his past.

Right at that moment rock asked about Revy’s past that made her remembers something that she doesn’t want to remember.

Mohini has a slight murderous intent buried in her eyes making rock have chill down his spine.

Rock can understand that he asked something that he should not have asked.

But he did not understand why Mohini became angry where rock asked about the past of Revy………..

Chapter 198: another bet with Revy

But he did not understand why Mohini became angry where rock asked about the past of Revy.

Well it did not last long as they received a message from Benny saying that there are other boats in the vicinity.

Mohini knows that the battle is going to start.

Unlike in the original plot there are more people on the boats and they are not acting stupid.

Mohini knows that things are different so she immediately took out her specially made gun and modified it to long range.

“Dutch, do you want me to act…?”

Mohini asked while Revy and Dutch are conversing.

“Do as you please Mohini.”

Mohini looked at Revy and said.

“Revy this is your rampage prediction.

Do you like it?”

Revy’s appearance changed to cold and said with a cold smile.

“You really did predict accurately so be quite and let me go on a rampage.”

“Then Revy do you want to make a bet again with me.

Who will kill more of this scum…”

Mohini asked playfully.

Revy did not respond for a moment.

She has not fulfilled her previous bet now there is a new one.

If she wins then she can call them even directly.

If not then she will have to do two things that Mohini asked her to do.

Also she could not escape or refuse because Mohini would spank her.

She finally accepted the bet gritting her teeth and her cold face that was there before is gone.

That is right she forgot about her past because of the pestering of Mohini.

Mohini did it on purpose as she don’t want Revy to do things half heartedly or distracted because of her past in this unpredictable battle with players involved.

As soon as she accepted the bet Mohini started the countdown.




As soon as she said one Revy started with her grenade launcher on the ship nearby.

Mohini really doesn’t want to play with the bullets that fly without eyes.

But this time she has to come out of her safety shell.

So her gun started to shoot.

The boats that are close to her were hit with her hand gun while the boats father away were hit by the self made gun than can change its range based on her arrangements.

Revy put on her head phones playing a song to get into the mood and moved from ship to ship to kill.

But when she reached the ship she only gets to kill one or two men that are hiding.

This is because the bullets from Mohini seem to have eye of their own and hit them in their heads accurately.

No bullet that was shot by Mohini was wasted.

For every bullet there is someone that died.

“Dutch, after we are done with these people take me to those boats so that I can salvage some guns and bullets.

We can sell them or use them later and make up for some of our losses.”

“Well that is a good suggestion.

We will go with that.”

Dutch nodded his head and accepted Mohini's suggestion.

Revy did not know this as she removed her communication device and replaced it with headphones with a song.

But she was a little disappointed that Mohini killed most of the people this time too.

Also she did not move from the spot that she stood and shoot from there on a shaky ship towards those shaky targets.

The most important thing is that all of them are head shots.

As long as there is a person with his head visible on the boat opposite to them then Mohini’s bullet will find their ways into their heads on their own.

Revy was irritated and asked Mohini.

“You said that I can go on a rampage.

But why did you intervene in the middle and took away my thunder.”

She is not only angry about unable to vent out her anger by going on a rampage but also about the loss of the bet again.

Mohini smiled and said.

“Well I said that you have a chance to go on a rampage and not the other way around.

Since you lost the bet you have to two things I want you to do now.

Well we will talk about that after going back.

Now help me salvage the things.

If things go well we might get a bonus.

Don’t you want to drink more with the bonus?

So come and help…”

Mohini has successfully coxed Revy into with the bonus and booze.

Dutch was very happy with the development because he would have to take care of Revy if Mohini did not do what she did right now.

After salvaging people got so much ammunition that they can at least get 10 grand from that.

Mohini collected all the dropped boxes from both players and plot characters.

Unfortunately most of them are low level boxes.

Mohini first stored them all inside the personal storage.

She did not fear that there is a player with strong background in this group.

This is because if the background is strong then that player would not come here with some riffraff like this.

After collecting the things the group returned.

While on the move Mohini noticed new faces in the people and her insight that was improved gave her some unusual understanding.

Mohini was able to find that the players have arrived to Roanapur.

Soon there is a chance that someone might come to join the lagoon company using every possible opportunity that they might find.

Balalaika called at that moment.

Mohini on the side picked up the call in place or rock.

“Hey balalaika how are things on that side.”

“Things are quite good and the medicinal cream that you gave me made wonders.

Take some time off and come and have a chat with me, when you are free.

Put Dutch on the line Mohini there is something he should listen….”

Mohini gave the phone to Dutch………

Chapter 199: taking leave to steal secrets

Mohini gave the phone to Dutch.

Then she started to chat with the group about the bonus that they just got.

At the end of the call Dutch was asked to say bye to Mohini by balalaika.

Dutch don’t know how Mohini became close to balalaika but he has a little idea about that.

Mohini has shown them the scar removing cream before and Mohini seems to have presented one to balalaika.

Most probably it has worked perfectly and balalaika became close to Mohini.

Well whatever it is the result is good.

They have good relationship with balalaika and Mohini having a good relationship with her instead of fighting is much better.

So he just conveyed the words of balalaika to Mohini.


This time just like that in the plot Dutch wanted to propose to them an entertainment trip.

But not for the losses instead it was because of the unexpected profits from salvaging the attackers.

Mohini being the biggest contributor for this matter, she has received some good words and a little bonus over other employees from Dutch.


They all went to yellow flag bar and Revy quarreled with rock to wear the ‘aloha’ shirt that she bought for him.

On the other hand Mohini put on the shirt that Revy bought her making her favorability increase.

Her current favorability is only 36 points.

This is how closed Mohini is to in her heart is.

On the other hand her favorability towards Dutch and Benny were from 40 to 50 points which is only trusting and no close relation.


Mohini knows that the next event is related to Roberta and Garcia Lovelace.

Mohini did not want to participate in this matter and she has other thing to take care off.

It is like going to the secret society headquarters in London to steal their secrets.

It will take just enough time for her to return right when Revy and Roberta were fighting.

That would be a good show to watch.

So Mohini took a leave from Dutch and left this place to England.

Journey is long and Mohini went there quickly.

Well Mohini did not find any entertaining partner on her journey this time.

Abraham came to her to receive Mohini personally from the airport.

Then they moved on to a private villa.

While letting him fuck her Mohini spoke to him.

Mohini has given him some ideas of development related to business that he understood from the simulation memories.

On the next day Mohini went around to look at the locations that she has to go on to enter the secret vaults of the secret society.

It is like she is going around site seeing around the British museum, big Ben and other important places.

There are secret tunnels in all these areas in the underground drainage lines that can lead to the secret society.

But the entrances are arranged with both modern technology and old gear system.

Mohini has already prepared her entrance and escape route.

The technology of this time is very backward to her level of skill and capabilities.

So the process will be very smooth.

But there is a catch here.

That is some other veteran players that belong to research or other powerful factions that want to get these things too.

They are coming here to get the information pieces and artifacts pieces.

So they will interfere with her plan.

Previously when she was done with the stealing some other players made their move causing the alarms to go off.

This caused Mohini some headache but she was able to escape successfully because of her previous contingency planning.

Even though she was able to escape this caused other secret societies to become alert and gave her a bigger headache.

So this time Mohini wanted to deal with those players cleanly.

Well these are high level players and Mohini should not kill them directly.

So she plans to use the mechanisms and traps of the secret society to kill them.

These people would drop some high grade boxes that can be of some use to Mohini.

After making some plans Mohini went through a simulation and got the satisfactory results.

With that she went on with the plan.

There are three important things that Mohini interested in the secret society vault under London.

First is the true story of King Arthur, Merlin and Morgan le Fay.

Second is about the way to open the lost ark golden box to collect the things inside safely without getting cursed.

Third is the philosopher’s stone….

This is all the information that is particularly important for Mohini.

There are other secret societies that are on her list to get the pieces of information and store it in the system.

Like the information in Indian secret society related to the origin of the first dragon, the weapon called Vajra, and the flute of lord Krishna which is actually a magic wand of illusions.

The information from Chinese, Japanese and Korean secret society related to flying swords, demon blood and the origin of the first dragon.

The information from Russian and German secret society is related to the constructive plans of Asgard, weapon called Gungnir which is a 100 percent spear……

The information from Africa secret society is related to the pulling the dead back to life, the scepter of Tutankhamen and developing resistance to many super viruses….


Like that every secret society has its own secrets.

But all of them are only pieces of information that needed to be collected from many worlds.

When Mohini collected the information the fantasy system shows a new panel related to secret information.

This information has completion number like 1/10 pieces of information related to philosopher stone is collected.

After completing that the player will get special quest from the system which will lead to that specific object or artifact.

One can either get the artifact or the blueprint for the artifact.

Also the number of pieces mentioned is only……….

Chapter 200: setting traps in the secret vaults

One can either get the artifact or the blueprint for the artifact.

Also the number of pieces mentioned is only minimum number required to get that specific object.

The more pieces a player collects the higher the level of rewards she might get.

Well some are small which did not have higher usage value.

But there are some that are of higher usage value and hard time to collect them.

Especially the things related to the true dragon or the first dragon of the world called Vritra.

Gaining the blood line of this Vritra in controlled way can give player deterrence force towards all types of dragons and related beings or techniques.

Similarly gaining the bloodline of King Solomon can give the player deterrence over the 72 demon houses which are general rank.

This can also be achieved through the blood line related to the demon emperor that once lived in Japan, Sri Lanka or other countries….can give the player deterrence over all the demons below the rank of demon emperors.

This is the true value of the secret information.

Mohini got this when analyzing the basic information of the world.

Since she knows that others have already knows about that too.

Mohini’s plan is simply “Complete clean out”

She is going to clean out all the secret information from those secret societies before other players can make their move.

Only one player can gain the information of one thing in a world.

For that the player has to collect the secret information coded in a paper or on an artifact in the secret society.

As soon as the player takes the secret information piece it will give a question if the player wanted to take it for herself.

Naturally these pieces will be auctioned too.

But that is a rare occurrence.

No one wants to sell the information pieces.

Also every fantasy world after the beginner level is passed or the end of the beginner level movies might have this information pieces.


Mohini has already made the plan on how to collect all the information pieces and trap other players in his place.

She started with secret society in London.

The problem is that she did not know the locations of other secret societies.

For this reason she asked Abraham and balalaika to collect the information.

All she needed is the location of the secret society and she can do the rest of the things on her own.

Well she has to take care of the things on hand first.

So she did not waste any time and entered the secret society before the time of entry from her simulation.

She went earlier to arrange the traps for the other players.

Also she can make a clean sweep in the secret society.


First she entered through the drainage area and opened the door that was not used by the people of the secret society.

It was originally an escape route so it was much more hidden and directly leads to the vault.

But the problem is that the security system and some traps are there like a walk in the park for Mohini.

She cleared the area quickly and bugged the security system.

So she is an inside person now and she can walk freely but not the other people.

She moved sneakily and cleaned out all the information pieces and replaced them with the fake information pieces.

Also this place is filled with mild sleeping gas for the players that are about to arrive here to get the other players.

She is eyeing for both information pieces and the profits that she can get from other players.

She will not kill them instead slowly convince them to hand over all their things to her in her own style.

Mohini is in dire need of arks from other players.

Mohini is going to take many people from this fantasy world.

Not only the women that she likes but also a good amount of fighters like an army.

For example she is going to take the entire gang of balalaika with her along with balalaika.

But her current ark island cannot hold them all.

So she has no choice but to expand it.

For expanding the ark there are two ways.

First is to upgrade it to tier 2 which will take a long time and she has to reach the second ring before that.

Second is to obtain the arks of other players and integrate them into her ark to expand the ark to become a big island.

She has already obtained two arks from the stupid players before.

Buying arks and integrating them is useless.

Only the arks of other player can be used for integration.

Also their arks should at least reach tier 1 at the very least.

These are her requirements and she got on to work setting up traps.

Well the players that come to get these things are from strong factions.

As long as Mohini did not kill them and get their things it is enough to get away from all forms of tracking that might come from killing them.

Even if they are angry they cannot find Mohini.

Mohini is wearing a special mask that would hide her facial features from player but the plot line characters would not have any changes.


Traps are set and Mohini hid in a secluded place monitoring the arrival of the players based on her simulation memories.

Soon there are three people in black full body suits.

They looked like high tech thieves from those robbery movies.

They came inside unblocking the traps silently.

But they never noticed that the treasure vault was filled with sleeping gas and aphrodisiac gas.

Naturally the treasure vault would not have any gas traps so as to not to cause any harm to the artifacts or documents.

So they did not put on any gas masks.

In order to search and work properly they are only wearing thick mask with clear eye patches.………


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