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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 191: Yellow flag bar

After taking care of Revy, Dutch took rock out to the deck of the ship while Revy was left there with Mohini.

Mohini smiled at her causing her to irritate but she cannot do anything to her.

The sensation from the slaps that she received from Mohini is still there so she was silent without making any ruckus towards Mohini.


They finally reached Roanapur without much fun on the ways but Mohini knows that the fun would start soon.

Well the fun is not fucking but playing with guns.

Mohini was fascinated to look at the city of crime.

She felt nostalgia looking at the familiar scene of many places back on earth when she was still a low class mercenary bitch.

This place tops them all.

The night life here is far worse than many famous cities back on earth.

The speaking language of all these people is actually English unlike that they show in the anime.

Well it can be scene when they went with balalaika to conquer some part of Japan and needs a Japanese translator.

Since each of them from a different nationality they used English as the common language most of the times.

Funny thing is that the literacy rate of these criminals is higher than many prosperous countries.

They came to the yellow flag bar after crossing the night life of Roanapur which is very messy with prostitutes, thugs, and many kinds of people everywhere around.

The expression on the face is rock is marvelous making Mohini have some entertainment.

The bar is full of people with a modern setting mixed with Wild West setting just like rock said.

It is like “bar at the end of the world” with guns on the tables………

Mohini sat on one of the stools beside Revy as rock rambled and Dutch explained the origin of this city.

Well where ever Mohini goes she would attract some attention because of her beauty.

Also her transparent dress without panties or bra has attracted even more attention.

As soon as she sat on the stool the person beside her poked her ass from behind and said.

“Hey bitch, how much is for a night…”

Mohini looked at him and said.

“Well today is a day off for me.

If you want you can fondle me as you want, but nothing excessive.

If you do anything excessive, I will put a bullet in your dick.”

Mohini has a sharp killing intent for a moment that scared the man behind her.

He stopped poking her ass and left silently with sweat beads on his forehead.

Revy wanted to laugh looking at the scene when Mohini is called a bitch.

But the deterring force from Mohini is no less than that of some top bosses even without a gun on her hand.

From this she can simply say that even if Mohini went out walking naked, no one would dare to touch her without her consent.

That is how powerful the aura of killing around Mohini is.


Revy moved along the plot and challenged Mohini and rock about drinking rum.

Well actually Mohini did not drink after coming to this bar as she did not like drinking cheap stuff.

She likes high quality wine and other beverages more.

But Revy thought that she could get back on Mohini speaking about drinking wine.

Rock was railed up and started to drink the rum that Revy gave him, but Mohini still smiled peacefully and said.

“Little girl I know you like rum but I will not drink cheap stuff.

Hey bartender, bring out the Bacardi…”

Mohini took out some dollars from between her tits magically and gave them to the bartender Bao.

Bao took a deep sniff at the cash on his hands looking intoxicated.

Bao was very satisfied with the money and the scent of Mohini.

On the other hand Revy was railed up too.

They started a three way drinking contest began between Revy, rock and Mohini.

While drinking, Mohini said.

“Revy if you lose to me in drinking, you are in for some good spankings as punishments you know.”

Revy shivered looking at Mohini as she smiled back at her while drinking another cup of rum.

Well Mohini know that it was time for the show to begin the hundred dollars that she gave boa is not much for her to care.

She has already drunk enough rum to balance that amount and Revy became a little close to her.

So it is a profitable exchange.

Right then Mohini heard the drop of grenades.

So she immediately jumped over the bar where Bao is standing before.

Right in the next moment Revy also jumped in, but she landed right on the lap of Mohini that jumped before her.

Also the face of Revy was directly buried in the crotch region of Mohini with Revy’s mouth kissing Mohini’s pussy.

Well the ass of Revy is also close to the face of Mohini.

Mohini poked her ass making Revy moan.

The movements of Revy’s lips on Mohini’s pussy caused Mohini to moan.

There is not enough space to move and on the other side the grenades have exploded.

The sound of moans was mixed in the sound of grenades and screams.

Mohini took the glass of rum from Revy and drank it with the bullets hitting the bullet proofing of the bar.

Revy don’t know how to reach Mohini’s hand and she cannot move either.

So she gave up and snatched the cup back, while Mohini drank the remaining rum and said.

“That is my rum you know…”

Mohini took out an ice cube from the glass and slipped it into Revy’s denim shorts right on the top of her pussy.

“Hey what the hell… ahaaaa…”

Revy wanted to say something but her words were stopped by Mohini’s actions.

The cold ice cube between her pussy lips made Revy moan breaking her sentence in the middle.

Mohini laughed happily at Revy’s moan and said…

Chapter 192: Revy, do you like my lap so much?

“So what if I drank your rum.

For some reason it became bitter sweet taste.

So, that that is your taste.”

Mohini said.

“Is it time to be flirting…?

Revy, are there people your friends…?”

Bao said looking at Mohini and Revy.

“Bullets, dead people…..”

Rock on the other side is having a mental break down.

“You are still alive and well it may seem to me that,

You really have a natural evasion for bullets.

What a lucky man you are? Rock…

That is why people say fools never catch cold or any bad things happen to them.”

With the remainder from Mohini,

They immediately thought the same and looked at frightened and metal break down appearance of rock they both nodded.

The plot continued with a comment from Revy towards rock.

Mohini can only shake her head.

Dutch came from the side calling their names where Mohini’s name was added extra in the list.

“Revy let them see why you are called two hands…

Mohini you too get into some action…”

“Oh you are called 2 hands right then do you want to make a bet.”

Mohini asked Revy who was staring face to face.

“What is it?”

“The bet is simple whoever kills the most.”

Revy liked it and accepted it directly but the rewards and punishments are not talked about.

Mohini directly said.

“The winner gets to make the other party do one thing they want.”

“Okay let’s start at the count of three.”




Right at that moment both of them stood up at the same time and they both had guns.

In the next seconds several bullets flew as Revy jumped of the bar.

Mohini did not move much as she shot from the spot she was standing.

There is not much sound from her guns because of all the sounds from other guns and silencer on her gun.

Unlike in the anime the mercenaries from the extra order have to run away.

This is because silently most of their people were killed by head shots from Mohini.

Except for the big mouthed captain of the group and the one that is still in the car ready to drive all the other people are dead.

He survived because he ran away first.

Among over 20 people Revy got at least 6 people with her one time going on rampage.

But by the time she returned the remaining mercenaries died hot on the floor with holes in their heads.

Revy was shocked.

She simply moved around to see that most of them died just like that and the look towards Mohini was the look of worship.

Mohini made a classic pose of cowboy blowing the smoke from the tip of the gun toward Revy.

She shivered a little and they immediately ran away just like in the plot for two reasons.

First they don’t know if there are more mercenaries or reinforcements and had more powerful weapons.

Second is that they don’t want to get Bao to charge them the bill for all the damages.

Well during the firing, rock has his fit and clanged on to the thighs of big black guy to live.

Mohini don’t care about that.

She moved along with the group towards the back door where Benny brought them then car.

Well the back seat is a little cramped because of the presence of the three people there and the careless sitting of Revy.

Because of a bump on the road Revy jumped up and fell on Mohini’s lap again.

At first Mohini don’t know what this is happening so many times but she remembered her new title.

The lucky pervert

The effects of the title lucky pervert are acting up creating this kind of opportunities to Mohini again and again.

“Revy, did you like my lap so much that you are always sitting on my lap in all kinds of situations.”

Revy was speechless on what to say but she immediately adjusted her sitting posture wiggling her ass on the top of Mohini’s pussy and clitoris making it stand from arousal.

Also Mohini is wearing thin dress and because of moving and sitting in a hurry it got up.

So she is currently sitting on her naked butt with the cloth rolled up revealing her pussy and ass.

Revy is directly sitting on her lap and when she tried to get out of her lap she moved her ass very much.

This created the grinding action between Mohini’s pussy and Revy’s ass.

Mohini moaned and squirted a little at that moment with a lewd face.

Revy finally got back to her seat.

Well rock on the other side is muttering to himself about his life.

Revy got back from embarrassment quickly and spoke about the warning from the bartender Bao of the yellow flag changing the topic.

On the other hand back at yellow flag bar the mercenary leader received the number of dead mercenaries from his side.

“Captain 23 people died and more than 15 of them have been shot with head shots.

As long as they are inside the bar they died.”

The face of the captain is not as good as it was in the anime because right before he escaped, he also got a head shot.

But fortunately right at that moment another one of his mercenary stood in the trajectory of the bullet by accident.

That mercenary died in his place.

Only after that he ran away.


Soon after that the lagoon pirates are once again on the torpedo boat.

Dutch said that they are going to reach Belawan port by day break and he said that there they can meet with balalaika.

Mohini nodded her head and looked towards rock with a little sympathy.

This is because rock is going to break soon and fall into the edge of this abyss.


Well with the drama going on in front of her, Mohini did not bothered to speak and sat to the side watching the show.


Chapter 193: Revy acted lady like

Well with the drama going on in front of her, Mohini did not bothered to speak and sat to the side watching the show.


When Benny spoke about the appearance of something on the radar asking Revy to take a look, Mohini directly answered the question.

“It is a low altitude assault gun ship, Benny”


Both Benny and Dutch were shocked at the same time.

Dutch immediately got into action and moved the ship quickly.

Mohini did not go out right now and braced herself still watching the drama.

It is not like anything would change in this kind of situation with her intervention any way.

Also Mohini was not as luck as the plot characters so she don’t know if she would live the shooting from a gunship.

So she stayed silent as the plot move on letting them reach the closed up area of the back waters.

Rock became paranoid again and then received a punch in the face to clear his mind.

Mohini was still silent waiting for the right time to add in the words to rock’s plan.

Mohini don’t want to change the plot, so in order to contribute Mohini has to use her advantage of knowledge she has on getting the attention of others.

Well Mohini has the idea of shooting the infra red homing missiles but she was sure that with the bullets she will not be able to blast them off in the air.

So her other choice is to go with the plan that rock is going to suggest.

So when rock wanted to suggest the plan Mohini actively supported it and told Dutch and Revy to listen once as it would not cost them anything right now.

When rock spoke the pieces of words related to sunken ship, speed of the boat, those old torpedoes………

“Oh…. It is like that….

It really is a chicken race.

Good plan rock…”

Mohini said patting on the shoulder of rock.

“What is the good plan?

I did not understand anything.”

Revy said and Dutch has question marks on his head too.

Breaking rock’s words Mohini explained what rock wanted to explain.

Finally she let rock add the words saying that the other party is a gunman…

With that Mohini successfully shared a part of contribution from rock.

Well if this is not possible Mohini wanted to use her nuclear bullets here.

But she restrained herself as there are many places that can be used when life is really threatened.

Right now it is still good and she doesn’t want to waste the nuclear bullets on these gunman morons.


Soon after the epic scene of a gunship being hit by a torpedo appeared in front of Mohini.

Well she was unable to see anything like that in the anime.

But still the rush is as great as having an orgasm.

When the small boat fell back down into the waters there is a big turbulence and everyone were hit by the impact.

Even though Mohini was able to avoid any big injuries her lucky pervert title hit the spot again right then.

Revy flew towards her in reverse directly with her face hitting her crotch and her ass smacked Mohini face.

It is fortunate that she did not have balls and dick.

So she was fine with the impact and nothing major happened.

But her faced did not escape and was directly smacked by Revy’s ass.

Naturally Revy uses the words “Kiss my ass” when she want to use profanity but this time she literally kissed her ass.

Well her touch and everything is poisonous to woman and the more sensitive place that she came into contact with the more aroused the women would be.

Because of her perverted skills that would make the woman aroused and seduced towards her with every contact.

Even though the art of seduction is still at the starting stage it is easy with such a close and intimate contact.

So the impact is also high on Revy.


This made Revy moan.

But no one knows if it is the moan because of her pain or because of the contact with Mohini.

Well they parted and Revy acted strangely lady like for a moment before returning back to her usual self.

She is a tough nut to crack.

Well her life experience is like that and she build a strong wall in her heart against most people and love.

One has to break it slowly or with hard first at a single strike.

Well it might be possible if it is rock that wanted to break Revy’s wall with her words.

For Mohini it is a little hard task.


With that done they moved towards the port where balalaika should be waiting for them.

Well Mohini looked relatively better than other people.

This is related to her charm which is abnormally high for the people of this fantasy world level.

She is a beauty with good curves, skin and charismatic appearance.

Her voice is magnetic and the scent from her can arouse others to rush their blood.

So she is a charming woman that does not look like a pretty girl but like a strong woman.

Dutch handed over the disk to balalaika that looked over at the two new faces in the group namely rock and Mohini.

Well Mohini wanted to speak but balalaika is in official business and she cannot speak to her now.

So she silently waited for the opportunity.

The plot continued and for the first time rock showed his back bone and spoke to his superiors.

Mohini patted on his shoulder and said.

“Good boy you acted with backbone this time…”

At that time balalaika appeared leaving in the car and spoke to rock and then turned her head to speak with Mohini.

“I heard that you wanted to speak about something to me and you are a magician or something.

Come with us we can speak back at the hotel peacefully after this matter is settled……..”

Chapter 194: meeting with balalaika

“I heard that you wanted to speak about something to me and you are a magician or something.

Come with us we can speak back at the hotel peacefully after this matter is settled…”

Balalaika said to Mohini.

“No I will come back later.

Also I have taken a liking to this little group and want to join them for now to play some time.

All I want to talk is about a business so we can talk after you are done with that matter.

You can contact me after you are done.

Any way thanks for the offer miss balalaika you look lovely today….”

Mohini spoke in Russian just like she was a native of their country that made balalaika widen her eyes.

She was a little disappointed as Mohini did not want to join them but still she was happy with the cooperation.

She is a capable woman and can understand the meaning behind the words of Mohini so she did not pursue it.

So she replied with a little sad expression which is acting.

“Oh… I thought that you are going to join my group.

That is bad but still fine well will talk about your business later then…

I will contact you later and we can talk Miss Mohini.

Bye then…”

Balalaika left in the car.

Right at that time there is a man and a woman standing on the road facing the lagoon’s group.

“Mohini, rock what are you going to do now?”

Dutch asked puffing up smoke from a cigarette.

“Well I wanted to gain a foot hold in this city of sin….

But your group is fun to be around.

I don’t know if you accept an extra pair of hands on your pirate ship.”

Rock spoke his classic lines about not being a hostage and no place to go from the plot.

Revy took over speaking that they need some extra pairs of hands on their deck to work.

Soon after that both rock and Mohini were accepted into the crew.


Next day they went on to take some goods from a big ship.

Rock tried to warn the ship’s crew while Revy is preparing her RPG to hit the ship….

Mohini was sitting behind then looking at the show happily.

Well Revy did asked rock why he did not wear the “aloha” shirt that she got for him.

“Why did Mohini get that good shirt and I got that ugly “aloha” shirt?”

Rock asked with some grievance which Mohini on the back laughed happily.

She did change into a different shirt that suits this oceanic atmosphere that Revy bought her.

She rolled the sleeves and tied the ends of the shirt into a knot leaving her flat belly and belly button for the show.

Also she did not button the shirt revealing her cleavage and a part of nipple patches.

Other than that the shirt is on the right side and is barely holding down her tits from bursting out.

If she moved with rapid action then her tits would be out swinging like the round bells freely in the air.

So she is thoroughly satisfied with the shirt that she got from Revy.

She can only sympathize with rock as his luck is like that.

Revy wanted to annoy him more but he simply put on an excuse saying that he is on the job right now.

The ship’s crew refused to stop.

So Revy shot the RPG on the ship.

Quickly they are done with their work and left back to the port before lunch.

Today Mohini is going to go and meet with balalaika to talk to her about the business Mohini came here for.


In the afternoon after lunch she came to a luxurious hotel in Roanapur.

This is where balalaika’s mafia group is staying.

When Mohini arrived they did not restrict her much and directly notified balalaika.

She has already received a call from Mohini and she instructed her men to notify her when Mohini arrives.

Mohini was led to an office room where her personal bodyguard Boris was standing guard beside balalaika.

As for the main character balalaika is sitting there gracefully with a smile on her face and her hand supporting her chin.

Mohini arrived there without much fluctuation or fear about their eyes or strong dominating intent.

“Miss Sofiya Pavlovna or should I call you miss balalaika which do you prefer.”

Mohini asked while walking towards her.

Balalaika smiled and said.

“Balalaika is fine please have a seat miss Mohini”

Mohini sat and said.

“No formalities are needed miss balalaika you can call me Mohini directly.”

Balalaika spoke with a smile.

“Oh then you can call me balalaika too”

Mohini then extended her hand forward and a flower bouquet appeared out of thin air shocking both balalaika and Boris at the same time.

“These flowers are for you balalaika.”

Mohini said without any fluctuations.

The reason for the shock is that both balalaika and Boris looked at the empty hand of Mohini and she is not even wearing a full hands shirt to say that she pulled that out of her sleeves.

Also the flower bouquet appeared straight on her extended empty hand which can be called a real magic.

But they are not stupid and can say that this is like the ‘ESP’ or ‘ESPER’ ability that was mentioned in some science fiction movies.

Mohini knows that they will think like that so after giving the flower bouquet to balalaika Mohini’s hand has a medicinal glass bottle again.

Mohini slowly explained about these details and called Boris over to try it out.

The big scar on the face of Boris vanished as soon as she rubbed the medicinal cream on it shocking balalaika.

“Balalaika I know that you did not believe all the medicine that can clear the scar on your face.

This is also a gift for you but in order to prove its ability I have to use it in front of you….”

Chapter 195: business talk with balalaika

“Balalaika I know that you did not believe all the medicine that can clear the scar on your face.

This is also a gift for you but in order to prove its ability I have to use it in front of you.

You can try this later when you have the time.

I don’t want such a beautiful lady to have scars like that.”

Balalaika was moved with the product.

No women in the world like to look ugly and want to become beautiful.

But the current technology here would not allow her to have a perfect plastic surgery.

This was the time like around 1990 and 2000 where the technology is in rapid growth state.

So the plastic surgery is not preferred much unless they want to change their appearance no matter what.

Since Mohini has something that can cause a difference why not try that.

Balalaika really loved the gift from Mohini.

But at the same time she was vigilant as the big gifts requires big favors to return the favor.

So before receiving the gift balalaika resisted the temptation and asked Mohini.

“The gift is great but the favor is also big.

Tell me Mohini what is the catch or the business that you spoke off.”

Mohini smiled back at balalaika and said.

“If I tell you that I fell in love with you and right now giving the gifts to flirt with you.

Would you believe that?”

Balalaika’s heart sting was pulled a little.

The reason for this is not that balalaika was into women.

This has something to do with the skills of Mohini and the title lucky pervert increasing the impression of balalaika towards Mohini.

Balalaika shook her head thinking that she is not into woman and this is not right.

She thought that Mohini used some magic to do this.

But she thought about it and concluded that such a thing will only happen in fairy tale.

Mohini is a beautiful and charming woman.

Mohini was at least 15 years younger than her.

Why would she want to flirt with an old lady like her?

The more she thought about it the more distracting thoughts that appeared in her mind.

Finally she thought that Mohini is teasing her by some means of magic.

“Enough jokes Mohini tell me, what is the business that you spoke of for the favor of the gifts you want to make?

Don’t tell me you want to produce this medicinal cream and sell it outside.”

Mohini sighed and said.

“What I told you before is not a lie balalaika.

Well it is one of the reasons that I came to you.

As for this medicinal cream, it is impossible to make this with the current technology of this world.

Even if you have the technology finding the herbs required is even harder.

So forgot about that.

My goal is a little different.

Have you heard about the secret societies of the leading countries that would live in shadows and deal with the paranormal things?”

The first sentence made balalaika tense a little.

Well there are few reasons for this which is her skills related to seduction and her persuasion skill reaching higher tier than this fantasy world level.

Then when Mohini talked about how hard it was to make this medicine has made her feel sweet inside her heart.

But it also aroused the questions in her mind about Mohini background.

Later when Mohini talked about the business she became serious again.

When she heard about the secret societies she has some idea.

These secret societies were deeply embedded in every country with long civilization.

They have a tactical agreement that no other secret society would prey into the secrets of the other one unless they are in war with each other.

Well this only applies if both of them are equal in power and have all good conditions.

These secret societies would not care about any mortal affairs and only acts when there is something that really culturally related to paranormal things.

At the same time they cannot be messed with easily even though balalaika has strong background to support her.

“What do you want to know about these secret societies?”

Balalaika asked with serious face.

She remembered that Mohini has some magical like things which are in line with those secret societies.

So she has a feeling that Mohini was going to say something crazy.

Mohini smiled and said

“Well if you can find their hide outs then I want to go there and have a look at them.

There are a few things I wanted to borrow from them……”

As Mohini stated the same thing as she said in her memories of simulation.

She knows what balalaika would say but she strongly told her that it is not a problem to search for these things for her.

That is all Mohini wants from her.

Balalaika sighed and agreed to Mohini request.

Before leaving Mohini suddenly turned around and said.

“Balalaika, I really love you and want you to be a part of my harem.

There are other secrets of mine that I wanted to share to you.

You have to trust me enough to know those secrets.

It is not like I don’t want to tell you but I cannot tell you until you truly trust me…

Well think about my proposal and contact me when you make up your mind.”

After saying that to balalaika, Mohini left the hotel and returned back to the lagoon company office.

Balalaika was in deep thought looking at the back of Mohini.

Mohini found that balalaika has reached the favorability of 39 points and only 1 point away from trusting her.

Also Boris seems to understand the intentions of Mohini and has complicated thoughts related to Mohini.

But his favorability has reached 35 points too.


On the way back to the lagoon company she called Abraham to know the progress of the information about the secret societies……..


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