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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 61: Kakashi joins Rito’s group

He was not interested in power.

So he is not sure to what side he should pick.

But this hesitation is gone after the numbskull Naruto took the initiative to speak for Rito…

While Rito’s clone is negotiating with Tazuna, the original body Rito showed his wood style to Kakashi as a sign of trust.

Kakashi was shocked to find that Rito is from the Senju clan.

With the things here done and Tazuna accepted Rito’s plan they moved on returning back to their hidden leaf village.

On the way Kakashi and Rito left shadow clones with Naruto’s group as they slowly moved back to the hidden leaf village.

Kakashi followed Rito to a secret place where Danzo is being held hostage by Rito’s clones.

Kakashi was shocked to find the scene and he immediately became impulsive, wanting to kill Danzo for avenging his father.

But Rito stopped Kakashi and then made Danzo talk.

Since this is related to tarnishing the name of the third Hokage, Danzo enthusiastically spoke about the dirty things that were ordered by third Hokage.

These include the destruction of Senju clan, Uchiha clan, Kakashi’s father and many other people that showed the signs of great potential.

Having great potential is not the problem instead they cannot be controlled by Danzo or third Hokage.

This led to them planning the destruction of that person or clan.

The spirit of Kushina and Mito became angry listening to their plan related to the deaths of second Hokage and the destruction of Uzumaki and Senju clans…

They literally wanted to kill Danzo in the slowest and the most painful way possible.

But they are just souls and cannot do anything.

Mikoto is not that angry about this matter.

She has the mentality of letting go on the things t hat has already happened.

Things cannot be changed and even if she wanted to take revenge there are not many people in her clan that she has good impression on.

Even if she wanted to take revenge, what can she do?

There are so many people before her and after they are done Danzo would not have his sanity remaining.

So doing anything is unnecessary.

As for getting angry, it is even more useless to think about this matter.

Instead she would see how the future changes and what would happen to her sons.

She was sure that Rito knows how her sons would end up.

Also she can tell that Rito was particularly angry with her son Itachi because he killed her.

On the other hand Rito acts well with Sasuke and treats him well like he did with Naruto.

She doesn’t know how to deal with Rito in the future when Rito really resurrects her.

Technically she has the memories and appearance of the past.

But she is a new life after resurrection.

If she follows Rito then she will be able to live a life with her son.

Rito did not seem to have any restrictions on her.

So this is not bad to be with Rito and take care of her son.

Since it is like that she has already let go of her revenge thoughts.

With this she is very calm when compared to Mito and Kushina.

Pakura on the side also found the deep conspiracies that Danzo made with her village.

Some of her countries wealth is gone because of the moves from Danzo and embezzlement from some of her village elders.

Well she did want to react but she calm her mind to wait for her opportunity in the future.


Kakashi that listened to the words of Danzo became more and more angry wanting to take Danzo to question the third Hokage.

This is the second time he lost his patience.

Well it can be expected because the entire thing is related to his father, teacher and friends that he cared for.

If things are not plotted in this messy way then many people would be living right now.

All these thoughts made him loose control.

Rito was there to support and suppress his impulsive actions.

Rito then told Kakashi about his plan to convict both Danzo and third Hokage in front of the entire village.

They will be branded as traitors and killed slowly suffering from all the punishments for their sins.

Then Rito explained his plan to Kakashi and Kakashi believed Rito things time completely.

But Rito still has some doubts.

He warned Kakashi few times not to do anything risky and put him and other people into risk.

Rito did not mention about Obito right now.

He will do that in the future.

With this thing solved, Kakashi and Rito moved and replaced their clones.

Then they returned back to the village.

Rito then gave them a script of what can be said and what cannot be said in their reports about the incidents in the land of waves.

All the people present are close to Rito so this was solved without any problem.

After returning to the village Rito went to report to the Hokage first.

He did not give much information about the incident at the land of waves.

He only mentioned the there are hired rogue ninja from many places and the number is very high.

The appearance of Zabuza was hidden away by Rito.

Later Kakashi and his group also made the report complementing the report of Rito.

In the entire incident Rito did appear but he did not state anything about his mission to them.

He only saved them at the nick of the moment when they are overwhelmed by the number of rogue ninja summoned by Gato.

With that said everything is normal except for the cold appearance of Kakashi when facing third Hokage.

But the third Hokage is not in a mood to notice this and though that Kakashi was down because he was saved by a junior.

Well it is not the character of Kakashi as Kakashi never looks down on anyone……….

Chapter 62: taking Kurenai on a date

But the third Hokage is not in a mood to notice this and though that Kakashi was down because he was saved by a junior.

Well it is not the character of Kakashi as Kakashi never looks down on anyone unlike third Hokage.

Also the third Hokage is preparing for the Chunin exam sending invites to all the other villages.

The Kage of the sand village will be killed by Orochimaru seen.

Rito wanted to save him and let Pakura have her revenge on him.

Rito’s wood clone in the sand village is always keeping the events in the sand village and following the Kage of the sand Kazekage Rasa in secret.

There is another important thing that Rito noticed as soon as he came back to the village.

It was Jiraiya the pervert sage has returned back to the village.

Rito knows that the time for the change has come and they should act.

Rito’s target time is right between the second round and the finals.

This should be around a month.

Rito is not going to interfere with the remaining plot.

Instead his target is to save Kazekage Rasa then save third Hokage with severe injuries.

But Orochimaru will still lose his hands.

After the return of Tsunade, Rito is going to tarnish the reputation of the third Hokage.

Rito will use the echo bombs to spread the rumors related to the third Hokage and his works with Danzo.

That is the support that Danzo had to commit all the crimes and the mastermind behind all the incidents and betrayal is third Hokage.

Rito will spread the strong rumors completely ruining third Hokage and then letting Tsunade take the seat of Hokage.

Rito has to plan another thing on how to pull Tsunade into his side.

Well not as a subordinate but as his woman.

Since she is a gambler Rito is going to use just that.

During this time Rito got some minor choices but the rewards are not that big.

There is a choice when saving Zabuza that gave him a special ability to see the loyalty of other people.

There is a choice when changing the gender of Haku that gave him a pill that would improve his manly power by 10 times permanently.

There is a choice when revealing the information to Kakashi that gave him a permanent face mask that can hide his special eyes.

Well the choice is easy to take but the result is hard to get.

Rito did not receive the reward for pulling Kakashi into his team right away.

Only after letting him listen to the truth from the mouth of Danzo, Kakashi truly stepped onto Rito’s side.

Only then Rito got the reward.

In case of Haku, after changing his gender, he has to accept the fact that he became a woman.

Only then Rito got the reward for that choice.

Saving Kazekage rasa can give Rito the ability to control the metal in the sand.

Only after fulfilling the choice completely can Rito gain the results.

After returning to the village Rito went to pester Kurenai that is training her team.

Hinata as shy as ever and Kiba started to annoy Rito because his sister is always talking about him.

Anyone with the discerning eye can tell that Hana is in love with Rito.

After their training Kurenai and her team separated where Kurenai stopped to speak with Rito while the other three left back to their homes.

At that time Rito use the flying thunder god to take Kurenai to a different place that has a big water fall and beautiful scenery.

The place is romantic and Rito has arranged the things for a romantic situation.

It is perfect for a couple.

After some long cheesy words Rito finally got to taste the lips of Kurenai.

With that kiss she remembered the illusion of her life with Rito.

She started to call Rito as husband again.

Then they kissed again.

Rito was very proficient in this matter.

They are spent few hours there but they did not cross the line.

The women in this Naruto world are traditional and chastity.

For this very reason Kushina and Mikoto are so loyal to their husbands.

Anyone can see what happened to those beauties that went into the hands of those morons.

Getting them completely in the name of love is very hard even for Rito.

So he has to slowly pull them towards him.

He doesn’t want their lives to be tangled with some stupid men and waste their beauties on those frogs.

Rito would not let that happen.

Even if he has to use some force or under handed methods to get them all these beauties should belong to him only.

Whatever other people though this is what Rito thought.

But Rito never force on to a woman.

He is a man that respects woman.

He will earn their love slowly and when they really wanted to give themselves to him truly will Rito take them.

If not he would not force them.

He will pull them towards him with his tender care and love.

After kissing her for a while her eyes became blurry and she leaned into Rito’s arms powerlessly.

Rito took advantage of the situation to fondle her tits and she did not refuse Rito’s hands.

She only enjoyed the warmth in Rito’s hands and a peace of mind.

She asked Rito.

“Rito, are you going to have other woman other than me?”


Rito replied honestly and asked her back.

“My little queen, I have a big heart for love but it was shattered into many pieces.

Each piece of my heart loves a different woman and I cannot leave any of my women.

If I did that then I cannot stay true to my heart.

As long it is for the woman I love, I would even bring her back from the dead and fight against the gods for her.

This is how I am…………

Chapter 63: outline of the battle at Chunin exam

As long it is for the woman I love, I would even bring her back from the dead and fight against the gods for her.

This is how I am.

This is how I love my women.

I really wish that you would stay with me forever and stay happily with me for all eternity…”


After some time Rito brought her back to the leaf village and went back to spend time with Izumi, Hana, Karen and Karin.

That evening Rito went to meet with Anko and played with her bouncy body and cooked some sweets for her.

Well they eat the sweets in a shared kissing way.

If others saw the fiery tempered Anko sitting on the lap of Rito and kissing him while sharing some sweets they would have fits and heart attack.

Well there are people that are watching this incident but they are in spirit state.


That day is free and one of Rito’s wood clones is observing Kazekage Rasa.

Gekko Hayate would die soon but Rito did not care about him.

Instead Rito moved in to make more contact with Yugao.

She is already close to Rito and Gekko is not in her heart.


Rito did not even leave Ayame.

Rito even gave new ideas to Ayame and her father about improving ramen in new directions.

The Chunin exam is going to start and Rito got some work from third Hokage to check on some things.

Rito moved around clearing the things that third Hokage ordered.

The village started to get new people.

At that time Rito’s clone informed Rito about the abnormal movements of Kazekage Rasa.

As soon as he got the information Rito switched places with a wood clone.

Rito went and captured Kazekage Rasa directly and knocked him out sneakily.

Kazekage Rasa is only at the middle Kage level and not strong enough to stop Rito’s attack who is currently at super Kage level peak.

If Rito were to enter sage mode that he practiced for so long with sage body then he can easily take care of all 5 Kages together at the same time.

After dealing with Kazekage Rasa, Rito replaced it with a wood clone.

Then he returned back to the leaf village.

Soon his wood clone was attacked by Orochimaru and acted as if Kazekage Rasa is dead.

Pakura’s spirit was in constant fluctuating and angry state that she asked Rito several times if she could speak or do anything to Kazekage Rasa.

But Rito stopped her from doing anything stupid.

Well she can’t do anything right now any way.

He explained her that he will give her a chance soon to do whatever she wants to do with Kazekage Rasa.

With Rito’s power to capture Kazekage Rasa and his arrangements during this time made her calm down.

She now has feelings for Rito that bloomed over time that even she doesn’t realized that she had.

Itachi appeared in the leaf village around this time and Rito did not act.

Rito is not going to disrupt the plan of Itachi.

Instead Rito wanted Sasuke to be motivated and follow the plan of Itachi and receive his eyes to open the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

That is for the best.

After that Rito would pull back the soul of Itachi and give him enough beating to let him serve under him for all eternity.

This is the same punishment that Shisui would receive.

Right now the distinguished heavenly gods, illusion would not work on Rito after the special simulation training in the past.

For now the Chunin exam started and Anko’s cursed mark started to show signs of activating.

Rito tried to use his knowledge on seals to break the cursed seal of Orochimaru.

But for that Rito requires a medium.

This medium is none other than the blood of Orochimaru.

Rito has to capture Orochimaru and extract his working blood instead of blood from his shed body.

So Rito has to find an opportunity for that later.

After he is done sorting the things out Rito came to cheer some of the ninja from the hidden leaf village.

This time there is Konoha 12 instead of Konoha 11.

Karin was added in to the list.

Here Rito has a target that he wants to protect.

It is none other than Kin from the hidden sound village.

Rito would not act right away instead he would act when she was taken to medical treatment after the second round.

On the other hand Rito sent a wood clone into the testing area using the earth movement technique.

It is inside and is following Orochimaru to see what he is doing.

Rito would not stop Orochimaru instead he would find a chance to get some blood from his body.

This blood can cure Anko first then he will think about capturing Tayuya.

If possible Rito would cure her completely and if not then he will think of an alternative.

Orochimaru did take a toll on her body.

Rito would remove the cursed seal on her body too.

Mikoto would definitely ask Rito to save her son Sasuke from his volunteer approach to go to Orochimaru.

She would even accept to become Rito’s woman after resurrection.

So Rito has to prepared this though process and what to answer to her.

Also there will be a battle between Naruto and Sasuke at the final valley.

Rito is going to witness this battle up close.

Rito would not capture Tayuya right away as she is still needed to set off the fight between Orochimaru and third Hokage.

This time Rito cannot let third Hokage’s main body use the sealing technique on Orochimaru.

Instead Rito would intervene in the fight between the first and the second Hokage letting third Hokage deal with Orochimaru.

While in the battle Rito would use an opportunity to damage both third Hokage and Orochimaru and make Orochimaru flee for his life.

This is the plan Rito outlined for………

Chapter 64: speaking with Kabuto

While in the battle Rito would use an opportunity to damage both third Hokage and Orochimaru and make Orochimaru flee for his life.

This is the plan Rito outlined for the time being from the simulations.

Rito moved in camouflaged state using the wood style techniques observing the situation in the first round.

The people close to Rito performed better than expected.

When the situation is dire for Sasuke and Naruto, the spirits of Mikoto and Kushina came to ask Rito for help.

But Rito stopped them from panicking saying that things are going well and no problems would happen.

This is their destiny and only this way they can improve in the future.

Rito was always right through the years they stayed together.

So they believed in Rito’s judgment.

They can vaguely tell that Rito can see the future so they became silent.

The situation moved on without many changes.

At one point Rito caught Kabuto and had a private chat with him related to the person that he thought of as his mother Nono.

She was killed by his own hands under the design of Danzo.

But Rito would add in the names of Orochimaru and third Hokage into the list.

As for the details of resurrection of Nono, Rito would only give in a vague detail to him as hope.

Kabuto knows that Danzo was suddenly stuck by a strong force revealing all of his dark hands.

This caused Danzo to flee leaf village.

The people of leaf village are searching for the person that revealed the dark history of Danzo as much as they are searching for Danzo.

Also in the recent months there are talks about echo bombs that appeared in many villages revealing the shady points of the people of that hidden village.

Orochimaru also spoke about this a few times that this echo bomb techniques is similar to the one that he once developed before the start of hidden sound village.

Rito used the flying thunder god technique to take him away from here to speak to him in private.

With Rito’s words and capabilities he immediately came to conclusion that it was all don’t by the man in front of him.

Kabuto saw Rito few times when Nono was still alive and Rito went to speak to her when he was around 10 years old.

Rito them mentioned to him about Orochimaru's plan that Kabuto.

He did not expect that Rito already knows about the plan of Orochimaru to fight third Hokage and to capture Sasuke.

Rito did not care about his surprise and explained to him that he is not going to use him instead he wanted to help Kabuto to get revenge.

Rito requested him to keep an eye on Sasuke for Mikoto’s sake.

Also he can help him inform about the actions of Orochimaru and beware of the person named Tobi from Akatsuki organization in the future.

The capabilities and actions of Rito have convinced Kabuto to follow him but not trust him.

Rito doesn’t want Kabuto to become like a tool man instead Rito want him to be a good subordinate.

Well he can slowly change Kabuto into a good mate later, but right now he has already done what he needed to do.

With the words of Rito convincing Kabuto to take care of Sasuke, the heart of Mikoto convinced but news doubts appeared in her mind.

That is, is Sasuke going to go along and live with Orochimaru in the future?

This though distressed her and she started to question Rito immediately with anxiety.

Rito did not gave answer to her first instead took Kabuto back and let him do his thing.

At that time he gave the answer to Mikoto.

The answer is simple.

This was all designed by her son Itachi for the greater good of Sasuke.

With his words she was even more anxious as she doesn’t know the thoughts of Itachi causing her tension.

Rito then gave her a vague explanation of the future about Sasuke calming her down.

Kushina on the other side is literally fuming with anger as Rito did not tell her anything about Naruto.

But Rito did that intentionally.

She usually did not show her fiery side unless it was Minato or people close to her.

But now she is showing that to Rito.

Her pouting appearance with puffed cheeks is very cute.

This shows how close she has become to Rito.

Rito coaxed her under the strange eyes of Pakura and Mito.

Then he told her about Naruto’s future a little calming her down.

Knowing that nothing will happen to Naruto and Sasuke, Kushina and Mikoto calmed down.

As they calmed down Rito observed the situation as the first round ended quickly.

Then the second round began with the same people as before.

Well there is a change that is Karin was added to the second round list.

Rito came here to take a look at the one on one battle.

He is here to support his female companions and reluctantly to support those make ninja.

The battles started and the lineup is the same as that in the main plot.

The only different is that Kabuto did not quit immediately as the number of people came to the second round are even in number.

Also Rito told him not to quit right away.

He and Karin were first to battle and but he directly quit the battle.

This is because he saw that Karin is close to Rito and thought that he should not fight with her.

Even though Rito acted close to him, he still acted as if he was an outsider.

Well Rito cannot change things and hearts on a single day so easily.

So he has to wait for a while to show some results.

Then the battles continued as Karin ran towards Rito and stood by his side even disregarding her Jonin instructor.

Well no one care about that as Rito was……………

Chapter 65: second round of Chunin exam complete

Then the battles continued as Karin ran towards Rito and stood by his side even disregarding her Jonin instructor.

Well no one care about that as Rito was close to everyone and they can only envy him for his charm and attraction.

Then it is the battle between Sasuke and Yoroi Akadō.

The battle is same no changes.

The next battle is Zaku Abumi and Shino Aburame again there is no change or Rito acted in any way.


The battle between Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka, Rito cannot interfere with them as he cannot support either of them.

But he did shout one thing that is he likes long hair so no to cut off the hair.

Finally after some fist fight with each other they knocked out each other.

This marked the end of their fight.

They did not cut off their hair and Rito send two of his shadow clones to bring them up here.

Their fight has resulted in a draw.


Next is the fight between Tenten and Temari.

Temari used her big metal fan to push away all of Tenten’s weapons.

Before anything serious happened guy came to stop and save Temari.

Rito did trained Tenten before but he cannot change her by much.

He has to wait till she gets into rapid growth phase and help her master some things.

Till then she has to wait.

Well Rito has designed his plan for her.

But for now she has to bear it.

Also Rito has to find a way to clear off some head weight of Temari.


Next is the fight between Shikamaru and kin.

Rito did not stop anything instead his shadow clone has mixed in the medical staff and is waiting to take kin away from here.

She will be taken from here so that she would not die.


Naruto and Kiba’s fight started and he won the fight with his speak fart.

Well even though Naruto was trained by Rito he is still a moron by nature.

The spirit of Kushina doesn’t know where to hide looking at her son.


Next battle is between Hinata and Neji.

Rito did not interfere and waited till the end of the battle.

Looking at the ruthless battle the spirits of Kushina, Mikoto, Mito and Pakura were unable to hold back.

Rito simply gave them what happened that caused the current situation.

Mito fell into deep thought thinking that her husband and brother in law really made the world into a terrible mess instead of stopping wars once and for all with their power.

She sighed and thought of Rito’s words more and more.

Sarutobi that she let as the third Hokage is the source of most of the disasters along with that ambitious idiot Danzo.

While she is thinking Rito came down to stop the medical staff from taking Hinata from here and treated her with his excellent medical skills.

Hinata has already woken up and her complexion changed from pale to rosy.

Neji was condemned by the words of Naruto and Kurenai.

Rito came over and kicked Naruto back upstairs.

Then Rito stopped Kurenai and spoke to Neji.

“Neji, Kurenai is impulsive for blaming you.

Being ruthless is the correct way of the ninja.

Here you are displaying your power against your opponent.

So everything you did is correct.

But there are two problems here that have to point out.

First is that you are showing your anger towards the wrong people.

Second is that you clan has rotten too much and it needed to be corrected.

Don’t worry, I will correct your clan soon…”

Rito’s statement shocked the people present.

Everyone knows about the Hyuga clan.

Third Hokage has a complicated expression as if there is something wrong with Rito.

He felt that Rito has changed in a way and the seed of doubt appeared in his mind.

Asuma on the other hand want to approach Kurenai but his thunder is gone again because of the presence of Rito.

But they cannot deal with Rito right now so they backed down.

Third Hokage thought that Rito became close to the kids that are participating in the current Chunin exam.

Because of the heavy hand of Neji on Hinata has irritated Rito that has a fragile heart.

Asuma thought the same thing and never put the thought that Rito and Kurenai are very close to each other.

Well if he saw the kissing scene between them and the dishonest hands of Rito then Asuma might have a heart attack.


Next is the battle between rock lee and Gaara.

Before this battle started Rito created some disturbance making third Hokage leave here to deal with that.

The disturbance is nothing more than Rito’s clone acting as Danzo causing some turmoil.

With him gone Rito can move on to the next phase.

The fight went on as usual along the plot.

At the very end guy appeared to stop Gaara from doing more damage to rock lee.

Other people don’t know but Rito used his sage technique to suppress the Shikaku inside Gaara.

This suppression stopped Gaara from losing control.

Rito did prepared a speech here but he did not speak any.

If he spoke about that then it would spoil the future surprise that Orochimaru planed for third Hokage.

So he calmed down and let the battle move on.

The next match is easy between Dosu Kinuta and Chōji Akimichi.

With that the battles ended and the time of month was given for the final round.

This time is important for most of Rito’s plans.

He has already arranged many things and now he has to check the things to make sure that everything would happen in a planned way.

All of his clones were also working properly.

This is the time when Naruto is going to meet with Jiraiya.

Rito first needed to take care of kin that he captured and put her in the right spot to……..


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