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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 186: Ginji trusts Mohini with Yukio

Even though it might be strange to trust a girl this should be better than sending Yukio to her death.

He knows about the recent skirmishes between the yakuza gangs.

So sending Yukio with Mohini is much better than letting her stay in this mess.

If in the future if Yukio finds her true love then he can help her blocking Mohini or even offering himself to Mohini for saving Yukio.

Mohini has already calculated this before coming here.

All this time, he doesn’t even know the name of Mohini.

He briefly asked Mohini about her name and background before agreeing to the duel.

Mohini simply stated her name and her background as an orphan, a mercenary and now a business woman with a company in Europe.

“Well the profile is good.

There is financial support and the background is rough that knows the ins and outs of the world.

This is perfect to protect Yukio.”

Ginji thought.

If the strength of Mohini is also good then there is no problem leaving Yukio to Mohini.

He nodded his head and led Mohini to the back yard of the house.

There he gave a practice sword to Mohini to have a duel.

Mohini specifically mentioned that the duel should be fair and Ginji should not hold back on her.

Ginji nodded his head in approval and they started the duel.

Ginji is using a long sword made of wood while Mohini was given a normal wooden sword of her choice.

Immediately after that they started the fight with the blow of the air.

As a man from Japan Ginji has his sword style related to the samurai style.

For samurai style their highest power always lies in their sword drawing techniques.

Mohini already has a counter to this move prepared when she practiced many styles of the way of the sword to make her own style.

When the sword draw was used by Ginji, Mohini moved her sword in a tricky angle simply diverting the force of the sword draw.

It is more like Hawkeye in one piece diverting the bullets.

The movements are smooth and gentle, but at the same time they are firm and precise.

These are the movements of Mohini when fighting against a Japanese style sword art of Ginji.

After few minutes it felt like Mohini teaching Ginji rather than a duel.

Mohini was standing on the same spot from the start to the end without moving an inch or flinching to the side.

There is not even an indentation of her legs formed on the loose soil because of the force exerted by Ginji’s sword on Mohini.

Within a few minutes Ginji understood the difference between Mohini and him and admitted defeat.

Mohini felt like an old monster living in a young body.

Looking at Mohini’s slender but sexy body Ginji don’t know from where all that strength came from.

When Mohini is done with the fight she told some things to Ginji and instructed him to protect Yukio no matter what happens.

At the same time Mohini turned into Vicky right in front of Ginji shocking him to the point that he thought that Mohini is a Yokai.

But Mohini told him that this was all related to her secrets that can only be said to the people that truly trusted her.

So he did not have the right to know about this.

Well she also told him to spread his name to Yukio so that she would not forget her.

Mohini mentioned that she has met Yukio in the appearance of Vicky before coming to him.

Ginji thought that Mohini is going to pursue Yukio by staying here.

But Mohini told him that she has to leave as there are many other things to take care off.

Mohini bid farewell to him and left after drinking tea.

Well her lucky pervert title activated making Ginji fall on her causing them to share a kiss.

Many perverted skills of Mohini took action and Ginji became intoxicated for a moment.

Mohini did cooperate moving Ginji’s hands towards her tits and crotch.

She wants to let him make sure that she is a woman right now.

Mohini has a ship to catch so that she can step into the main plot.

She quickly came to the port area and went through the back channels to gain the illegal immigration thing on the ship that rock is going to board that night.

They are travelling towards the small country to the north.

It will set sail that night and the pirates would come to get them in the morning next day.

The journey time is around few days between the countries.

Because it was a ship and has to go to the big port it will take longer.

Rock will board this ship tomorrow morning when it will set sail.

Mohini want to sleep in the ship for the night.

Well the captain of the ship is very much interested in the young sexy appearance of Mohini.

She looked 18 years old with hot curves that can move any man’s heart.

After paying some good amount of cash and some sweet favors, Mohini was happily sleeping naked in the ship.

The captain is hugging her tightly beside her.

She has been constantly on work for the past 7 days and today she will rest for the night peacefully.

After this strong exercise she was able to relieve most of the stress and directly fell into sleep.

Based on some senses men would not kill women most of the times unless that person has some mental issues.

So no one disturbed Mohini in her sleep.

Well she did check on one thing that is if there is any other player that was able to make their way here.

Unfortunately none of the beginner level players were good enough to make their way to this ship.

Tomorrow an hour before the start of the plot the veteran players will officially join in the game………..

Chapter 187: meeting the lagoon company pirates

Tomorrow an hour before the start of the plot the veteran players will officially join in the game.

If they select the starting point as the ship by paying some chaos points then they can directly appear on this ship.

But Mohini is not fearful about that as they cannot spoil her plan.

In the simulation two players did appear on the ship it was from the holy country and free country.

One is a blond guy with arrogant air and the other one is having dyed hair with red stripes and looked like a punk.

Well that story is for tomorrow morning any way.

That night is a happy sleep.

No one disturbed her that night and it was very peaceful.


In the morning Mohini woke up as usual as the ship set sail.

The captain has already left and went to take care of his things.

Mohini did not go out of the cabin.

She lied down after washing up and having breakfast.

There is a person that served her breakfast and got a big thank you from Mohini.

That is the person that came to deliver breakfast to Mohini got a chance to fondle her tits to his heart’s content.

After that Mohini rested waiting for the start of the plot.

She hid inside the ship when the ship stopped suddenly to watch the good show.

The lagoon pirates appeared and rock has officially become their punching bag to get the disk.

Right at that moment a blond haired arrogant man appeared on the ship and went straight towards the area where the lagoon people are threatening rock.

At the same time a red stripped haired punk also appeared and move towards the same location from another side.

As soon as they two people arrived the blond haired arrogant man from the holy country told them his intentions to joining the lagoon company’s group.

He was arrogant enough to tell them that he is fighting experience is great and can lead them in the trouble times.

He spoke more like a priest or thinking of himself as prince charming.

He started to rambling nonsense irritating Revy.

Right when she was about to shoot the blond haired man, the red striped haired punk appeared.

This punk is even more arrogant, ignorant and tried to flirt with Revy annoying her to the peak.

Well before she could do anything, the blond haired man and the red striped haired man started to fight each other.


Mohini don’t know if there are stupid or acting stupid.

It is like they did not have any plan to begin with and came here on a whim.

Only now Mohini remembered that these people did not have a simulation skill like she does and they cannot be prepared.

But coming here without even being prepared is the stupidest move they can make.

Mohini was also annoyed by their nonsense so she silently appeared behind them and dislocated all their joints with her water like movements.

“You bastards are annoying me so early in the morning….”

Mohini said that and kicked them a few times almost making them cry.

“Who the hell are you, bitch?

Which faction are you from?

Do you know who I am?

Do you know my background?


They started to shout at Mohini with their bruised and swollen faces.

Mohini might be a bitch but she has her own preferences.

She is currently wearing a loose black baby doll night dress that is transparent to some extent.

The top part has a very low cut and the bottom part is just around her thighs.

The men gulped down their saliva looking at the beauty.

Before when she kicked those men the other people around got a glimpse of her pussy.

Yes she is not wearing anything under her dress.

Because of the transparent material of the dress her nipples are visible in the flow of the sun.

All the people here have a hard on.

The captain is among them.

He did not expect that he just fucked such a fierce lady last night.

Looking at the appearance of the two men that has their faces swollen like that of pigs, he has a cold sweat on his forehead and a shiver down his spine.

Even that was not able to stop him from having a boner looking at Mohini’s appearance.

Mohini did not want to hear their nonsense so she kicked them again and ordered them to open up their status panel to take a look.

They can only comply with the demonic ways of Mohini.

They soon transferred all of their chaos points to Mohini.

With her threat they even gave her all their things in the personal storage space.

Immediately after that two windows appeared in front of Mohini listing all the things in the personal storage of both of these people.

Mohini selected the things that she wanted and took them directly.

Also she made them sell their arks to Mohini directly for some chaos points that they agreed on the spot using the system with her fake account.

But after the chaos points are transferred to them Mohini took them back.

This is the loop hole of the system that Mohini discovered when she was getting her simulation memories.

The two arks became their small orb form and were stored inside her personal space and are not accessible right now.

Mohini did not care about that.

During her talk with the two people, Revy rambled at Mohini and even threw some insults.

Mohini did not respond to her much causing her to be annoyed and shot at Mohini.

But right then Mohini shot back directly hitting the flying bullets at an unpredictable angle.

Also those people did not know from where the gun came from.

There is nothing on Mohini’s body that can be hidden from their eyes.

Of the 5 shots shot by Revy not a single one hit Mohini or even the area behind Mohini………

Chapter 188: Revy was spanked to climax

Of the 5 shots shot by Revy not a single one hit Mohini or even the area behind Mohini.

In the air there is a metal hitting sound and the crushed bullets fell between Revy and Mohini.

During the shooting Mohini did not look at her clearly.

This shocked the few people especially Dutch was shocked and wanted to immediately leave this place.

“Big man you have to stop for a while before leaving.

You are the captain of the pirate ship right.

I have something to say.

But if you try to run away I will shoot at the torpedoes of your little ship…..”

With the threat from Mohini, Dutch was stopped in his tracks.

Revy don’t know what to do as no matter how she shot she doesn’t seems to be able to hit Mohini.

Mohini only took 2 minutes to complete her transaction and then turned around towards Dutch.

Mohini did not kill the two people.

It is not that she fear them, it is just caution against future troubles.

Till she reaches the fifth ring, Mohini don’t want to have any fights or kills with her own hands.

It is especially so with those arrogant young masters.

She was already familiar with the incident related to the young master of king of arms faction Jara.

She doesn’t want to repeat the same thing and get into trouble.

So she gave them each a needle and told them to prick each other.

They feared death but the pain cause from Mohini is even more unbearable.

So they can only listen to Mohini and prick each other with the needles.

Mohini collected the needles and went to speak with Dutch.

“So you are pirates that came here to get something from the punching bag over there…

You big guy looks like the captain of the pirates….

May I know your name…?”

Dutch was still cool and said.

“It is Dutch….

What do you want to talk to me?”

Mohini smiled back and said.

“Mister Dutch, you know I have a few cases on my head and I have a hard time travelling from country to country directly.

I paid this ship’s crew to take me to a specific place for a good sum of money.

But now you and your group came here to cause so disturbance.

The costal guards will be here soon.

Now tell me how should I escape this ship and reach my destination….”

Before Mohini finished speaking Revy cut off with her rambling.

“What the fuck, are you tell me that we are the reason you are being caught.

So what, what does it have to do with us…?”

Mohini was a little annoyed and came in front of Revy with her quick speed.

She did not even finish her words and Mohini was already in front of her.

Mohini flipped her with Revy’s hands dislocated restricting her movements.

Then Mohini sat down with Revy lying straight on her lap with her ass facing up.

“Phat….Ahaaaa...Where the fuck are you hitting me? Bitch…”

“Little missy… you know when someone speaks you have to stay silent and listen.

“Phat….Ahaaaa…I will kill you Bitch”

“As far as I know that big black man is your boss right.”

“Phat….Ahaaaa….stop that I will kill you when you let me go”

“So when I am speaking to your boss why are you interfering in the middle like a second rate mother in law.”

“Phat….Ahaaaa fuck stop it already.”

“Can’t you close your mouth for a moment before I complete my words?”

“Phat….Ahaaaa….okay fuck I am sorry let me go”

“You should be punished for this…”

“I could not hear you say that again.”

“Phat….Ahaaaa….sorry I will not speak in the middle again.

Please stop hitting my assssss…”

“Be good and from now on call me big sis…

Do you understand….”

“Phat….Ahaaaa….sorry I will call you big sis from now on.

Please stop hitting my assssss…I am about to cum….ahaaaa.”

The face of Revy has ecstasy and her short jeans shorts are a little wet…

Mohini finally stopped and looked at Dutch.

Dutch has an imagination of getting hit on the ass by a beauty in the same way as Revy just now.

His forehead sweated a little.

But his imagination was shattered by Mohini’s words.

“Don’t worry Dutch, I swing towards both side and did not like the sadistic play that much.

When it comes to men, it will depend on my preference of mood…

Well look at them, they are completely useless and my enemies will receive something like that….”

Mohini pointed out at the blond man and red stripped haired man that are currently twitching at one corner.

“That will be my punishment for my enemies….”

Mohini did not let Revy go and placed his hand on her ass as she spoke.

Revy was silent digesting the grievance and happiness that she just had with Mohini.

“As for the thing that I want to say is.

Since you are a pirate in these waters you should know where Roanapur is right….”

Revy wanted to speak but swallowed her words because the hand of Mohini is still on her ass.

Her ass still has the tingling sensation from the spanking that she received just now.

Also her pussy was a little wet after the small orgasm which is strange to her.

She never knew that she has this masochistic nature inside her.

But she is in no mood to think of that right now and listened to what Mohini is about to say.

For his previous question Dutch answered with a nod that he knows Roanapur.

“Oh that is good.

Then take me to Roanapur on your boat then.

I will pay you two grand for that.

Since my trip was already ruined by you people it is only natural to compensate.

But still I cannot let your take me for free so I am going to give you two grand as payment….”

Once again Revy wanted to speak and said…..

Chapter 189: take me along with you for 2 grand

Once again Revy wanted to speak and said.

“What two grand….

Do you think our lagoon company works so cheap?

You want to go to Roanapur…

Do you think that place is a park…?”


“I told you to be quite…

Why are you rambling again…?

It seems that the punishment is not enough,


Are you actually enjoying getting spanked like this…?”

When Mohini came with the last sentence Revy became silent again and only refuted with cold snort.

She doesn’t want to speak as she was thinking the same thing.

Well it is actually related to the special perverted skills package that Mohini bought from the system before entering this world.

Just like the comfortable hug, arousal scent, seduction, dirty masseur……..

Now she got skills like arousal touch, seducing spanks, mesmerizing kiss………

All of them were converted into pervert package skill set.

Mohini was able to get all the skills in a package to form the entire set into a single packed and they became an art instead of a skill.

When the skills of a specified theme were added along with the theme specified title will become an art.

Improving arts is a very hard thins because the experience required to improve an art is hundred times more than that of a normal skill.

Also the experience gained is also very slow.

But the good thing is that the number of sources of gaining experience is very high.

So the new art is called the art of seduction.

This is the art that would let Mohini seduce other women and men through various actions, her own scent and her charm.


Mohini then looked at Dutch again and said.

“Based on her words you are from Roanapur.

Since you are going back there any way why not take me there with you.

You will get extra 2 grand with is better than going empty handed right.

What do you think Captain Dutch…”

Right when Mohini finished speaking Benny from the ship spoke to them through the wireless saying that some people are heading towards them from the south pacific.

It is a Philippine navy boat.

Mohini was able to hear it as Revy was right next to her.

Because of the anxiousness Benny spoke loudly.

Also Mohini has acute sense of awareness through her surroundings because of her high stats.

Mohini looked at Dutch and said.

“It seems like you did not have much time to think Dutch….

Make your choice quickly.”

Mohini said while she healed Revy’s arms from functioning normally.

All she feels is a slight pain for a few moments.

After that she let her stand and let her go.

“Make sure not to disturb while I talk.”

As soon as she got the mobility the first thing she did is to pull out her gun and wanting to shoot at Mohini.

At such a close range she wanted to shoot her, but all Mohini did is to lean her body slightly to escape from the trajectory of the bullet.

In the next moment Mohini came close to her and gave her another slap on her ass while causing her wrist to lose its grip on the gun.

“You are such a bad girl.

I just punished you and you directly want to kill me.

Even if you want to shoot me you might not be able to shoot me you know……”

This time it was Dutch that spoke breaking the words of Mohini.

“Miss, what should I call you?”

Mohini looked at Dutch and said.

“I am Mohini.”

Dutch nodded and spoke again.

“Okay let’s leave;

We will take you to Roanapur.

We will talk about the payment on the way.

Also fix Revy first we need her…..”

Mohini simply moved her hands on Revy’s wrists and she was able to use her hand again.

This time she did not try to attack Mohini again.

Also her very short cut-off jeans has a small wet spot which seems to Mohini that she was actually aroused to the point of having a small orgasm.

But she covered it quickly with her hot temper.

She diverted her anger and attention towards rock instead.

He got two more strong punches before he was packed back to the small boat.

Those two players are dead and dropped some treasure boxes.

Mohini collected them even though she did not kill them they killed each other.

The dropped treasure boxes can be collected by anyone and there are people that would steal the treasure boxes too.


Mohini followed the group down to the torpedo boat while Dutch gave the ship’s crew a final warning and got off the big ship.

Rock became a hostage just like in the original plot.

Right then Dutch contacted balalaika and told her that they got the package.

After the short conversation Dutch stopped the contact and Mohini spoke.

“Are you working for balalaika, Dutch?”

Dutch looked back and said.

“We will work for anyone that would give us money.

We just took a contract from balalaika and delivering the package right now.

Why do you ask?”

Mohini smiled replied.

“I am going to Roanapur to meet with balalaika.

I have to speak to her about something.

I heard that meeting her would take a long time.

Since you are going to meet her any way why not take me along?”

Dutch did not reply but Revy spoke.

“Are you an assassin that came to kill balalaika…”

But before she could complete speaking she looked at Mohini’s eyes and playful smile making her to give up completing the sentence.

Dutch has the same doubt which is why he did not give any answer to Mohini.

Mohini simply smiled and explained.

“I have a special cream from an ancient formula that can remove any form of scars or burnt marks from the skin.

I heard that balalaika has this big burn mark on her face and body.

She is a rich and powerful lady with capable background.

Chapter 190: are you a magician?

“…I heard that balalaika has this big burn mark on her face and body.

She is a rich and powerful lady with capable background.

So I want to partner up with her to sell this special medicine…..”

None of the people present in the group believed Mohini.

Mohini can only shake her head helplessly and called out Revy to come over to her.

She saw that Revy has a deep scar on her shoulder which should be caused by bullet that rubbed against the skin.

Revy reluctantly came to Mohini.

She thought that Mohini would spank her more.

While coming to Mohini her eyes has two conflicting feeling.

One is her want to get spanked more and the other is her pride not never bow down.

Mohini stretched her harm and opened her palm there is nothing in the palm.

But in the next second a glass bottle with big circumference but small size appeared on her palm.

The faces of those people were shocked and their jaws dropped down reaching the floor.

Even rock whose face was bleeding was shocked looking at the magical scene in front of him.

“Fuck, are you a magician or something….”

Revy asked Mohini with her shocked expression.

Mohini said.

“Well in a way I am a magician.

See I can do something like that.”

In the next moment the medicinal bottle vanished and replaced with a gun and then the gun vanished and replaced with a sword.

If they previously though that Mohini is doing some tricks they are thoroughly convinced right now.

This is because the sword in Mohini’s hand is solid and it is not possible to bring it out onto her hand out of thin air.

Also the dress Mohini is wearing did not have any place to hide.

It is barely hiding her hot curves, so where can she hide all these things.

After that the medicinal cream appeared again and Mohini rubbed it off on Revy’s shoulder.

Immediately after that the scar vanished as if it was never there.

This shocked the people.

Benny should be in the back room came over because of their exclamations.

After witnessing the magical things he was also shocked.

Looking at their shocked faces Mohini spoke.

“Since you are already going to meet with balalaika why not take me with you.

I can be of help till your task is done and meet with balalaika.

What do you think?”

Dutch thought for a few moments and accepted Mohini’s words.


“You are called Benny right.

Is there is a network device on this boat so that I can transfer you the 2 grand I promised before.”

Mohini asked Benny.

Benny led Mohini to the area with computers.

There Mohini took the computer for a moment and connected her phone to it.

She received the internet to the phone and wrote in some small codes at lightning speed and in 2 minutes she transferred 2 grand to the account that Benny mentioned.

But Benny was shocked behind because Mohini did not transfer money from another account but she simply earned the 2 grand on the spot and sent to his account.

His eyes became so big that Mohini though that they might pop out of his sockets.

Mohini gently smiled and pulled Benny close to her and directly kissed him on his lips.

Any way she has some time before going anywhere so she can spend some time with Benny.

Also this is a back room and no one would come here.

While kissing she moved his hands towards her tits and let him fondle.

After 5 minutes they finally parted and Mohini whispered.

“If there is time I can let you have a good time.

But it should be our little secret.

If anyone asks then tell them that we are discussing some hacking technology…

What do you think..?”

Benny nodded his head in a daze.

Mohini smiled and left back to the captain’s room.

By the time she and Benny returned Revy and Dutch are discussing about rock.

It is about how to collect ransom.

Benny informed Dutch that the payment is done from Mohini which made Dutch happy.

But the next news that Benny told made them shocked again.

“Don’t worry it is just a simple hack….”

Benny did not reveal about their little kiss or other things…

He only told her that Mohini is good at hacking.

In the future if they spent some good time no one will bother to ask.

Any way these people are all about freedom to do what they want right.

Mohini just shrugged her shoulders and looked at rock whose face became like the face of a pig from all the punches from Revy.

Right now Dutch asked the classic questions of how Revy is going to get the ransom and she did not have an answer.

So she straight away took out her gun and shot at rock for over 6 rounds.

This time it was Mohini’s turn to be shocked by the incredible luck that rock has.

She went close to rock and took a closure look at the bullet indentations of the metal surface.

All of them were hit so close to rock that Mohini don’t know how he actually escaped without even a single grazing of the bullet.

It was a great thing to watch as Revy was held back by Dutch at that time.

Mohini opened her mouth and said a small comment.

“Miss Revy, I don’t know if your marksmenship with a gun is so bad or the luck of this pretty boy is so high.

But none of your bullets have hit the target.

They did not even graze.

You know I have to work so hard to gain enough skills to evade the bullets but this guy seems to be naturally born with bullet evasion.

Bro you are so great….”

Mohini gave thumbs up to rock that was still in frightened state to notice about the words of Mohini.


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