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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 56: building up an empire under their noses

Some other village wants to instigate a war between the hidden cloud village and hidden leaf village.

The Raikage don’t know how to take this issue.

So they can only stay silent and analyze.

They suspect that this was published by hidden stone village to strike them when they are exhausted fighting each other.

This reason has made them stop and think.

Well if a war needed to break out, then it would not happen in a single day.

It requires many days of preparations to start a war.


Well it doesn’t matter to Rito as he moved on to his next target that is the hidden village of stone.

Rito is going to get the granddaughter of Onoki the third Tsuchikage the Kurotsuchi.

She should be 18 years old and very temperamental.

Well Rito is not going to do anything but to just visit her with a small talk and take away her first kiss just like he did with the women in the hidden cloud village.

After that Rito moved on to the hidden mist village.

The person he wants to meet is Mei Terumi.

She is a strong woman she is in mid 20’s and looks quite hot.

With this woman, Rito did not speak but to capture her directly and took her to a place where there is no one.

Here he fought with her and then proposed to her.

He even gave her some future predictions saying that she will be the next Kage of the hidden mist village.

Well she did not believe him but Rito did not care about that.

After telling her about that Rito left with the final words that, he would meet her again after his predictions came true.

Because of his strong body and techniques the travelling time for Rito is less than 10 percent of most ninja of this world.

Rito’s next target is the hidden sand village.

There are beauties here too.

But Rito is here to dig a grave of a certain beauty that should be resent the hidden village of sand.

She is none other than Pakura that was dead from the betrayal of her village.

Even though she is dead she is the hero of the village and there is a grave for her.

Rito is going to take her soul out and take her along with him.

As for her revenge, it is very simple.

Rito would revive the one that caused her death and let her kill him a few times till she was satisfied.

Right now there are three souls following Rito and they were astounded to see that Rito’s knows most of the things.

Rito knows so many things like he is some sort of a god or something like that.

Rito awakened Pakura and appeased her soul with his words.

After some explanation Rito took her along with him to roam around the place to meet with other beauties.

After he is done with them Rito moved back to the capital of the fire country and replaced his wood clone.

It has been 2 months since the last incident related to Danzo ended.

The village is in turmoil for the past 2 months and only now did it cool off a bit.

Asuma was finally off the hook.

On the other hand the clones of Rito have read through the techniques in the scroll.

They were added to his memories and the flaws in them were found out.

Then the rectification process started.

Rito knows the future so the rectification process was smooth and the clones learnt to use the techniques one after the other.

After basics are done Rito moves on to the next level.


While this is happening Rito and Asuma returned back to the village.

The money is good and it has increased by a notch.

Rito used the money to buy more mines of various kinds that has future prospective.

Also he will soon have guards for these mines.

There are also industries that are in Rito’s name right now.

If everything goes right, after the fourth great ninja war Rito will become the richest man in the entire ninja world.

Well that is not the end.

Can one man conquer the world?


It is possible.

The best way to conquer the world is not through the fighting power but the power of ordinary people.

All he has to do is created more opportunities for those ordinary people to have good lives with jobs and benefits.

As long as they develop well then it is a matter of time before the entire world will be under his control.

Rito has divided the money into various fields.

One buys equity shares of a company to get the decision making power.

One part is for getting the industry that can help making ninja tools for the future war.

One part is to get the strategic mines of the future use.

One part is for those officials to become his officials………

He can use illusions but they are not that useful right now.

Rito has even started a news paper industry here.

Media is the strongest when you want to move the world.

Everything is going well and Rito planted most of the industries in strategic places that have the prospective future.

None of his industries or mines would be implicated even after the fourth great ninja war.

Also Rito used some identities of the merchants and bought some land in other countries too.

These merchants are the ones that he raised in the past 4 years with the power of illusions to make them loyal to Rito.

They would do anything for Rito and there are contracts that the business that they are managing belongs to Rito while they are just employee that is taking care of the business.

That is not all.

Rito has been raising his own ninja army under the name of raising guards for the business in all these places………….

Chapter 57: Hanabi confronts Rito

Rito has been raising his own ninja army under the name of raising guards for the business in all these places.

Previously he did not just go there to tease the women, but he went to give orders to his men for the future changes.

They are told about the future changes and act according to them to make more money and stronger units.

This can be kept secret because the people that are being trained did not know that they are training chakra or ninjutsu.

The main people that are learning are the orphans from war torn countries.

These orphans were taken by his people and based on their aptitude they are trained in secret by the people under Rito.

After Rito learned how to create the wood clones, he sent one to all these places to see the progress of the children.

The wood clones have the benefit of generating their own chakra and sustain for a long time.

So, all the problems in his businesses were taken care of by his wood clones.

He just went to take a look and give extra chakra to those wood clones.

When he returned back to the village Naruto’s group was ready for graduation and Rito also turned 18 years old.

Rito took the opportunity to go to Kurenai to confess to her making her blush.

After much deliberation she finally kissed Rito and they made a little more progress.

But he did not cross the line yet.

It is not like he doesn’t want to.

He has to cultivate some feelings to make their relationship stronger.

If he go for her body directly then there might be some fractures in their relationship in the future.

She is not the only one that Rito made progress on.

In the next few days Rito took time to confess to Yugao, Anko….

Rito solved the problem of Yakumo Kurama using his strong illusion of the Sharingan.

Then he got her into his camp too.

Izumi at home and Hana outside also got some good time with Rito.

Kiba made fuss about Hana being with Rito all the time.

But since he cannot defeat Rito and Rito has strong support from everyone, no one objected Hana’s advances towards Rito.

On the other hand Izumi got to sleep with Rito and got kisses every day.

Her body is so well developed that she is as beautiful as Mikoto.

The four women in the spirit form that is floating around Rito had a blush because of the lecherous nature of Rito.

But they were also happy at the same time.

Since there are so many women around Rito they thought that they can escape from Rito’s hands.

But they never thought that Rito would never let them go.

He will love them till they accept him.

Rito helped Tenten to with some weapons and materials at cheaper rate becoming close to her.

Ino got many kinds of flower seeds from Rito making her even happier as she loves flowers.

Sakura got some advices from Rito related to her study to progress faster and improve her chakra control.

Hinata got some advice related to the gentle fist from Rito.

Only she knows that Rito has Byakugan and it is a secret between Rito and her.

Hanabi that is around 7 years old is following Hinata to find who Hinata is meeting and what they are doing.

Hinata has the habit of stacking Rito and Hanabi has the same habit but she stacks her sister Hinata.

Hanabi found that her sister is close to Rito and enquired about Rito.

The more she found about Rito the more shocked she became.

She also found that Rito is seeing other woman other than her sister.

So she went to confront Rito questioning about playing with her sister’s feelings.

Rito was amused by the little girl that came to speak to him about her sister.

Rito did not do anything to her instead invited her to a different place to have a chat about this matter.

Hanabi simply followed Rito without any fear because she has confidence in her arts.

When they sat on a bench in a park Rito looked at her and said.

“You don’t want me to see your sister right?”

Hanabi nodded her head and said.

“You have so many women around you.

I don’t want my sister to feel sad in the future for having a scoundrel as a husband…”

Rito smiled and said.

“I heard that your Hyuga clan did not marry people from outside the clan right.”

Hanabi remembered that and looked strangely at Rito.

She did not understand what Rito wanted to say about telling her this point.

Rito smiled again and said.

“In the future I am not just going to take your sister but also you as my wife.

Can you stop me?

Even with the help of your entire clan might not be able to stop me.”

With his next words made her agitated and wanted to attack Rito wither her gentle fist.

But Rito simply diverted he fist to the side with a gentle moment.

She is just a 7 years old kid.

What can she do to him?

Rito did not give her any chance to attack more and directly took her hand and moved to a different place far away from here using the flying thunder god technique.

The next thing that Hanabi saw is the lush green forest surrounded by tall trees and a gentle water creek in front of her.

She was immediately frightened and thought that she was in some sort of an illusion.

She used her chakra fluctuations to break the illusion.

But nothing changed.

The smile on Rito’s charming face appeared to be that of the smile of a demon in her eyes.

Rito immediately took off her mask and his normal eyes turned into Sharingan then they turned into Byakugan……..

Rito then performed the gentle first with 1024 palms causing………

Chapter 58: I am the future step father of sage of 6 paths

Rito immediately took off her mask and his normal eyes turned into Sharingan then they turned into Byakugan……..

Rito then performed the gentle first with 1024 palms causing her to be so shocked that her opinion on Rito changed a little.

Then Rito used the wood style causing her to think that Rito is from the Senju clan.

“Are you from the Uchiha clan or from the Hyuga clan or Senju clan…

What are you exactly…?”

Even though she did not see the real techniques of most of the clans that perished before she was born she knows them by knowledge.

She was so shocked that she blurted out the question looking at Rito with great vigilance.

Rito smiled at her and said.

“I am the future step father of the sage of 6 paths.

Now tell me am I good enough to marry your sister and you?”

Hanabi was speechless.

Even though she is a child she has matured most looking at the situation of her clan.

“You don’t have to worry about the objections of your clan.

If they don’t agree then I would just send your entire clan in the same direction as Senju clan and Uchiha clan took.

No one will even bother to look at your clan when that time comes.

Also do you know?

The reason for your clan being targeted is because your clan is so introverted and did not have good relations outside.

Well even the internal relations are a mess.

You can understand this from the incident related to the death of Neji father or to be more precise your father’s brother.

If I am there then something like that would not happen in the future.

So make your choice wisely.

Even if you don’t want to marry me your sister would definitely like to marry me.

I will not for you into marrying me as you have to make your own choice.

If your clan did not accept the marriage between me and Hinata then I will declare war on your clan…….”

Hanabi was really frightened this time.

She finally understood how terrifying the person that her shy sister actually loved.

Hanabi has this habit of loving the strong that even she don’t know yet.

So she has some subconscious feelings for Rito.

After Rito is done talking Hanabi did not know how to reply.

Rito smiled at her and said.

“Don’t think too much about this.

It is a matter for the future.

You and your sister are still young.

In the future when you are older we will talk about this matter.

For now, let me take you back to the village.

Also remembers not to disclose my identity or power to anyone.

You want your sister to live a happy life right.

Now is not the time for me to show my powers.

When the time comes I will take care of you and your sister along with your clan.

So be a good girl and take care of your sister first.

Tell me if anyone pesters Hinata back in your clan.

I will directly make that person disappear…”

After Rito said what he wanted to say he took Hanabi back to the village using the flying thunder god technique.

He sent her back to her home and left.

Even if she wanted to tell someone she will only tell Hinata or her father.

As long as they can understand the situation they will keep their mouth shut.

Well that is if they first believe in the words of Hanabi.

Naruto’s group has graduated and the plot officially started.

Because of the intervention of Rito Naruto did not fell into the trap of Mizuki.

So he tried to do that on his own but was caught by Rito which gave Rito another credit.

It is time for Rito to plan to get Tsunade.

Rito is not going to let the third Hokage die.

Instead he would save third Hokage.

But the third Hokage will lose everything that can let him be a ninja.

Before that Naruto’s team is going to go around to the land of waves to do a mission.

Rito is going to tag along.

After 2 months Naruto pestered the third Hokage to get the mission to the land of the waves.

Rito went to third Hokage and said that he is seeing a great disaster at the place that Kakashi's team is going.

Third Hokage don’t want to lose Kakashi that acted as his right handed man and Naruto’s nine tail jinchūriki.

So he immediately wanted to dispatch other people to follow the team of Kakashi.

But Rito took the job and asked Hokage for permission to follow Kakashi’s team and protect them in secret if something unexpected happened.

Rito silently followed Kakashi’s group while the 4 ghost women are following Rito.

When Kushina and Mikoto heard that the Kakashi’s team is going to encounter some problems they became tense.

They urged Rito to protect their children that is Naruto and Sasuke.

On the other hand the remaining 2 ghosts looked doubtful about Rito’s words.

They have seen the capabilities of Kakashi that is at the peak of Jonin level.

So they did not believe in Rito’s words.

Well Rito did not give them any explanation and silently followed behind Kakashi’s group slowly.

First they encountered two ninja in the water puddle.

Naruto did not scare away from looking at the sudden appearance of ninja like in the anime.

The team work of Naruto and Sasuke is perfect and they quickly dealt with the ninja.

On the other hand Sakura acted as support and protection for the client behind her.

Kakashi stood beside to watch the show.

Both Kakashi and Rito nodded their heads.

Rito is the one that trained them like this over the years.

They moved on and reached the area of water body where they have to cross this to reach the land of waves.

Here they will encounter Zabuza………..

Chapter 59: saving Zabuza and Haku

They moved on and reached the area of water body where they have to cross this to reach the land of waves.

Here they will encounter Zabuza.

They fought very well.

It is much better than that of in the anime.

But still the same thing as the plot repeated with Kakashi exhausting too much chakra damaging his body in the process.

This is the reason why Rito did not refine chakra at the very start and let the body take things slowly.

The final result is that Kakashi is around few steps away from the Kage level while Rito is at the peak of super Kage level.

This is the difference in the process of training and understanding.

Rito did not appear the entire time.

His target is not to help Kakashi’s team.

But to steal Gato’s wealth and start a business here after the bridge is complete.

Also on the way Rito would save Zabuza and Haku turning them into his personal guards.

For that to happen Rito should not act rashly and wait till the things go along with the plot.

Well Kakashi let them practice the climbing of a tree using chakra.

But they quickly completed.

Well Naruto and Sasuke were a little slower than Sakura.

But they completed in one try.

Kakashi was really dumbfounded and asked if they learnt from someone before.

Well Rito’s name appeared from the mouths of the three people.

Kakashi sighed as he knows knows that Rito is close to the children but he never expected that Rito would teach them too.

Since they already know the basics Kakashi wanted to move forward to the next thing.

That is walking on the water using chakra on their legs.

Well they trained like that and Rito went around the land of waves to explore its resources and power structure.

This is the best place for commerce and ship trading even with the bridge connecting it to the main land it still has great potential in sea trade.

By the time Rito is done with the inspection it was already the day when the main event of the fight between Zabuza and Kakashi will start.

Rito is not there at that time instead Rito went to collect blood samples from Haku, Zabuza and the men of Gato.

Rito has to prepare for the replacement hart and blood.

He is going to use these people at that time.

Taking blood samples is easy for Rito with the illusion of Sharingan.

After taking the blood sample he would simply heal the wound with medical ninjutsu solving the problem of evidence after the process.

That day after the fight at the bridge started Gato took his men to attack Zabuza and Haku.

As soon as they went out Rito left a wood clone here to take care of stealing all the wealth that Gato hid in his house.

Well Rito can take it directly but he will have to bear with the change of plot and other nonsense.

So Rito chose the different option of waiting and sneak attacking….

When Zabuza killed Gato and his men Rito appeared at the last moment startling the group of people including Kakashi.

Rito did not speak to Kakashi and went to Zabuza and asked.


I can save you and Haku….

But there is a condition

As long as you accept it I will help you both live.”

Rito said with his innocent face and charming smile.

Zabuza spoke immediately.

“As long as you save Haku,

I will give you anything you want…”

Rito smiled and nodded his head.

“Remember your promise then…”

Rito took out a make shift tent from a storage scroll and threw it to Kakashi to arrange the tent.

Then Rito split into 3 more shadow clones.

Each went to do different thing.

One went to heal Naruto and Sasuke.

One went to look for Zabuza’s broken arms.

One went to look for suitable heart to replace for Haku and suitable blood for transfusion for them.

While they are at it Rito used his medical ninjutsu to stabilize the condition of Haku that was at his last leg.

As soon was tent was arranged Rito and his clone carried Haku into the tent.

The clone came out to operate on Zabuza while the other clone is harvesting the heart and blood suitable for Haku and Zabuza.

The process is very quickly and after half an hour, Zabuza's two arms were connected and he can fight again after resting for a few days.

He was walking around like a manic while Haku is being operated by Rito.

Another half an hour later Rito came out of the tent looking exhausted.

Zabuza was in tensed state and immediately ran to Rito to ask the condition of Haku.

Right at that moment Haku walked out of the tent but a little unbalanced when walking.

Immediately Haku thought of something and touched his crotch.

But his thing is gone.

Yep Rito removed that thing while he is operating on his heart.

Rito doesn’t like Haku being a man.

So he helped the world correct its mistakes and gave Haku the correct gender he should have.

Haku did not have the chance to speak as Zabuza appeared in front of Haku and checked her from top to bottom.

Haku was fine and there is not even a scar on her chest.

Well the shirt is closed to see.

Zabuza don’t believe it is Haku so he went into the tent to take a look to see if there is anything hiding.

What he saw there is a ruptured heart and beside that lays the dick and balls that Haku should have.

As soon as he saw that he was shocked and came out of the tent.

He looked at Haku weirdly for some time especially the crotch region of Haku.

Haku got the time and asked Rito.

“Thank you for saving me but why do I feel that I am missing something Rito…?”

Chapter 60: you are a woman now

Haku got the time and asked Rito.

“Thank you for saving me but why do I feel that I am missing something Rito…?”

Rito smiled happily and replied.

“When I am operating on you I found that you are a man…”

Kakashi: is she a man…

Sakura: she is beautiful than me…

Sasuke: what she is a man...?

Naruto: unfortunately yes Haku is a man

Rito continued.

“Well I felt that the world made a mistake, making you a man instead of woman with such beautiful appearance.

So I cut that off and changed your gender…

You don’t have to thank me.

Now you can serve Zabuza full time and cuddle with him too.

But don’t overdo it right now.

Wait for a month to let everything heal and used the medicines I have mentioned on this slip.

You can even give birth to children for Zabuza.

Do you know Zabuza is still a virgin just like you…?”

When Rito said this all the people looked at Zabuza strangely and Zabuza was dumbfounded that his secret is out.

Well he cannot attack Rito as Rito just save him and Haku from certain death.

Any way it is all truth and if Haku is a woman then they can be even closure.

Thinking of that he went close to Haku and looked at her affectionately.

Rito patted him on the shoulder and said.

Don’t bother her right now.

I just healed her wound and she needs time to heal.

Now coming to the main topic we will speak in a different place.

Rito removed a shadow clone first and took Zabuza and Haku away from here using flying thunder god.

Then one of his clones went to Kakashi and took him from here to another place using flying thunder god technique.

The last shadow clone is taking care of Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura.

The shadow clone that went to clean out the treasures of Gato is rushing towards the location where Rito took Zabuza and Haku.

Rito then started to speak about his plan to Zabuza.

It is about making the both of them into his subordinates and work in managing and protecting his things.

Rito has even prepared different identities for both Zabuza and Haku.

He changed their appearance a little.

As for his sword it will be kept secret for the time being so as not to attract the attention of some bounty hunters to reveal their concealed identities.

After Rito said about his plan both Zabuza and Haku have their eyes widened in shock.

They never thought that the seemingly 18 year old young man has been planning things so deeply.

Since they got the opportunity to move on in their lives with better opportunities and rich life can any normal person refuse this life?


So they directly accepted Rito’s plan to become his subordinates.

Rito gave them a special seal for their protection and also to keep them in check.

They can understand the caution of Rito in trusting them.

So they accepted the cursed seal given by Rito at the back of their neck.

With that the shadow clone appeared in this location with the treasure storage scroll.

Rito assigned this shadow clone to take Zabuza and Haku to the place they are going to work and introduce their identities.

Then Rito went to the location where his shadow clone is talking to Kakashi.

Kakashi has the right to know some of the truth so that Rito can pull Kakashi into his side.

First the shadow clone of Rito explained to Kakashi about the incidents related to his father’s death.

Then the death of his master Minato,

Then about the death of his friend Obito,

When the incidents are revealed one after the other the expression of Kakashi showed more and more disbelief.

Rito knows that Kakashi would not believe like this.

At that moment real Rito appeared here and said to Kakashi.

Danzo was captured by me.

If you want proofs then you can get the words out of his mouth.

Rito did not reveal about the ghosts that are floating around Rito.

Also Rito did not tell Kakashi that he can revive Rin.

Rito already got the strand of hair of Rin using special means.

Well it was hard work.

But Rito did not summon Rin’s soul yet because it is not time yet.

Rito would summon her later and make her Kakashi’s woman.

Well she really did love Kakashi so it would be good for her to become Kakashi’s woman.

As for Obito,

The dead should be dead instead of making things difficult for the living.

He is a complete moron and a waste of living.

So Rito would send him on his way when the time is right.

After Rito’s explanation about various things Kakashi finally accepted Rito and decided to give Rito a chance to prove his claims.

Well Rito can easily make Danzo speak the truth so it is not a problem.

As for the clone that is left with Naruto and others is helping them patch up their wounds.

At the same time Rito’s clone is talking business with Tazuna that builder of this bridge.

The land of waves is a small place with lot of potential and there is no person that is strong enough to rule this land.

As long as Tazuna was able to complete the bridge he would immediately gain the right to speak for his people.

Rito wanted to ask him if he is okay with becoming a business partner with him.

Rito spoke his ideas of this land of waves and its improvement.

Rito’s words contain all the shortcomings of this land of waves that he observed in the past few days.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were silent not disturbing Rito’s words tactically.

Tazuna thought for some time and did not give Rito any straight answer.

He was not interested in power.

So he is not sure to what side he should pick…………