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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 41: an accidental poke stopped the fall

That is there is protrusion on the top of the tree and Mohini let this penetrate it her little asshole to support her while she is scouting.

Well she did not do this intentionally as she slipped a little on the top of the tree.

When she was about to fall the protrusion plunged into her ass hole supporting her from falling down.

Well it is sudden but a thrilling and pleasurable experience for her.

She calms her mind and started to look around the place where she is right now and where she has to go.

She was shocked to find that the place is not as large as Mohini thought it would be.

Around 1 kilo metre from the place that Mohini was scouting there is a huge barrier that was raised till the height of the sky.

It is as if the place is completely separated from some sort of magical forest.

Other than that there is only one mountain in the area and some sort of ancient ruin or something is present not too far away from Mohini.

The entire place comprises of only a circular landscape with a radius of 1 kilo metre.

Mohini did not hear or smell any other form of beasts while she is scouting.

But still she started to move carefully towards the ancient ruin.

Mohini has once read some books on the survival skills and hunting skills in the high school library.

Well being an elder she went to many dungeons before and knows how to survive and assess the situation.

These books elaborate on all the tactics that one has to follow in all kinds of environmental survival.

Also these books give the detailed ways of hunting almost all kinds of living beings.

Other than this Mohini also read books on the online digital library that is through the computer in the high school library.

It is about various tracking and counter-tracking, face reading and emotional assessment, manipulation and counter planning.

These are the things that let Mohini escape from all the bullies in the high school life all the time.

But these are the things that made her life play thing for many people in her entire life where ever she go.

But all this knowledge also helped her many situations in her life till now.

All these things formed into a single skill called the “ultimate survivor”

When she thought till now that game system showed that she has obtained a title and skill called the “Ultimate survivor”

Mohini was also a good business woman.

But she doesn’t have enough money to do any transactions.

So she did not get any skill regarding the field of business and trade.

All the transactions that she did are to get some benefits from the high school mates with her knowledge.

She used her superior memory and knowledge from reading all these books to help her school mates in return for money and other things.

This is also one of her surviving skills.

After scouting Mohini climbed down the tree slowly after she pulled out the protrusion that plunged into her ass hole

She did not directly move in the direction of the ruins right after she climbed down the huge tree.

Instead she found a nice long sturdy branch of a huge tree and then she broke the branch at specific length.

After that she removed all the extra leaves and other twigs on this branch and decided to craft something from the survival book that she read.

After that she rubbed both ends of the tree branch to bolder nearby to make sharp points at both the ends of the spear.

Mohini can directly buy some weapon from the game system by selling all the materials she has.

But she doesn’t want to do that.

She thought that this is just a waste of merit points for buying a weapon.

After crafting for half an hour Mohini finally made a spear that has pointed edges on two sides.

Then Mohini placed this in the game system inventory.

Mohini only saw the services of the game store.

There are still buy and sell options that Mohini did not explore previously.

Mohini immediately opened the sell screen which can be easily explored.

This is because the things that are present in the sell screen are all the things that Mohini possesses.

This includes the clothes she is placed in the inventory.

Mohini laughed out loud seeing the clothes she is put in the inventory are being displayed in the sell screen.

Every object in the game store is priced in terms of merit points.

The spear that Mohini just made is also priced.

The game store gave a description of the spear

“Very crudely made spear by Mohini.

It can be used to attack from both ends of the spear.

Piercing capability is average.

The cost of the spear is 1 merit point below tier 1 weapon artefact very fragile to use for fighting.”

Mohini was unhappy to see that the handy weapon that is made is only this much.

But she quickly let go of these things and moved to look at the buy screen.

There are many categories in the buy screen there are artefacts, materials, pills, cultivation techniques, and many different things.

There are filters that can be used for searching specific thing that Mohini wanted to buy.

Other than that the prices of these things ranged from 1 merit point to few trillion merit points.

They are many priceless things in the game store.

Mohini was unable to recognise many things but she know some of them based on her memories from the past self.

Mohini moved towards the ruins first.

Because of the thick forest and unknown area the speed at which Mohini moved was reduced by half so she took around 20 minutes to reach the ruins.

There is nothing here except for one structure.

This structure looked like some sort of altar of some ancient tribes.....

Chapter 42: altar with runic texts

This structure looked like some sort of altar of some ancient tribes.

There are steps to reach the top of the altar.

On the altar there are some series of ancient runic texts and runes made out of ancient symbols.

Mohini wanted to go and check this ancient altar but stopped her urge to check it.

This is because she has this strange feeling that there is something that she is missing.

This is her intuition telling him that there is something more to this place that meets the eye.

The biggest search point for this unknown feeling is actually the only mountain present in this area.

Mohini observed the ancient runic characters at the bottom of the altar and found a little that it will take people to some other place.

From this Mohini understood that this altar is the thing that will send her to the next stage of the dungeon.

Knowing that this altar is the exit Mohini was sure that there is something that this single mountain hides.

So Mohini slowly made her way to that mountain.

On her way Mohini found some suitable tree branches to make some more double edged spears and placed them in her inventory.

All these spears only occupied one space where the number of spears stored was showed on the box space in the inventory.

Based on the description given by the game system, Mohini found that she can store all non living creatures in the inventory.

Also the number of item slots that Mohini has in the inventory is only 100.

But can store the same type of things in a single slot is also 100.

That is Mohini can store 100 spears in a single slot similarly in each of the hundred slots Mohini can store 100 of same type of items.

Other than this she also has a ring on her clitoris that will let her store 1000 different things and 1000 pieces each

Other than that the game system gave information that Mohini can increase this storage slots as she upgrade the game system further.

Also when the game system is upgraded to a specific level Mohini will be able to store living creatures too.

Currently Mohini’s game system is only tier 0.

It requires around 10,000 merit points to upgrade the game system to tier 1.

Naturally not all the people get the game system inventory that is merged with the host’s soul.

Even the gods did not have this.

Only Mohini has this special feature from this game system.

Even Mohini don’t know that she has this special feature.

All the other people with the game system like gods, demons and other cultivators will have to carry a storage device through which they interact with the game system.

Only the fate ladies know the reason why this game system is merged with Mohini’s soul instead of being an external device.

Mohini went on towards the mountain while making these double edged spears on the way.

Other than that Mohini also appraised every single thing that she found strange using the appraisal skill.

She also has the memories for her cultivator self which helped her recognise some of the materials and herbs.

Also she opened the map skill to see her position and the position of the altar and the mountain.

Previously when she climbed the tree for scouting,

She found that as soon as she saw the area ahead everything within the view was noted by the map screen.

In order to not to go around in circles Mohini started to use this map screen continuously after every few minutes to see her position.

Mohini also found some strange plants and rocks that when she appraised by Mohini showed that these things are low grade tier 1 materials and herbs.

Mohini did not collect much just around 3 herbs and 5 materials.

By the time Mohini reached the mountain a notification popped out from the game system saying

The map and appraisal skill were upgraded from tier 1 low grade to tier 1 middle grade because of the continuous usage.

This made Mohini very happy but at the same time Mohini was a little shocked to see that she needs more experience points to let the skills upgrade to next levels.

Of course she can use skill points to upgrade the skills but those are very precious and are also very little.

So she did not want to waste them on upgrading small skills that she can upgrade by working on them.

She wants to use these skill points on the skill that she cannot upgrade easily by working on it.

With these thoughts Mohini suddenly has a question in her mind.

“Why do I only have 5 skill points and what happened to all the skill points that I should have from the previous 22 levels?”

As if the game system heard Mohini it gave a reply in the form of a notification.

“Player has already used all these skill points on learning various skills throughout the past 18 years,

Just like learning various survival skills, business skills, and many other miscellaneous skills.

These skills are not shown on the skills page as they are not complete.

Player has successfully learned all the skills that can form the skill called the “ultimate survivor”

So, all the miscellaneous skills that are related to this ultimate survivor skill combined to form into this ultimate survivor skill.

Similarly if the player was able to get all the basic miscellaneous skills of the other major skill then player can obtain that major skills at tier 1.”

“This means if I was able to master all the miscellaneous skills related to the basics of business.

I can get a major skill related to this business field.”

Mohini inferred after reading the notification given by the game system.

Mohini put these thoughts aside as she finally arrived near the mountain that set the goal previously.

Mohini finally realised the reason why Mohini felt that there is something missing........

Chapter 43: angry ape

Mohini finally realized the reason why Mohini felt that there is something missing.

That is there is something more here that she is missing.

Because of her survival instincts said to Mohini to find the water resource in the area that supports the beasts.

But when Mohini is travelling towards the altar Mohini did not find any form of water resource at all.

This made Mohini think that there is something different.

Since, she did not feel any sound or sight of flowing water.

Mohini guessed that there should be a water source that does not flow.

That is like a pond or a lake.

Mohini want to find this because there is a chance that the nest of the wolf might be present near the water source where the wolf puts its own treasure.

Mohini guessed it correctly there really is a pond near the mountain.

But this is not the nest of the wolf that Mohini previously killed.

In fact there is no nest at all for the wolf beast.

Mohini scouted around the mountain to see if there is a cave or any other thing like that.

But there is a cave to the side of the mountain that piqued her interest.

So she decided to explore the cave.

In order to make sure that everything is safe Mohini hid behind a bolder near the cave and threw a rock into the cave.

After confirming there is no moment in the cave Mohini threw another rock into the cave.

This time there is some moment from the within the cave.

It sounded like a beast but not the sound of the wolf.


At this moment a huge ape that is 1.5 times bigger than a normal human came out of the cave.

There are some wounds on its body as it they are scars made by the wolf that Mohini killed before.

Since Mohini is hidden behind the rock it did not notice her.

In the mean time Mohini used the appraisal skill to check the details of this big ape that came out of the cave.

Name: angry ape

Cultivation: level 25

Body: 40

Mind: 28

Soul: 22

Beauty: 25

Luck: 10

Description: a strong ape.

It is very angry as the name suggests.

It will not leave any species and even males of other species.

It cannot stop itself from being furious with whatever beings that appears in front of it.

It can easily smell the scent of other beings.......

Specialities: quick movements, super smelling instinct and basic intelligence

Weakness: all of its defenses will become weak right after it leaves after rage mode by 10 times…….

Benefits: testicular fluid of this beast is a very good skin care product and can even get rid of impurities of the body and strengthen it.


Mohini was shocked and don’t know what to say.

Now she has to be chased by this ape for some time till it loses its rage mode.

Well at least that testicular fluid is useful for her to improve her beauty and strengthen her body but first she has to collect all the testicular fluid of this ape.

Currently she did not have any containers for her to store the testicular fluid.

Well she doesn’t have to store it in a container and directly let it enter inside her pussy or ass.

This way it will directly help her.

But before that she has to kill this beast and then she can play with the thick dick after being dissected like a dildo.

Other than that she doesn’t know if she could manage to fit that thick dick dildo in her little pussy or ass.

After the protrusion on the tree plunged into her ass hole Mohini became a little wet in her little pussy.

She wanted a stud very badly.

But there is none in this forest but she suddenly found an ape that has a big dick dildo that is the size of 10 inches long and 2 inches wide.

She has to carefully collect the testicular fluid without letting it fall on the ground.

But after dissecting the dick and taking it with her it is not possible to let it cum as it already lost its vitality.

Well she can use it as a dildo while she rubs the testicular fluid on her body after cracking the balls.

She doesn’t have to fear that her little pussy would become loose after masturbating with by such a big dick dildo.

This is because her erotic god cultivation technique will help her maintain her body in the top shape.

There is one skill that she can get after practicing the erotic fate god cultivation technique.

With this Mohini now had many new changes with the system that lady fate gave her.

This is because of the skill and title that Mohini obtained that is the ultimate survivor skill and title.

Even lady fate did not expect that the skill Mohini gets because of her life experience will change the game system and merge with her soul.

Even the ring on her clitoris is also completely merged with her soul so no one can take away this ring from her.

There are many new changes with the game system cultivation levels and skill levels too after the merging of the game system with her soul.

Well this way she can have a better management with the game system.

Previously when she completed the erotic fate god jade and obtained the system,

She found that the erotic fate god system has special function of quest giving and guiding.

The quest system will give Mohini more merit points, experience points, skill points and even stat points.

Because of the ultimate survivor the game system has forcibly unlocked some things that she can only get after she unlocked the erotic fate god system.

One of them is free stat point distribution and skill points that will let her upgrade any skill that she wanted……..

Chapter 44: killed the angry ape with a big bolder

One of them is free stat point distribution and skill points that will let her upgrade any skill that she wanted.

Now her skills have merged with the skills of the game system.

Now she had many skills at her disposal.

Coming back to the current situation,

Mohini is completely naked hiding behind a bolder near the cave and looking at the big ape and its dick.

Her little pussy is literally throbbing for such a big dick.

There are some claw marks on the body of the ape.

These are most probably caused by the wolf that she killed previously.

Based on Mohini’s guess the ape was so furious and in anger state that it wanted to fuck the wolf even though it is a male wolf.

The wolf might have clawed the ape and ran away from here and them it met Mohini who killed it.

Currently Mohini’s eyes are all on the balls of the big ape.

These are the two big jewels below the dick of the big ape and their size is that of the cricket balls.

They are juggling up and down with the moments of the big ape, packing with full of special liquid and vigor that Mohini wanted to use.



Suddenly the big ape started to sniff around as if it is searching for something fun and delicious.

The smell it is sniffing out is the smell of the love juices that wetted Mohini’s little pussy previously.

This big ape is very sensitive to smell.

So as soon as it smelt the love juice smell from Mohini’s little pussy it turned its head towards Mohini.

Mohini immediately felt a chill run down her spine.

The big ape did not give her any time as it ran towards Mohini at full speed.

It only took less than 3 seconds to reach Mohini and it captured her by holding the hands of Mohini and pinning her down on the bolder beside.

After pinning Mohini on to the big bolder the ape started to sniff all over Mohini’s body.

It wanted to eat Mohini little by little from the bottom.

When the head of the ape reached the bottom of Mohini’s clit,

Mohini released the big bolder that she stored inside her clit ring before.

The big bolder directly fell on the top of the head of the angry ape, directly crushing it in the process.

But she was lying on the bolder with an ecstasy expression beside the ape.

These angry apes have another use that is even if they die their dick will still be erect and stand tall.

So her dildo is ready for the use even after the ape is dead.

Just like leather bags and shoes that are made from dead animals back on earth,

This is a real life dildo freshly made from the angry ape.

So the dicks of these angry apes are used as naturally formed dildos by the cultivator’s world.

While she is thinking she suddenly slid down from the bolder and fell straight on the dick of the big angry ape.

This dick plunged straight into Mohini’s little pussy and Mohini fell into complete ecstasy state in the sitting position.

After an entire hour Mohini woke up and looked around and saw the corpse of the big angry ape with its special fluid inside her pussy.

But she was shocked to see that her little pussy was pierced by the dick of the big angry ape even after it was dead.

She felt funny to fall on the corpse of the ape only to have its dick stuck into her little pussy.

Mohini slowly stood up but because of the previous masturbation by the dildo made her legs gave away and she again slipped down.


The big dildo went deeper this time causing Mohini to let out a loud moan and started to shake her hips on her own.

Then she continued to moan





After few minutes she had cummed and had an orgasm.

After that she rested for a few minutes till her legs got back their strength and then she slowly stood up.


When she is half way through there is a lewd sound came from her little pussy when the special flesh dildo was out.

She stored the corpse of the angry ape in the inventory and then slowly walked into the cave for searching.

This is because her detection skill says that there is something valuable in the cave.

After she came to the end of the cave she saw a small plant that has a shining blood red fruit.

This is called the blood refinement fruit and it is very useful to Mohini in the early stages of cultivation of foundation establishment stage.

Mohini walked towards the area where the plant is there is only one fruit that is as small as a pea but was bright red in color.

Mohini don’t know how to harvest the fruit.

So all she decided to dig out the entire plant with the roots like a flower pot and placed it in the inventory.

One of the good things about the game system inventory is that there is no time flow in it.

All the things that are placed in the inventory will be in a state of suspended animation.

For example Mohini lit a match stick and placed it the inventory while it is lit.

It will be like that till Mohini take it out and let it burn out completely.

If she did not take the match stick out it will stay in the inventory space like that for all eternity.

So even if Mohini placed a plant it will not wither or brow bigger.

It will stay like that till it is taken out only them the time will start flowing for the plant.

Mohini took out a wooden spear from the inventory and dug out the entire plant with roots and safely kept it in the inventory……..

Chapter 45: tickling plant

Mohini took out a wooden spear from the inventory and dug out the entire plant with roots and safely kept it in the inventory.

She was very exhausted.

Her body is covered with smelly and slimy cum of the ape.

Unexpectedly all the special fluid inside her tummy has disappeared and her skin became slimy with some sort of black fluid.

These are the impurities from her body that was forced out by the special fluid of the big dildo and jewel ball that filled out her tummy.

Usually no one in the cultivation world used the special fluid of big dildo and jewel ball to refine their body to get rid of impurities.

Because it is extremely dangerous as the big angry ape would eat the person after they had their fun with them like prey.

When she is in ecstasy, Mohini received few notifications from the game system but now she is not in the mood to look at them.

Fortunately there is a pond nearby for Mohini to wash these smelly black fluid impurities off of her body.

Other than that her little pussy and most of her body has some small injuries.

So she has to cultivate a little to heal these injuries.

After taking the blood refining fruit plant she did not go away immediately instead she looked around a little with her detection skill.

She wanted to see if there is anything special that is worth taking.

From the future memories she was able to recognize most of the herbs and plants.

So she was checking if there are any other things like the blood refining fruit here.

But to her disappointment there is no other material or herb.

She slowly made her way to the pond.

She did not immediately jump into the pond instead she started to inspect the pond using the appraisal skill.

The results are good as the appraisal showed that this is just normal drinkable water.

Mohini was happy that she found something useful to her.

She did not jump in immediately instead she drank some water first so that she doesn’t pollute the water with the impurities on her body.

After that she jumped into the pond and started to wash of all the black liquid and filth off of her body.

But when she is washing she felt the there is something tickling her little pussy and her legs.

It is as if someone is licking her gently which aroused her very much.

Soon she found out what it is.

It is just a plant that is usually present in fresh water ponds with at least a little spirit energy available.

This plant is called ticklish weed a tier 1 herb and it has the properties of calming and healing.

There is a legend that when they reach higher tier they can cure major injuries to body, mind and soul.

But there is almost none of these plants present in the mortal world.

Mohini wanted to collect this plant after she is done bathing she wanted to plant this somewhere else later and let it mature slowly.

While they are tickling her and arousing her Mohini started to cultivate to heal her injuries from the previous fucking.

After an hour all of Mohini’s injuries are healed and she felt refreshed.

Her little pussy, her ass hole and all of her body parts has recovered and became tight and fit again.

Then she took out the wooden spear out of the inventory to dig out the tickling plant under the pond.

Then she placed it in the inventory.

After that she started to walk away from the mountain towards the ruins that has the way to reach the next level.

She doesn’t want to look at all the notifications now and even her status page.

She wanted to first clear this tutorial dungeon and check all the things after that.

She is still not wearing any clothes as her body was completely wet from swimming in the pond.

With every step she took her big boobs started to bounce like two juggling balls in the hands of a clown.

She was sure that there are no other creatures in this place so she was not shy to walk naked.

By the time Mohini reached the altar she was completely dry.

She doesn’t want to wear any clothes as she wanted to get fucked more.

Also she did not have many pairs of clothes as she is an orphan.

So she just doesn’t want to spoil her clothes.

Then she stepped on to the altar steps.

There are not many steps just around 20 or so steps to reach the top of the altar.

On the top of the altar there is a flat space where some sort of strange multicolored symbol is present.

There are 4 poles that house a colored crystal at the four corners of the symbol.

This is a puzzle that Mohini has to solve to move to the next stage of this dungeon.

Mohini carefully observed and found that when light from the crystal fall on its own color light it will shine.

Similarly the light crystals on the top of the poles also have 4 patterns each.

Mohini carefully observed and found that she has to find the combination of overlapping these lights to make the entire multicolored symbol shine.

Then the puzzle will be solved giving out a way to the next area of this dungeon.

Mohini was sharp so it only took her 3 minutes to solve the puzzle.

As soon as the puzzle is solved the symbol emitted a bright light and a light screen appeared.

At this moment the game tutorial gave a notification.

“Player might have noticed that this puzzle to unlock the door is easy but if it is a high level dungeon this entire puzzle will be on an entire different level.

There will be hundreds of light poles that should be matched with the symbols……

Chapter 46: spirit beads

“Player might have noticed that this puzzle to unlock the door is easy.

But if it is a high level dungeon this entire puzzle will be on an entire different level.

There will be hundreds of light poles that should be matched with the symbols to open the door to the next stage.

Other than that there will be some offensive formations for the wrong alignments too.”

It is as if the game system has heard Mohini’s inner voice it gave a word of advice to Mohini.

Mohini was shocked to see that the game system can even hear Mohini’s inner voice.

Other than that Mohini was shocked to imagine that how can she solve if there is hundreds of light poles.

How much brainpower is required to find the combination of hundred different light poles to solve the puzzle?

Mohini moved to the light screen and touched it.

When her fingers touched the light screen it rippled like water surface.

There is not resistance at all Mohini’s hand passed through the light screen smoothly.

Mohini moved on passed through the light screen barrier.

In the next moment Mohini arrived into a rocky area and the place is enclosed by the walls of the stone.

It looked like a huge stone chamber but the total area does not look big.

Mohini as soon as she came out immediately hid behind a corner of the entrance to the huge chamber.

In that huge chamber there is one person standing at the center.

This person looked exactly like a those medieval aged warrior.

He did not have any armor.

He is holding a long sword in his right hand.

His skin color is grey as if he is already dead.

But his body did not show any signs of that he is a dead person.

His body is as sturdy as a bull.

He is standing there motion less as if he is a statue.

At this moment the game system gave a task notification.

This notification directly appeared in front of Mohini without needing her to open it like other notification.

This is because it is an instructions notification of the dungeon.

“This is the finally stage of this tutorial dungeon.

Player has to fight and kill that savage human formed by the dungeon.

His primal instinct is to killing all the beings and lusting over all women that do not belong to the dungeon.

He can act and think like a normal human.

He can strategize while he fights.

These savage beings of various races are formed from the souls of the people that are sentenced to punishment by the will of the world.

They are placed in various dungeons to fight people till they die to complete their punishment for the deeds they do in their past lives.

There are times when these savage beings are killed they would drop beads.

This is the spirit bead and there is a chance of getting the spirit of the savage beings from this bead.

The spirit obtained from the spirit bead can be a weapon spirit or armour spirit or a pet spirit that can be used as a mount or something else.

Also there are times when nothing would come out of the spirit beads.

There are spirits like real people of all races that can be nourished further forming a solid appearance just like a being of that race.

These spirits can be integrated with the spirit of the cultivator.

The spirit that was integrated into the soul of the cultivator will follow him or her throughout their life.

Well they can be transferred to another person as long as they did not form a soul resonance contract.

These spirit beads can be taken out and sold in the market.

Getting a spirit out of this spirit bead or not getting any things is different.

There are also spirit bead gambling dens too.

All the suffering that these spirits of the savage beings face is the retribution for all the bad things that they did in the past life.

But they can use merit points that they obtained throughout their lives to get out of these sins and have a normal reincarnation.

But the price is that they have to sacrifice their future luck and prosperity after reincarnation.

The owners of the spirits can give them merit points to solve their sins and let them reincarnate.

But sometimes if their chemistry is good then they can directly make the spirit bind to them completely.

Like every other system even the will of the world has the flaw in it.

Some of the women who made crimes but are not bad people will also suffer becoming the spirits.

Also it is very hard to use them this way of having fun with their bodies because the most primal instinct of these savage beings is killing.

In the higher level worlds there are powerful dungeons.

If these dungeons are left without clearing for some time they will over flow.

This cause the savage beings that have their own free will can come out

They would do as they please outside the dungeon.

“Player can know further secrets when she reached the higher realms.

Because the current level of the player and the game system are low, the game system cannot give further information to the player.”

Mohini was not satisfied with the information given by the game system.

The content in the information itself is disturbing.

But the thing is it is not the complete data this means there are some things that Mohini did not know in the game system.

Mohini calmed her mind and saw the objective that is she has to kill the person that is standing at the center of the huge hall.

Mohini did not have any prior combat experience directly with another human in this current life.

But from her future memories she has seduced many men and women killing them when they are under her seduction……

Chapter 47: acting weak to let the enemy guard down

But from her future memories she has seduced many men and women killing them when they are under her seduction.

Other than the few times when she practiced on her own after reading the survival guides to check her fitness was also successful.

This can let her fight using some basic moves with her current weak body.

As for the way she killed the wolf and the big angry monkey,

It was all pure luck so she was tensed out a little and is planning how to deal with the current situation.

The first thing that Mohini did is to apprise the warrior in front of her to know the details of this warrior.

Name: savage warrior

Cultivation: level 30

Body: 50

Mind: 35

Soul: 38

Beauty: 15

Luck: 12

Description: a warrior that guards a small town under the rule of the Mughal Empire.

He has betrayed the empire colluding with the enemies and sabotaged the Mughal army causing the death of over hundred loyal soldiers

He is even shameless enough to play with many women that belong to the dead soldier’s families….

Specialities: basic fighting techniques and basic intelligence

Weakness: extremely lustful, all the weaknesses of normal humans.

After seeing the details of the medieval warrior,

Mohini has an idea that is to seduce this soldier to fuck her and use the chance to kill him just like the perverted cultivators that wanted to take advantage of her.

Other than that she can also enjoy some time getting fucked by this experienced soldier.

Because of all the things that happened before Mohini was disgusted by men,

But at the same time she was completely addicted to their dicks.

She cannot bear to stop herself from getting fucked and every time she saw a thick dick she would feel her little pussy wet.

So she doesn’t mind enjoying the fucking time in this life instead of becoming a play thing in the hands of others.

After thinking all this Mohini first rubbed against the walls around her to smear some dirt on her body.

Then she took out some blood of the savage beasts she previously killed to make it look like she was injured in the battles before.

She wanted to look like she just came out of a battle and very exhausted and injured.

This is so that the savage warrior would let his guard down start playing with her.

After making the preparations Mohini stepped into the hall where at the centre the savage warrior is standing.

Suddenly the warrior became vigilant as soon as Mohini stepped into the hall.

Mohini immediately fallen on the ground as if she was fainted.

The warrior looked towards Mohini that is on the floor fainted and naked.

There is a deep lust in the eyes of the savage warrior.

He immediately moved towards Mohini to take a closure look at her body from top to the bottom.

In order to confirm that Mohini has really fainted or not the savage warrior pinched Mohini’s cherries on her boobs.


Mohini let out a light moan in the fainted state but did not wake up.

Even though she is weak right now she knows how to act perfectly even after her nipples are pinched.

This shows that she has already fainted and her body is reacting quite well even after she is fainted.

After confirming this, the savage warrior lifted Mohini and took her to the centre of the hall

This is because he was bound by something there.

Then he started to fondle one of her boobs and suck on the other while smelling the fragrance of her body.





Mohini started to moan a little as this continued for some time.

After few minutes he started to rub his fingers against Mohini’s little pussy and pinching her little clitoris.

He did not notice the clit ring on her pussy.

Then he started to lick her little pussy and suck on her clitoris.

After doing all this, he removed his clothes then he first opened Mohini’s mouth and inserted his dick into her mouth.

Then he started to fuck her mouth.

“What a good Bitch”

“Such a developed body and at such an young age”

“Well today is the feast for me after so long”

“I will fuck her till she breaks and there is no time limit here,

So I will fuck her again and again till I was satisfied.”

The savage warrior spoke as he fucked Mohini’s mouth.

After few minutes he cummed in her mouth and Mohini started her acting at this moment.

She woke up from the fainted state because she was choked due to the cum that filled her throat.

“What are you doing?”

“Please leave me”

Mohini said as if she is scared of this savage warrior.

This was all an act…

“You bitch quietly obey and satisfy me if not I will kill you right away.”

“Now spread your legs and beg me to fuck you.”

Mohini continued with the act and did as the savage warrior said.

She spread her legs revealing her little pinkish pussy for the savage warrior to do whatever he wanted to do with her.

The savage warrior did not waste any time as he plunged his dick into Mohini’s little pussy and started to fuck her.

Mohini started to moan because of all the pleasure from getting fucked.





“Yess…. Fuck me harder”

Mohini’s words aroused the savage warrior further and he started to fuck her in all possible poses.

After some time he flipped her around and started to slap on her ass till they turned bright red.

Then he started to lick her ass hole and he immediately plunged his dick into Mohini’s little ass hole.

Mohini continued to moan and it went on for an hour where this savage warrior fucked Mohini in every possible way.

He filled up all of her holes with his cum and Mohini had few orgasms……..

Chapter 48: kiss the rod to return the favor

He filled up all of her holes with his cum and Mohini had few orgasms.

When the juice in his little balls was completely sucked dry he stopped fucking Mohini and left her on the ground.

He still did not give up as he started to suck on Mohini’s boobs and cherries on them.

At this moment the savage warrior has let his guard down and Mohini used this moment wisely.

She pulled out a wooden spear from her inventory and pierced his throat and brain just like when she pierced the giant wolf.

The savage warrior is dead and Mohini immediately stood up and stepped on his face and said

“You have satisfied me well but unfortunately you have to die here for me to move forward in this dungeon.

Since I killed you let me give your little dick one kiss to return the favor for satisfying me till now.”

After saying that, she got down on her knees and bent down her head towards the dick savage warrior.

She gave a small sucking kiss to his dick.

Right after, she killed the savage warrior a bright white light door that has pinkish violet hue appeared in the hall.

“This must be the exit from the dungeon.”

Mohini thought.

She gave a kiss to dick of the savage warrior.

Then she rubbed her clitoris against the dick of the savage warrior and stored in the storage ring on her clitoris.

She now has two storages one is the storage ring on her clitoris and the other is the game inventory.

The storage ring has 1000 spaces while the game inventory has 100 spaces.

Mohini has just made a decision that she would store the corpses and clothes in the storage ring on her clitoris.

As for the valuables she will store them in her inventory so that she would not lose them even in desperate situations.

Right after she stored the corpse of the savage warrior Mohini did not leave instead sat there and meditated a little to recover her strength.

She wanted to wear her dress but her body is covered in sweat and cum so she did not wear any.

At this moment Mohini has received many notifications again and since she is free she opened the notifications to see what she got


“Congratulations on killing a low levelled savage monster that is a level 30 savage worrier. Player received 300 experience points.”


“Special reward of 1000 experience points and plus 1 stat points to all stats is granted to the player on killing the level 30 savage warrior

This is because of killing the higher level savage being in a single move.”


“Congratulations on killing the boss monster of this tutorial dungeon bonus reward for the player.

Player received 3000 experience points and plus 1 stat points to all stats is granted to the player.”


“50 merit points are awarded to the player for killing a level 30 low level savage warrior and dungeon boss.”


“100 merit points are awarded to the player for clearing the tutorial dungeon.”


There are many previous notifications that Mohini received and she saw them all in one fell swoop.

Mohini immediately wanted to check her progress so she opened her status page.


Name : King of Fate, (hidden name: Mohini)

Age : 18

Gender: female

Species blood lines: human

Job : student

Cultivation base: mortal level 22

Title : ultimate survivor


Health points: 45/45

Spirit points: 40/40

Stamina points: 40/40


Body :  45

Mind : 40

Soul : 41

Beauty : 47

Luck : 25


Stat points: 10

Merit points: 300

Skill points: 10

Experience points: 8850 (needs 2300 experience points to reach next level)


The game system gave another notification

“Player now has 8850 experience points so she can upgrade your cultivation based on your will.

Do you want to get the tutorial of how to cultivate now or you can have the tutorial later from the game system menu or player’s status menu.”

Mohini received the notification regarding the one of her skills that is the extra loot skill she received from lady fate.


“Player has received some extra loot from all the points that player that player received in the span of clearing the dungeon.

Please check the obtained loot by clicking on the extra loot skill in the skills page.

Mohini immediately opened the skills page


Skills page


Ultimate survivor skill: tier 1 low grade mortal realm (2100/2500)

Invisibility skill: tier 1 low grade mortal realm (10/250)

Shape shifting skill: tier 1 low grade mortal realm (10/250)

Detection skill: tier 1 middle grade mortal realm (130/500)

Appraisal skill: tier 1 middle grade mortal realm (400/500)

Map skill: tier 1 middle grade mortal realm (400/500)

Extra loot: tier 1 low grade mortal realm (2400/2500)


Mohini clicked on the extra loot skill to see what she gained


Extra loot (1 percent)


Body: 0.25

Mind: 0.2

Soul: 0.21

Beauty: 0.27

Luck: 0.15

Merit points: 3

Experience points: 88.5

Stat points: 0.1

Skill points: 0.1


Here 1 percent is the current extra loot that Mohini would get on everything she obtains.

Mohini received another emergency notification from the game system


“Player the admin wants to speak to you so please step into the passage way that will appear in front of you.”

Immediately the stone way formed cracks and moved sideways forming a majestic gate and some sort of passage way that is filled with bright light.

Mohini thought of the sentence that the game system gave Mohini the word “admin” piqued Mohini’s interest in her.

The thing is Mohini know that this game system chat group belongs to lady fate.

So lady fate should be the admin of this right.

But lady fate said that she would meet her after she obtained completion part of the green jade.

So the people that Mohini was about to meet should be someone that is trusted by lady fate…………

Chapter 49: admin: 10 beauties

So the people that Mohini was about to meet should be someone that is trusted by lady fate.

Even so Mohini decided to visit this admin completely naked showing her curvy body.

Mohini stepped into the newly opened bright passage way to meet the admin.

As soon as she came out she was in a place that is filled with clouds.

She carefully examined her surroundings but there is no fear in her eyes.

She is in some sort of a circular room like space made out of clouds.

On the top of the room is open and there are 10 thrones that area placed at the circular borders of the room.

This is like a circular high platform that is surrounding Mohini as she is placed at the centre of it.

On these 10 thrones sat 10 extremely beautiful ladies that all has clear eyes as if the entire world is beneath them.

Mohini once saw one of these women.

This woman is the one that appeared to fulfill the wish of that cultivator Raja previously.

Her name is Scarlet.

As soon as Mohini saw her here she immediately got some understanding of all the things that is these 10 women here are people of lady fate.

They will help her look after the things while lady fate is away doing her things.

All the 10 women sitting on the thrones looked at Mohini’s naked body.

In their eyes Mohini is not that beautiful, just an average mortal women.

So she cannot get into their eyes.

“You are scarlet right?”

Mohini asked one of the women sitting on the throne.

The goddesses are shocked to see someone from the mortal realm was able to recognize them with a single glance.

They are not gods with idols in the mortal realm so no one in the mortal realm should be able to recognize them but Mohini did.

This shows that there is something special about the naked women in front of them.

They were curious about why lady fate personally gave this normal mortal the access to the chat group and the game system.

This is the reason they called Mohini after her completing the tutorial dungeon.

The women named scarlet looked surprised at Mohini as she was recognized by Mohini a mortal woman.

“How did you know who I was and my name?”

The women named Scarlet asked Mohini.

Then Mohini took out the pointing edge of the green jade which changed the reaction of lady scarlet and said

“Don’t worry I am not that smelly old man that tried to get you.

I was just lucky to get behind his in one of the futures and snatched this pointing green jade charm from him.”

“So please don’t mistake me for that old man.

I know that you 10 ladies are administrators of the chat group and game that lady fate created.

But who exactly are you?”

Mohini asked.

“You did a good job snatching the pointing half of the green jade charm.

That old man is a complete idiot.

As for what we are, we cannot say the details right now.

We called you here to see the one that lady fate is interested in.

We got what we wanted to know.

Since you have snatched the pointing half of the green jade from that smelly old man,

I want to give you some information as reward.

This information is a hint for you.

You should quickly complete the green jade and get the other parts of the benefits that you get from them.

There will be a big competition by the will of the world and there will be many participants in it.

The reward for this contest is the hand of lady fate in marriage and also the winner will get to marry all of us too.

This is all I can tell you and this contest is arranged by the will of the world.”

Lady scarlet said to Mohini

Mohini thought for a moment and said

“Lady Fate said that I should make her my bitch and I am going to do that no matter who gets in my way.

As for you 10 ladies you are also quite beautiful so you will be my bitches too hehe.

So doesn’t worry too much even though I am a woman I have faced many hardships as a women.

I will satisfy you both inside and outside.

Even though I am weak now I may not be weak in the future.

So be ready to get fucked by me.

Well I will let you fuck me too if you want and I don’t mind even now.

But remember if it really is going to be a competition where you all are being offered for the marriage,

Then you all should be prepared to become my bitches.”

Mohini said with a bright smile.

“How can you be so confident about winning the competition?

Also I prefer to marry men than a woman.”

A women with golden hair and ‘S’ shaped body said.

Mohini smiled and said

“Blonde lady you have a nice figure but you should know that the world is a mysterious place.

In this world I can change my gender and even the size of my dick.

So you don’t have to worry about getting a man.

Even if you need 10 men I can become 10 different men and fuck you from all directions so be prepared to be my bitch hehe.

Well if you don’t love me I won't force you.

But as long as you love me you can feel the world happiness and love from me.”

“Well I like women so I am pretty happy to become your bitch and make you my bitch just like lady fate.”

A woman with blood red hair and a sexy demon like body said.

“You are pretty sexy and I like the way you speak.

We will get the chance soon.

I will bring so many women that, it will become an entire country made up of my harem……”

Chapter 50: boiling chat group

“You are pretty sexy and I like the way you speak.

We will get the chance soon.

I will bring so many women that, it will become an entire country made up of my harem.”

Mohini said with a smile.


The goddess spoke a few more words while Mohini gave them some good answers.

Her answers did not create anger or happiness they are at the border line of both where all the 10 women are satisfied.

After that they are done talking and they reminded Mohini to be careful and check the notification to see her assessment results of the tutorial dungeon.

With the results of the assessment dungeon Mohini will be able to choose a skill so they reminded her.

After that another light screen opened up and Mohini walked through it to return back out of the dungeon.

At this moment the 10 women are speaking with each other another woman in purple came to that place.

All the 10 women got on their knees and said

“We greet lady fate”

“Ok, enough kneeling all of you get up and talk.

You all must have seen the women called Mohini right.

Did you like her?”

All the 10 women gave their various opinions to lady fate.

Then lady fate spoke again

“I should tell you even thought I was called lady fate I only have the ability to move some strings of fate to change the outcome of the things.

I don’t have the complete control over the fate of the world.

Mohini that we just met is an anomaly that was created in this world.

She is not under the control of this world and can change the fate of other people based on her will and effort.

Her interference in any event can change the result of all the events of her involvement based on her actions.

This is the fate she obtained by the will of the world.

Even I don’t know how she got this from the will of the world.

Also even I am unable to see her future.

It was now completely masked by the will of the world.

I can only see some bits and pieces of her future.”

The words of lady fate shocked all the 10 goddesses present.

This is because even lady fate was unable to see Mohini’s future.

This means Mohini will became a variable that can change the entire world based on her actions from this point on.


Mohini returned back to her rug and it has only been around 10 or 15 minutes and when she saw the time on her smart phone it is 10: 12 in the night.

The thing here is Mohini after coming out of the dungeon is still completely naked.

The good thing is most of the people around are sleeping and she is covered by the black rug.

She took out the clothes from the inventory and wore them under the rug slowly without disturbing her surroundings.

After wearing the dress she thought about the things that happened from the time she entered the tutorial dungeon.

There are some sweet memories and hot incidents for her to remember from the tutorial dungeon.

These things are of the past now after some thought Mohini opened the form where her profile name is king of fate.

She wanted to see the reaction of those gods and other beings because of her name as the king of fate.

After entering the forum Mohini saw that all the groups in the forum are normal with their chats except for one group.

That is the main group with the gods, demons and high level spirits.

This is because the display name of Mohini will come as notification to all the groups like


“New member called the king of fate is added to the group”

When Mohini was previously added to the groups this message was displayed in all the groups that Mohini was added.

Normal immortal cultivators and other small groups did not know much about lady fate.

So they did not make a fuss about the addition of the new member that is Mohini with the name as king of fate.

At the same time the one group that is filled with the gods, demons and many higher level beings know who lady fate is so they were in a state of chaos.

Messenger god Hermes: who is hell is this person that called himself as the king of fate.

Doesn’t this person fear the 10 fate ladies?

God sage Narada: even though I travel all the realms carrying the news I have never heard of this person called king of fate.

Hanuman the monkey king: this person is so bold as to take a name like that.

This person is not punished by the system of lady fate’s chat forum.

Monkey king sun Wukong: yes brother hanuman how can there be a person that took a name indicating that this person is the king of 10 fate ladies

But this person was not punished by the system.

There should be some things that we don’t know here.

Hanuman the monkey king: yes brother Wukong we should ask some Principal gods to give us some details to know what exactly is happening.

@creator god Brahma, @ preserver god Vishnu, @ the great god Shiva can you tell us what is happening here?

Monkey king sun Wukong: @ goddess sister Nuwa, @ creator god Pangu, @ emperor Shangdi can you tell us what is happening.

Messenger god Hermes: @ king of heaven god Zeus, @ king of oceans god Poseidon, @ king of underworld god Hades can you tell us what is happening.


At this moment another god started to speak.

This god is none other than the god of mischief Loki

God of mischief Loki: @ father Odin, @brother Thor can you give us some answers.

Also who is this bold person that is creating mischief?

May be we can become friends……….


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