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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 46: preparations before the Uchiha genocide

Izumi and Hana that came to visit Rito were jealous of this new person that also calls herself Shizuka.

With everything prepared Rito directly sighed peacefully.

He started to dive into his practice mode again.

Sometimes he would go out in the form of his maid and interact with the people around.

Most of the actions of Shizuka are very identical to Izumi based on Rito’s observations.

In the future, she will be the replacement for Izumi.


That year was smooth and Naruto joined the school.

Even with the help of Rito, Naruto is still an idiot.

During this year Rito visited Hinata, Ino, Sakura and others.

He has a very close relationship with them.

In the name of practice he even got close to them making him their dream lover.

His current appearance is more handsome then Sasuke.

So there is no way they would put Sasuke in their eyes.

In their mind they have already fallen in love with him.

In few years they would definitely took opportunities to propose to Rito just like they did in the plot with Sasuke.

Well Sasuke is still a sunny boy right now.

Only after he lost everyone did he change to the cold self.

Many time Rito mentioned that he was much better than his brother and beat him in a fight to Sasuke.

Well at that time Itachi is still there and thought that Rito is only mentioning it in a friendly manner.

But after the genocide incident Sasuke would definitely find Rito for help.

Rito will help Sasuke then.

This year Rito is 12 years old and his strength has improved rapidly to elite Jonin level.

With the yin seal he can easily play with Danzo or the third Hokage like playing with kids.

Soon he will step into to the rapid growth of his body which will enhance his level even more.

Both his body and spirit will grow at that time.

Based on a simulation Rito was able to awaken a bit of Otsutsuki bloodline.

At the same time he got an opportunity to awaken Rinnegan.

But it was disrupted by some circumstances.

Well Rito will be prepared and awaken the Rinnegan first.

Then he will think of a way to play with the people on the moon to get their bloodline and Tenseigan.


With the memories in play Rito readied himself for the night of the genocide.

On that day Rito specifically visited Mikoto and asked her to come to his home for dinner tonight.

But Mikoto seems to have known something and stubbornly rejected.

Looking at Rito’s desperation she can understand that the time should be tonight.

Since she stubbornly rejected it, Rito sighed helplessly.

Then he said.

“When we meet next time you should accept my feelings.

Only if you promise to accept my feelings I will not pursue this matter now…”

Mikoto was taken aback.

But since she chose to die any way it is not a problem to promise Rito.

She would have never expected that Rito would resurrect her.

She simply said.

“You should live a fulfilling life with the woman you loved, why bother with this old married woman.

You should go now and live a happy life….”

Rito stubbornly said.

“Give me a strand of your hair and promise me that you will be mine woman in your next life…

If you did not accept this I will not leave….”

Rito acted unreasonably for the first time.

Because of his stubbornness Mikoto frowned but still complied with Rito’s request in the end.

She did not think too much about the words of Rito and about the next life….

Looking at the disappearing figure of Rito Mikoto sighed and thought of her unfulfilling life.

She is a virtuous wife that never betrayed her husband.

She did not receive much love from this political marriage as Fugaku would only treat her with love for child making.

All the other times she is neglected.

Even though she can speak at home it was all just superficial and did not receive much lover from either her husband or children.

Well Sasuke is still young and innocent.

So he is close to her than Itachi.

But being a mother she cannot let go of either of her sons.

So she swallowed her grievances and did her job as a good wife for the life………

Rito got a strand of her hair and the promise that Rito wanted.

Then he went to Izumi’s house.

There he secretly took a strand of hair of Izumi’s mother and then invited Izumi to come to his home for dinner tonight.

Izumi readily accepted it because there is another woman at Rito’s house that made her feel very dangerous.

So she wanted to go immediately if possible.

After he is done with the preparations Rito went back to his home to cook the meal.

Kushina understood something and asked Rito.

“Why do you ask Mikoto and Izumi to come to your home today?

Is Uchiha clan going to end tonight?”

Rito smiled and said.

“Yes, Uchiha clan will end tonight in the hands of Itachi.

As for wanting to invite Mikoto and Izumi, I loved them just like I loved you.

I wanted to save her directly but she doesn’t want to go and abandon being a virtuous wife.

Since she promised to become my woman in the next life,

Then all I have to do is to give her life again.

It is essentially a second life with the same appearance.

She can wash off all of her grievances of her past life and become my woman.

Kushina I really wanted you to become my woman too.

Even if you don’t want to I will not force you.

You see I will still take good care of Naruto.

So you don’t have to fear of me doing something bad.

I am not a bad person.

All I wanted is for me to have the woman I love, love me back.”

Chapter 47: Uchiha clan’s genocide

After Rito spoke Kushina was speechless and escaped from this area.

She doesn’t know how to face Rito.

She felt that what Rito told her is right and her feelings are complicated.

Rito is not idle.

He is monitoring the things around carefully.

He doesn’t know if he was also noted in the kill targets or not.

It is soon evening and Izumi arrived a little quickly in the afternoon.

Rito asked her to bring a strand of her mother’s hair before she come over.

She doesn’t know what Rito asked her to bring a strand of her mother’s hair but she still brought it.

Rito took the strand of hair and stored it separately.

The he knocked out Izumi first and took her to the secret hide out that he dug under the house.

His clone that is in the appearance of Shizuka changed its appearance to Izumi.

Then she went back to her house after some time.

Her target is to act dead and put the similar looking body of Izumi first.

Then it will go around collecting the eyes of those dead Uchiha people as quickly as it could.

All of them will be stored in a storage scroll and hide it in a secret place for Rito to get.

With Rito’s current capabilities and the flickering technique of Shisui, Rito’s shadow clone can easily accomplish all the things in the agenda.

There are two people here that would do the killing.

One is Itachi and the other is Obito.

There are people from the roots that covered the area around so as to not to leak the information here to outside world.

But they did not participate in the killing.

Only these two people are the scum that would kill even the innocent in the name of justice.

Rito has his own plans for these two people later.

But first his clone moved to Izumi’s house.

Then it took out the body that looks similar to Izumi.

It used the puppet like skill the let body act normally including the voice.

Soon Itachi appeared and shot the shuriken to kill Izumi and her mother.

It is not like in the plot where Itachi loved Izumi.

So the entire thing ended quickly.

As soon as Itachi left the shadow clone of Rito moved out and started its operation.

It suppressed the chakra fluctuations completely and went to collect the eyes of the Uchiha clan people that were killed by Itachi or Obito.

Even though it is shadow clone it still have most of Rito’s abilities.

Well it did not have the yin seal and some special techniques but it can use most of them.

Unfortunately the shadow clone cannot access the system.

If it did then it should be possible to extract the blood lines of Fugaku and other Uchiha that are dead now.

Well his main body can always do that.

After collecting most of the eyes, the shadow clone was disappointed to find that the eyes of Fugaku were damaged by Itachi.

Well it is quite normal.

Fugaku should most probably have Mangekyō Sharingan.

So Itachi did it as a precaution to stop other people from getting their hands on it.

Well Itachi did not notice the clone because of the stealth techniques that Rito mastered and some masking from his Sharingan.

Also Itachi is acting to show the cruelty of the world to his brother and he did not have the extra energy to perceive Rito’s clone.

Even if noticed it he will simply thing that this is a root or Anbu ninja.

With that the shadow clone of Rito did a good job of clearing the place and hid the storage scroll in a secret place.

When Rito arrives here he can take it easily and directly stored it in his personal system space that he bought before.

After the clone vanished Rito got all the memories of what happened at that place.

The memory of the dead bodies of many people including Mikoto appeared in his mind.

Subconsciously he clenched his hand till his nails pierced his skin.

Fortunately the Senju bloodline healed his wounds quickly.

At that same time this triggered the awakening of the Otsutsuki bloodline.

Rito immediately sat on the spot and felt the changes and tried to awaken the Otsutsuki bloodline.

But the process failed when he was almost sure to awaken the Otsutsuki bloodline.

Right at that moment Kushina arrived here with a sullen face and sadness.

She saw what happened and she saw the masked man that caused her death.

Because of the spirit body she was able to see the identity of the masked man.

This made her to feel even more depressed.

What Rito said is true and everything is caused by her husband’s negligence.

The result is the death of her and her husband along with the suffering of her son.

Also the negligence of her husband gave the way for the third Hokage and Danzo to cause the death of the entire Uchiha clan.

Rito looked at her and sighed.

“You don’t have to blame yourself.

This has nothing to do with you.

Most of this was the stupidity of Minato….

Well don’t worry the things that are already happened.

I will resurrect Mikoto and the mother of Izumi if she wanted me to resurrect.

For now you should understand that all I said it true including my love to you.

In the future I will find evidence of the cause of the death of your Uzumaki clan.

I will resurrect Mito and even Rin that Obito cared so much……..”

Rito spoke some things that Kushina don’t know how to react to.

But she only stared silently while Rito spoke.

At that moment in the belly of the shinigami Minato suddenly sneezed even as a soul.

He did not understand who is talking bad about him behind his back.

He has never thought that it was someone from the hidden leaf village.

Chapter 48: Mikoto’s soul is pulled out of the pure land

He has never thought that it was someone from the hidden leaf village.

Instead he thought that someone from other village has thought badly of him.


After some time Rito used the strand of hair of Mikoto to call her soul from the pure land.

Mikoto has just entered the pure land a few hours ago.

She is sighing for her life looking at the place with nothing here.

She couldn’t even see the shadow of her husband or anyone else.

It is as if she was abandoned.

While she is sulking a strange force pulled her from this place.

In the next moment she appeared in a house that she is not familiar with.

But when she looked at Rito and Kushina she was shocked beyond belief.

She never thought that she would see the two people that she never thought that she would see.

Kushina is fine as she knows that Kushina is dead and should be in the pure land.

By why is Rito is here.

“Did he did after know my death?”

Mikoto thought of this and panicked.

Rito and Kushina let Mikoto calm down.

After she calmed down, Kushina explained the details to her good friend.

Understanding the situation Mikoto was shocked.

But her first reaction is the same her Kushina.

“Rito, can you tell me how my son is?”

Rito looked at her and asked back.

“Which son are you talking about?

Is it Itachi or Sasuke?”

Mikoto has a complicated face and finally steeled her heart and said.

“It is Sasuke?

Has he escaped the disaster?”

Mikoto asked anxiously.

Rito has a cold face and said.

“Mikoto, do you know that Itachi has formed a deal with the third Hokage to kill every single one in the Uchiha clan and only save Sasuke.

Now your son Sasuke should be having a mental break down because of what Itachi did just now.

Itachi is on the run and left the hidden leaf village.

Everyone in the Uchiha clan was killed by Itachi that stupid mutt.

Do you know how many innocent people died?

Yes Uchiha clan elders are planning a coup on the Hokage.

But what does it have to do with the innocent young people.

Because of the stupidity of Itachi, he became the tool in the hands of the Hokage that exterminated the entire Uchiha clan.

He is so stupid that I feel even birds have better brain than him.

I will not blame you for this Mikoto.

This was not caused by you.

This was caused by your moron of a husband that took Itachi to the battle field at the age of 4.

The scenes of the battle field have broken the heart of Itachi.

Then he met another moron Shisui that believed in the words of Hokage and his cronies.

He believed in the will of fire nonsense and was brainwashed to the point that he infected your son Itachi whose heart was broken at that time.

The final result is that the entire Uchiha clan is gone.

Fortunately I planned in advance to save Izumi that I love.

I loved you too.

I wanted to save you.

Why did you choose to stay there and die.

Anyway since you have already died once, I will give you a new life where you can marry me and live happily with me.

Kushina was also bought from the dead by me.

She is also a victim of a stupid husband that believed in the worlds of the big band wolf like a fat sheep.

Finally died leaving his son almost in a beggar like state….”

While Rito is speaking, Mikoto sigh a relief that Sasuke is alive and has complicated thoughts about Itachi.

The more she listened to Rito’s narration the more she hated her husband and even Shisui for being a moron.

But when Rito said about the son of Kushina she was taken aback.

She doesn’t know that Kushina has a son and is living like a beggar.

So she interrupted the words of Rito and asked.

“Does Kushina have a son?

Don’t they say that their son died in the rampage of the 9 tailed fox or something like that?

Who is the son of Kushina…?”

While she is getting shocked Kushina took the initiative to tell about Naruto.

Mikoto generally know Naruto as her son usually speak about Naruto all the time.

It is as if they both are lovers of some sort.

Mikoto also know about the fox demon reputation of Naruto.

Immediately she became sad.

If she has known about that at least she would have helped Naruto.

Kushina is her best friend and her son did not even have a good childhood.

How can she not feel sad?

While speaking about Naruto, Kushina explained about the details that Rito said to her and what she found out.

Her tone is sad when explaining the tragic life of Naruto.

The more she spoke the more Mikoto felt said.

Since they are spirits they cannot cry.

If they had bodies then they should be crying buckets and consumed few packs of tissue boxes.

Rito knows that they would not end their tragic story right now so he went to check on Izumi.

Fortunately he was not targeted by the third Hokage.

Or he might be testing to see the reaction of Rito when he found out about the death of Izumi and Mikoto.

Rito has always spoken about Mikoto as if she was his own mother when he spoke to the third Hokage.

This is to create a misconception about the deep feelings that Rito has towards Mikoto and Izumi in front of Hokage.

Also Hokage did not mentioned about the plan of killing the entire Uchiha clan.

This means that he is waiting for the reaction of Rito looking at the close people dying.

If Rito opened the Sharingan then he will lose the trust of the third Hokage, if Rito did not….

Chapter 49: Izumi is saved

This means that he is waiting for the reaction of Rito looking at the close people dying.

If Rito opened the Sharingan then he will lose the trust of the third Hokage, if Rito did not open the Sharingan then Rito will be trusted completely….

Rito knows the mind of the old fox like the back of his hand.

Will he fall into the trap so easily?


Soon when it was around 10 PM in the night Izumi woke up and she looked around in vigilance.

She is a girl so having vigilance is a normal thing.

Rito was sitting by her side reading something.

When she woke up Rito spoke.

“Izumi are you alright?”

Izumi don’t know what happened but remembered that she was knocked by Rito before.

“Rito, I am fine.

Why did you knock me out?

Did you do something to me?

Well she checked her body and she felt nothing wrong with it.

So she still asked why Rito knocked her out.

She knows Rito was a good person and would not do something bad to her.

She has seen him grow up along with her.

But she wants to know the reason.

Rito sighed and first sealed off the area around from leaking the sound inside the room using the shadow clones.

After that he told her what happened to the Uchiha clan.

As soon as she heard about that her eyes formed into Sharingan and then stepped into Mangekyō Sharingan.

She trusted Rito words very much.

She did not have any siblings, so she might not be able to step into the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan state.

But Rito did not have any thoughts about that as he has other plans.

As long as he activated the blood of Otsutsuki clan he can help her step into eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

She wanted to go out and take a look immediately but Rito stopped her from going out and held her back.

Izumi slowly sank into the embrace of Rito and started to cry for her dead mother.

Rito did not tell her that he can bring back her mother right now.

He first has to calm her down and then he has to tell the details slowly.

While crying Izumi remembered that Rito saved her and why did he not save her mother.

But she soon thought that her question is stupid.

How can he save so many people?

He is just a Chunin and should not possess much strength.

Immediately she feared if those people would come to kill her here.

When her mind is in a mess Rito kissed her on her lips to calm her down first.

Then he started to explain the original identity of Shizuka and the way for him to revive her mother.

Only Rito can see the souls and not her.

So she cannot see Kushina and Mikoto there.

When she remembered that Rito made her to bring a strand of her mother’s hair she finally understood why.

Rito also told her his plan on how he saved her.

After listening to the elaborate plan that Rito put into play to save her, she became happy for Rito’s love.

Also she understood how hard Rito tried just to save her made her think why he did not save her mother.

Understanding that Rito cannot revive her mother right away has made her a little sad but her thoughts are finally back on track.

First Rito told her how to put on the disguise to look like Shizuka that is similar to her.

Then he gave her a pair of lenses that would hide her Sharingan.

After making her arrangements and showing her room Rito has to accompany her for dinner and consoled her to sleep in his embrace.

He did not do anything as they are still kids.


In the morning next day Rito was called to the Hokage’s office by an Anbu.

Rito went there without thinking much.

Kushina and Mikoto followed him to see the show.

When he came to the Hokage’s office there are two people here one is the third Hokage and the other is the Danzo.

The face of the third Hokage is incomparably gloomy.

He is trying to act to the best of the limits he can.

Rito on the other hand is trying his best to not to laugh at them for their stupid third rate acting.

Third Hokage said the news about the Uchiha clan with the gloomy face and the deaths of Mikoto and Izumi.

Immediately Rito started his acting and immediately left the Hokage’s office at his fastest speed that should be at Chunin level to the Uchiha clan land.

Before going there Rito observed that there is a crystal ball on the table of the third Hokage that he would use to spy on other people.

Rito did not care if he was spied or not because his movements were quick and accurate.

Also his Sharingan can even make the spying technique see illusions if he wanted to.

He is currently strong enough to give a sneak attack on the third Hokage but Rito did not want to do that.

After reaching the Hokage compound Rito directly went to the house of Mikoto first and looked at her corpse.

On the way there are people that are dealing with the corpses of the Uchiha clansmen.

They did not stop Rito as they were under the command of the third Hokage.

Looking at her corpse Mikoto was gloomy and sad.

She was consoled by Kushina.

Rito used the system to extract the blood line from Fugaku right at that moment and filled his Uchiha bloodline to the fullest.

When it was full he focused on getting the bloodline of the Otsutsuki clan.

Well did not stop his acting no matter what he is doing.

The system is commanded by his mind.

When he looked at the corpse of Mikoto, Rito cried but there is no appearance of change in his eyes…………..

Chapter 50: peaceful time, rapid growth phase

When he looked at the corpse of Mikoto, Rito cried but there is no appearance of change in his eyes.

There is no sign of awakening of Sharingan.

Looking at this the third Hokage smiled happily while Danzo is gloomy.

He knows that Rito is a talent and he wanted to get Rito too.

Unfortunately third Hokage took the chance while he was hesitating about the Uchiha bloodline of Rito.

So he lost the opportunity while the bet of third Hokage won.

Rito then moved out of the house lifeless and went to look for Izumi’s corpse.

This is where the shadow clone of Rito planted the storage scroll.

Rito went to the house of Izumi slowly making the people looking at him a little hesitant.

But they are patient.

When Rito saw the corpse of Izumi he cried again.

But his Sharingan did not activate this time too.

This made Danzo irritated and the third Hokage was very happy.

This means that Rito can be trusted fully and can be cultivated just like Kakashi.

With the gain of the strong subordinate the mood of the third Hokage improved very much.

He stopped spying on Rito.

Rito waited for over 20 minutes before standing up and moving towards the entrance of the house.

On the way he acted as if he slipped suddenly and touched a shelf.

On the shelf the storage scroll was directly stored into his personal storage space.

This cleared his purpose here.

Then Rito went to the main yard where many Uchiha clan people’s corpses were placed in order.

Rito went there to walk around with sad face.

Not one disturbed him as they thought that Rito is finding someone he knows.

They are also vigilant to see if Rito opened the Sharingan.

Rito is collecting the bloodline of Otsutsuki clan in the corpses of the Uchiha clan.

After completing the process Rito finally left this place and went to the park to sit.

Sasuke is not here.

He was having a mental break down and lost consciousness.

He was taken to the hospital.

Rito sat on a bench and put on his acting skills to display.

Rito has to act like this for a few days to cover all the flaws.


Rito came back to the house and Izumi is at home waiting for him.

After entering his house Rito spoke to her silently.

She wanted him to take her for the funeral but he doesn’t want to take her.

The reason is that she cannot hold herself back looking at the situation.

Also he promised her that he would revive her mother so she doesn’t have to feel sad and attend a funeral.

With Rito’s persuasion Izumi finally calmed down.

Rito consoled her enough to cook her meal for her to eat.

She doesn’t want to eat but Rito made her eat slowly with his words.

After they completed the meal only Rito went to the funeral.

There are not many people here as the resentment and rumors created by the third Hokage and Danzo are very vicious.

There are just a few clan heads that came here out of respect.

That is all there is to it.

Rito went to pay respect at the grace but felt like there is not even a single corpse down under the grave.

Most probably Danzo took all the corpses and sent them as research materials for Orochimaru’s research.

Rito sighed and dropped some flower on the grave.

The Uchiha clan genocide incident came to an end like this.

The incidents next are peaceful time for Rito to develop as there are no major incidents.

So Rito took his time peacefully to improve along with Karin mother and daughter and Izumi.

Also Rito did not forgot to flirt with all the girls and taught both Naruto and Sasuke.

Naturally Naruto became interested in Sakura.

But Sakura was interested in Rito not Sasuke.

There are girls that are interested in Sasuke but the main heroines were all into Rito.

Rito also got close to Kurenai while all the attempts of Asuma failed to meet the goal due to various reasons.

Anko was caught by Rito and played with her a little some time.

Her ass was slapped to the point that she begged Rito to stop.

She was embarrassed buy she cannot do anything to Rito.

During that time Kakashi got out of the Anbu and third Hokage wanted Rito to enter Anbu but Rito don’t want that.

Well Kakashi supported Rito on this and nominated another guy to become the head of Anbu.

Previously Itachi is in the team of Kakashi but now it has collapsed.

So things became complicated.

Kakashi is only a Jonin instructor to Rito before but now he became a full time Jonin instructor.

Before taking team 7 of Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura, Kakashi did not teach other teams.

To for the next few years Rito can still team up with Kakashi.

Since Rito is a Chunin he can team up with other teams too.

Because of his good reputation he got some offers and Rito completed them perfectly.

The money he earned has increased more and more.

Some times Rito mentioned to Hokage to look at their mining company went to check on the things at their mines.

But Rito went to buy more mines and smelters with the money he accumulated.

The process is quickly and smooth with his Mangekyō Sharingan and illusions.

Rito is currently one of the rich men in the land of fire.

All of this was done by Rito in secret and the Hokage did not check on Rito because of his blind trust.

For the time being Rito did not show any flaws or reasons to check on his activities.

Because of the rapid growth phase Rito’s body grow very quickly and at that time his Uzumaki bloodline has awaken.

Rito noted this point in simulation and concentrated on the Otsutsuki bloodline right at that……..


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