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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 31: tutorial part-3

“A dungeon can have many levels where after crossing each level the level and strength of monsters increase.

The user can see her details in the self status screen after the tutorial assessment of the game system is complete.

There are special abilities like appraisal and map are given to the user while the tutorial is going on.

Instruction: open the map with your thought.

User has to think of map screen and user can open the map screen.”

Mohini did as the system instructed and thought of a map immediately a light screen opened in front of Mohini.

It showed some passage way that is similar to that of the underground cave.

It is the map of the area that she just walked and the area in front of her is the visible range.

Other than that everything in the map is completely dark.

This is like a map screen that shows the area that is already discovered or reveled and the rest of the area on the map remains dark.

This means that area is yet to be explored be the user.

Mohini did not play much of games but she has seen many people playing so she knows some of the things regarding the games.

The map shows the area that she explored and the unexplored area will look dark.

On the other hand the area beyond the cave walls looked dark too.

The dungeon system gave a notification to Mohini saying.

“The abilities that are provided by this dungeon system can be used in the real world too.”

Suddenly there is a red dot appeared on the map screen at the area in front of her.

Then the dungeon system gave information to Mohini regarding the red dot on the map.

This red dot represents an enemy and the red region is its detection range.

If Mohini were to step into that region the savage monster will notice Mohini.

Mohini thought that this entire dungeon system is like a game system.

Mohini thought of something and took out the pointing half if the green jade charm.

She thought that this game system is very similar to that of the erotic fate god system that the Mohini can receive from the green jade charm.

Because of this question Mohini took out the pointing half of the green jade charm to know the details of the system that this green jade charm will provide.

For the questions in Mohini’s mind the pointing half of the green jade charm responded sending a golden green light into Mohini forehead between her eyebrows.

The system provided by the green jade charm has some sort of quest system.

That can help Mohini reach the erotic fate god level.

Other than that there are many other benefits in it.

The common features between both the systems are the system store, player profile abilities like appraisal and map, and the inventory of the game system.

Mohini decided to call this dungeon system as a game system in order to facilitate her convenience.

Then the game system instructed Mohini to close the map screen.

Mohini did as the game system instructed and closed the map.

As soon as she closed the map screen Mohini was able to see a small water ball like thing that is moving in the cave.

Mohini was able to see this thing because her visibility range is higher than that of her enemy.

Even though she has been to some dungeons before she has only witnessed very few dungeons.

For this reasons she did not see many strange creatures even though she lived for over hundred years.

She has read some records on many different monsters that have sightings in the dungeons.

So she knows many details on strengths and weaknesses of these savage beasts and savage monsters.

Immediately a thought appeared in Mohini’s mind that is this little thing is recognised by Mohini.

It was a slime that is the most basic monster of the dungeon type games.

Mohini has read the recordings of slimes in dungeon many times.

So she has the basic knowledge that lead to recognise the little thing immediately.

“Is… Is that slime monster?”

“Oh! My! God! ”

“This really is a special dungeon and there are even monsters like slimes”

Mohini become a little excited at this moment a notification popped out.

“Player’s status assessment completed.

Player can now see her own status.”

Mohini know what status is so she thought it is similar to how she summoned the map screen.

So she thought of the status screen.

A light screen containing Mohini’s information popped out of nowhere just like the map screen.

Mohini was not stupid before looking at the status screen she took few steps back so that she will not come in to the detection range of the monster.

The slime is moving towards Mohini in a very slow pace so Mohini was not worried about being caught in an ambush.

She made a rough calculation and went back around 10 meters then she hid behind a bolder.

After that she looked at the status screen.


Name : King of Fate, (hidden name: Mohini)

Age : 19

Gender: female

Species blood lines: human

Job : student

Cultivation base: mortal level 20

Title : none


Health points: 20/20

Spirit points: 20/20

Stamina points: 20/20


Body : 20 (+5) =25

Mind : 23 (+2) =25

Soul : 22

Beauty : 25

Luck : 10


Stat points: 0

Merit points: 70

Ability points: 0

Experience points: 500 (needs 2100 experience points to reach next level)


Mohini calmed herself and looked at the details on the light screen display.

It showed the current status of Mohini.

At the same time the game system started to explain everything to Mohini in the order.

The first is the name of the player.

It said that the name “King of Fate” is the display name and the game system considers the name “Mohini” is the player name.........

Chapter 32: tutorial part- 4

It said that the name “King of Fate” is the display name and the game system considers the name “Mohini” is the player name.

This name can be edited by the player.

Then she looked at the other details on the status screen that is her age she has just turned 19 today and that is noted in the game system.

Then the next thing is Mohini’s gender as it should be she is a female.

Then the blood line and species of Mohini is as normal it should be human.

There are no special surprises here.

Her current job is a student and her current cultivation base is mortal level 20.

There is no title for Mohini.

When Mohini saw that her cultivation is mortal level 20 the system gave a notification.

All the mortals will have to reach mortal level 100 to start the actual cultivation and reach foundation stage cultivation.

The foundation stage cultivation is supposively the very beginning stage of the cultivation.

The people below foundation stage can only enter tier 1 dungeons.

Foundation stage cultivators can enter tier 2 dungeons.

With the support or teaming up with cultivators of higher cultivation stage, the foundation stage people can enter tier 3 dungeons

From this Mohini understood that she has to first reach mortal level 100 before formally starting her cultivation.

Mortal level 100 would be the highest level a normal human can reach without stepping into real cultivation.

She has already done this previously so she knows all these things.

Other than that in order to go to the secret place for the other half of the green jade charm Mohini has to reach higher level of cultivation that the peak of the level 10 of foundation stage.

Then Mohini looked at health points, spirit points and stamina points.

The system described these as the health, spirit energy and stamina of Mohini are quantified into numbers.

Below that are the stats of Mohini which are the quantified values of body, mind, soul, beauty and luck.

Body stats represent the power of body which are like strength, agility, dexterity and other things regarding body.

The extra points that are added to the stats represents that Mohini got them through hard work so 5 points have increased.

Mohini worked part time for the past 6 years that included manual labour which increased the body stat points.

Mohini looked at health points, spirit points and stamina points.

The system described these as the health, spirit energy and stamina of Mohini are quantified into numbers.

Below that are the stats of Mohini which are the quantified values of body, mind, soul, beauty and luck.

Body stats represent the power of body which are like strength, agility, dexterity and other things regarding body.

The extra points that are added to the stats represents that Mohini got them through hard work so 5 points have increased.

Mohini worked part time for the past 6 years that included manual labour which increased the body stat points.

Mind stats represent the power of the mind which is like wisdom, intelligence and other things regarding mind.

Mohini put her mind into various planning things to avoid bullies.

To work part time and study which increased the mind stat points be 2.

Soul stats represent the power of the soul which is like detection, absorbing spirit energy some things related to cultivation and many other mystical things.

Beauty stats represent the power of the beauty of a person like charm and charisma that can attract others.

Luck stats represent luck of a person.

This is the most mysterious thing in the world.

Luck can do many things precisely miracles that cannot be explained by natural logic.

Below that are the free stat points that are awarded to a person after every level up.

These points can be added to any stat that they want to improve.

The amount of stat points that are awarded are always the same number of stat points for every level up and for every major realm level up Mohini can receive more stat points.

The awarded stat points depend on the cultivation technique that the cultivator uses.

Below that are the merit points this is the thing that Mohini did not understand.

After raising a question in Mohini’s mind the game system gave Mohini an answer.

These merit points are like a currency in the game system and game forum.

They can be used to buy things from the people in the forum, upgrade some of the things in the game system.

They can be converted into stat points too.

There are other uses to the merit points to it too.

The way to earn the merit points is not too complicated.

There are many ways to earn the merit points like killing savage beasts, clearing dungeon, doing good deeds and can earn merit points by killing evil people too.

There are other ways to earn merit points too.

Mohini was happy to see this because she could understand the value of the merit points.

She has 70 merit points which means she has obtained merit points by helping others.

Since there is nothing to compare Mohini did not know the value of any of the points that are mentioned in the status page.

There is a warning from the game system regarding the merit points.

If Mohini were to do bad deeds the merit points will be deducted.

There is a chance that they may turn into negative value too.

There are some titles given based on the amount of merit points one has.

There are titles for negative merit points too.

One will get some of the boosts and perks based on the merit points and titles.

Mohini was very excited to know that there are some good things doing good deeds.

But the person with negative merit points have many problems like sudden happening of bad luck and may even struck by lightning or some other things can happen.

Chapter 33: slime monster part-1

But the person with negative merit points have many problems like sudden happening of bad luck and may even struck by lightning or some other things can happen.

The good deeds and bad deeds refer to the impact and consequences of the actions of the person on the world or a community or some other thing.

If these things are in line with the will of fate and world then the merit points will be awarded.

If they are opposite to the will of fate and the world then the merit point will be deducted.

The titles given by the amount of merit points mainly boost luck stats and sometimes beauty stats that is charisma of a person.

Then the next thing below the merit points is ability points.

The game system explained the ability points are used to upgrade the abilities to the instead of the next level in place of experience points.

The game system gave some examples of appraisal ability and map ability.

“The current appraisal ability that game system has given to the player is only at level 0 of the mortal stage.

This ability can only be used on the all beings that come under tier 1 that is below foundation stage.

If a person above the ability level is appraised it depends on players luck to get the information.

The map ability is also at level 0 it will show many details on the map.

If the player was able to upgrade the map ability to higher level the player can see the hidden spaces and other markers like treasures, medicinal herbs and ores of high level materials can be found.

Other than that the range of the map increases giving every single detail and minute changes happening on the visible area of the map.

The upgraded version of map can even locate hidden assassins and hidden treasure locations.

This is the use of the ability points that is to upgrade the ability.

The usage of the ability also increases the experience points of the ability thus the ability can be upgraded this way too.

Using the ability points is one of the short cut methods to upgrade the ability quickly.

The ability points are allotted every time player level’s up.

The number of ability points that are awarded to the player depends on some factors directed by the lady fate.”

Then the next one is the experience points.

The system gave an explanation.

“The experience points are required by the player to reach the next level of cultivation.

One could gain experience points by killing savage beasts, cultivating using beast core, spirit stones, or absorbing the spirit energy from the nature using pills or normal ways.”

With this all the things that are in the status page are explained.


“Abilities page unlocked”

Then the system said “player please open the abilities page”

Mohini opened the abilities page with just a thought showing a light screen in front of her,

In that page there are abilities that Mohini already know,

But there is one ability that she did not know that she has is the ability called “ultimate survivor” which is level 1.

This is the only ability that Mohini possess.

Upon closure inspection the game system gave an explanation that is,

“This ability can only be obtained by a person that was able to survive many threatening situations and escape from all sorts of enemies.”

After reading the description of the ability Mohini found that this ability came to her because of all of her past experiences.

These experiences are from the tragic life she had and survived many situations of life and death.

After getting all the information Mohini has the basic understanding of the game system of this fate’s chat group.

She then closed the light screens and started to observe the slime monster.

“My friends used to tell that this slime monster is the weakest monster of all games and dungeons.

Unless it has evolved into some high level monster like acid slime or fire slime or some other type of special attribute of slime.”

Mohini muttered to himself

Then Mohini wanted to act with caution but the game system gave a message.

“Player can try using appraisal ability on the slime monster,

The usage of appraisal and map abilities does not need any spirit energy“

Mohini immediately became happy because with her current spirit energy at level 20 she will not be able to use many abilities.

But if the abilities can be used without spending spirit energy then it will definitely make Mohini very happy.

Mohini did as the game system and appraised the slime monster immediately a light screen appeared with results.


Name: slime

Cultivation: level 10

Body: 15

Mind: 5

Soul: 5

Beauty: 20

Luck: 5

Description: slime savage beast primary form.

This monster has low intelligence.

It attacks any being that it detects. Its primary attack is sudden tackle.

It will not move faster but it well pull its targets into it and absorb then completely.

The slime material on its body is very smooth and can be used as top moisturiser....

Weakness: slow moments, small area of detection, core of the monster, very lustful to female body.


The last weakness of the slime piqued Mohini’s interest.

This is because it said that this slime is very lustful towards female body.

Since Mohini is a lady then this can naturally attract the slime’s attention.

Mohini found that this slime did not have any form of special attributes like poison or acid it is just a normal slime.

So Mohini was not scared and decided to take the frontal attack on the slime.

Mohini first took off her dress and placed it in the game treasure chest that is in the storage ring.

After that she readied herself to move forward towards the slime.

Mohini know that in order to kill the slime she has to take the monster core out of the slime…..

Chapter 34: slime monster part- 2

Mohini know that in order to kill the slime she has to take the monster core out of the slime.

The core is hidden in the body of the slime so it usually will not appear clearly.

But Mohini can detect the location of the core of the slime because of her detection radar ability.

Still there is a problem that is this ability can only detect the things that is 1 meter radius away from Mohini.

Because of this she has to be a very close proximity to the slime in order to detect its hidden core.

So Mohini decided to let the slime do as it pleases with Mohini’s body to get close to the slime.

Mohini was fearless because of two reasons.

One is the slime did not have any special attribute and the second is the strength of Mohini is far stronger than that of the slime.

Because of these reasons Mohini did not fear the slime monster.

Instead she was having some strange anticipatory feelings towards the slime thinking how this slime can fuck Mohini.

Mohini no longer stood hidden behind the bolder and went straight towards the slime.

When Mohini is 3 meters away from the slime it immediately recognized Mohini.

Immediately the slime shot out a long tentacle like things towards Mohini’s legs.

Mohini was a little startled and because of the sudden pull of the tentacle Mohini fell on the ground.

The slime dragged Mohini towards it and started to feel Mohini’s body, especially her lower region that is her crotch and her breasts.

Slime did not have eyes so it has to recognize the people’s gender based on their body parts.

If it found there is a dick at the crotch region and there is no features of a woman of the person it captured.

Then it will directly strangle the target and feed on that person’s corpse.

But if the person is a woman then it will start fucking the woman till the woman is dead then it will feed on that woman’s body.

There are slimes that did opposite to the slime in front of Mohini that is some slime will be interested in men and hate women.

Similarly there are slimes that have other interests.

Mohini is fortunate so the slime she encountered is interested in woman.

Because of this Mohini can enjoy a hardcore pleasure time with the slime.

Mohini is not idle while the slime is fucking her she used the detection radar ability to locate the core of the slime monster.

Mohini was now the captive of the slime at first the slime hold off her hands and legs with tentacles.

Then another 5 tentacles appeared two of them stuck on Mohini’s tits sucking on her nipples.

Another one went into Mohini’s mouth.

The other two penetrated the little pussy on Mohini’s crotch and the ass hole.

Mohini was pinned on the ground by the slime.

Mohini did not resist at all.

The slime started to fuck all of Mohini’s holes.

Mohini immediately went into heaven of pleasure.

But Mohini did not lost sight of her goal.

She used the detection skill for one second to check the location of the monster core of the slime.

But Mohini did not lost sight of her goal.

She used the detection ability for one second to check the location of the monster core of the slime.

Because Mohini has no resistance towards the deeds of the slime it slowly reduced the vigilance of the slime and let Mohini’s hands and legs loose.

She is no longer pilled tightly as it was before.

Mohini was enjoying the pleasure but she is still vigilant.

The fucking of the slime is useful for Mohini’s cultivation.

The more the slime fucked Mohini, the more progress that Mohini makes in her cultivation.

This is the special feature of the erotic fate god cultivation technique.

Other than normal cultivation Mohini can also improve her cultivation by a percentage when she is getting fucked or fucking someone.

After sometime the slime cummed in all of Mohini’s holes as if it is a male that was climaxed at the peak of its pleasure.

At this moment the slime also became weak for a moment.

Mohini has taken the chance of this moment of slime’s weakness.

She immediately pierced into the body of the slime with her hand and pulled out the monster core of the slime.

As soon as she pulled the slime monster core the slime monster turned into some slime liquid and fell on all over Mohini’s body.

As she is naked it has completely covered her body.

It was sticky and slimy all over Mohini’s body.

She was now currently sitting in the puddle of slimy and sticky liquid that is what left of the slime.

Mohini was in a state of cultivation and did not bother with her surroundings.

She is also holding the monster core of the slime in her hands.

There are a few game notifications after Mohini killed the slime.

But Mohini was too into the state of cultivation that she did not even bothered to notice.

After 1 hour Mohini finally woke up from her cultivation.

The slimy liquid has completely evaporated.

Other than that there is some dark dirty liquid came out of Mohini’s skin all over her body.

The black sticky liquid on Mohini’s skin is very smelly.

It is as bad as if Mohini has just bathed in shit.

Mohini wasn’t able to bear this kind of stench but she has no way of removing this black sticky liquid from her body.


“Instructions to the player please store the monster core in the inventory of the game system.”

Mohini immediately opened the inventory screen with a thought of the mind.

After that under the instructions of game system tutorial Mohini stored the monster core into the game inventory.

At this moment Mohini heard a sound of water nearby.

She immediately ran towards source of the sound…….

Chapter 35: magical hot spring

She immediately ran towards source of the sound.

Soon she arrived at two step pond of hot spring.

The hot water of the hot spring is flowing from the upper pond to the lower pond and then it went into some small channel towards the wall of the cave.

Mohini was a little cautious.

So she used the appraisal ability on the pond and water to see if this water has any problems.


“Hot spring water pond, No special features good for skin and improve body strength.”

Mohini was happy to see that this hot spring not only good for her skin but also increase her physical strength.

This is a great benefit for Mohini.

The water in the two ponds is not deep.

They are just knee deep to Mohini.

Other than that the water is clear and Mohini can clearly see the bottom of the pond.

So she directly jumped into the lower pond to take a bath.

She first went into the lower pond to wash off the black sticky liquid.

Then she went to the top pool and soaked in it while relaxing her body.

After few minutes she opened the notifications that she previously got.

She wants to see what she obtained.


“Congratulations on killing a low levelled savage monster that is level 10 slime.

Player received 100 experience points.”

First of all after the slime cummed in Mohini, it gave a considerable amount of energy for Mohini to cultivate.

At the same time Mohini killed the slime Mohini received some experience points which is equal to few days of cultivation.

Other than that all the slimy and sticky liquid that covered Mohini after the death of the slime monster was absorbed by Mohini’s body.

These things gave two benefits to Mohini there are the first one is Mohini has reached beginner level 21.

Other than that the second benefit is that the beauty stat points of Mohini have increased by 5 points.

Which means the charm of Mohini is increased making her even more beautiful.

Next the monster of the slime was placed in the treasure chest inventory of Mohini.

Mohini used the appraisal ability on the black sticky liquid that came out of her skin after she absorbed the stick slime liquid.


“Impurities of the human skin, removed with the help of level 10 slime monster’s slimy liquid.”

After washing the black liquid from her skin Mohini’s skin became smoother and glossier.

This slime liquid acted as a very good beauty cream that can improve the physical beauty of the body.

Mohini also saw another notification saying that she has obtained 10 merit points for killing the slime monster.

Mohini immediately opened her status page with a thought to look at her improved stat points.


Name : King of Fate, (hidden name: Mohini)

Age : 18

Gender: female

Species blood lines: human

Job : student

Cultivation base: mortal level 21

Title : none


Health points: 25/25

Spirit points: 24/24

Stamina points: 25/25


Body : 25

Mind : 25

Soul : 22

Beauty : 30

Luck : 10


Stat points: 5

Merit points: 80

Ability points: 5

Experience points: 0 (needs 2200 experience points to reach next level)


Mohini was happy to see that all of her stat points and her cultivation are increased.

But when she saw her spirit points she did not understand why there are not increased by much like the health and stamina points.

Soon the tutorial system answered saying the mind stat points of Mohini are increased as well.

But her soul stat points are still a little lower for this reason the spirit points did not increase by much.

Mohini understood the reason for the increase of the stat points and her usable spirit energy.

At this moment Mohini remembered that this hot spring can strengthen her physical body.

Mohini jumped down to the hot water spring that is at the bottom.

Then she started to cultivate the erotic fate god’s cultivation technique.

She is in that state for 2 hours then she moved to the upper hot spring that is filled with some strange essence that came out of a small hole at the bottom of the spring.

After 24 hours of continuous cultivation Mohini finally opened her eyes.

Her body was covered in black muddy stuff again but was washed away by the flowing water of the hot spring.


“Special strengthening essence low grade tier 1 material is absorbed by the player, Body stat points increased by 5 points.”

Mohini opened her status page to look the new changes.


Name : King of Fate, (hidden name: Mohini)

Age  : 18

Gender: female

Species blood lines: human

Job : student

Cultivation base: mortal level 21

Title : none


Health points: 30/30

Spirit points: 24/24

Stamina points: 30/30


Body : 30

Mind : 25

Soul : 22

Beauty : 30

Luck : 10


Stat points: 5

Merit points: 80

Ability points: 5

Experience points: 0 (needs 2200 experience points to reach next level)


Mohini was naturally happy to see the increase in her stat points.

But she doesn’t know what this change of the stat points gave her is.

At this moment the tutorial system gave a general explanation of the stat points of the body stat.


“1 point of body stat point can induce or bear 1 kilogram of force.”

From this Mohini understood that with the 30 points in stat points she can use 30 kilograms of force with her body.

After that Mohini wanted to see from where this strange essence came into the hot spring.

She activated the detection ability just for a moment and immediately she noticed a small pin hole at the bottom of the hot spring.

Since she is in a cave she wasn’t able to see clearly because of the low lighting.

But when she used her detection radar ability Mohini was able to see her surroundings very clearly.

Chapter 36: solving a puzzle to open the door

But when she used her detection radar ability Mohini was able to see her surroundings very clearly.

With the help of her photographic memory Mohini was able to remember the exact location of the place where that strange essence is coming into the hot spring.

On the surface the bottom floor of the hot spring is solid but it is not really solid.

Mohini dug her fingers into the area where the pinhole leak of the strange essence is present.

The seemingly solid area was as smooth as cheese.

Immediately after that Mohini slowly removed the layer by layer of surface at the bottom of the hot spring.

After digging a feet of the bottom floor of the pond a small red orb was reveled.

The size of the orb is not much just has 1 inch diameter.

It looked like a blood red gem.

At this moment the game system gave a notification saying

“Congratulations player has successfully discovered the hidden treasure of the first level of tutorial dungeon,

For this deed player is awarded with extra 3 soul stat points as reward.”

“Congratulations player being the first one to discover this hidden treasure, since the starting of this game of fate.

The special reward of 10 soul stat points as awarded to the player.”

Mohini was shocked by the reward that she just received.

This is because improving soul stat points is one of the hardest things to do.

The reason for this is the soul is an intangible and formless thing.

So Mohini was happy when she received such a reward.

After that Mohini wanted to check the object that she just found.

There is anticipation in her mind to know what this blood red orb is that she just obtained which can be a hidden treasure that no one can find it till now.

For this reason Mohini tried to appraise this blood red orb.


“Blood essence bead”

There is no other information about the blood red essence bead that Mohini found except for the name.

This is because her appraisal ability is very low leveled that is just level 0.

Mohini understood immediately where the problem is.

So Mohini cooled her mind and muttered.

I must upgrade the appraisal ability as quickly as possible.


“The appraisal ability of the game system can be upgraded by using of the ability points of the player or merit points of the player or continuous usage of this ability to gain the experience points for the ability to upgrade abilities.”

After that she started appraise everything around so that she can upgrade the appraisal ability.

Mohini decided to move in this dungeon naked because she only has very few pairs of dresses.

So she doesn’t want to wear her dress and spoil it while exploring the dungeon.

For this reason Mohini started to walk naked forward appraising the things while she was exploring.

Then she moved on based on the instructions from the game system tutorial.

As she moved on she came to the end of the cave where there is a door with 5 concentric circular rounds on the door.

They are shining with some symbols that are diced into pieces.

They are placed on all the circles into number of pieces.

The game system gave the instruction that in order to open the door Mohini has to solve the puzzle on the door to unlock the door.

Also if Mohini made a wrong combination she has to face a trap from the door.

The symbols are similar to the runic letters from many ancient languages.

Mohini was a little taken a back and started to observe the symbols on the door and then moved the 5 concentric circles carefully to match the symbols.

Unfortunately Mohini made a small mistake in the arrangement because of the excitement she was in.

Suddenly some arrows are shot out of the door and from the surrounding cave walls towards Mohini.

But because Mohini was in the game tutorial so a sudden barrier is formed around Mohini to protect him.

Mohini was a little scared because of the sudden deadly scene that appeared in front of him.

Mohini is just an ordinary person a few minutes ago,

So she was scared because of the sudden attack and life and death situation Mohini just faced.

This is the first time Mohini came so close to death after coming back in time.

But this experience gave something to Mohini in return.

The return that Mohini obtained is the improvement of the state of mind of Mohini.

Naturally the state of mind of an ordinary person is always in a normal way.

That shows their emotions on their face when they face some extreme situation,

Just like showing panicked state of mind in time of life and death situation and showing overwhelming happiness when things look rewarding.

Because of the only ability called the “ultimate survivor” that Mohini possesses she came back to her senses very quickly.

Mohini was not in a panicked state but instead she was calm as if she was not attacked at all.

Mohini was a person that practiced to stay calm in all kinds of situations.

Because of the situations she faced and slipped through many situations Mohini was able to attain this calm stage.

Mohini immediately arranged all the 5 concentric circles in the correct order to form the correct ancient language runic word.

With loud rubble the door started to shake and then started to open revealing a lush green forest that is full of vitality.

Mohini was able to recognize the ancient language runic word symbols because of the country she is in.

The current runic language is close to a language called Sanskrit.

Mohini lives in the country called India.

This Sanskrit language is recognized as the primary language.

“Sanskrit is the mother of many languages on the earth and even the vast universe.”

Being an elder from a sect Mohini was fluent in many ancient runic languages……..

Chapter 37: hunting the wolf part-1

Being an elder from a sect Mohini has studied these languages and she was fluent in many ancient runic languages.

Well at least to the basics.

This is the reason why Mohini was able to recognize the language and this is the reason why Mohini was able to solve the language problem.

Mohini arrived outside the cave through the door.

As soon as she came out she saw the surroundings that are filled with lush green forest that was brimming with vitality.

Under the instructions of the game system tutorial Mohini started to walk forward.

“Howl” “grrr”

But after Mohini moved for around 10 meters she heard a long howl.

It was like the sound of a wolf.

Almost in no time a shadow as big as a car has arrived in front of Mohini.

It stopped right in front of Mohini it was a wolf with grayish black fur.

It was around 3 meters long and 2 meters in height.

It has some razor sharp fangs that were like daggers.

Mohini looked a little frightened, but calmed her mind immediately by biting her own tongue.

Then Mohini started to think of a way to solve the problem in front of him.

The first thing she did is to appraise the beast in front of her as she did with the slime monster.

Immediately the results are out


Name: wild wolf

Cultivation: level 20

Body: 35

Mind: 15

Soul: 15

Beauty: 20

Luck: 15

Description: A wild wolf of the savage beasts that came from the dungeon.

Have twice as strong abilities as that of a normal wolf…

Specialities: quick movements and presto fangs

Weakness: arrogant and gluttonous.

There is no lust for this wolf.

So Mohini won’t be able to use her body to get a chance to kill this wolf.

Other than that Mohini did not have any weapons that can help her kill this monster wolf.

Mohini did not have any plan to deal with the monster wolf in front of her.

So she calmly saw the weaknesses of the wild wolf.

As soon as she saw the words arrogant and gluttonous Mohini immediately has an idea.

Previously when she went to the kitchen to have her dinner she saw a well prepared chicken wings hidden secretly by the cook Hari.

She immediately understood that this cook Hari has used the money that is given to buy the food supplies for the orphanage to buy these chicken wings.

Other than that he bought some cheap quality food supplies for the orphanage.

So Mohini was not polite she directly took these chicken wings into her storage ring.

This happened very easily.

When Mohini went for the dinner she only wore a nighty, other than that there is nothing on her body.

So when she sneaked in to steal the chicken wings she lifted the nighty up and placed the pack of chicken wings near her clit ring.

Immediately with a single thought the storage ring on her clit stored these chicken wings inside.

Now Mohini wanted to use these chicken wings to distract the wolf.

She thought that she would keep these chicken wings as emergency food or something for emergency situations.

She was not bothered that these chicken wings would be spoiled because there is no flow of time in the storage ring.

The wolf is staring into Mohini’s eyes like it wanted to take a bite at Mohini.

On the other hand Mohini did not show any fear in her eyes.

Even her body language and expressions are very normal.

Previously Mohini was frightened a little but now she was looking at the surroundings to find a way to solve the crisis with a calm mind.

She looked around and found that there is something that Mohini found that can help her solve the current crisis.

As soon as she found the things an idea popped out in her head that can solve the current problem in a rewarding way.

Immediately Mohini started to execute the idea.

She has already accepted her current situation so she was unafraid of death.

Mohini slowly took out the chicken wings packet out of her storage ring.

As she is naked it is very easy to take things out without much effort.

As soon as she took out the chicken wings packet the wolf diverted its gaze towards the chicken wings packet in Mohini’s hands.

All the wild beasts have one type of instinct that is they all attracted towards food as soon as they saw it.

Till now it is looking at Mohini as if it is looking at its favorite food.

But as soon as Mohini took out the chicken wings packet it became vigilant.

It is being cautious of what Mohini took.

Even though it is a savage beast it still has its own line of thoughts and thinking capabilities.

Since it is close to the lowest level it behaves as if it is a wild beast in the forest.

Mohini did know the behaviors of the wild beasts.

So she did not make any sudden moments and at the same time she did not show any form of fear or other emotions on her face.

She put on the poker face with an all knowing expression.

He slowly opened the chicken wings packet cover.

Because of the extra ordinary senses of the beasts the wolf pick up the scent of the chicken wings and its attention is shifted towards the chicken wings in Mohini’s hands.

Mohini immediately picked one chicken wing out and threw it to her right side with all her might.

Immediately the wolf that has the primal instincts that is similar to that of a dog so it immediately went to catch the chicken wing.

There is one more reason that is the wolf is arrogant and thought that Mohini was just a tiny little human that cannot escape from its grasp.

So it went to get the tasty chicken wings first leaving Mohini to run…..

Chapter 38: hunting the wolf part- 2

There is one more reason that is the wolf is arrogant and thought that Mohini was just a tiny little human that cannot escape from its grasp.

So it went to get the tasty chicken wings first leaving Mohini to run.

It wanted its prey to struggle before it captured Mohini.

Mohini on the other hand put the chicken wings packet back into the storage ring and then ran towards the trees to the left hand side with all of her might.

The wolf has already made it to the chicken wing and ate it.

Then it started running towards Mohini with its full speed.

Mohini managed to reach the area with the trees that she is looking at, the things that can help her to solve the problem.

As soon as the wolf monster ate the chicken wings it started to charge at Mohini with full speed.

After reaching an area with 2 trees Mohini stopped and waited for the wolf monster to arrive.

But it was already around 5 meters distance from Mohini when Mohini turned around.

Mohini did not hesitate in her next action she immediately pulled the two long sharp branches of the tree and pointed them towards the wolf’s eyes.

Because of the short distance and the speed at which the wolf is pouncing at Mohini it was unable to stop its actions.

The result is because of the inertia of its huge body, not only its eyes but its brain was also pierced by the two branches.

Then the wolf was left hanging in the air where its jaws are still open wanting to bite Mohini.

The wolf’s fangs just stopped around 30 centimeters from Mohini’s face.

Mohini’s plan worked perfectly.

In actuality the plan is very simple.

First Mohini found that there are two weaknesses that this wolf monster has that is arrogance and gluttonous.

Then with the knowledge on these two things and animals,

Mohini know that this wolf monster only see Mohini as a game because of its arrogance.

It wants to break down Mohini using the fear.

Only then it wanted to kill Mohini.

The second is it is a gluttonous so it will be interested in any food item that it smells delicious.

So Mohini know that it will be attracted to the chicken wings.

The third is Mohini knows that she don’t have any weapon to kill the wolf on hand and none of the rocks and branches would be strong enough to pierce its flesh completely.

They can at most cause a bruise to the wolf monster and Mohini was not strong and experienced enough to fight and kill the wild beasts.

So Mohini decided to use the force of the beast against it.

That is first she used the chicken wing to distract the beast then ran towards an area where the branches of the trees that are around the height of the eyes of the wolf beast.

Also the branches should be sharp and flexible, so that Mohini can pull them and adjust them at the right angle.

So Mohini took only a few seconds to find the trees before she threw the chicken wing to distract.

After she found the trees with the branches that suit her needs she threw the chicken wing in the opposite direction so that she could distract the wolf monster.

This will give her time to make her way to the trees and adjust her position.

He was sure that the wolf monster will go for chicken wing rather than her because of the two weaknesses it have.

This worked and the wolf monster went to catch the chicken wing.

Mohini know that if she run then the beast thinks that Mohini was afraid and ran away from it.

So it will chase after her so she ran towards the place she decided to create the deadly trap.

Mohini know that she was not strong enough to pierce the wolf monster’s skin.

So Mohini has decided to use its own force against it.

She was sure that when it thought that Mohini was afraid of it.

It will definitely come after Mohini with full force to hunt her like a prey.

At this moment all Mohini needed to do is to try her best to stay calm and align the two tree branches of the trees towards the eyes of the wolf beast as much as possible at the very last possible moment.

If she succeeded in aligning the branches towards the wolf’s eyes then everything will be successful by the inertia of the weight of the wolf monster.

Everything went according to Mohini’s plan and she achieved the thing perfectly.

She has managed to kill a wolf monster without using a weapon.

All she used is a chicken wing.

No one would believe this if they have not seen this with their own eyes.

Well Mohini is not the type to brag about him.

So this will be something only Mohini and the game assessment system will know.

Mohini calmed her adrenaline rush just now and calmed all the excitement.

Then she came to the side of the wolf from the front of the wolf’s jaws.

Then the game system tutorial gave instructions to Mohini that is to place the wolf monster into the inventory.

The entire wolf beast is transferred into the game inventory that is her treasure chest which was shocking to Mohini.

She doesn’t know what to do with the wolf.

But she suddenly thought of something and took out the wolf monster out of the inventory.

Then she examined the wolf monster on its entirety.

What Mohini was thinking is where the monster core of this wolf monster would be in this huge body.

The body of the wolf monster is as big as a small car.

But she doesn’t know the anatomy of the beasts.

Immediately a game system notification appeared

“Congratulations on killing a low levelled savage monster that is level 20 wild wolf.

Player received 200 experience points.”

Chapter 39: Game store is unlocked

“Congratulations on killing a low levelled savage monster that is level 20 wild wolf.

Player received 200 experience points.”

“For the clever thinking and planning player received an extra 1000 experience points and 5 mind stat points.

Also for killing the wild wolf savage monster without using any weapons player receives another 1000 experience points and 5 body stat points.”

“For the brave thinking of the player and strong soul to stand against the adversities player receives an additional 5 soul stat points.”

“Congratulations player your have upgraded to level 22 please check your status to see the changes”

“Congratulations player has received 20 merit points for killing the wild wolf savage beast.”

Mohini immediately wanted to check her progress so she opened her status page.


Name : King of Fate, (hidden name: Mohini)

Age : 18

Gender: female

Species blood lines: human

Job : student

Cultivation base: mortal level 22

Title : none


Health points: 30/30

Spirit points: 30/30

Stamina points: 30/30


Body : 30

Mind : 30

Soul : 30

Beauty : 30

Luck : 10


Free Stat points: 10

Merit points: 100

Ability points: 10

Experience points: 0 (needs 2300 experience points to reach next level)


Mohini could feel that her body has become a little stronger at the same time.

Mohini also felt that her thinking capabilities have become a little sharper and her memory is also increased a little.

As Mohini was thinking a new notification appeared that is,

“The game store is unlocked for the player.”


“This game store is visibly available for the members of the fate’s chat forum and the people that are specially given access to it like high level gods, demons and other higher beings.

For all the other people it is called as the world rewarding system.

This will give rewards to the people based on their deeds and wishes.”

Mohini was happy and wanted to see what is in the game store of this magical game system.

With just a thought the game system opened and appeared in front of Mohini.

On the light screen page there are buy, sell and service options available for Mohini to choose from.

Mohini expected the buy and sell options but she has never expected the service option.

This thing piqued Mohini’s curiosity so with a thought she selected the “services option”

Immediately a screen with listed services appeared.


“Dissecting monster corpses for useful materials”

“Support intelligence”

“Teaching alchemy”

“Teaching crafting”

“Teaching inscriptions”


There are many things listed in the services screen.

There is even service for lustful desires in the services.

Mohini wanted to know the cost for these services.

The cost is mentioned in terms of merit points.

For example for dissection the monster wolf and taking out all of the useful parts requires 10 merit points.

Mohini wanted to give it a try so she selected the “dissecting monster corpses for useful materials” service.

Then she saw a selection screen.

On screen it showed that the value of the wolf’s corpse is 200 merit points in the game system’s store if it is sold as it is.

Mohini was not tempted by this offer this is because Mohini know that the raw goods cost of selling is less than that of the value of the finished goods.

The thing is the corpse of the wolf is far less valuable than that of the goods that she obtain after dissecting it.

Mohini learned all this when she is doing all those part time jobs.

Mohini was good at learning so she was able to understand most of the key concepts of production and business.

So this gave her many ideas regarding these things when it comes to stores and services.

Under the instructions of the game system,

Mohini selected the wolf’s corpse then the payment option screen appeared and Mohini selected the 10 merit points and made the payment.

As soon as the payment is done the game system showed a title and a timer.

“Wolf monster dissecting time remaining for completing the task 1 minute”

It is said that it required 1 minute for the completion of the process.

Mohini was in no rush so she waited for 1 minute for the process to complete.

After the process is completed,

There is a notification saying the process of the dissection of the wolf monster is complete and the dissected parts are stored in the inventory.

Player can check the goods in the inventory.

The inventory space of the game system is unlimited but the only problem is that it cannot store any living objects that can move.

So the herbs, materials and other things can be stored inside without a problem.

Mohini don’t have to use her new smart phone to access this inventory.

Previously when she accepted the blood contract with the game system it was now linked to Mohini’s soul.

Not all people can get this kind of thing,

Only one person that is chosen by fate can have this kind of infinite storage space in the game system.

Fortunately Mohini is the one and only person that got this kind of thing.

It is impossible to take things from Mohini.

The reason for Mohini getting the infinite storage space is because of her cautious nature that modified the system during the assessment.

This is the blessing that Mohini got and with this she has no need to carry any form of storage devices,

But the storage ring one her little clitoris is an access point to the fate’s chat forum.

Mohini opened up the inventory and the things after the dissection of the wolf are listed here.

“Wolf monster’s core,

Wolf blood essence,

Wolf pelt,

Wolf eyes,

Wolf flesh and meat,

Wolf fangs,

Wolf testicles and

Wolf bones”

All these things are accumulated in Mohini’s inventory.

Mohini immediately wanted to know the total price of all these materials.

The result shocked Mohini very much because selling all these things gives Mohini around 510 merit points…….

Chapter 40: unexpected profits after dissection the big wolf

The result shocked Mohini very much because selling all these things gives Mohini around 510 merit points.

The value of the wolf monster’s corpse is originally only 200 merit points.

But now the cost is increased by 2.5 times and the amount of merit points that are spent for dissecting are also returned.

This is what profit is called.

Mohini was very happy to look at all these things.

Then she started to study the uses of each and every part of the wolf monster that she just obtained.

Out of curiosity Mohini checked the cost of the core of the slime monster and found that it is 100 merit points.

If Mohini was able to collect the slimy liquid too Mohini might get another 100 merit points.

This is because it is said that the slimy liquid is used in some of the special products and even in alchemy.

Looking at this Mohini wanted to go back and collect the materials.

But she found that the liquid of the slime vaporises within few minutes after it is dead.

So Mohini can only sigh in disappointment.

Then Mohini shifted her attention towards the wolf monster materials the first one is the core of the wolf monster.

The core of the wolf best is similar to that of the core of the slime.

The only difference is that it can store more spirit energy than that of the core of the slime.

These cores are useful for the cultivation the slime core’s cost is around 50 merit points and the cost of the wolf’s monster core is around 100 points.

The blood essence of the wolf monster is useful in crafting, inscriptions, alchemy and many other things.

Wolf’s pelt is used for making protective armours and other things like drawing maps and inscriptions.

Wolf’s eyes are used for special purposes like curses and other alchemical things.

Even though the wolf eyes are damaged when Mohini is fighting,

It did not reduce the value as they are placed in the inventory without spoiling them.

Wolf’s flesh and meat is one of the delicacies for the lower levels.

It is useful for the improvement of the body of the people with beginner level cultivation.

Wolf fangs are used for making offensive artefacts that has the like daggers and other crafting items.

The funniest thing is the cost of the wolf testicles is 100 merit points.

The reason is very much visible to the naked eye.

This is because they can boost a man’s performance temporarily in bed.

Some of the savage monster beast’s testicles are very much sought out for this reason.

Especially the testicles and dicks of the dragons and Orcs have a very high demand.

Their price is over hundred million merit points.

As soon as Mohini thought of this she felt her little pussy started to get wet because of her memories of the future.

Finally the bones of the wolf are used in making low grade body strengthening and bone refining pills.

The price of these bones is around 200 merit points.

All the meat and other materials filled up to another 210 merit points making a total of 510 merit points that Mohini can obtained after selling these materials.

Mohini don’t want to sell these things now instead she wanted to decide what to do after she completed the tutorial.

Being here for some time Mohini started to completely calm down and started to analyse the things that she thought to be fantasy in her childhood days.

Everything that she previously thought to be just fantasy is now happening in front of her eyes.

This made her very happy and excited.

But after spending some time facing all these dangers she understood one thing clearly

“This world of fantasy is not a walk in the park.”

Everything that happened till now proves that this fantasy world of Mohini is a fine line between the heaven and hell, life and death, glory and shame.

She has learnt this from her other life where she has gone through many hard pleasurable situations.

Mohini don’t want to lose this precious opportunity that she just received by chance for the fear of life.

Mohini can understand that this opportunity is the thing she receives only if she did many good deeds that are on par with saving the entire world.

Well there is also other case where she has spent a life time of punishment from hell to remove all her sins and only her good deeds are left to give her this chance.

So she decided to walk on this path with her life on the line to not to waste this golden opportunity.

After settling her mind Mohini wanted to move forward but she don’t know which direction she has to move.

She is currently in a forest like environment so there are huge trees in every direction around her.

So in order to move forward the first thing that Mohini needed to do is to find a way.

That is direction to move to the next level of this dungeon.

Mohini found a sturdy tree in the vicinity that has branches at the right spots to climb over it.

Mohini climbed over the top of the tree to scout the surrounding area.

Since she is currently naked all the leaves and branches bruised her body while she is climbing to the top of the tree.

Well some of the branches entered her little pussy and her ass hole when she slipped a little on the branches a few times.

Even though it is painful she felt a slight sense of pleasure with her virgin body that has lost the virginity just a few hours ago.

Well she finally managed to reach the top of the tree.

In order to not to fall down Mohini found a good support.

That is there is protrusion on the top of the tree and Mohini let this penetrate it her little asshole to support her while she is scouting…………..


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