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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 161: rescue with absolute strength part-1

Soon a little far away in the dark corner there are sounds of moans and slapping of flesh sounded making Rose blush.

Vicky pulled her into his embrace and pulled her skirt up.

He made sure that she did not wear anything under her skirt.

Because of the exhibitionist tendencies she directly accepted his words.

Then he pulled out his dick and sat on the chair.

He told her to sit on his dick on her own initiative making her blush.

Her face is as red as an apple.

Slowly she impaled her pussy with Vicky’s dick and sat down with a moan.

Vicky on the other hand does his work before playing with her.

Vicky sent two messages where the first one to SS California for emergency request that their ship is hit by an ice berg and ask them to come for rescue.

Then the next message is to RMS Carpathia for emergency rescue.

For both the ships Vicky sent the titanic ship’s coordinates.

In less than half an hour the ship titanic will be hit.

Vicky knows this because the temperature drops of the surrounding area and also his gut feeling.

Vicky wanted to occupy the wireless communications room for the next half an hour before the ship hits the ice berg.

He don’t have to worry about the communications operator would bother him soon.

At least for 1 hour he would not be leave from Mona.

Also this wireless communications room is closure to the room that those people would discuss.

Vicky doesn’t want the person in the wireless room to find out about his messages and also Vicky has to give out some replies back for their quires.

So he has to stay there.

But he is not idle instead he made Rose sit on his lap straight on the top of his dick as he played with her tits while kissing her.

Rose did not push him away and was very cooperative to him.


Soon there is a big quake where the ship hit the iceberg and there are some cracking and breaking sounds.

Vicky knows that the disaster started as he moved towards the discussion room with Rose with him.

Rose followed him along with Vicky’s cum dripping down her legs making her tingly.

There is also Mona that came out of the shadows with disheveled dress.

She arranged her dress but similar to Rose she also has cum dripping down her legs.

Both the woman has ecstasy written on their faces.

Their faces blushed red all the way to her ears and neck.

While coming out Vicky instructed the wireless communications operator that came along with Mona to continue to send the coordinates of the ship to the two ships that he sent messages to and ask for immediate help.

Vicky has already got their confirmation related to coming to rescue as quickly as they can.

They will be here in an hour.

Mohini has to take care of the things within this hour.

The SS California is still in the clear waters and not stuck in the ice bergs belt.

RMS Carpathia has increased its speed for the rescue operation.

Vicky has actually used the names of the popular people on the ship to ask for help along with the name of the queen that he works under.

This made them move quickly to rescue.

It was around 10 PM in the night and the important people of the ship have assembled in the conference room.

Vicky knocked on the door and the tensed up people looked at Vicky followed by Mona and Rose.

They don’t know what to say and the charm of Vicky and Mona won over.

So they invited Vicky and group to come inside to hear their suggestions.

Vicky smiled and spoke to them that he has this premonition that the ship might be hit by a catastrophe.

But he cannot say that to these people as he would be called a liar.

So Vicky said that he took the liberty to ask for help from both the ships of SS California and RMS Carpathia at the same time.

He told them that he saw their travel routes and they would be the nearest ships around titanic.

SS California will arrive here within an hour while RMS Carpathia will take more time to arrive.

The people in the room were glad that Vicky made the decision to send the SOS request even at the cost of losing his name based on a premonition.

They immediately called the staff for emergency meeting and told them to orderly arrange the people for rescue.

They even explained the good name of Vicky and Mona that called the two ships for rescue.

Vicky and Mona personally came in front of the staff and told them that if someone is trying to cause a disturbance then they should call them to deal with the matter.

The staff were requested to not to hide the information and tell them that the rescue is on the way.

So they did not have to feel any fear.

Vicky and Mona want to guard against the players that chose to kill in the optional quest.

The people in the lower deck that found out about the damage to the ship panicked and a riot was about to break out.

Well this was caused by the players.

But Vicky and Mona were there to cool off the things.

Their charm directly paid the way for them to calm the people and Rose followed them behind looking at all of that.

In front of absolute strength no amount of planning and strategies can be useful.

With the appearance of Vicky and Mona those players did not have any strength to fight against them.

Vicky found those players that are instigating the riot and took them all to a different spacious hall to speak to them.

There both Vicky and Mona gave them each a 1000 chaos points that………

Chapter 162: rescue with absolute strength part-2

Vicky found those players that are instigating the riot and took them all to a different spacious hall to speak to them.

There both Vicky and Mona gave them each a 1000 chaos points that they are going to pay as penalty and cooled them off.

Well along with the 1000 chaos points Vicky also threatened them to kill and Mona told them that,

If they behave well they can play with her before the rescue so that they cooled off directly.

The players there were taken by Mona to play right in front of the eyes of Rose.

She knows that both Mona and Vicky is the same person which is unbelievable to her.

If Mona did not turn into Vicky and Vicky turn into Mona to show her before Rose would not believe all of this.

But she did not care about all of that as she is being blackened slowly turning towards Mohini because of the capabilities of Mohini.

Also when she needed Mohini can turn into Vicky and accompany her.

They can even go for shopping as girls.

This is better than the previous situation and it is very exciting for her.


Most probably the current titanic movie fantasy world is by far the most peaceful one.

Within an hour the ship SS California arrived at the vicinity of the titanic.

The people have already let down the life boats and they are being transported to the ship SS California.

Jack, Ruth, cal, Lovejoy were all rescued along with other people.

But they did not get to meet Rose or Mohini.

Another hour was about to pass when titanic was about to split into two halves.

Well before that Vicky has already told the people in person to hold on to the things.

As for Mona and those players things developed a little differently.

Because of her service to all of them along with the compensation they are willing to follow her to help rescue the people.

Well Mona has to promise them that they would get to watch Rose naked.

If it was the Rose before she would not accepted this.

But the current Rose is completely different.

She was more than happy to strip for those players to feast their lustful eyes with her beautiful body.

Well it was only showing and not doing anything.

They all know that Vicky has a gun in his hand and they don’t want to die here.

So they got a good look at Rose strip show and masturbated at Rose and Mona kissing each other completely naked.

When it was done Mona stayed behind while Rose put on her dress to find Vicky to go along with him.

There are not many on the ship right now as Vicky sent most of them to the life boats of SS California and the life boats of titanic.

Vicky held Rose tightly and the people moved to the life boats one after the other.

Some don’t want to leave titanic like the captain and Vicky did not force them.

All the people were switched to the life boats including the people from the lower class area of the ship.

By that time RMS Carpathia arrived titanic is already broken in half and was sinking.

But there are people on the life boats that were rescued and secured.

Vicky and Mona made the iron stance to save all the people and stopped most of the panic and riots that should happen.

Everything went in a smooth and secured manner that the players were shocked to the core.

Some of the players approached Mona to know her name they wanted to report this matter to their respective forces.

Mona smiled and said.

“If you want to report my name to the people behind you then tell them my other name that they should recognize.

The call me the Innocent Bitch back on earth,

You can tell them this and they will understand easily.”

Mohini wanted to play her hand right now.

Even if they want to find Vicky and Mona it is not possible as the players that arrived with him are scattered throughout the place.

Also his disguise skill is top notch and they will not be able to find them even if they put on a portrait from their memories.

Since the beginning Mohini has already planned these things and they cannot get her easily.

Also no one would pursue her and Vicky is her clone that does not exist.

A new player cannot use clone technique that are circulating around the world.

The clone technique that Mohini used is so costly that no beginner player can buy that and use it at such high risks.

So finding her is no possible at all.

When everything is over and the titanic sank right in front their eyes the fantasy world ended.

Both Vicky and Mona vanished as all techniques would be undone when they leave the fantasy world usually.

Mohini appeared back in the bridged space between the fantasy world and real world.

Rose appeared beside Mohini looking at the endless starry sky at the strange sea shore.


No healing required……..”


Calculating the completion rate of the fantasy world….

Completion rate 99 percent including the optional quest…..”


Calculating the rewards for the given quest….

Survival quest------- successful

Optional quest----------- chose to save the people

Number of people saved from the dying 1534 people-------- 1501 people saved…….”


Obtained rewards

Survival quest rewards

3000 chaos points and

1 free stat point

Optional quest rewards

1501 people saved individually.

Each person gives 1000 chaos points.

1.501 million Chaos points awarded…..”

While the system is calculating the deeds of Mohini it also showed the entire thing she did in this fantasy world for her and Rose to watch.

There are so many things that Mohini did as Vicky and Mona that Rose literally covered her mouth watching all of this.


Additional rewards

Please choose 3 of the following rewards………

Chapter 163: rewards after titanic fantasy world

There are so many things that Mohini did as Vicky and Mona that Rose literally covered her mouth watching all of this.


Additional rewards

Please choose 3 of the following rewards.

1. 15000 civilian merit points.

2. 5000 military merit points.

3. 15 free stat points

4. 5 free skill points

5. Extend the stay in this world by 15 days

6. 150 thousand chaos points.


Mohini looked at the rewards and chose 1, 3 and 4 options that would be best for him.

She wanted military merit points but the points here are only 5000 points which are very less for her to be of any practical use.

Mohini was sure to gain more from the quests outside and the next fantasy world is also promising for him.


Subordinate: Rose

Condition: normal

Player, do you want to take Rose our of this fantasy world to the real world?”

Mohini directly nodded his head accepting to take Rose with her.


Player please pay 57 thousand chaos points to bring Rose back to the real world.”

Mohini nodded her head and the payment is done quickly.

Rose was enveloped by the golden radiance for a few moments and then she came back to normal.


Player has achieved the unprecedented feat in the fantasy world titanic.

Player has received the following title for her deeds.

Mortal Hero

Lucky pervert

Titles obtained……”

Mohini was curious of this title and wanted to know what they are.


Title: mortal hero

Description: title obtained after saving more than 1000 people from certain death in a single fantasy world.


1. The will of the world will give you a certain protection because of the title.

2. The higher the tier of the title the higher the protection of the will of the world.

3. For higher tier of this title player can replace the protagonist of the story with a certain price of chaos points.

4. The chance of getting love from heroines is higher based on the tier of the tire.


Mohini was very happy with the title and she can improve its tier by saving more people.

Well she certainly doesn’t want to be a hero but the benefits are so great that Mohini really wanted to improve this title.

Then the next title

Title: lucky pervert

Description: the will of love and lust was impressed by your planning and smoothly gaining the heroine from a fantasy world symbolizes love.

This title is temporary as will of love and lust wants you to worship her in the altar of your ark island before leaving the first ring.

If not achieved before moving on to the second ring the title will be removed.

Benefits: similar to the protagonist Yuki Rito in the series To Love Ru player will have many lucky encounters.

The title will improve based on how much you satisfy the will of love and lust with your performance……….”

Mohini did not understand but she knows about the gods and the altar.

She has already met with the will of lust.

Will of lust and will of love are like twins one attached to other endlessly.

Previously she was recognized by the will of lust and now will of love seem to be paying attention to them.

That is the reason they both combined to give her this task and title to test her capabilities.

Before moving out of the tier 1 ring players has to complete some mandatory constructions on the ark island.

A player has to cross the border to ring 1 and enter ring 2 on their own arks and cannot just travel by other people’s boats like she came to the safe island.

A player has to reach that border to go through the tribulation to improve their rank from tier 1 to tier 2 when they met all the requirements to cross the border.

One of the important constructions on the ark island is the altar.

Naturally the altar on the ark island can only house 1 main god in the tier 1 altar.

When the altar is upgrade to tier 3 that are after reaching ring 3, a player choose the second god as the sub god.

After that they can choose a new god at tier 6 and then at tier 10 presumably.

The previous detail in the description of the quest indicates that the will of love and lust wants to become his primary got.

But Mohini has a primary god in her mind already.

It was not the will of lust as a god but the will of fate which is much higher than that of the will of lust or love.

So she has to make this tough choice.

Well no matter what she chose the first god in her altar to be the will of fate.

So she has decided to let the title go and enjoy its perks while she is still in the first ring.


Soon after she opened his status panel to look at the gains she got.




Name: Mohini, innocent bitch

Age: 28 (appearance is 18 years)

Race: human

Titles: chosen (gold grade), mortal hero (tier-1), lucky pervert (max (temporary))

Job: alchemist (tier-1- beginner), hunter (tier-1- novice), cook (tier-1- intermediate), Zombie annihilator (100,000/1 mil)

Affiliation: oriental- king of nature faction

Military rank: corporal (10,000/5680)

Civilian rank: tribal head (10,000/17140)


Vitality: 84+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Stamina: 84

Strength: 84

Agility: 82+1 (Evolution chaos genetic points)

Intelligence: 84

Sense: 83

Charm: 85


Evolution chaos genetic points: 247

Random grade chaos monster genetic essence: 100 percent

Basic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 70 percent

Ordinary grade chaos monster genetic essence: 50 percent

Common grade chaos monster genetic essence: 20 percent

Epic grade chaos monster genetic essence: 10 percent


Health points: 850/850

Stamina points: 840/840

Magic points: 840/840


Free stat points: 364

Chaos points: 50.96 billion

Skill points: 43 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)


Chapter 164: everyone wants a jewelry and a sketch


Free stat points: 364

Chaos points: 50.96 billion

Skill points: 43 (1 Skill Point = 1000 skill experience)

Lust points: 3230 (1 lust point = 100 chaos points)


Innate skills:


Fucking steal: tier 3 (350/4000)

Endurance: tier 3 (2040/4000)

Insight: tier 4 (3080/5000)

Will: tier 4 (3470/5000)


Acquired skills:


Thought inception: tier 3 (650/4000)

Dick growing: tier 1 (420/2000)

Manipulative tongue: tier 3 (720/4000)

Cooking: tier 2 (2740/3000)

Contract: tier 1 (1144/2000)

Hunting: tier 2 (2530/3000)

Physical fighting: tier 4 (130/5000)

Weapon fighting: tier 4 (180/5000)

Simulation: (Max)

Extraction: tier 2 (2300/3000)

Dead shot: tier 3 (600/4000)

Dirty masseur: tier 1 (1480/2000)

Magic software: tier 5 (3800/6000)

Reality clone: tier 2 (2740/3000)

Birth control: (max)

Comfortable hug: tier 1 (420/2000)

Arousal pheromones: tier 0 (510/1000)

Seduction: tier 0 (490/1000)

Multi tasking: tier 1 (180/2000)

Disguise: tier 1 (90/2000)


Body status: poisoned into infertility


After checking the things Mohini and Rose were sent out of the bridged space and they appeared in the lodging room that Mohini was staying before.

Mohini thought for some time before sighing and called her other women and Hirano to introduce Rose to them.

The other women have completely their breakfast and appeared when Mohini summoned them out.

When they looked at the new woman in front of them they rolled their eyes at Mohini.

Right at that moment Shizuka suddenly spoke.

“Is she the heroine from the titanic movie?”


Immediately all the other women looked at her and were shocked.

They know that the heroine of the titanic movie would be in pure love with the protagonist jack.

If Mohini had her here means that Mohini directly took the position of jack and replaced it directly.

That is how Mohini should have acted.

They were silent for a moment and looked at Mohini with strange eyes for a moment and it was Shizuka that asked again.

But not to Mohini instead she asked Rose.

“Sister did you have the sketch of you from Mohini?”

Immediately all the other women were interested and looked towards Rose.

Rose who looked a little embarrassed nodded her head.

She never thought that Mohini has so many beauties with her that is on the same level or even higher than her.

As soon as she nodded her head the women looked towards Mohini with questioning eyes as if they want to see the sketch.

Mohini sighed and took out the sketch.

They saw the sketch of Rose with the heart of ocean and then their eyes burned with desire.

They are not jealous instead they also want to have a sketch of their own.

Also they want a necklace on the same level of heart of ocean.

Which women don’t like the jewelry?

So they are looking at Mohini for some jewelry.

Mohini don’t know what to say and as she cannot bring the jewelry on the same level of the heart of ocean necklace right now.

For that she has to enter a fantasy world that can give her good artifacts like a cultivation world or something of that sort.

But it is not possible right now.

So she turned towards the system store to see if there is any jewelry that can be bought for her women.

As for drawing their sketches is not that of a problem for her.

She can do that for them.

Also being a woman, she also like jewelry.

After she explained something they accepted it and they asked her to draw those sketches whenever they asked her to.

For some reason Rose was also mixed into their group quickly and all the sisters attacked Mohini at the same time to win over her for their demands.

Mohini cannot fight back and only nod her head for their requests.

After she gave them each a kiss of promise they went back to the ark island.

Well Hirano did not ask for any jewelry instead he asked her for a kiss.

Also he wants to suck on her tits again.

After he is done he was sent back to the ark island.

Sending them back to the ark island Mohini wanted to go to the various halls to see if there is any mission that she can complete.

Mohini already know which quest she should take from the memories that she got from the simulation.

She will receive a message from Joe right not to become the bitch of king of arms faction that will go to the expedition soon.

But just in case she moved around looking at all the quests.

Finally she took a quest related to king of arms faction from the message she got from Joe.

Taking a quest is easy and going for the quest is a hard thing without a suitable ship.

The time for the journey from one island to another will take a long time.

Also discovering the incoming resource islands is a hard matter.

This time Mohini is not going to go as a support mage or a scout but as a cook and a scout.

With everything set Mohini went to the side of the main guild where the king of arms faction people is calling for extra people to join their group for hunting a resource island.

It is said that they are going to hunt on a resource island that is housing a rare grade chaos monster.

Mohini know what that is.

Not all the interested people were taken by the king of arms faction.

The interested people would be taken side for a simply screening.

The person that is screening is a burly man that would ask the people to show their strength or other things based on the claims of the interested person.

This big burly man is none other than Ganda that Mohini used to complete the cuckold quest.

Joe has already sent the message to the people of the king of arms faction.

So the process will be smooth.

But still she has to go through some tests……..

Chapter 165: joined the expedition group of king of arms faction

But still she has to go through some tests.

There will be extra tests for her quality so that the leader of the group from king of arms faction Jara will be having Mohini for the night.

But the burly man Ganda is not the one that is screening.

He is there just for the show of the strength.

There is a thin man beside the burly man that is looking at the interested hunters and players while they perform various actions.

He is a sensory type person that can measure the strengths and weaknesses of a person quickly.

He is the one that is doing the screening while the burly man is just a facade.

Mohini also came here and said that she is good at scouting and cooking.

Also she said that she was sent here by Joe from the king of nature faction.

They looked at her up and down and then decided to test her first.

Mohini was asked to perform something related to the scouting first like going to a specific place to identify the plants or traps.

Mohini did not show anything extra ordinary except for recognizing some of the herbs quickly and traps quickly.

This shows that she is a promising scout with good amount of sensing and intelligence stat points.

Well the burly man did question her to tell them the number of stats that Mohini has in sensing and intelligence.

Normally it is a taboo to ask a player or a hunter to show their status panel.

But asking for the stats is not that of a problem because people cannot be sure of the claims of everyone and give them a spot in hunting team just like that.

The hunting is the process that involves in life and death situations so they can ask the players to reveal some of the information related to stats.

With the information and the performance in the task that they were give will give them an understanding of truth that the interested person claimed.

Mohini told them that her sensing and intelligence stats have reached early twenties in stat points.

She was made to perform the task based on her claims and she succeeded.

After passing the test Mohini was given some meat to identify it and cook it in the best possible way possible in their kitchen.

There is no kitchen nearby.

But they dug the ground a little and there is firewood for camp fire.

In the resource island there will not be any cooking stations and has to cook with camp fire.

It is always good to have an extra cook as the burden for cooking for many people would be reduced.

Also the food can be cooked faster increasing the exploration time on the resource island.

Other than that the numbers of good cooks in the hunters are pretty less.

So the demand for a good cook is very high.

When Mohini made the claim of being a cook those people invited her directly for testing with happy faces.

Also it is not that easy to cook the chaos monster meat.

But Mohini is different and her cooking has reached the next level.

So it was easy for her.

She immediately identified that the meat that was given to her is the meat of some ordinary grade chaos monster and most probably related to wild boar.

So she quickly prepared the meat with the ingredients that were provided to her.

Her cooking test was monitored by the cook of the king of arms faction.

So her talent was quickly recognized by those people.

Also the scent of the cooked food attracted the attention of those people quickly.

So Mohini quickly became their scout and cook of the team easily.

As for the test for her nightly activities to warm the bed of Jara, there is no need to test much.

Her appearance is very good without any makeup and her body shape has perfect ‘S’ shaped curves making her look hot.

Other than that her scouting and cooking skills are very good.

So even if she is not that beautiful they would not let her go and invite her to go on the expedition.

If Jara did not like her then she will warm the beds of other people in the group.

So there is no loss taking her with them.

After confirming the entire thing the person in charge of recruiting Mohini gave him as small contract.

The details are related to the share of the resources obtained and some other selling, buying things from the monster meat……

As for the extra payment for her night activities will be taken by Joe.

Well Mohini did not like that but she cannot reject right now.

She is not strong enough.

Even if she becomes the favorite woman of Jara things will not change much.

It is not that Joe is stronger than Jara or Joe has more background than Jara.

Instead she is just like a call girl and she cannot just jump ships as she pleases.

Even call girls needs to be loyal to their pimp.

After Jara lost interest in her and abandon her, how can she go back to the king of nature faction under the watch of Joe?

So she has to be moderate as Jara would not support her forever.

This is for normal call girls but not Mohini.

She has her own plans.

Mohini went through the agreement contract and found that there is no such thing as binding her to their group or faction.

With that Mohini signed her name on the contract.

This contract is a cheap one and it will be successful because the terms written on them are made so that the contract is 100 percent successful.

Mohini was told that they will leave here in an hour so if she wanted to get anything she should get them quickly and report at the west side port 52 dock area…..


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