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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 151: Mona was very busy with her targets

Jack did give the explanation saying that those women wanted him to draw a nude image of them in remembrance of…cough….cough…

Well Rose did not see this explanation as her face is blushing because of the nude images in the book.

Well not all of them are nude but all the adult women in the pictures are nude.

After Vicky praised jack a little for his sketching capabilities he left with Rose.

The face of Rose was bright red from her embarrassment and don’t know how to face Vicky.

She now believes what Vicky said but there is another thought in her mind.

It is a question that is bugging her mind.

“Why Vicky became angry when jack has that kind of thought.

It is not like they are husband and wife or at least they are not even lovers.

So why is he protecting me.”

While thinking about the matter, she remembered about her loveless engagement and her fiancée cal.

Her expression became soft and a little sad.

She has a frown on her face.

They returned back to Vicky’s room and Vicky wanted to see what Rose would think.

It is also the right time when he has to make his move.

“Rose I know that you don’t like your fiancée.

I love you and I don’t know when I fell for you but I want you to belong to me.

If you really want to be with me you can make your choice.

Today is your birthday right.

I did not prepare any gift for you as I don’t know I would fell in love for you before.

But if you are able to choose me, then I will give you a gift that you would never forget in your life.

The gift that you long for, I will give it to you.

It will be your freedom and adventurous life.

I am not from this place and everything that these people know about is not real.

In order to prove to you I will show this….”

Vicky touched a sketching stand and it vanished right in front of the eyes of Rose.

The eyes of Rose went wide for a moment because of the words of Vicky and the magic of the big stand vanishing right in front of his eyes.

Then right in front of her eyes the stand appeared out of thin air and placed on the floor by Vicky.

“This is related to my secret and my origin.

I can only share it with you if you truly trust me.

If you truly trust me there will be an indication about my origin.

Only then can I reveal my secret to you.”

Vicky said and let Rose decide to herself about what Vicky just told her.

Rose slowly walked away from here back to her room and Vicky silently followed her to make sure that she reached her room safe and sound.

This is the story that is happening with Rose and Vicky (Clone of Mohini)


On the other hand the main body of Mohini that is currently acting as Mona went on the tour with those nobles.

While they are moving around she tried to converse with cal the fiancée of Rose.

She talked about business and some other things that would not attract the attention of Ruth mother or Rose.

When Ruth separated from the group to go for the tea party with other rich ladies, Mona took the chance to get the attention of cal.

When the tour ended she went with cal to talk about some business over lunch.

Mona was able to successfully seduce cal saying that if he wanted the big business he has to satisfy her.

He was taken aback at first by the openness of Mona,

But being a man he cannot back down so he succumbed to her actions and finally seduced.

Ruth went to have lunch with other rich ladies and was successfully diverted while cal and Mona were rolling around in the state room.

Cal is really good on bed as he was able to satisfy Mona with his strength.

With that done she gave cal a meaningful words saying that they can talk about business again when he has time.

She even told him her room number and told him to call her when he was free so that they can talk business on the bed.

He was overjoyed as he liked the beauty of Mona and all her responses on the bed.

But all of this only amounts to business and considering Mona as a high class bitch and not as a potential wife.

No matter how beautiful Mona is she will not be able to replace the value of the heroine in the heart of the protagonist or the antagonist.

It was after noon and she cleaned her body and returned back to their room to change the dress.

It was not over yet.

She went to seduce the next target that is the ship’s engineer which was much easier than it was with cal.

When she left the stat room of Mohini, Vicky and Rose came here.

By the time they left Rose was already done with the ship’s engineer.

He is just a weak chicken and he was unable to satisfy Mona.

She washed herself and left again.

If it was modern times she would not have to wash so much.

In the olden times those rich and noble people would care about the minute things as if they all had OCD.

So Mona has to take frequent washing.

Fortunately she has medicinal pills for healing that would act on her relieving the bruises that are caused by the frequent washing.

Although there is natural healing that she has after improving her vitality it was not very quick being a player at tier 1.

So she has to use this pill to quickly get her body on shape.

She quickly got ready for her next target that is none other than protagonist jack………

Chapter 152: jack sketches Mona

She quickly got ready for her next target that is none other than protagonist jack.

There is a condition for the perverted quest that she got about cuckolding jack, cal and Rose.

She has to get fucked by both jack and cal before fucking Rose.

She wanted to take Rose with her so she will make Rose fall in love with her.

If this was the case then she will not able to successfully cuck Rose with jack and cal from the plot point of view.

For that she has to plan carefully.

She has already cucked Rose with cal her fiancée since her engagement is not broken.

Then she has to get jack next.

Right after Rose and Vicky visited jack for the second time looking at the nude pictures Rose has a deep impression of Vicky as they moved back to their room.

At that time Mona visited jack.

She introduced herself as Vicky’s sister and she pulled him to a corner where there are not many people.

Then she spoke to him.

“Jack I heard that you are good at drawing sketches right.”

Jack was embarrassed but nodded his head.

Mona was beautiful and he was currently frustrated after no getting a chance to know Rose and also what Vicky did.

Mona directly came to the point.

She wanted him to draw a nude picture of her in her state room.

“Why don’t you ask your brother to draw the sketch instead of an outsider like me?”

Jack was puzzled and don’t know why Mona asked him to draw the sketch instead of asking her brother.

Also it is a nude sketch and he did not understand it even more.

Mona gave a simple answer.

“I cannot ask my brother to draw this sketch when I am naked.

It is embarrassing to show my naked body to my brother.

My brother said that you are as good as him in drawing a sketch.

So I want to ask you if you would draw the sketch of me completely naked….”

Listening to the reason of Mona he understands what it is.

It was that she was embarrassed to pose naked for his brother and did not feel shy for the outsiders.

Understanding her words, he accepted to draw Mona’s naked sketch.

She took him to the state house of Mohini and right that time Vicky left out of that room after Rose left him.

Right after that Vicky went around collecting the guns on the ship.

There is a restriction that no weapons or magic from the real world were allowed in this world.

If you want a weapon then you have to get it by stealing it from the plot line characters.

Well it is not hard for Vicky with his slippery hands.

He got a total of 4 hand guns and ammunition.

One of the guns belongs to cal, Rose’s fiancée.

After Vicky got that thing he immediately stored the things back into the storage space.

Soon it is evening as Vicky spent the afternoon studying some of his important notes for future plans.

Well he did not go back to the state room and moving around the ship to note a few things while Mona did her work with jack.


In the state room Mona put on the long pearl necklace that came all the way down to her pussy.

It is not a single string but a multiple string with pearl.

Well this is a fake necklace that she bought form the system for 10 chaos points.

It would look beautiful now but its beauty will be gone in a few days when its luster is gone.

Her nipples pierced put from between the pearl strings and the necklace came all the way down to her pussy.

It did not cover the pussy but formed a garland of pearls around it.

The scenery was very beautiful as Mona say on the couch with her legs spread and the pearl strings falling from top to bottom gently over her perky tits.

Jack was mesmerized and moved closure to her to arrange her pose.

Mona specifically asked him that she pussy should also appear in the sketch along with her bountiful tits and nipples.

Her pussy was shaved with clean pink shade and great shape that can attract any man to play with it.

He arranged her body in a way that all her requirements were fulfilled.

Then he started to sketch her image slowly etching the beauty on to the sheet.

Throughout the time the skills of Mohini are active and arousing jack to reach the peak.

When the sketch is done Mona looked at it without even bothering standing very close to jack without wearing any dress.

Her bare tits touched his hands and her fragrance was smelled by him.

They looked at each other and slowly started to kiss.

She undressed jack as he took out the pearl necklace from Mona and left it by the side of the sketch.

They kissed again as Mona undressed jack removing all of his clothes.

They moved on to her bedroom where they started to fuck.

Jack is really a protagonist and he has the same level of stamina as that of the villain cal.

They did not stop for 2 hours straight and they were satisfied with each other.

Jack put on his clothes and wanted to leave when Mona came to him to say that she was satisfied with his work and gave him some money for his hard work.

Also she said that she wanted another sketch of her tomorrow so she would find him tomorrow or tonight after the party if possible.

Jack was happy with her words and told her that he would draw a better sketch of her later.

With that he left and Vicky that was out for a walk returned.

Both Vicky and Mona went to take a bath together.

One is the main body while the other is the clone so it was easy to help each other wash.

Chapter 153: birthday party of Rose

One is the main body while the other is the clone so it was easy to help each other wash.

They got the invitation to a party in the evening.

Cal wants to combine the birthday celebrations of Rose in this event so that he would not have to spend his money much.

This is like a joint party of many nobles.

Vicky was not invited by cal as he seems to know that Rose is following behind him from his body guard.

But he invited Mona as he was unable to forget the feel of Mona.

Well Vicky did not care about that and someone different called him for the party.

Vicky went to the party with a charming dress and took a shining pearl necklace with him.

This is a small gift that he bought from the system for 100 chaos points.

Mona was even more beautiful as she put on the dress and makeup like a doll and she did not have to bring a gift.

One from the family is enough.

Anyway Mona herself is a big gift to many people.

The other players are more worried about the optional quest and the main quest survival.

They did want to fuck the heroine Rose but they did not dare to move and attract the attention of the ship’s guards.

There is no place to hide on the ship or there is no place to run away.

So they can only stay here and did not want to provoke the guards to get jailed in the ship.

If they are in the ship’s jail then they will not have a way out when the ship’s disaster strikes.

Because of this fear they are more restrained and did not make any moves on the heroine.

Also this is the beginner’s movie model where there are no strong people participating.

It seems like Mohini is in luck and among the 60 people that participated she is the only one that is strong.

So Mohini can freely take things on her hand without worrying much.

Even if something happened Mohini can take care of it with his capabilities.

The titanic would sink at the early hours of 15 April.

That is on the night of 14thApril and that is tomorrow night.

Mohini is moving her plans a little forward so that she can be flexible when she needed to.

Gaining the trust of Rose tonight would be easy and maybe she can have some fun tonight.

In the party Vicky (Clone of Mohini) is the only player and he is socializing with the people around with his charming personality.

Mona (Disguised main body of Mohini) was even more exaggerated in socializing.

The women hated her and she was surrounded by many men like a queen.

Cal and the mother of Rose called Ruth are the only one that did not have any interest in either of Vicky or Mona.

Well cal is interested but he cannot show that right now.

The mother of Rose, Ruth thought that Vicky is just a low class noble with starting up business after his mingling with low class people.

She has already seen the capabilities of cal and his business and was fixated on him.

Mohini even doubts that cal fucked Ruth into submission and then plotting against her daughter.

If it was true Mohini will have the chance to leverage on this very thing to make Rose into her woman.

Well she needs proof for that and most probably she can find that tonight after she is done with pulling Rose to her side.

There is another way but it will be a little rough to do that.

It is simple for Mohini.

She just has to catch the body guard of cal and give him a good beating to gain the information that he needed.

The good beating is because it was Vicky that would find him rather than Mona.

If it is Mona that got him then she would fuck him into submission to make him talk out the truth.

Vicky suddenly regretted that he did not have this idea earlier as he spent the afternoon without much to do.

Well it is not a problem right now as Vicky knows where this body guard Lovejoy lives.

He can straighten up late in the night after Rose becomes his woman.

Right at that time Rose appeared in a gorgeous dress that made her looked like an angel.

Vicky was a little mesmerized and estimates that the charm of Rose is no less than him.

Well that is good for him as he can train her more in the future.


Rose was even more beautiful than Mona and the image of Rose has almost crushed the momentum that Mona just built up.

Well Mona did not care about that as all she wanted is some fun with these nobles and nothing more than that.

So having an image is not necessary.

When these nobles were unable to get Rose they would turn to the second beautiful which is none other than Mona.

Since she was so open hearted that would spread her legs for all of them they will directly fell for her.

Vicky received Rose with a glass of wine while she stepping down the stairs gracefully.

The scene was so beautiful that the people went silent for a moment.

Vicky kissed the back of Rose’s hand and gracefully brought her down.

Most people thought that Vicky is the best match for Rose when compared to cal.

They even thought that Rose fell in love with Vicky.

But they cannot speak about anything as this is the rich circle and cal is still there with good and powerful background.

Vicky told her happy birthday and gave her the pearl necklace in an exquisite box.

Rose immediately put on the pearl necklace.

Right at that time Ruth came over and took Rose from Vicky back to cal.

Vicky cannot stop her now and he did not even change his facial expression….

Chapter 154: question of trust appeared

Vicky cannot stop her now and he did not even change his facial expression.

Rose suddenly felt a longing looking at Vicky and the words that he said to her reverberated in her mind.

She is still in dilemma on what she should choose.

In the party cal presented Rose with the heart of the ocean necklace and the people clamored about this.

Rose doesn’t like that and her eyes were on Vicky most of the time.

Ruth put the necklace on the neck of Rose and was happy about that.

The pearl necklace that Vicky gave her was removed directly.

Rose though that Vicky would be angry but Vicky did not show any sad expression on his face.

Instead he showed a disappointed expression.

This made the heart of Rose throb and wants to give Vicky an explanation immediately.

But she did not have a way to move from here.

At that time she gave an excuse that she has a severe headache and wanted to go back to rest.

Ruth could not stop her because of the angry expression of Rose and cal doesn’t want to stop her so as to act gentle with Rose before their marriage.

Also they are still in a party with many people around so he cannot do anything abrupt and self defeating.

While leaving Rose looked deeply towards Vicky into his eyes and left slowly.

Vicky went to the one that invited him and left after greeting that person.

That person understood that Vicky wants to follow Rose and he doesn’t mind Vicky leaving like that.

There is still Mona that is moving between the men like a fairy.

With Rose left her prominence has reached the top again.

She is the fairy of the party right now.

Vicky quickly followed Rose.

This was seen by cal and told his servant Lovejoy to follow Rose and report back to him if he sees Vicky near the state room.

If not just guard outside her room so that Vicky or anyone would come to get her or she leaves anywhere without telling them.

The reason why they cannot leave because they are one of the organizers of the party and Ruth will not leave because she loves parties and prestige more than her daughter.

This can be seen when she did not bother to move much when Rose jumped out of the life boat to meet jack in the movie.


Vicky was not restricted by anything and moved behind Rose followed by the servant Lovejoy of cal.

Mona saw that Lovejoy is following behind Vicky.

Since they share the same mind the information passed on between them is also real time.

So Vicky knows that Lovejoy is following behind him.

Vicky knows that Rose is going to the state room and he don’t want this Lovejoy to mess things up.

So on the way he made a blind turn near a storage room.

Lovejoy hurriedly followed Vicky and made a turn but what greeted him was a chop on his neck making him lose consciousness.

Vicky pulled him into the store room first and closed the door.

Then he dislocated his arm and leg joints restricting all of his movements.

After that he hit on the vocal cords of Lovejoy making it hard to speak.

He took a rope out of the storage space that he specifically took from the storage tools area of the ship along with the nails before.

He tied Lovejoy with the rope and stuffed a cloth in his mouth and even tied a rope around his mouth making him unable to spit out the cloth.

Don’t leave loose ends when you want to do important things.

Leaving loose ends would not be helpful and might even become variables in his plan.

Reducing the disturbances would give a smooth sailing plan which Vicky liked.


With him out of the way Vicky moved towards the state room where Rose is waiting for him.

The entire thing of dealing with Lovejoy only took him less than 30 seconds in total.

Vicky moved step by step towards the state room.

The door is not locked and he entered inside directly.

Rose was there sitting on a couch waiting for Vicky.

Rose immediately stood up and wanted to explain to Vicky that it was not her intentions to put on the necklace that cal gave her over the necklace that he gave.

Vicky did not let her finish her words as he moved forward to place his hands on her shoulder to calm her down.

“It is not a problem.

But why do you want to explain all of this to me Rose?

Cal is your fiancé and what am I to you Rose.

Tell me Rose what am I to you?

Be honest with your feelings Rose.

Tell me Rose do you love me and trust me?”

Vicky posed the question to Rose looking straight into her eyes.

She cannot run away or leave from this place as Vicky was holding her down with his hands on her shoulders.

Rose doesn’t know what to say for a few moments.

The incidents with Vicky appeared in her mind and she really liked Vicky more than cal her fiancée.

Finally she wanted to give reply and looked straight into Vicky’s eyes.

But she stopped because there is a floating message in front of her eyes.

“What is this?

It said that will you trust Vicky completely with your life and leave this world with him.




Vicky smiled and then said.

“This is the proof that you truly trusted me.

Only if you truly trust me, this message will appear.

After you select the yes option I can tell you about my secrets.

If you select no then I will not able to tell you anything.

Since that message appeared I want to give you a prior warning.

If you select yes then you are completely bound to me and come with me to my place….”

Chapter 155: perverted quest exhibitionism

“If you select yes then you are completely bound to me and come with me to my place.

If I die you will die along with me.

That place is very dangerous.

Well I will never let anything happen to you….”

Vicky said his warning while Rose heard all of that with serious face.

Rose looked into his eyes for a moment and selected yes option with a bright smile appeared on his face.

Right now the favorability of Rose has reached 75 points directly and Vicky was sure that he can improve it to 100 points by the end of this fantasy world.

Vicky directly pulled her into his hands and told her his secret while she sat on his lap with red face.

When she found that Vicky has other women she was a little sad but after Vicky explained that the entire world she is in is a movie she was shocked.

Vicky took out his phone and showed her some clips of the movie explaining to her about the reality that he came from.

Vicky was very sincere in explaining and this was understood by Rose with her skills and thinking capability.

She was taken aback knowing that the person that she would fall for is actually jack if Vicky did not appear.

Also she understood that the ship that she is travelling is going to sink.

She looked at Vicky wanting to know how he is going to solve this problem.

But strangely she felt that Vicky can save most of the people without any problem.

There is a strong security appeared in her heart as long as she is in the embrace of Vicky.

Her favorability improved to 80 points after understanding that Vicky was so sincere.

Knowing that jack is her destined lover she did not feel any love for him.

She understood that it is one of the many possibilities and maybe she might marry cal in a different world.

But right now in this current world she loves Vicky and she has dead set on that.

Vicky then turned into her original form that is turned into Mohini and told Rose that Vicky was actually a woman.

Rose was really shocked but knowing that Mohini can turn her form from male to female has made her at ease.

She can understand as there is magic in the other world.

Even though Vicky has other women it did not change the fact that he is the ideal person that she always wanted to be with.

Vicky told her about the magical things in his world and the ability to be with all of his women at the same time.

Since she doesn’t have to share Mohini with other women and she also has freedom and adventurous life that she wanted she felt that she made the right choice.

Mohini turned back into Vicky which was magical making Rose astounded again.

By the end of their talk Vicky asked.

“Do you want me to draw the sketch of your nude body with only the heart of ocean so that you can insult cal?”

Rose thought for a moment and don’t know how to answer this question.

So Vicky moved forward to give the answer for her.

But then suddenly Mohini received a quest stopping Vicky and Mona in their tracks.


Perverted quest: exhibitionism

Description: show off the nude body of Rose to at least 5 people in any form. (0/5)

Rewards: exhibitionist tendencies for your woman.

Any woman that becomes your woman with more than or equal to 50 points of favorability towards you want to show off their bodies to other men like an exhibitionist.

Penalty: any woman or plot character will have -10 points favorability from now on.

Vicky immediately laughed and said

“I don’t mind drawing a nude sketch and I don’t mind if you want other men to see you naked.

Your happiness is my happiness you know.

Also I like the way other men would praise the beauty of my woman….”

The manipulative tongue of Mohini is working.

At the same time Rose has the same idea.

Even though the women at that time are more chastity, they were too suppressed by the rules and nonsense.

Because of that more women wanted to be free of that stress and shackles.

The reason why jack was able to draw so many sketches of naked women is because of this very thing.

With her original thoughts and persuasion from Mohini, Rose happily prepared for the naked sketch.

Rose thought for a moment and said.

“I do want you to sketch a nude picture of me.

It will be an exciting experience.

But are you sure you want other people to watch my naked body sketch.

If you like it then I don’t mind.”

Vicky smiled listening to the words of Rose and said.

“My sweet wife is so considerate.

I liked it very much.

Let me draw your nude sketch that would make the hearts of other men race.

Get dress…cough…cough…”

Vicky blushed to say the words to undress.

Rose also smiled with her cheeks blushing and there is an awkward silence for a few moments.

Vicky moved forwards and kissed Rose on her lips.

She resisted a little as it was her first kiss but soon she stopped the resistance and they had shared a passionate kiss till Rose was out of breath.

Then they parted and Rose ran into a room to remove her clothes and covered her body with a cloth.

She specifically put on the heart of ocean necklace and appeared before Vicky.

Vicky has already set his things on the table, ready to draw the sketch of her image.

He told Rose to lie down on the couch and Vicky moved to adjust her pose so that she is most beautiful.

Vicky moved forward and arranged Rose in a way that everything of her from tits to her pussy was visible to Vicky.

Because of his touches her nipples erected from her arousal…….

Chapter 156: a beautiful sketch

Because of his touches her nipples erected from her arousal.

Her pussy was wet from the previous kiss and the current touches.

There is no one to disturb them right now so there is plenty of time.

So there is plenty of time for them to play.

As she lied down like that Vicky started to make a sketch out of her naked body image.

Vicky completely the entire sketch in half an hour,

He was good at the art of drawing and his movements are very smooth.

Mohini has previously practiced the drawing and other sketching things to control her body movements in smooth and stable way.

She practiced the art of dancing for her fighting movements……..

Like that many combat related things are learnt to the fullest from the very basics of things that seem completely unrelated like dancing and painting.

After Vicky is done drawing Rose came to him nude to look at the image of her.

The sketch that Vicky made is a hundred times more beautiful than the one that she saw in the movie before.

Also every inch of her body is clearly visible from.

Even the wetness of her pussy and erection of her nipples with her coquettish face was clearly visible in the image.

She was very happy about that.

Her favorability has increased to 90 points right now.

Vicky first took a photo of the image with his phone just in case.

Then he put the image in a file and stored it in the vault of cal.

At that time Rose want to put the heart of ocean necklace back into the vault.

But Vicky stopped her from doing that and told her about the value of the artifact.

She was shocked that this necklace has such great significance.

So she gave it to Vicky for keep safe.

But Vicky simply shook his head and told her to keep it with her till tomorrow evening.

After that he will take it.

Till then she still has to stay with her mother and cal.

So Vicky doesn’t want to be in an embarrassing situation.

When the time is right he would come for her and take her with him.


While this is happening Mona is in the communications room playing with the operator.

She is going to have the entire night to play if possible.

Also she will return after Vicky took the virginity of Rose and wanted to have a threesome at that time.

So she was going around completing the perverted quest of fucking 20 staff members of the titanic.


Vicky also told her to pack her things by tomorrow evening.

But for now there is another important thing that Vicky wanted her to know.

That is his doubt about the affair between her mother Ruth and her fiancée cal.

Well when Vicky mentioned this Rose did not believe it.

But Vicky told that there is a way to prove.

Also this possibility cannot be ruled out because the mother of Rose that is Ruth is less than 40 years old.

So it is quite possible to have an affair with strong and young people.

It is especially so with the people like cal with dark handsome personality.

So Vicky led Rose out of the room after she put on a different dress to the store room where Lovejoy is being imprisoned.

Rose was shocked by the situation of Lovejoy.

She has never expected that the gentle and easy going Vicky can be so cruel.

The scene is not cruel but understanding his condition Rose understood how cruel Vicky really is.

Lovejoy has already woken up from the unconscious state but the pain from his body is very much making his face frown deeper and deeper.

He understood that this current situation is caused by Vicky so when he saw Vicky coming to him again he has the expression of horror on his face.

Vicky is still with a gentle smile closed the door after Rose entered the room.

Then he came to Lovejoy and said.

“You should know about your current situation.

I am going to ask you some questions and answer me truthfully.

If you answered truthfully then it is okay and I will let you leave before the ship reaches the shore.

But if you lie then I will let you become fish food.

Also before that you will have to bear my torture that will make you beg me to kill you.

Now choose.

If you want to answer then nod your head…”

Vicky said with a gentle and calm tone.

But for Lovejoy it was like listening to the words of a demon that wanted his soul.

He doesn’t want to die and he doesn’t want to bear the methods of Vicky so he nodded his head desperately like chicken pecking.

Vicky smiled happily and pulled out the cloth stuffed in the mouth of Lovejoy.

Then hit the pressure point at the vocal cords.

But before all that, Vicky warned Lovejoy to not to shout for help.

If he shouted for help then the help he received would be for his dead body.

So Lovejoy was cautious and did not make any dangerous moves.

After he has the ability to speak Vicky asked.

“Tell me the relationship between Ruth and cal.”

As soon as the question was asked, the eyes of Lovejoy widened in shock.

Yes he knows about that but he cannot speak as it would betray his master cal.

But currently his life is on the line and the most painful death awaits him if he did not give the answer properly.

So he can only betray cal and speak the truth.

Immediately he answered the question revealing the adultery relation between cal and Ruth.

He also overheard the conversation between them about cal wanting to have the daughter of Ruth but Ruth rejected it at first.

But later Ruth was threatened by cal that he would reveal all of her secret affairs with other nobles and officials directly damaging her status…….

Chapter 157: Rose asks Vicky to make her his woman

But later Ruth was threatened by cal that he would reveal all of her secret affairs with other nobles and officials directly damaging her status.

Also he threatened her that he would revoke all of his financial cooperation with the family business that is under Ruth.

Finally he fucked her into submission and compromised to marry Rose as his first wife if Ruth accepted it.

Other than that Ruth would become his personal fuck hole from then one to relieve his lust if needed along with his clients and bring in more money.

When he said that he would do all of this in secret Ruth has accepted it.

Also Ruth is not a good woman by nature as she spent most of the income to make herself look young causing the finances of her family to pummel.

Now she is using the life of her daughter to fill that gap and gain some status…….

Listening to the story of Ruth, Rose has many expressions on her face from pity to sadness and then to anger.

At first she thought that Ruth did all of this for Rose.

But now she understood that Ruth did all of this to keep her status and quench her lust.

Well Vicky would not say anything and asked some other questions before knocking him out and locking his power of speech again.

Vicky knows that Rose needs time to digest all of this.

He gave her the space she needed to come to terms with her heart.

Finally she started to cry, Vicky moved towards her and hugged her tightly; giving her a shoulder to cry till her sadness goes away.

Previously she wanted to ask Vicky to bring her mother along with her.

But knowing her character she changed her mind and decided to follow Vicky without looking back at her mother from now on.

After she is done crying Vicky took her back to her state room and rested on the couch for some time.

When she got her thought process back to normal she asked Vicky.

“Vicky do you think that I am a gold digger like my mother.”

Vicky looked straight into her eyes and said.

“You are my women and you are not a gold digger.

I believe you with all my heart and my women are my treasure.”

With Vicky’s words she was silent for some time and then said.

“Vicky, I want you to take my virginity and make me your woman today.

Make me your women completely in body, mind and soul.”

She asked for that directly and how can Vicky refuse this.

Also it is a good time as ever as Rose is his women and she needs some good care before accepting all the reality.


Mona on the other hand is keeping her eye on the staff of the ship.

Almost all the handsome guys got a chance to play with her.

But that is not enough she moved around the ship to find all the candidates that are of high level or with good dick to play.

She has decided to complete the quest tonight.

After that she will move to where Vicky is to surprise Rose.


Back to Vicky,

Based on his estimate Ruth and cal will take an hour or more to return.

Previously in the party and the last day when moving around Vicky picked the pockets of those nobles.

Even though money is useless in this world, it still has some value before the catastrophe of the ship.

Do you know why all those ship’s staff became close to Vicky after just one round around the ship?

It is because the money he gave them whenever he met a person.

The money is given as a gift and included sweet words of persuasion from Vicky or some hot movements with Mona.

Because of this they accepted the money from Vicky and played with Mona and became loyal to them for benefits.

Now even if he take Rose to his room or take her away with him no one will bother to find fault with him.

Also Rose shows that she is willingly follow Vicky.

Because of that even if Ruth and cal put on complaints they will not be able to do much on this ship.

Using this very thing Vicky made some waiters in the party to make sure that cal and Ruth stay in the party.

Mona has specifically asked some noble men that played with her to keep cal and Ruth here so that her brother Vicky would have good time with Rose.

They all cheered with the good looking couple of Vicky and Rose and decided to help Mona keeping cal and Ruth.

If they show any signs of leaving then one of the waiters would move faster than them and inform Vicky in the state room of cal and Ruth.

While the waiter reports this matter those nobles would keep them busy in the party.

These are the arrangements that Vicky and Mona made before Vicky followed Rose from the party.

With the look and gestures of Rose it is confirmed that Rose loves Vicky while cal and Ruth are trying to break their love.

Being commoners all these waiters and workers directly support love since they are getting some benefits from the love of Vicky and Rose.

With everything was in place Vicky was fearless.

When Rose asked him to take her virginity right then and there Vicky smiled and carried her in princess carry.

He wanted to take her to her bed room but she asked him to take her to cal’s room.

Well he accepted her words and took her to cal’s room.

There he placed her on the bed and slowly removed her clothes leaving her completely naked.

Then he removed his clothes that vanished into storage space without falling around.

Rose covered her tits and pussy with her hands with shyness on her face.

“I have already seen them completely…….”

Chapter 158: rolling around for an hour

Mohini wants to take Rose in the male form for the first time.

After that he would change her slowly.

Rose covered her tits and pussy with her hands with shyness on her face.

“I have already seen them completely.

What is the point of hiding them now?”

Vicky said as he moved her hands revealing her forbidden areas.

Vicky starts with a kiss on her lips and slowly moved down to her tits and then to her naval and finally to her fragrant grass.

This is the first time she felt the touch of a man in her forbidden places and the concept of licking her pussy and clit has almost made her crazy.

All of this was very new to her as she never masturbated till now.

So she was very excited and her response is many times better than many virgin girls.

For the first time in her life she has an orgasm.

Vicky did not stop as he lubricated her forbidden place till it was ready for the next step.

Well he did not leave his dick hanging as he asked her to give him a blow job.

Rose was more than happy as her mind was now completely filled with lust.

Well she is new to giving a blow job and don’t know how to satisfy Vicky.

Vicky don’t mind and he will train her slowly.

Now for the main course of taking her virginity Vicky put her legs around his waist and his dick at the opening her of pussy.

He rubbed his dick against her pussy a few times and finally inserted it inside.

Rose screamed in pain as her hymen broke step by step.

Vicky moved his body slowly going all the way in.

Rose did not want him to stop and the pain finally turned into pleasure.

The bed sheets under her had a new stain of her virgin blood.

Vicky moved his waist in a rhythmatic motion from slow to fast, based on the moans of Rose touching her G spot every now and then.

Being a woman Mohini knows how to pleasure a woman so Vicky her clone can fuck a woman to ecstasy a hundred times better than any other man.

Finally he sprayed his cum inside her while she had her big orgasm with her body arched and legs tightly held onto Vicky’s waist.

Vicky waited till she regained her composure before unplugging his dick.

Soon the cum inside started to flow out of her pussy with small amounts of blood mixed in with her love juices.

Vicky was very satisfied with the intercourse.

His dick is still hard and can go for few more rounds without stopping.

Any way the cum he released cannot impregnate Rose.

It is only a sticky liquid just like the cum of a woman shot out from the dick of a man.

But he has to consider the wounds that he caused from breaking her hymen.

Vicky took out a pill and gave it to Rose to eat the pill.

Rose did not even question Vicky before eating the pill.

Immediately after that she felt a warm sensation inside her pussy making her have another orgasm.

Because of her questioning look Vicky simply explained that this pill is a healing pill that can heal the injuries of breaking her hymen.

Rose nodded and after 10 minutes there is no pain at all in her pussy and felt that everything is normal.

At that time Vicky start to move on for round 2 after stimulating her tits.

Rose was very cooperative with Vicky and they mutually satisfied for another hour before Vicky heard a knock on the door.

He knows that the time is up and went to receive the message after putting on a bathrobe.

It seems like cal and Ruth are returning back.

Vicky simply told Rose about that and parted with her reluctantly.

As for the stained bed sheets that has his cum, her cum and virgin blood was left just like that under the request of Rose.

Well with these things still present Vicky cannot guarantee the safety of Rose for the night.

So Vicky thought of staying here by hiding is a place in the room.

If he wanted he can hide easily.

But first he has to do something to divert the attention of Ruth and cal.

So he told Rose to go back to her room dress up and sleep.

He then went to the main door and sprayed some strong aphrodisiac there and in the room of cal.

He has already given a special antidote to Rose that will not completely ease the effects of the aphrodisiac but the concentration of the aphrodisiac effect will be reduced.

After that he and Rose went to her room and Rose got on the bed in sleeping position with the lights off.

Her room door is closed too.

Vicky silently hid around the room with his excellent capabilities.

Right at that time the door opening sound of the main door was heard by them.

Rose acted as if she was sleeping and the people appeared in the main room.

Cal was a little flustered because his servant Lovejoy did not reported to him anything.

Ruth was also like that.

Right at that time because of all the wine they drank and some other exhaustion they took few deep breaths after coming into the room.

This is the very place Vicky sprayed the aphrodisiac scent.

The aphrodisiac is very strong and aroused both Ruth and cal at the same time.

Ruth controlled herself a little and came to check on Rose.

Rose is in deep sleep in the eyes of Ruth.

Suddenly she felt like two hands are holding her from behind.

One went for her tits while the other went for her waist and lower regions.

Originally cal wanted to pounce on Rose who was sleeping.

But he doesn’t want to play her like that as his mentality would not accept it……..

Chapter 159: trapped for 15 hours, Ruth and cal

But he doesn’t want to play her like that as his mentality would not accept it.

He likes to make women submissive with his own power instead of sneak attacking when the woman is in deep sleep.

Even though his mind has fallen into lust because of the aphrodisiac scent his stubbornness did not go away.

So his attention was diverted towards Ruth.

Ruth was already aroused and don’t want her daughter to fall into the hands of cal right now.

If cal lost interest in her before their marriage and breaks the marriage then they would lose so much.

Because of this Ruth decided to bite the bullet and take on the beast like cal.

Soon they came to cal’s room with the lights off and their clothes scattered around immediately.

The concentration of aphrodisiac in cal’s room is even higher.

So they simply lost all reason and started to fuck each other after closing the door.

Rose and Vicky can hear their steamy moans and grunts even though the door is closed and locked.

Vicky came out covering his nose and opened the small windows to let the aphrodisiac in the room spread out of the room.

Rose has a complicated expression on her face when she heard the moans of her mother and grunts of cal.

Well she came to terms with the current situation in a daze.

She came back to her senses when Vicky held her waist and told her that her mother and cal will not be able to walk properly for the entire day tomorrow.

With that Rose was very happy that she will not be nagged by her mother.

Then Vicky asked if she wanted to go to a commoner’s party.

Rose was very interested as she saw that in the movie.

So they went to the lower decks without anyone obstructing them.

The movie plot continued that night after she enjoyed herself in the party Vicky took her to his room.

Here they continued where they left off before, for the entire night.

In the morning Rose has a hard time walking.

But Vicky did not give her any pill as she should get used to this.

Vicky took her to the kitchen of the ship and made some delicious food for her with his own hands to eat as breakfast.

After giving some pounds the cook was more than happy to let Vicky cook as he pleases.

When they had their breakfast Vicky took her back to her room and silently sneaked her into her room.

Right at that moment Mona came back to their room and took a bath.

Vicky has already left her a share of breakfast and assigned the cook to give it to Mona.

Well how he will give it to her is a different matter that Mona should deal with.

Last night this cook is one of the staff of the ship that got the special service from Mona.


Rose like the breakfast cooked by Vicky so much that she never thought that Vicky is such a good cook.

Back in Rose’s room,

Both cal and Ruth seems to have gone at it for all night long and are sleeping with big snores right now.

Because it is a closed room the aphrodisiac was still there unless they opened the windows of the ship to air the room.

Well even with that the effects of the aphrodisiac would have already gone by now.

But there will be a little effect for weak hearts to overcome with their will.

So most probably they will fuck again after gaining some strength in their body.

Vicky helped Rose packing her stuff up and by the lunch time they heard the sounds of moans of Ruth which did not sound like moans of pleasure but the moans of pain.

The same is true for the grunts of cal that was barely keeping up his power fucking Ruth with his now limp dick.

Vicky don’t care so is Rose.

They went to have lunch and returned back to the main deck where the iconic standing at the bow of the ship with their hands stretching happened for Vicky and Rose.

Last night they met jack at the party of the commoners but Rose did not have any fluctuations towards jack even after knowing that jack is her destined lover.

Jack doesn’t know all of that and after finding Rose being close to Vicky he did not have any ideas on her.

Even though he is a flirty person he is not forceful in nature.

Well he did want to find Mona but he was unable to contact her after so long.

So everything is fine.

It was already evening when Ruth and cal came out of the room completely exhausted after their fierce battle of over 15 hours.

Well not a continuous one but their faces are pale and bruised all over.

Right then Rose and Vicky arrived back from the deck of the ship.

Cal and Ruth wanted to scold Vicky and Rose but they did not have the energy to do anything.

Vicky smiled and spoke.

“I hope that you two marry each other and leave Rose to me.

If you do anything out of order then I would have to play with you till both of you die.”

Vicky took out a gun and used it to deter both Ruth and cal.

After that Rose went to collect her luggage with her clothes and other things.

Right in front of the eyes of cal and Ruth, Vicky sent the suit cases into his personal storage.

The gun in his hands also vanished.

“Our worlds are different and Rose is my woman now.

If you mess with me unnecessarily then don’t blame me for being rude.

As long as you don’t do anything to me I will let you live.

If you want to fight me I don’t mind sending you to hell before the ship reach its destination….”

Chapter 160: sketch of Rose became a public viewing object

“If you want to fight me I don’t mind sending you to hell before the ship reach its destination.

Don’t think that the ship’s staff would help you.

They will just turn a blind eye towards you people as long as I said the word….”

Vicky said and waited for Rose to say what she wanted to say to her mother and her ex fiancée.

After that they left the room back to Vicky’s room.

Before leaving Vicky pointed to the store room and said.

“You might find a surprise gift in that room.

You better check what is inside before it is too late.”

Cal had a bad premonition and went straight to the store room and opened the door.

His servant Lovejoy was lying unconscious completely tied up in that room.

Cal immediately called some ship’s staff to take care of Lovejoy before going to get Rose back.

But when the ship’s doctor spoke about the condition of his servant Lovejoy, cal and Ruth stopped in tracks from doing anything rash.

They never expected that his servant Lovejoy has his limbs dislocated and even his vocal cords were damaged to a certain point.

If everything is as the doctor said then Lovejoy is as good as a crippled till all of his injuries are healed.

There are no specialized doctors on the ship so they have to wait till they got to New York before they does anything.

Except for the fact that there is no threat to life, Lovejoy is no different from being dead.

If they were thrown into the ocean in the same situation of Lovejoy what would happen to them.

These thoughts made them directly give up on Rose and they done even want to give a complaint to the staff.

As soon as Vicky and Rose left, Mona arrived to this room.

She walked in as if it was her own room under the astounded eye of Ruth, cal, Lovejoy, the ship’s doctors and other staff.

They did not dare to move as she is the sister of Vicky.

She went to his locker and opened it.

From inside she took out the file that has the naked drawing the Rose that Vicky drew last night.

“Hey people,

Look at the sketch,

Isn’t she beautiful?

She will be my brother’s wife and my wife in the future too.

All of you can take a look at the sketch on her hand.

Immediately their dicks stood up creating bulges in their pants.

Even Lovejoy on the bed also had an erection.

Well cal did not have and even felt a strong pain down their because of his excitement.

There are more than 8 people in this room.

Among them 7 of them are men and Ruth is the only woman.

As soon as they saw the image the perverted quest given to Mohini is completed.

Now all of her woman would have the exhibitionist tendencies.

Mona did not stop at that and went to show this image in the lower decks, especially to jack.

She wanted to ask him to draw another sketch of her that is as beautiful as the one that she has right now.

Jack and his mates looked at the image and their dicks stood up.

Looking at Mona that came to them with a sketch like that they were shocked.

Mona has already completed the quests and right now she and Vicky can act independently with more ease.

Previously it was very hard on them.

But now with the rewards from the system they can act freely without stressing out her brain power and enjoy the play peacefully.

Acting as two people at the same time is very stressful even with the multi tasking skill.

But she was able to pull it off.

After that she took jack to the lower area of the ship where the luggage and goods are placed.

She told him that she wanted a naked drawing in that storage room.

Jack just followed her obediently.

He was sure that after painting he will be able to get some good time with her.

So he was excited.


On the other hand Vicky was with Rose enjoying the evening on the deck of titanic with a beautiful kiss with Rose.

There are people but none would do or say anything to him or Rose.

They thought that Vicky and Rose are young couple that is in deep love.

With that there is no hindrance at all.

No person came to disturb them means that Ruth and cal has quite down from doing anything rash.

After sunset Vicky took Rose to have evening refreshments and then left to his room.

Then he moved on to play with her while explaining to her about the real world.

Other players have actually seen Vicky with Rose but none of them made a move on Vicky.

They are envious but they can see that Vicky was strong enough to make the cal, Ruth and other people that control Rose to stop from doing anything.

Also they saw that the staff of the ship greeting Vicky politely making them doesn’t want to take unnecessary actions that can threaten their lives.

When it was around 8 PM in the night Vicky took Rose to have dinner and after that he took her to the wireless radio department.

Mona has already taken care of the operator before and Vicky also patronized him.

Then he told the wireless radio operator to let him send some messages.

The man doesn’t want to at first but after seeing the money again he accepted immediately.

At that time Mona came here and greeted Rose and Vicky.

Then she smiled at the operator and took him away with her.

Mona looked exactly like the female appearance that Rose saw when Vicky showed her true appearance.

Soon a little far away in the dark corner there are sounds of moans and slapping of flesh sounded making Rose blush……..


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