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Disclaimer: all the character’s in the story that have any sexual interaction are 18 years or older. All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 1: Back to the Hell Part-1

“What happened?”

A pretty looking 18 year old woman woke up from the bed.

With her bright eyes looked around with an astonished expression on her face.

Then rubbed her eyes again and looked around to see a normal dorm room.

“How am I back here?”

“It has been a few hundred years since I last saw this room.”

She started to remember all of her past after she looked around.

“How can I ever forget this place?

After I left this place is my life became living hell,

First of all I am an orphan.

Because of the name I have sometimes people mistake me for a man.

Oh my name is ‘Krishna Mohini’.

Because of the photographic memory I was able to get a high rank in the graduation college entrance exams.

This is the reason I got a highly sought college.

Due to this name of mine the seat that is allocated to me is in the all gent’s college for the higher education.

I don’t have any background to fight for me.

So I have to go with the flow and attend this college disguised as a man.

But fate played tricks on me.

I was caught being a woman in men’s disguise by one of the most evil students in the college.

This was spread to everyone in the college.

This caused a ripple effect and made my life miserable.

From Principal to peon, there isn’t a single person in the entire college that did not fuck me.

This has gone on for the entire time of when I was in the college.

After I got graduated from the college I was unable to live without the pleasure.

But this cannot be known by others and also needs a job to live.

So I have joined a normal commercial office for work and to make a living.

Also this way I can find someone to satisfy my lust here in secret.

Since I was graduated as a male I have opted for the job as a male.

But I have never expected that this is a black company.

Unfortunately, my disguise as a man was seen through by them and the history repeated.

From that moment on I became the official pleasure worker of the entire company.

I cannot leave the company till the end of the contract period is over as I don’t want to be locked up by legal issues.

They would send me to get contracts by fucking the clients and satisfying them.

I don’t mind as the life of sex without the problem with things like money is great for me.

With every contract that was bought there is an increment in the money that I got.

When the funds of the company are low they gave her job to act in adult movies to earn them extra funds.

After the time of contract is done I used some means to get a certificate that I have made the graduation as a woman from the university using both money and body.

Using these certificates I went to join the police force as a female cop.

This way I can at least be safe for a little while

Also I can even get some revenge from all those people.

But this time I was caught by the people in power because I put my pussy in the wrong place and their dicks got up.

Because of this I was literally played by many criminals.

When every there is a complaint from the commoners they will call.

But those criminals would fuck me right in front of those commoners.

They even made me, a cop into a prostitute.

Finally after few months those people in power caught up in some danger and I was able to get away from them.

In order to escape from them completely I changed my identity and brought some fake certificates with the money that was left and some smooth actions of the body.

Using these fake certificates I have joined a nursing institute and a computer hacking assistant institute.

Because of the past, getting fucked every day I became addicted to all these carnal pleasures and desires.

So I started to use the patients in the hospital that are attracted to my braless tits and short skirt without panties to quench my lustful heart.

Other than that I continued to be a prostitute and a provisional exhibitionist in the online platforms using the hacking skills that I mastered keeping my identity secret.

This way I have earned some money and other things.

Later I was able to erase all of my past deeds using this hacking skills from the internet completely.

But unfortunately I have messed up with some of the national security while erasing her details.

This caused the police to arrest her and put her behind the bars.

But she used some of the underhanded measures and sold off her body again to get out of this mess.

Well this costed all the accumulated money along with few sleepless nights satisfying those officials.

She has decided to settle down from this messy life.

Then as a nurse I met a rich man around 40 years old that had met with an accident.

In this accident he lost his wife and his ability to fuck woman.

That is his little dick is gone for good from action.

I have learned how to be cunning and plan for my own gains because of all the previous incidents.

Because of all these messy incidents in my life, I have decided to marry this impotent old man that cannot fuck me in order to get his money.

So I have plotted against this man to become his wife.

But the fate played tricks on me again.

After I have successfully married this man,

I found that this man has a grown up perverted son that is around 18 years of age, An old pervert of a father who is around…..

Chapter 2: Back to the Hell Part-2

After I have successfully married this man,

I found that this man has a grown up perverted son that is around 18 years of age,

An old pervert of a father who is around 65 years old and also a widower of a brother that is around 38 year old.

Other then these there are some male servants with lustful gazes on her body.

There is not a single female person in the entire house.

As for the impotent husband of mine,

He has always gone on business trips leaving me in this hell hole of lustful people called family and servants.

They tried everything they can to seduce me and fuck me as much as they can.

Since that impotent husband cannot do anything and she cannot bear her carnal desires she went on with their seduction and let them play with her.

Only after few days that I found something about my husband,

My husband is a cunning fox that used me as the bargaining chip to get the contracts.

He made the clients fuck her however they wanted to get the contracts from them.

After losing his manhood he became a cuckold.

Other than that there are other family members and relatives all them are men without even a single woman in them.

They tried their best to seduce her to enjoy her body to quench their lustful hearts on special occasions.

Later she found the reason why there are no women in family or relatives,

The reason is all the family members of her husband are extremely lustful.

But none of their dicks are strong enough to satisfy their women

At the same time they would let other people fuck their wives to get the things they want.

These women did not have any objection for that.

But their bodies and hearts are not strong and died in their happy fucking sections with ecstasy on their faces.

If they did not like that they would separated from their family to save themselves from the endless fucking and lust.

Even though I found the dark side of this family I was unable to separate from this family as I am as lustful as they are.

After few years when I was around 30 years old a disaster happened.

That is a huge outbreak of virus took over the world by surprise.

Many people turned into zombies that would kill anyone and everyone that they see.

Being a rich family we have some protection and were able to get away from this situation to safety.

On the way to safety another accident happened and all the family members died except for me.

At this time I have obtained a secret keep safe box that my father in law is carrying before he died.

I was unable to open this box.

The shape of the box is also a bit odd it looked like a little bigger dildo.

So in order to hide this from the people in the chaotic times I inserted this into my pussy that became a little lose after getting fucked for so many years.

In order to hold it inside my pussy, I made some straps with my underwear and hid it well under my skin.

Later I was found by some people that are hiding from these zombies as a community.

The women were not sent to hunt but they have to give pleasure to get food and water.

Well she doesn’t want to go and get food by hunting down those zombies.

Also giving pleasure is good for her and she doesn’t mind a gang bang from 5 to 10 men at the same time.

After that some accidents happen causing the zombies to overrun the settlement.

Luckily I have escaped again and started a journey as a nomad that uses her body for food and water through the way.

Finally one day my time has almost came to take my life,

I was caught in a deadly situation where I was completely surrounded by zombies.

At this moment a man came out of nowhere with an incredible speed and saved me from the zombie encirclement.

I thought that I was saved but instead this person saved me to lust over my body.

I was only 30 years old I was a matured beauty of a milf and had big round tits that are well developed voluptuous from the groping of many men over the years.

Also because of a medicine she can even lactate.

This has nothing to do with becoming pregnant or anything.

My body is so damn hot and sexy that anyone would have a hard time to resist and want to fuck me.

This beauty of mine has earned hundreds of millions and billions of money for the family over the years in contracts.

When my impotent husband wanted to fulfill the requests of some clients with strange fetish I was fucked by the homeless people and naked walks on the streets too.

The person that saved me is actually a cultivator from some evil sect.

This person is just a small minion that is scouting all over to get their hands on the treasures of some ancient families all over the earth.

By giving my body to this little evil cultivator I was able to get into his evil sect.

Later, I gained some status in the sect and found that there are many evil sects all over the world.

They have made a secret pact and created this disaster of zombies for their evil gains.

There are righteous sects too.

But because of the lack of the spirit energy and this current earth being very far away from the sects original planetary locations they did not bothered to look into this matter regarding this disaster.

The planetary system where earth is located is currently surrounded by the planetary systems that are under the control of these evil sects.

Other than that the people of the righteous sects that are present on the earth are very weak because of the lack of resources…..

Chapter 3: Back to the Hell Part-3

Other than that the people of the righteous sects that are present on the earth are very weak because of the lack of resources.

They have either jumped ships to the evil sects from the righteous sects or killed for being a good person.

So there is no one in the righteous sects left to even inform the main sects in the first place.

Even if they got the information none of the righteous sects would even bothered to take a look.

This is because firstly there are no resources that they can use here.

The second is there are no good seedlings that came from this place in the past few hundred years that can make a name for these sects.

The third is that this current area was completely surrounded by the territories of the evil sects.

The fourth is that this place is very far away that even coming here to inspect takes time and resources.

Also coming to this area is nothing but a suicide mission.

So no one will be bothered to come here to investigate.

The fifth is based on the information they got after the disaster most of the people on earth are already dead.

So even if they came here they won’t be saving anyone instead they would put others that came to rescue at risk that can cost their lives.

Because of all these reasons the righteous sects decided to sweep this entire incident under the cover so that, their image would not be damaged.

Even though Mohini found this, she did not make any efforts to do anything to stop this or

To save anyone or

She tries to get revenge because firstly she is an orphan, so she doesn’t have a sense of belonging here.

Secondly, she was thoroughly played in every means possible for no reason at all.

They all did this to her just to enjoy themselves.

Even though she enjoyed the process there are still some regrets.

Third is none of the other people that noticed her situation previously have not even lift a finger to help her in any way,

Instead some of them even enjoyed her being played like that.

This made the opinion of her on all the beings on earth to all time low.

This is so low that she started to hate all these people for what they did to her.

Her heart and soul became cold and hard for them.

Mohini even turned towards the opposite side and became bisexual.

She started have sex with both men and women.

She has mostly turned towards women and only used her body to gain resources from men.

Also she has these thoughts of getting cucked by her woman and the men that cucked would fuck her too….

She continued her path towards the peak of cultivation in order to protect herself.

She also found that they killed all the people on earth to create a dungeon artificially.

These dungeons are the special hunting grounds that are naturally available in the nature.

These special hunting zones are called dungeons by the people.

This world is very large with many realms so in order to make the world run smoothly a very powerful goddess created some special zones called hunting areas.

Later they are named as Chaos zones or dungeons or labyrinths….

This very goddess is the creator of this world.

This goddess is called fate.

No one has ever seen this lady fate only the high gods in the highest realms has ever known of her existence.

Mohini learned all this from the books in the library of the evil sect she has joined.

These dungeons are very special.

These dungeons absorb the chaotic energy of the space outside the world.

They use some special means to convert this chaotic energy in to the energy and the energy is in the form of crystals.

The energy crystals are divided based on the level of the realm of the corresponding dungeon.

In these dungeon zones savage beasts are formed from the chaotic energy of the space outside the world.

When the people kill these savage beasts, the energies of these beasts will spread out to the world and that realm.

The chaotic energy released in the form of spirit energy which is used for cultivation of cultivators and for the world to move forward.

Sometimes there will be mines formed out of spirit energy too with various grades in the world.

Every dungeon is divided into various levels and tires too.

In the mortal realm they are divided into 10 tiers and each tier is further divided into low grade, medium grade, high grade and extreme grade.

There are many beings that belong to different races present in the world.

They have various sects that are good and bad.

All of them compete for the supremacy over all the other races and powers.

These dungeons have many types of terrains.

The dungeon can be like a cave, a forest, a maze…

Mohini has witnessed various scenarios when she visited various dungeons while she was training and cultivating.

There are various kinds of savage beasts some look like the beings of the races that live in the world with similar intelligence.

They can be distinguished from the real life being and savage beings are that there is game version like blood bar on the top of those monsters.

Also there is a symbol on them that indicates they are savage beasts and chaos monsters.

Mohini does not have to feel sympathy towards the savage beasts because except for the primal instincts and battle instincts these beasts don’t have any other emotions.

Killing these beasts gives some benefits for the Mohini like receiving materials, beast crystals, and many other things.

There is a possibility that people can die in the dungeon,

There are people that use these dungeons to kill other people in order to get their things or for the purpose of revenge or some other things………..

Chapter 4: erotic god system activated

There are people that use these dungeons to kill other people in order to get their things or for the purpose of revenge or some other things.

The things that happen in the dungeon are hard to investigate.

As soon as that person dies the dungeon will integrate the dead body into the dungeon…

At the end of these naturally formed dungeons there will be some concentrated dungeon cores.

These are the things that actually create the dungeons over time absorbing the chaotic energy.

These cores have many uses they can also be used in a special way to create artificial dungeons.

These dungeons cores can be combined with various environments to form various dungeons.

They use this method for the training of the disciples of the sect and for collecting resources required for the sect.

Mohini found that strange box of her dead father in law that she got after their death is special with a secret.

After she became strong enough she was able to open the box and found a half jade charm in it.

Upon investigating this jade charm Mohini found that it is a map to some sort of inheritance and this half jade charm is both map and the key.

Mohini after gaining enough power went to retrieve this inheritance.

She never had expected that all the traps in the inheritance can be solved by doing perverted things.

It is as if the inheritance belongs to some sort of perverted cultivator.

When Mohini reached the final room, she found the inheritance she came here for.

She was shocked to find that there is another small box at the inheritance that is very similar to the box that she found the half jade charm before.

After opening the box Mohini found the other part of the jade charm in this box.

As soon as she took out both the charms they produced a strange attractive force and combined themselves forming a new charm.

This new charm looked like it was made of amethyst.

After this charm was formed it immediately rushed towards Mohini’s forehead.

The next thing that she remembered is that she woke up in the dorm room she has been in when she was 18 year old.

That is a few hundred years ago.

This took us back to the present time where Mohini is remembering all of the things that happened in the past.

When she snapped back to reality she understood that she came back to the past.

“What the hell”

“How am I returned to this place?”

“I became a normal human again. All of my cultivation is gone”

“It should be that strange inheritance that I just touched.”


Now that I am back I will make the lives of the people that played me and made my life in shambles.”

But when she was happily thinking of her revenge something strange has happened.

Suddenly, some strange words came in front of her eyes as if it is a huge computer coding but the language is Sanskrit, hieroglyphics, oracle bone script…words

They are very rarely seen on the current earth, but in reality they are being used as combined scriptures.

This combined script is known as rune script by the cultivators and galactic people.

After a few minutes some sounds can be heard saying

“Body calibration complete”

“Mind calibration complete”

“Soul calibration complete”

“Potential calibration complete”

“All calibrations complete”

“Tlik” “tlik” “tlik” “tlik” “tlik” “tlik”


“Welcome to the erotic god system”

“What the hell is happening here?”

Fortunately there is no one in the dorm that Mohini was in as it was school time.

So there is no one that heard her loud screams just now.

On that very day Mohini was actually sick so she was left alone in the dorm and did not attend the school that day.

Today is her birthday and she turned 18 today.

Other than that from the next week she will have the final year exams of the high school.

So the entire week are considered to be preparation holidays.

A week after the final year exams is the college entrance exams of various universities.

Mohini was currently in an orphanage dorm under the control of the government.

Mohini is fortunate for her there aren’t any annoying people in her orphanage and their dorm warden is a good person.

So, Mohini was safe and sound all these years.

But unfortunately she was caught up in the endless amount of fucking incidents for hundreds of years.

She was so caught up in it that she was completely addicted to that.

Well coming to the present she was in a deep shock seeing some words and a light screen right in front of her eyes.

At this moment listening to her screams the hostel warden came to check on her.

“Mohini what happened why are you screaming?”

“Warden did you see those words?”

“What words there is nothing here.

Your fever must be acting up.

Don’t think too much and have a good sleep.

You have to prepare for the final year exams and the university exams.

Get well soon.”

After that the warden left the room and went to her own room.

In the mean time Mohini calmed herself and looked at the words in front of her.

Then a message displayed on the light screen in front of her.

“The player has inherited the erotic god system

“This system can let player reach the highest level of the gods, and make the player reach the erotic god level and beyond.”

“Where did this game system come from?”

“It should be that strange charm that let me come to my past.”

Then suddenly the game system gave a replied.

“The player has guesses it right this erotic god system was incorporated into you by the erotic god system charm.

I will now show you what has actually happened.

That is the history of the erotic god system charm.

Then the light screen with a message in front of Mohini changed to some sort of black screen that displays video……..

Chapter 5: history of the erotic god system

Then the light screen with a message in front of Mohini changed to some sort of black screen that displays video.

It is similar to an ultra thin L.C.D screen of the modern world.

There was once a god who has reached the highest level of this entire world of all the realms.

He became so powerful that he can get out of this world.

But at the final tribulation to reach the next level of cultivation and cross the world he was dead.

The reason for his death is his regret that he never has any form of enjoyment in his entire life.

He wanted to have some people he loved he wanted to enjoy the pleasures of lust.

But he was so caught up in the cultivation that he never had any of these enjoyments in his life.

So these heart demons created a vulnerability which caused his catastrophic failure of ascending to the next level and go to the next world.

At those final moments of death he casted the forbidden technique to get a chance to make a wish with the supreme will of this world that has created all the worlds.

The powerful cultivator used the forbidden technique at the end of his life where his soul was about to perish.

At this moment everything around him including the heavenly tribulation also stopped as if the time has stopped moving.

Suddenly a bright light covered the entire area covering the cultivator completely and a beautiful woman wearing crimson colored clothes appeared out of nowhere.

This technique consumes his life, his cultivation and everything he has.

At that moment he saw a beautiful lady that clad in mysterious crimson clothes.

She was so beautiful that no man in the world can resist her beauty.

At this moment everything around him and her became white.

“My name is Scarlet.

You tell me your wish and I will fulfill it based on the payment that you made the merit points obtained for the payment.”

The women in crimson said.

“I...I want to make you my women.”

The cultivator said with fluctuating voice

He was deeply shocked by the beauty in front of him.

The reason for his failure to ascend to the next world is because of these lustful thoughts in his mind.

So, he was completely stunned seeing that there is such a beautiful woman in this world.

“Hehe…you think you are eligible to make me your women.

This dream of yours is like a frog wanting to grease its hot dick with the little hole of the swan.

I am the ruler of this world.

I am the one with the will, which can control all the movements of the world.

Being the ruler of this world,

I have spent countless years developing this world.

Even the people of my creation world are not eligible to even to speak to me.

Who do you think you are?

You are just a lowly god cultivator of this mortal realm and you say that you want to take me as your woman.”

The cultivator made a clever thought and wanted to find a way to get the women in front of him, as his own.

“But you have to at least fulfill my wish as per the forbidden technique right based on rule of the higher will.”

The cultivator spoke cleverly.

At least that is what he thought he said.

“Ok, at least I will fulfill the will of the fate.

According the ancient rule those that use the forbidden technique are given a chance to get one wish based on the amount of merit points that they possesses.”

Scarlet said with an arrogant voice.

Then she made some sort of rune circle in the air as if she was connecting the supreme will.

Then the man said.

“Then give me something that can let me grow endlessly, that can reach the highest level which can even rival the supreme will of fate.”

At this moment the women named scarlet vanished into thin air.

It is as if she was sent away by someone.

At this moment a divine light came out of the strange rune circle.

The women named scarlet was sent back to her room in the creation world and there is a voice in her head.

It is the voice of a woman that can capture any person’s heart with just her voice itself.

“You don’t have to listen to that idiot, using this idiot’s wish I will find a good one for us and we can be sisters in the future,


Scarlet was startled a little but soon she realized that the one that spoke to her is some sort of powerful person this is none other than lady fate.

Sweat beads formed on her forehead.

But after few minutes there is a sweet smile on her face and there is a faint pink glow on her cheeks.

From the divine light a very soft, seductive and a very distinctive beautiful voice can be heard by the cultivator.

“You have made a very bold statement that your power should rival my own power.

But unfortunately your merit points are not sufficient.”

“Of course you don’t have to worry because you still have a chance that is if you are willing to accept my conditions.”

The voice said in a playful tone.

“This lowly cultivator pays respects to the all powerful supreme will.

Please forgive this lowly cultivator‘s words,

Please enlighten me of the conditions that are to be met to get the chance to be as strong as you.”

The cultivator said with a respectful and fearful tone.


The rules are simple actually.”

The beautiful voice said and an amethyst charm appeared in the air that is filled with countless number of runes and inscriptions on it.

“This is a system I have prepared for the wish you have just made.

If you follow the instructions of the system you can reach the……...”

Chapter 6: the rules to get the system

“This is a system I have prepared for the wish you have just made.

If you follow the instructions of the system you can reach the highest level that rivals my own power.”

The voice said in a silky voice.

“Then please bestow that system on me, this lowly cultivator is forever in debt to the great supreme will of the heavens.”

The cultivator said in an anxious and expecting voice.

“Well I can give this to you but you have to fulfill some conditions,

Have to go through some trails,

Also there are some things that you have to follow to get the wish you wanted,

That is to get your hands on this system.”

The alluring voice said.

“Please enlighten me lady supreme will.

I will do anything and follow all the conditions you set to get that system.”

The cultivator said with a serious and confidence tone.

“Well it is simple I will split this charm into two pieces,

One piece will be with you and the other piece will be in a secret place.

The map to that secret place will be available in the piece that is available with you.

You have to pass all the tests on your own to reach the location of the second piece.

All the riddles in that secret place must be solved by you.

This is the first condition.

The second condition is that you will lose your life now and you have to restart all of your cultivation again from the scratches.

Don’t worry you will have all of your memories of this life and the piece of charm with you after you reborn again.

But the half jade charm will appear in your hands only once after every rebirth and you can reborn however many times as you want but that should be in your own family and only on one planet.

If you lose the piece of charm and if someone else used their blood to become its owner then you will lose your chance completely.

Your chance will become someone else’s opportunity.

This is the second condition.

The third condition is you have to have sex with at least 10,000 people that may be of any race or gender in order to activate the complete charm after you find the second piece.

You don’t need to specifically have sex with 10,000 people after you got your hands on the second piece,

You can complete this task at any time before or after.

But you have to complete it, if not you won’t be able to use this charm even if you had both of the pieces of the charm.

The piece in your hands will record all of this so you cannot cheat.

You don’t have to find 10,000 people but you can have sex 10,000 times with the same person or people.

You don’t even bother to see the gender.

One intercourse of sex can be considered as one time having sex.

That is if both of you shot out your stuff that is yours and theirs cum is called one intercourse.

This is the third rule.

The fourth rule is you should not tell about the secret of the charm to any of your descendents or family members.

Since you hold the memories you can directly get them to listen to you on your own.

This is the fourth rule.

The fifth rule is you cannot change your family or the initial planet you chose now after being reborn.

From then on all of these things will be your default or base setting.

So, you have to choose the planet and family that you want to born on carefully before this reincarnation starts.

If your family doesn’t exist or the planet that you belong to is gone that is destroyed,

You will be able to travel back in time to a specific point once.

This is a special grace offer for you just in case of some accidents.

But if you died again you will lose the chance to move on forever and the next person that obtains your piece will take your place.

This is the fifth rule.

The sixth rule is that if you die after obtained the special system from charm you will have to start all over from square one.

Also if you die and others that got your opportunity of this charm also died.

You will die forever and that other person will start from square one with this charm.

They will then be able to witness all the things that happened here, also your entire life and can continue their trails.

They will get all the perks that you got.

This is sixth rule.

The seventh rule is if it is a first time for a new person other than you they will go back in time once if they do not have any family at all.

After that this new person has to find all the next secret location of the second piece to get this system.

This is because the location of the second piece and all the riddles in the trail for the second piece will change after every time you found it and died without completing the mission.

This is so that you or anyone cannot prepare for this beforehand.

This is the seventh rule.

The eighth rule is if the new person that obtained your piece died after returning back in time he or she will lose the chance to continue and the mission continuous to the next person that obtains the half charm.

But if that person was an orphan he or she can get a chance to choose a family and a planet as their default starting point.

As for choosing the family this specific family must adopt the person as their own in the special procedures or any kind of cultural procedures.

Only then this can work.

Then every time they died they will be reborn in to that very family as a descendent…”

Chapter 7: life story of the cultivator part-1

“Then every time they died they will be reborn in to that very family as a descendent.

From then on they will start to have all the perks that you have and also they can return back in time once again.

This is the eighth rule.

These are my rules and having sex with 10,000 people, solving the riddles at the secret location and maintaining the secrecy will be considered as your tests.

If you can find the second piece to form a complete charm and gain the system,

With the system you grew stronger to the higher cultivation without dying in the middle,

You reach me without dying then you might have a chance to make me your woman too.”

The alluring female voice said in a playful tone.

This hyped up the heart of the cultivator to the point that he was literally steaming from his nose.

This is because of the last sentence that she said.

He did not even bothered to think and directly accepted all the conditions that the alluring female voice gave him.

But even though he was seduced he was still sane, so he has asked for one extra thing to be added to the conditions and perks.

He wanted the person that is holding the pointing half of the system charm to have the amount of luck that they possess increased by a percentage of good deeds they do.

(The pointing half is the half of the charm that is with the cultivator Raja. The completing half is the charm is the one that hidden.)

Lady fate has also accepted this condition and added something to it.

“Then let us add another rule the ninth rule to the contract.

The person that is holding the pointing half of the charm can have their luck and charm increase for every good deed they do.

That is based on their merit points and if that person did the bad things they will lose their luck by the same percentage.

Good and bad will be decided on the amount of satisfaction that this person gives to other people.

This will be the ninth rule...”

After the contract is formed and the time started to move forward heavenly tribulation killed the cultivator.

The cultivator has reborn back on his birth planet in the family of his descendents that he has long forgotten.

This is his choice of planet and family.

As soon as he was born he was sane with all the memories of the past.

He started to cultivate with all his might even being an infant.

The system says that he cannot have any sex before the age of 18 which is the rule by lady fate to the system.

When he turned 18 years old, he started to see every woman he saw with lustful eyes.

This included his own mother he became like a manic of lust.

The spirit energy of the earth was originally very high that is equal to that of the tier 10 planet.

But it has gone low through many years of progression.

There are many cultivators that are born and raised on earth.

There are even god level cultivators that have the earth as their origin.

The powerful ones moved on to the higher planetary fields while the weaker ones stayed on earth and perish as their life span ended.

But there is one thing that is constantly drained out of the earth.

That is the spirit energy of the earth.

Also because of this the highest level of dungeon that can be formed on earth is only low leveled tier 3 dungeon.

So the planet earth has just barely made it to a tier 3 planet.

When he was born on the earth, the spirit energy of the earth became so diluted that the spirit energy of the planet can only be compared to that of a tier 3 planet.

The planets in each realm are divided into 10 tiers based on the amount of spirit energy they possesses and the highest level of dungeon that is present on the earth.

Dungeons are like the energy source of the planet.

The more they grow the higher the spirit energy of the planet becomes.

These dungeons are like generators that took in chaotic energy from the void and convert into spirit energy that is normally available in the world.

So these dungeons have the ability to rejuvenate the spirit energy and the life of the planet.

But if someone destroys or takes away the dungeon core along with the roots then that dungeon cease to exist.

Even if the core of the dungeon is taken and the roots are left then the core of the dungeon reproduces again.

Unfortunately most of the cultivators take the dungeon core damaging the roots because of not knowing the correct procedure of extraction.

Some even thought that those roots can also be used as supplements for energy so they directly took them too.

This might give some extra benefits to the cultivator.

But the dungeon and the planet that houses the dungeon will have a very big loss.

Sometimes the loss of spirit energy to the planet causes the planet to become barren like some of the planets in space that cannot even support life.

The reason for the very low spirit energy on earth is because of the very cultivator that made the contract with lady fate.

He has damaged the biggest roots of the biggest dungeon on the planet along with all the other dungeons.

He did this to sabotage earth colluding with the people of the rival planetary system.

He has never expected that he would be born again on that very planet that he damaged previously.

Actually he forgot about this matter in excitement as it happened many years ago.

The realization that he sabotaged himself but not the earth was a bitter one that hit him many times.

These thoughts have become a fear of some sort in his heart becoming a heart demon that made his cultivation slower and slower.

Chapter 8: life story of the cultivator part- 2

These thoughts have become a fear of some sort in his heart becoming a heart demon that made his cultivation slower and slower.

But he has never forgot about the contract between him and lady fate.

He has died many times and reborn again in his family.

As time went on he has cultivated lower and lower in every life time because of the draining spirit energy.

Every time he reborn he has to go and get the pointing half of the jade charm from his hiding place to reestablish the contract.

If someone gets that before him and makes a contract of blood then it is gone for good.

He even stepped into the demonic path and unorthodox cultivation.

In this method he will gain cultivation by doing blood sacrifices, taking energy from women and energy from men.

Other than that he has to complete a task of having sex with 10,000 beings.

Because of his evil deeds most of his luck turned into misfortune.

Other than this the people of the righteous side have attacked him and his family constantly.

He was unable to find any women for cultivation or target.

So he has even become so desperate that he wanted to swing on both sides of women and men.

But realized that it is impossible to do this being a man,

But he understood that it would be more pleasurable being a woman.

Well he can have the pleasure with women being a woman and can also have sex with men being a woman.

But if he is a man his only choice is women and men that swing to homosexuality are very less.

So he decided to change his gender into that of a woman in the next life because he is old now.

So he brought some special gender switching technique from an unorthodox sect for a very large price.

Before he died he made all the arrangements for his family to flourish so that he could be reborn and practice his cultivation peacefully.

He can use gender switching technique after reaching a specific cultivation.

So he secretly hid all the techniques and resources for his next life.

He then reborn in the family as a male then cultivated using his hidden resources after he made sure that his family has an heir for safety.

Then, he went on and used the gender switching technique to become a woman.

Then he escaped from his family and started to indulge in the ocean of pleasures as a woman.

This went on well but he was caught by a perverted group of thieves that are also cultivators.

These people fucked him to the point that he lost all his will of life.

After that he was sold to some pill testers and other brothels where his womanly body was played in many ways and finally died.

He reborn again as a man in his family, this time he decided to not to become a women at all after the previous experience.

This time he doesn’t have any form of resources too.

This is because previously he took everything with him after he became a woman.

But all of his resources were stolen by the thieves but not the green jade system charm.

This is because fortunately she was able to bury the pointing half of the charm in the ground before they took her storage space ring.

So he was unable to cultivate to such heights with the amount of resources his family possesses.

He then decided to make his family a family of merchants to collect the resources for his cultivation.

Everything he gained through the business that can help him cultivate is stored in a secret place where only he possesses the way to enter.

Through endless amounts of life hard earning and effort the cultivator was able to amass enough cultivation resources to reach for him to reach a specific level of cultivation.

As long as he was able to reach that specific amount of cultivation he will leave this planet to another.

He has made some research to find a way to get out of this earth to another planet with high level of spirit energy in another planetary system.

Currently he is an old man that is Mohini’s father in law.

Because of the death of his entire family in the zombie attack he has lost the right to hold the pointing half of the system charm.

This was transferred to Mohini because her blood was spilled on the charm when she opened the box and made the blood contract with the pointing half of the green jade system charm.”

The screen started to show Mohini’s life after she claimed the owner ship of the pointing half of the charm.

She was able to gain a foot hold in the evil sect because of using her body.

Mohini was able to leave the earth and enter another planet that has more spirit energy than earth.

Other than that she has seen many planetary systems and the links between the evil and righteous sects through her life as a cultivator.

She was able to become a small time elder forming her own harem of women even though she was a woman herself.

Later she went to get the completing piece of the green jade charm.

She did not take any one with her in this journey to get the completing half of the green jade charm.

She reached the end position solving all the riddles of the secret location and finally obtained the other half and made a complete green jade charm.

Then she obtained the erotic god system and the cultivation technique along with all the other things.

After everything was done successfully Mohini let her guard down and came out of the secret location with a happy face.

But there are people waiting outside the secret location to ambush Mohini.

Mohini was only able to see two people’s faces before she died.……..

Chapter 9: unanswered questions

Mohini was only able to see two people’s faces before she died.

These people are a woman that recently joined her harem and the other is the young master of her sect where she was working as an elder.

After that Mohini has lost her life because of their joint attacks.

But because of the charm that she possesses and also being an orphan she was able to travel back in time to the point where she just turned 18.

Now because of the charm she was able to gain all the details of the things that have happened and also she found how she actually died previously.

But she still has some unanswered questions that are if she can get back in time why can the old cultivator that is her father in law did not travel back in time after he died in the zombie attack.

Then why did the charm showed all the things that happened to that old cultivator and her own life and death now but not previously when she connected with the pointing half of the green jade charm.

There are other things that she wanted to know regarding the incidents that have happened.

She has so many questions that did not have answers.

So she decided to think of all these things that she just witnessed through the light screen projected by the green jade charm and find the solutions for the questions she has.

She calmed herself down and started to think of all the things that she just witnessed using the photographic memory that she possesses.

With the photographic memory that she naturally born with it is easy for her to remember everything that she just saw till now.

Mohini’s photographic memory is the only thing she was born with.

It was so useful to her that she was able to remember the entire cultivation technique that she got after joining the two pieces of the green jade charm.

Naturally no one will be able to remember the lengthy cultivation technique with a single glance.

But with the help of the photographic memory she has Mohini can easily remember anything of any length and review it as many times as she wants.

Because of this cheat like ability Mohini was able to remember every single thing that she read till now.

With these memories from the future returned to her she was able to gain many more things that are related to the future.

Other than that she has also gained many techniques that she has the chance to read in the library of the evil sect as an elder.

There one more profit that she obtained after obtained the memories of the future.

Because of the memories of her previous cultivation she will not have any form of bottle neck till she reaches her previous cultivation.

Even if she used another cultivation technique it is not a problem for her.

She then started to sort things out from her future memories and the memories of old cultivator.

She wanted to find answers for the unanswered questions that she has and other than that she also want to know her opportunities and threats.

The first thing she did was to remember all the cultivation techniques that are in her memories and from the memories of cultivator.

This is to make sure that she has complete cultivation techniques without any problems.

The cultivation techniques are the most basic thing that she needs and also the extremely important thing that every cultivator needs to move on in the cultivator’s world.

She made sure that she has every cultivation technique remembered to the last word and sentence without missing anything.

Mohini diverted her attention to the unanswered questions she has.

First question is she wanted to know is why can’t the old cultivator that is her father in law did not travel back in time after he died in the zombie attack.

But she was able to return successfully.

After thinking for a while she found a small clue that is the rule that is placed on returning in time.

The rule states that if all the family members that are blood relatives or descendents of the person holding the ownership of the pointing jade charm are dead then he can travels back in time to a specific spot for once.

“In the zombie attack all the people of his family, blood relatives and the old cultivator are all dead right in front of me.

Then what happened?”

Saying these words Mohini started to rethink the past.

After some time Mohini finally remembered

“These seem to be other women that are fucked by the perverted old man from the cultivator’s side.

They became pregnant unknowingly and they seem to have escaped the disaster.

Unfortunately for that old fox father in law was dead before me and I have successfully escaped from zombies with the strange box.

Later I was able to open the strange box and form the blood contract with the half jade charm.

Well I don’t know what happened to the woman that got pregnant with old man’s family seed but this is the only explanation that can be used to solve that question.

The people that rescued me are 5 men that were lustful enough to even fuck the beautiful female zombies.

So they waited for all the people around me to die before rescuing me.

In the name of gratitude for saving my life they took turns to fuck me every time they got the free time.

Fortunately or unfortunately they have died because of we were overrun by the zombies.

At that time they threw me as a diversion for the zombies.

But fortunately I was saved by an evil cultivator that was scouting the area.

Well even though he saved me he did it for my body.

Fortunately I used my body to get into the field of the cultivation and join the sect.

The evil cultivator that rescued me is actually a recruiting elder of the outer sect.

Chapter 10: gains after coming back in time

The evil cultivator that rescued me is actually a recruiting elder of the outer sect.

So I was able to seduce him into recruiting me to that evil sect.

After getting to that evil sect I was called over by various elders of the sect that are superior to the man that rescued me to quench their lust full needs.

They fucked me day and night for around a month then they lost interest in my body.

So I was left alone for some time by them.

While they are enjoying my body I was able to secure some of the resources from them.

After that I managed to reach the cultivation strong enough to open the box and get the pointing half of the green jade charm.

But after I claimed the ownership of the pointing half of the green jade charm I found that it was actually a secret map.

I was not strong enough to fight them so I have to keep the information of the jade charm a secret from other cultivators.

But I found out later that they have searched my entire cultivation home for something important.

They are in search of some secret relic that belongs to my father in law that should be the pointing half of the green jade charm.

They searched me as well but I was thoughtful enough to hide the green jade charm.

Fortunately this thing cannot be detected using the spirit sense.

So they have to search for that manually.

Unless you are fated or personally hide that thing it is not possible to find the green jade charm.

They have found the connection between me and my father in law so they thought that the relic is with me.

But the good thing is that I did not leave the pointing half of the green jade charm in my cultivation home.

Instead I have hid it in a secret place near my cultivation home.

This means that I have to be careful with the people of the evil sect too.

There may be some people that found that there is some valuable relic in my father in law’s hands.

They might not know what the relic is but they know that it is valuable and is in my father in law’s possession.

Well this might be the reason that that old fox father in law of mine, was unable to travel back in time.

But he still has a chance as I returned back in time the old man was still there now with all of his memories except for the future that he don’t know.

Also the pointing half of the jade charm should be with me by the rules after coming back in time.

The thing here is that the cultivator did not know that the pointing half of the green jade charm is in my possession.

Unless he checks the wooden box that is storing the pointing half of the green jade charm he will not know that the pointing half of the green jade charm is missing.

Then he will become suspicious and try to find that through his vast network.

Other than that I know that he is holding some secret stash of resources that are very much useful for cultivation.

I have to find a way to steal all these resources without him knowing that I possess the pointing half of the green jade charm.

I have to make a concrete plan to get these things from old fox father in law.

Also plan to hide these things from those evil sect dogs.

Finally get some sort of protection to not to get pregnant by those idiots.”

In the previous life she tried her best to not become pregnant.

Fortunately she was lucky enough to not to become pregnant even after she was fucked day and night.

It seems like there is problem with her reproductive system that helped her.

Then Mohini moved to other unanswered questions

“The other question that I had is,

Why did the charm showed all the things, that happened to that old cultivator and her own life and death now,

But not previously when she connected with the pointing half of the green jade charm.”

Mohini started to think about this matter for some time and finally came to a conclusion.

That is she did not interact with the green jade charm enough to get all the details.

Or she did not gain the system or she did not complete the quest…….

So when she came back in time she was given a full explanation of all the things.

Fortunately those include the all of the memories of the cultivator and her own memories too.”

The opportunity that Mohini got from all of this is that she received the pointing half of the green jade charm.

She now knows that the old cultivator is hiding a secret stash of many cultivation resources and some other things.

Then she began to see the other opportunities that she obtained from becoming the elder of the evil sect.

She was able to find that there are many hidden resources and inheritances on earth that will be recovered by the people of these evil sects.

Mohini found a detailed record of all these findings being an elder at the evil sect.

Out of curiosity Mohini has went through all these records.

Because of the photographic memory she has complete details of all these things including the traps and solutions to these traps.

This is one of the biggest gains that Mohini obtained after coming back in time and the memories that she got.

Other than this she has an entire arsenal of cultivation techniques battle techniques, support techniques, defensive techniques and other miscellaneous techniques.

These are the small time gains that Mohini obtained.

The biggest gain that Mohini obtained because of these memories and the photographic memory is the cultivation technique that is given after forming the amethyst charm and obtaining the system…..


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