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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 266: I admit that I am wicked, so what is the point of calling me sinister

With the money rotation his assets grew bigger and bigger in both wizarding world and the muggle world.

John was confidently waiting in the VIP room for goblins to bring fleur here.

While he is waiting the new recruits are called and fleur was selected by the goblin manager to work as the assistant for one of the directors of Gringotts.

Naturally this director is none other than John.

But most people don’t know about this matter.


When she came to the VIP room she was stunned to see John sitting there eating a chocolate cake.

“It is you.

I did not expect you to be so powerful and become a director at Gringotts.”

John on the other hand also smiled and said.

“So you are the one that they arranged for me.

Well they are really thoughtful.

Since you have Veela bloodline they thought that you would suit me.

So they put you to be my assistant.

The goblins are really becoming intelligent.

Any way it is nice to meet you again.

How are you and your sister Gabriella?”

John asked as he gestured her to sit down and eat cake.

Fleur also understood that John did not know that she was appointed to him as the assistant.

She felt that it is just a coincidence.

But it was carefully arranged by John.

As for bill he also got something to eat.

But what he got is something that would make him impotent.

John did not want to spend money to turn him into a woman.

As long as he becomes impotent it is enough for him to get fleur.

John doesn’t like others touching his women.

They chatted for a while and John told her some specific things about his investments and the work details.

After understanding the things she felt that the work is much easier than she imagined.

The biggest reliance here is actually the name of John.

As long as she used the name Jonathan black’s assistant, she can complete the work easily.

No one would threaten her or even make a move on her.

There are many ugly rich wizards that like lovely young girls.

No matter where it is in the world some things never change.

Similarly there are also ugly old witches that like handsome young men.

John plans to send bill to such witch that is useful to him to play around while he soaks his wife.

While talking John found from fleur that she liked the work environment here and bill is very accommodating.

She also said the bad word that she is living in burrow at Weasley’s house right now and she felt that they did not have proper etiquette.

Well they have the difference in culture and even the habits of different countries.

It is natural that they did not feel happy about each other.

John would not correct the things here because these things can be used later to pull her willingly into his side.

Even though John is handsome and charming, no every woman would fall for him.

There are exceptions like Cho Chang.

But John would not let them go.

They will all fall into his trap sooner or later.

But the girls like Cho Chang would not be his women or lover but just playmates.

Well that is the thing they choose.

Naturally they have to bear the consequences.

John is rich, powerful and has everything.

What he wants is enjoyment.

He can get love from his women.

But everyone would like food from restaurants occasionally to have a change of taste from the home food.

This is something similar.

Other might think that he is sinister.

Well he himself tells them that he is a villain and a wicked person.

So what is there to worry about?


John did not do anything excessive.

He only chatted with her and let her understand one thing.

That is he would do everything in a business oriented way.

That is if she wants something she has to pay a price to get it.

It is very similar to the way he dealt with Hermione before.

John completed few more important things during the holidays.

There is nothing particularly important during this time.

The only important thing to him is that Penelope resigned the Aurors and came to work for him along with Nymphadora.

John did not take the half blood prince book.

He has already got all the information and knowledge he wanted from professor Snape.

So there is no need to try and get more.

With the things on hand he was directly selected to NEWT classes in almost all the classes.

All of his OWL scores are the highest there is.

There is no way for anyone to point towards him about his academic performance.

They got on the Hogwarts express and moved on to Hogwarts.

Naturally all the girls are with him.

Professor Slughorn wanted to invite John for tea.

Unfortunately John did not care about this small clubs.

So he only went there for a few minutes and left after that.

Naturally others could not offend John.

This is because John is rich and powerful.

Even if it is professor slughorn he could not do anything about this.

John has almost twice as many contacts as professor slughorn has.

John also did not embarrass him about this matter.

He still went to show his face and only returned after drinking a cup of tea.

As for Harry he was stuck there.

This is the difference with a man with power and a man with dependence.

As for Ginny, she did not fall into the eyes of professor slughorn as she did not use the Hex.

But professor slughorn has some knowledge of women around John.

All of them got the best scores in their OWL’s last year without exception.

So naturally everyone understood that all the women the surround John are strong in their own way.

Also John did not sit in the prefect’s carriage.

Chapter 267: stealing the dementors (Chicken) from ministry

So naturally everyone understood that all the women the surround John are strong in their own way.

Also John did not sit in the prefect’s carriage.

He sits in the special box that he got his girls wait for him.

The girls are from all the houses and they did not show any differences.

While they are playing around… cough… cough… not something excessive... John thought of the good deeds that he did few days ago.

Few days ago he has completed all the rituals he knows and he got till now.

This has improved his capacity of improvement of magic storage, spirit energy and human body power.

The magic storage can be filled with magic in the surroundings naturally.

The human body power can be improved with food and other supplements.

As for the spirit energy or spirit improvement it needs something related to soul or spirit.

This kind of high quality rare thing cannot be obtained easily.

He cannot kill those fairies or unicorn or ghosts or other things to improve his spirit.

Well they have already become his subordinates.

He cannot just attack them even thought he is a villain.

They are also a form of his strength and he is not stupid enough to destroy his own strength.

So the other way is to get the things from the enemies.

Naturally the enemy he speaks is the dementors that would help Voldemort in the future.

There are many dementors in the ministry of magic that are useless to everyone other than doing some strange and stupid punishment.

John wanted to use these dementors that are a high quality material to improve his spirit.

He now has the capacity and means to take in all these dementors and devour them.

So he opened the invisibility cloak and went to the ministry of magic.

There he actually found something he did not expect.

Dolores is actually sucking the cocks of some death eaters in her office.

The scene is so disgusting that John don’t want to see.

But he made the entire think recorded so that he can use it to gain some benefits later.

Well he did not have a single thought of playing with Dolores.

He doesn’t want a disgusting thing like her.

He already has some good milfs to play.

So he doesn’t need this dirty thing like Dolores to play.

He can use her later to get access to the prison where fleur would be place later.

After getting the recording John walked leisurely to the place these morons play court.

This place has a seal and all the dementors are kept and used to punish the criminals with dementor’s kiss or something like that.

There is no one here at this moment.

Well the new minister took charge and everything needs to be stabilized before they start the court proceedings again.

Naturally John took the chance to cast a ward to block off all forms of detection in this place.

Then he released his Patronus charm or you can call it the Goldy.

His pet has already integrated into his Patronus charm.

Even though it has a separate soul it is also connected to John’s soul through the Patronus charm.

He doesn’t have to cast the spell to bring her out.

As long as he called out “Goldy” it would come out of his heart in spirit form and materialise normally.

It has the linage of a phoenix that is also a mixed breed.

It looked dark with golden dark flames but it is not the dark phoenix or the fire phoenix.

It did not completely activate its bloodline.

It feeds on spirit energy and likes the energies that are closely related to life and death.

It likes to eat dementors and pass on a part of the energy to John.

Similarly it stays in John’s heart because it likes the life energy in the druid heart.

It is very loyal to John and completely connected to his soul.

If John’s soul was destroyed then it would also be destroyed along with him.

If not it would go where ever he goes along with him.

Another good thing about this connection and strong spirits is that they can take their strong bloodlines like John’s druid heart and its strange bloodline connected to phoenix with them after reincarnation.

This is also caused by the rituals that John performed making his soul and power strong enough to accommodate these things for him.


When he came to the court room, the originally restless dementors immediately became frightened.

It is as if they just saw their natural enemy.

Unfortunately they cannot run away because of the barrier.

John immediately let out Goldy and it flew under the barrier.

Its flaming feather tentacles pierced into the barrier and pulled out the dementors one by one.

The dementors howled and shouted but nothing was spread out because of the barrier that John placed in the court room.

The energy from these dementors entered into Goldy burning its flames even more vigorously.

Then a part of the soul energy started to transfer to John.

He just sat on the side to absorb the energy into his soul and let it improve his soul in a step by step process.

There are hundreds of dementors here and it took them the entire day to get the entire process done.

John felt like his soul was swollen.

Similarly Goldy looked plumper after the big meal.

They quickly left here to the private area that he arranged to slowly digest this thing for further improvement.

In the past few days John and Goldy only did the digesting process to improve their souls.

John felt that his soul became 10 times stronger than it was before.

Even if it is the soul of the Dumbledore John was sure that he will be able to fight against him and win.

Unfortunately Dumbledore is an old fox that has many tricks that John did not have on him.

Chapter 268: Draco is much more capable than Harry

Even if it is the soul of the Dumbledore John was sure that he will be able to fight against him and win.

Unfortunately Dumbledore is an old fox that has many tricks that John did not have on him.

Well he can further improve his spirit with all the dementors at Azkaban later.

But it is for the later time.


On the way to school John noticed that Harry put on the fake invisibility cloak to spy on Draco.

Draco is not like Harry.

He at least has some brains and ability to think.

If not for the threat of Voldemort, he would really achieve some good results with his diligence.

Harry got the potential from both his mother and father along with the right opportunities to improve in the plot.

Only this way he can become so strong at the end.

Even then he was still caught by Draco and got his nose punched.

This shows how stupid the protagonist is and how undermined the cannon fodder villain Draco in the original plot is.

This is also a reason why John wanted to let Narcissa support Draco.

But now half of the opportunities related to Harry are gone and it is even easier to get noticed by others with his half baked invisibility cloak.

Once again Harry got punched and there is no one to save him.

Neither like in the movie plot nor like in the book plot, neither Luna nor Nymphadora came to save him.

He can only rely on himself to come out it.

When they came to the school the new announcement was made about change in the position of the teachers.

Well John always has a doubt.

Can schools still have professors?

He always thought that only universities have professors.

Can little kids in the school understand the words of the high level language of the professor?

Well John always has this doubt but he did not want to talk about the strange things of this world.

Everything in this world is a mess and there are many problems.

Also there are some crazy people and high amounts of corruption in both magic and other things.

So John always wanted to clear things around him as much as he possibly can to have a better life in the future.

Naturally in electives John did not let go of anything.

He took all the classes.

Along with him all the girls also took all the electives that John took.

The reasoning is simply.

John can teach them properly and they can complete the things easily.

Instead of learning from a professor learning from their husband is much easier for them.

John would not let them face failures and understand through experience.

They did not have any interest in becoming a researcher in that field.

All they wanted is knowledge that is enough for them in the future.

Well the exceptions like Hermione are also there.

But the people like pansy did not have any objection in this matter.

Even if they want to explore or learn from John they all have higher standards than most students in the entire Hogwarts.

Naturally John did not interfere with the plot.

But he is not weak either.

With his capabilities he made a tie with Harry potter in preparing Draught of Living Death potion.

But it is not only him that made a tie with Harry.

The intelligent girls in his group like Daphne and Hermione also reached the same level as John in potions making.

So they made the Draught of Living Death potion perfectly and tied with Harry along with John.

This made the eyes of slug horn shine like fireflies.

He did not expect that he has so many good students.

The only sad thing is that he has to take out 4 bottles of Felix Felicis as a prize.

Well he only has one at that time and he can only let the other there wait for him to get more.

Naturally Harry got the first one.

As for the reason that defies the words of “Ladies first” is because he is the protagonist.

Naturally he got the thing.

By the time it was evening others also got their own bottle of Felix Felicis as a prize.

Well John has hundreds of bottles of Felix Felicis in his storage.

So he doesn’t need this.

Also he gave Felix Felicis to all of his women just in case for the coming war.

It can save their lives in emergency situations.

Naturally Harry is not so free to be concerned about the other things.

He got his hands full with all the lessons from Dumbledore.

Well he has to face Voldemort in the future and all of these things are the preparations.

John did not get something like this because he is not the protagonist.

Well that is the only reason that John can think off.

John let Katie bell do the Quidditch selections for the new members of the team.

Well any of his girls becomes interested they can join up the team.

Strangely enough the team mostly has women and John is the only man in the team.

Well others can point their fingers but they did not dare to speak a word of it out or behind John.

They fear that John would hear them and do something.

It is not like they can say anything to John.

Naturally John is the strongest person in the school below professors.

This is the thoughts of many students after many deeds of John over the years.

Even thought John did not exert any force or power to suppress anyone, no one tried to point fingers at John.

As for the Harry and Ron that wanted to join the Quidditch team they did not get the chance because John did not let them.

Well they did go to professor Mcgonagall about this matter.

But professor Mcgonagall was too embarrassed to speak to John after what happened before.

Chapter 269: professor Mcgonagall got spanked

Well they did go to professor Mcgonagall about this matter.

But professor Mcgonagall was too embarrassed to speak to John after what happened before.

John did not do much he only kissed her a few times in her original appearance.

This has clearly made his Mark on her mind.

Well they still got a letter from her to prove them as try outs.

John let them do the try outs but they were not qualified even after trying.

So they can only leave.

On the other hand John went to the office of professor Mcgonagall startling her.

She did not expect that John would come to her.

She wanted to say something but John moved faster.

When he waved his hand her old fake appearance is gone and the milf appearance appeared.

John did not talk as he came to her side, pulled her up and sat on her seat.

Then he pulled her to lean on the side and started to spank her while speaking.

“I am your husband now.


How dare you to take the side of those worms.


You no longer put me in your eyes after you recover from your injuries.


Let me punish you enough to let you know your place.


Now be a good wife and apologize to me.


If not I will spank you till your ass has my permanent hand prints on them….

Phat…Ahaaaa…… I

Phat…Ahaaaa…… Ammmmm…..

Phat…Ahaaaa…… Ssssoryyyyy…..


Speak clearly….

Phat…Ahaaaa…… I ammmmm…..

Phat…Ahaaaa…… Sssssorry……..


Good… remember this…

Don’t make any mistakes in the future.

If you do any mistakes then you would receive punishments.


Come up and give me a kiss now.



John said as he moved her up to kiss.

Also he waved his hand to lock the door and seal the room.

After kissing her for a while he walked out of the room after looking at the red face of Mcgonagall.

After John left Mcgonagall still locked the door to rearrange herself and transfigure her appearance back to the old appearance.

Because of the excitement her transfiguration spell failed many times.

After getting things right, she return back to her stern appearance.

When John walked out he saw Harry and Ron coming this way.

Naturally they noticed John and the expression on the face of John is not right.

They thought that John was scolded by Mcgonagall.

John waved his hand to close the doors.

As the doors close professor Mcgonagall locked the doors and quickly cover the things.

Right then Harry and Ron appeared again wanting to know the results of their complaints.

She was startled and sat on her chair causing her ass to string in pain.

She has a hard time sitting on the chair after getting spanked by John so many times.

But there is a sense of longing in her eyes.

Professor Mcgonagall looked at both Harry and Ron with resentment.

But the numbskulls could not find the true feelings of professor Mcgonagall.

She did not give them any explanation and let them leave here.

She told them that they lose the try out and they have to try again next year but not now.

Harry and Ron did not understand the words of professor Mcgonagall so they could only leave in disappointment.

Harry wanted to ask Dumbledore about this matter later.

Well Dumbledore could not answer this question at this moment.

At most he would say that things are not good and Harry should be more low-key.

But Harry and Ron are itching type of people.

As long as they thought of something as a problem they wanted to go down all the way.

It is as if other strong people are just for show and only they are responsible people in the entire world.

Well John did not care about their nonsense.

Draco on the other hand found lavender brown to take the place of Katie bell in the original plot.

She was curse and was hospitalized in place of Katie bell.

The suspicion of this matter actually fell on the head of Ron and Draco at the same time.

Since Hermione is not close to Ron, Ron became close to lavender brown.

Also he started to date her from the beginning of this year.

Naturally she was targeted by Ron because she was closes to Ron and Ron was close to Harry.

Finally Harry was close to Dumbledore.

With all these connections a big plan was made by Draco.

Ron that was not selected for Quidditch got close to lavender brown and they would frequently appear everywhere kissing each other.

They did not care where they are when kissing.

John did not meddle in this affair.

He only watched Ron with sympathy in his eyes.

Ron has already eaten the medicine that would turn him into a woman in the last summer break.

The dosage was completed by John silently without the knowledge of Ron in the first month of the sixth year.

Naturally Ron would have high male hormones now and they would start falling and changing slowly.

During this time he would become more and more closure to men.

But some special cases where they can get close to women too.

Ron is that special case.

Even if he turns into a woman he likes other women instead of men.

May be he might like both sides too.

John doesn’t know the final results but for now he would only watch and did not meddle in this matter.

John has his things to do other than enjoying the show.

Among the people right now Snape is the happiest person because he can clearly see the changes in the appearance of Harry.

Harry is becoming more and more like a woman with the face that is like that of lily instead of becoming like James in female version.

Also Harry has believed him and completely believes that Snape was the true lover of his mother lily instead of her father James.

Chapter 270: John’s trap for fleur and Cho chang

Harry is becoming more and more like a woman with the face that is like that of lily instead of becoming like James in female version.

Also Harry has believed him and completely believes that Snape was the true lover of his mother lily instead of her father James.


Few months passed by with John running around completing few more things to improve him spirit.

He made a trip to the island near Azkaban and released Goldy.

He would let it eat the dementors till it was full and return back to Hogwarts.

This was done during the night under the cover of darkness.

Naturally dementors are frightened and they would not get close to John.

The final result is that the number of dementors at the Azkaban prison island started to drop sharply.

It was like this till the Christmas.

The werewolf man Lupin got acquainted with another werewolf woman and got married.

Naturally John and many other people are called for the wedding.

John gave a big gift for him naturally Lupin should marry Nymphadora.

But John got her first.

So he married another woman.

For the marriage many people from the order of phoenix came.

Dumbledore is also here and John did not organize the wedding.

But with his presence no death eaters came to mess around.


Soon the Christmas holidays are on hand.

John once again had a happy Christmas with beauties.

Well he has another one in the group that is actually professor Mcgonagall.

During these months he went to guide professor Mcgonagall and finally pierced his dick into her pussy.

From that day onwards, she is as good as a domesticated cat instead of a roaring lion with John.

Also they frequently played around in the room of requirements during the nights.

With professor on the side no one would question John anything.

On the day of the Christmas John got the 5 beauties at the same time.

Also during this time John also got close to fleur.

In the name of talking he took her to the muggle world and bought some things she liked.

They had dinners but they did not take the next step.

Well fleur might be a Veela but she is strong on the side of her love and heart.

John on the other hand did not want to hit the home run instead he only induced the thought of equivalent exchange with him if she needs anything from him.

When the time comes John can directly take the chance to play with her.

She would not resist much.

There is still Cho Chang that is waiting for the care of John.

She is in the seventh year and she would graduate soon.

During the marriage of bill and fleur, the people from death eaters would arrest the people that came to attend the marriage.

Among them there would be Cedric Diggory that was still alive right now.

When he was captured Cho Chang will not have anyone to turn to.

So there is only one person that can help her.

Naturally it is John.

At that time John would show his hand and play.

That is the trap he set for fleur and Cho Chang at the end.

Pansy on the other hand is also very assertive.

Since she would turn at the end of this year she was looking forward to playing the full game with John.

She doesn’t just want to kiss but take the next step.

John did not allow her and she was frustrated.

She is not the only one there is also Romilda vane, Katie bell….

They all formed a small group within the group of what to wear on that day to lose their virginity.

They are actually planning for this and decided to go for shopping of some lingerie.

Not just these girls but all of them went to buy in the muggle world.

John took them out many times.

So they became familiar with the outside world that is the muggle world.

Also Hermione came along with them.

Even though she is only study minded, but this is exciting for her.

So she went along.

Angelina Johnson also joined this group and she plans to buy a pure white stockings and underwear that is sexy and outlines her figure later.


During this time Harry and Ron has a bad time.

Without the presence of Hermione close to them Ron was poisoned once.

On the other hand Harry fell at some corner and broke his skull.

The reason why he fell is because of Ron that was excited about something.

It was actually caused by lavender brown that thought that Harry and Ron is a couple.

She likes Ron and she wanted to pull Ron away from Harry.

In order to achieve that she found the pattern of Harry’s daily activities and made him slip and fell.

His falling position was calculated and she placed a rock over there.

The final result is that everyone found out that the head of Harry is actually empty.

Naturally there are not many people around and Ron is not as bright as Hermione to notice the things.

Lavender cleaned up the crime scene carefully without letting Ron get any doubts on her.

On the other hand Harry got strange looks from the nurse in the hospital wing.

The reason for that are the changes in the body of Harry.

First of all his tits grew bigger and they are at A-cup sized now.

Second is that his dick became shorter along with his balls.

Third is that his skin became delicate and body hair at most places is gone.

Fourth thing is that his ass grew slightly bigger along with his hands and legs becoming thinner.

Fifth is his walking posture has changed a little.

Finally he looked more girly.

Others might not notice this but as a nurse Poppy Pomfrey from the hospital wing easily noticed these small details clearly.


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