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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 281: demon’s blood pool

As for why the rhino tiger want to attack the area with the magic corruption is because, this is the weak point of this mutated plant monster.

It is like a heart and as long as it was damaged the plant monster would lose the magic circulation and stopper on the mutation of the plant monster.

Originally the rhino tiger monster beast should be very normal strange beast.

But after coming into contact with the magic corruption material it became mutated and changed shape.

Now this would not happen this time because of the presence of Vicky and the protagonist.

The fight between the 7-star monsters started and is going on with great power and surge.

Vicky did not call out his women but they can perceive the changes that are happening outside.

Everything is happening giving them slight chills.

All of them are 5-star powerhouses but if they entered the fighting range of these two 7-star powerhouses, they are sure that they would die turning into meat paste.

On the other hand the protagonist is standing much closure to the fight without any problem.

Even though he was only 1-star powerhouse he was so lucky that not even a single attack hit him.

Vicky on the other hand was actually hit once from a distance with the after math of the attack from the vine whip of the huge plant monster.

Fortunately he was fine and nothing happened.

The fight went on for 4 hours straight and both the creatures are severely damaged each other.

Right at that time the rhino tiger was able to bite off the bulging area where the magic corruption was present from the plant monster.

Right then the vine of the plant monster entered the stomach area of the rhino tiger and pierced into its stomach.

Both the monsters are severely injured to the point that they would die in few hours if they did not recover.

In order to recover they need a peaceful environment.

But the other beasts would rush over as soon as they found that the two big monsters are at the verge of dying.

Even the protagonist wants to go and attack them.

Strangely Jack brought out a weapon that looked like a laser gun.

He pointed at the two monsters that are dying and shot at them blindly.

With his luck he actually hit the vital locations of the two monsters.

So they died.

Vicky confirmed that these two monsters died and he quickly used his mind power to knock out the protagonist Jack.

After he was knocked out Vicky moved forward to collect the two big monster corpses into the ark space.

But he did not dare to touch the piece of plant part that has magic corruption in it.

From afar he saw a strange red object inside the torn off plant part.

Vicky did not even get close to this thing.

With these two beasts gone the disaster would end.

Vicky did not leave here immediately.

Instead he entered the ark space and started the process of dissecting the 7-star monsters.

He took out all the corrupted parts of the plant and threw them out of the ark space towards the magic corruption object.

During this time Ginny observed the situation of the protagonist Jack.

Naturally a disaster was solved and there should be some benefits.

They are waiting to see the benefits that should appear after the disaster.

They can be said that they are at the core of the disaster region.

So the opportunity should also be there.

While they are waiting Vicky completed the cleaning.

He gave the mutated plant monster core to Rose.

Then he got the rhino tiger monster core to Nubia and Sekhmet.

As for the core energy bodies are taken by Vicky that can help him in improvement.

He made it into a good dish and ate it quickly.

This is because the longer he waits that essence inside would dissipate quickly.

He doesn’t want that to happen.

He showed his apatite that is so big that the girls are astounded.

After eating the food Vicky cooked the remaining for his women.

They also got a share and they can make small improvements after eating the food.

While they are eating with great happiness, the protagonist woke up.

He looked around with confusion.

Strangely he was not attacked even thought he is sleeping for more than 2 hours in the middle of a dangerous forest without any precaution.

Well Vicky no longer cared about this matter.

When the protagonist woke up is the time when the most important thing would happen.

The protagonist that is still dizzy walked like Jack in the pirates of the Caribbean and went around the place where the two monsters fell.

Vicky came out and observed cautiously.

There is not much change at first and everything is normal.

Soon he wandered into the cave area with sloppy steps Vicky scanned the place inside the cave and did not find anything.

He walked around for a while and came to the section of the cave that was severely damaged by the plant vines before.

While swinging around he hit the wall that was already broken.

Then the wall collapsed along with pulling Jack down the hole.

Vicky immediately scanned the place and found that there is a pool under the hole.

Vicky quickly pushed Jack to the side and knocked him out again.

Then he came over to see the bloody red liquid.

This is called the demon’s blood pool.

It is mostly useful for demons and beast raced people.

It is also naturally formed after many beasts or demons died here at that time.

Well Vicky did not care and this was useful for Sakura and Nubia.

Well Vicky can also use this but if he shares then the benefits that Sakura and Nubia gets would become less.

Vicky did not want to take this opportunity and let them both enjoy the benefits first.

Chapter 282: dangerous zones in the middle region

Well Vicky can also use this but if he shares then the benefits that Sakura and Nubia gets would become less.

Vicky did not want to take this opportunity and let them both enjoy the benefits first.

While they are enjoying the benefits Vicky kept an eye on Jack from waking up.

A day passed by and still there are no monsters in the surrounding area.

Jack showed signs of waking up but he was put to sleep again by using the sleeping gas by Vicky.

After few days Sakura and Nubia are done with absorbing the bloody medicine from the demon blood pool.

This was absorbed by them and only a little bit was left.

Vicky took that carefully into a big bucket using the telekinesis.

After this was taken he checked the floor carefully and found many skeletons of a creature that might be a monster or a demon.

It was long decomposed.

Vicky took the entire skeleton from the ground and placed it into the bucket carefully.

He is going to pour some spirit water into the bucket and then heat the entire thing with the skeleton and the remains of the blood pool.

In combination he would get some benefits from this.

This will be enough for him to improve.

His girls don’t want more of this as they have reached saturation state at this moment.

Any more would cause them to waste the precious materials.

So they left it to Vicky.

Other girls could not use this.

So they don’t need it.

After collecting the things Vicky entered into the ark space and started the process of making a boiling demon blood stew for him to take a bath.

During this time Ginny would keep an eye on the outside.

No matter what happens they don’t have to worry about anything.

The reason is simply, they are planning to leave here soon.

The opportunity here is already completed.

They no longer have any interest in this place.

They are moving to the other side of the strange monster forest to the desert area to get the second opportunity related to wind and fire.

Once again these opportunities were best useful for both Nubia and Sakura.

There is a tornado that turns violently from time to time.

It was caused by a special disaster creating a massive sand storm.

Getting through the sand storm can give them a chance to obtain opportunities related to wind and the scorching heat might give a benefit to Sakura.

Well if this did not happen then next area has something good.

That place is filled with Rocky Mountains.

Most of these Rocky Mountains are active volcanic mountains.

The volcanic fire, and the reverse lightning and the fertile land here are good for Sakura, Natasha and Rose.

Also in those volcanoes there are special creatures and the volcanic river has volcanic fish that requires water to cook.

These things can be used to improve the fire attribute for Sakura.

They can also give fire resistance to the people that consumed.

They have to cross this fire river that is many light years long to enter into the next area that is filled with severe thunderstorms.

This thunderstorm area is filled with lightning, rain and rainforest.

The disaster of the thunderstorm will produce something that is good for water, lightning, wind and death attributes.

It is very useful for Radha, Natasha, Nubia and Sakura.

After crossing this place is the death area or complete decay area filled with marshes and frequent shifting grounds.

This place is good for Sakura and Radha along with Ginny.

After this place is eternal darkness region called the dead silence region filled with complete darkness and silence that is filled with strong mental interference.

This place would be helpful for Ginny and Sakura.

Then it is the holy region called the eternal day area that suppresses the dead silence region.

This palace is good for Radha and Rose along with Ginny.

After this area is the place called the star fall.

This place is very dangerous as it was filled with radiation.

The opportunities here is strange as it could not even be calculated properly in the book of prophesies.

Instead it was only mentioned that this place is dangerous with super opportunity.

It could not be obtained normally and the danger here is to the extreme and cannot be calculated.

Also in the book of prophesies it mentioned that this is extremely danger opportunity and extreme caution is needed to go there.

Unless the ark space is over 8-star artifact it is advisable that none of the descendents to go to this place.

Fortunately their ark space is upgraded to 8-star artifact thanks to the protagonist that found them good opportunities during this time.

After crossing going to this star fall area they would move to the periphery of this place to reach the star drifting city.

This is the city that Vicky wanted Jerry to come over.

The teleportation formation also have this city coordinates.

This is the destination that Vicky is planning to go.


While Vicky was thinking he prepared the boiling demon blood along with the remains in a big cauldron like thing.

Then he got into that cauldron.

This heat would not cause any problem for his body.

His body is very resistant to heat after many improvements.

Even if he entered an area with 50 degrees temperature it would not cause much problem to him.

Instead he would feel that it was cooler.

This is the same for all of his women that reached 5-star level.

So they don’t have to worry about some extreme conditions and poisons to some extent.

But it is not absolute.

There are always problems and dangers that exceed their capabilities.

The 8-star artifact ark can let them live easily without much problems.

When Vicky was in the stew, Ginny reported to him that the protagonist Jack woke up and moved around the cave aimlessly.

Chapter 283: all terrine ark land vehicle

The 8-star artifact ark can let them live easily without much problems.

When Vicky was in the stew, Ginny reported to him that the protagonist Jack woke up and moved around the cave aimlessly.

After moving around for a while he returned back to the city without any hindrance.

Vicky already came out of the practice after an hour.

He checked the situation of the protagonist and then left here normally without waiting for the opportunities of the protagonist.

Things would not happen so quickly.

It takes time even for luck to come up with the opportunities.

The protagonist has already lost many opportunities during this time.

Naturally he did not have much chance in the future.

So Vicky doesn’t want to follow this idiot any more.

So they left along the path to the next region of the desert.

Their target is the desert city called the sand castle.

It is a 6 star city that is in the desert.

This desert is called the burning desert.

The coldest temperature in this desert during the day is 58 degrees.

No person that is below 2-star level can enter this desert and live.

If they made it to the sand castle city they will be able to live with the strong formation that controls the temperature in the city.

This was for the children that are newly born.

They will not be able to bear such high temperatures.

So they would be trained slowly to improve their resistance towards the heat.

Here the main clans that are leading the city are the Merck clan and the birdbrain clan.

The Merck clan is the desert fish clan and the birdbrain clan is the clan of humanoid birds.

As for the other races they are all minor races but they did not have much say.

The city only has two factions.

Even though the clans hate each other they actually have marital ties creating a common race called the flying fish race.

Even though both the clans maintained the pure bloodline they promoted the blood ties to make their standing strong.

This is the place where the resources are scarce.

So they have to stay strong to live here and dominate the sand castle city.

The sand castle city was completely built by the sand stones from the desert area.

This is also a safe spot.

This place has an oasis and some fertile area in the desert.

So this is the only livable area.

There are many beasts in the desert and this sand castle city is not at the central area of the desert.

It is at the half way point between the edge and the central area of the desert.

It is said that, at the central region of this desert there is a desert leach that would such on the vitality of the land.

It is the reason why the entire area was turned into a desert.

There is a clear distinction between the desert area and the edge of the strange monster forest area.

It is like they are perfectly separated.

Vicky and the girls could not travel between the areas with normal vehicles or even airplanes.

The distance between the areas is over hundreds or even thousands of light years.

They should use the special transportation things that can travel with the speed of light years.

They don’t have to worry because the ark space that was upgraded to 8-star artifact has a land based travelling setting just like the ship before.

It is like an all terrine vehicle that can travel at a very fast speed.

In the forest its speed is not fast.

But when it entered the forest path between the areas it was much faster.

The speed has reached around 0.5 light years.

The surroundings did not become blurry because they have improved strength and they can still look at the surroundings with much clarity.

After few days they came out of the central region of the strange monster forest.

It will take a long time before they arrive at the city.

They don’t have to drive as long as there are no obstacles on the path along the way.

The path was clear because many people walked along this path to cross over to other cities along the way.

In the strange monster forest there are other cities as well.

So along the way they made some pit stops in those cities and get some more local dishes and supplies.

During this time they are not idle.

They each had their own things to practice.

Also they specifically use the time to create advanced preparations for the future break through.

Lisa and Rita were new addition to the team.

They did not need any form of resources other than getting fucked by Vicky.

Also they can play around with women to woman to have mutual benefit.

But even then they still need huge amount of magic energy to improve their power.

So Vicky directly moved the bed directly to the magic energy gathering formation area.

The all terrine vehicle would move on its own and if there is a problem it would notify Vicky and the key holders.

So they don’t have to worry.

Also the beasts in the strange monster forest will not be able to attack the all terrine vehicle that is also an 8-star artifact.

They should be a peak 9-star powerhouse to cause any damage to the things related to ark space.

In the magic energy gathering area Vicky started to play with his women.

With both Lisa and Rita in the play the magic energy refined is re-refined over and over again to improve the purity.

At the same time the physique also showed signs of improvement.

Although the process is slowly they are improving at a constant pace.

Also the lust energy they generated is improving the bodies and magic energy of Lisa and Rita.

The improvement would improve the speed of physical and mental improvement of others over time.

Chapter 284: vacation in the apocalypse land

Also the lust energy they generated is improving the bodies and magic energy of Lisa and Rita.

The improvement would improve the speed of physical and mental improvement of others over time.


Along the way Vicky found some good things from time to time and he stopped the vehicle to harvest.

The strange monster forest is really strange.

There are all kinds of things here.

Their journey lasted for many weeks and finally came to the edge of the strange monster forest.

The clear distinction of the forest and desert is so clear that it was very strange.

To some point the plants grow vigorously while the next place is a complete desert.

It is like someone drew a line of separation between the forest and the desert.

They stopped here and took some group photos.

Well they are not just travelling around.

When they met with waterfalls or other scenic spots they would come out to play for a while after clearing the strange monsters.

With the upgraded ark space they don’t have to worry about anything.

They just enjoy while travelling.

After the previous disaster it is not a problem for them to have some good time in this strange monster forest.

As for the photos they would be their memories for the future.

It is like they are going on a vacation.

With their resources they are very rich without any problem with food, water, clothing and other things.

So they don’t have to worry about anything.

Also the water in the waterfalls has high acidity but they would not cause them any problem.

This is because they are 5-star powerhouses.

The acid resistance is much higher than normal people.

It is just like the monsters here.

No low level monster around 1-star level would drink the water from this waterfall.

Similarly no living being can touch the water from this waterfall.

If they accidentally fell then they would not even left their bones after a little while.

That is how dangerous this kind of acidic water fall is.

Also there is hot springs with high temperature along the way that they played around.

Normal people could not have soaked in this kind of hot springs easily.

But Vicky and his women did not have a problem.

Only because of this can they enjoy the situation of apocalypse land as outing instead of disaster.

Based on the power various situation feels in various ways for various people.

Naturally Vicky and his girls are strong and they are having a good time.

When they entered the desert area they looked at the familiar sand dunes that they saw from the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

But they felt the effect is actually different.

The temperature near the edge of the apocalypse land is only around 50 degrees which is not much of a problem for them.

But as they moved in they felt the increase in temperature.

There are 6 suns in the sky.

Three of them are bright red, one of them is purple and two are green and yellow.

The purple sun is releasing ultra violet radiation that is very harmful to all kinds of living beings.

The good think is that it will only work on people with lower power level that is below 2-star level.

So naturally when a person with 2-star level power travel they would have strong energy barrier or some armor around them.

The people in the cities of the desert area would not go out of the city protection unless they are 2-star level or higher.

Vicky and his girls did not have a problem with this.

The biggest problem here is that all 6 suns can also turn violet in a cycle.

If they did that then except for the only safe place called the sand castle all the other cities in this desert area would have sterilization.

That is all life forms in this place would die without exception.

So naturally people will keep an eye on the things.

Strangely in the strange monster forest this kind of incident never happened.

That is all the suns they have are three green and three blue.

The mixed light from all the suns would come out as yellow.

So the growth in this area is exceptionally good.

But the only down side is that the monsters have strange mutation and gained the name strange beast forest.

Well Vicky did not care and moved into the desert area.

The all terrine vehicle was changed into a ship again.

It is a sand sail boat.

It moves faster.

Even with its fastest speed it would take at least 3 months before they reach the sand castle city that is a 6-star city.

Other than that there are other small cities around that are between 4-star and 5-star level.

There is only one 6-star city in this area.

The thing is that this place is too poor to have more places occupied.

Also the monsters here are highly poisonous and have many serious problems.

It is like they are extremely irritated all year around.

It is like there are problems with genetics fundamentally.

But Vicky did not care about this matter and quickly solved those beasts.

Well they naturally could not catch up with the ship of Vicky.

Whenever they reached close to a city Vicky would put the ship back and enter into the city to have a look.

If he liked anything he would buy with the monster spars that he got during this journey.

If not he would continue his journey.

While they are going, his girls did not come out of the ark space.

The sun outside is too poisonous and it is very hard for them to go around.

Their skin is delicate even thought they are strong.

So they don’t want to come to travel in this hot sun.

Vicky did not have a problem with that and did not let them out while he worked hard.

Chapter 285: the sand castle city

So they don’t want to come to travel in this hot sun.

Vicky did not have a problem with that and did not let them out while he worked hard.

As for the problems with the other powerhouses attacking them,

They cannot damage the sand sail boat.

They cannot stop the sand sail boat.

Even if Vicky came out of it, they could not attack him directly.

He is a 5-star powerhouse that can easily fight 20 5-star powerhouses directly.

Can they still try to attack Vicky?

Also Vicky is not a single person there is still 8 women behind him.

If they came out then Vicky can directly fight 6-star powerhouses without any problem.

That is how strong they collectively are.

Also they can not only fight a 6-star powerhouse but they can actually kill the 6-star powerhouse, if they used the special amours and weapons that made during this time.


After few months they finally made to the city of sand castle.

The city is called sand castle because it was covered by huge mountains that looked like an enclosed valley.

It is a natural fortification that would not let sunlight in.

To be more precise the top of the enclosed area is open with claw like structure.

This claw like structure would directly block the sun from ever directly shining down in the city below.

The lighting in the city is usually dim lighting like it was cloudy.

But there are many holes in the mountain that would make this place very well ventilated.

The entrance to the city is through a single huge cave.

Even if there is a beast tide nothing would happen to the city.

The walls of the mountain are tens or even hundreds of meters thick.

Unless there is a monster that can break through the thick walls they could not enter.

The mountain walls are not only thick but have special composition that makes them more solid.

Even if there is a peak level 7-star powerhouse that hit the wall in a single place with all his strength, there would not be even a single dent.

But if there is a flood then the entire city would be completely submerged and die without a chance to escape.

At the same time if there is a poisonous gas then everyone inside would die without exception.

Well if they are powerful they can run out and detoxify.

But if many people run out at the same time, then it is impossible for them to come out before dying.

Vicky did not plan to stay here for long.

He will only be here for another 6 months.

Also he would not rare to stay in the city and stay outside in the desert by entering the ark space.

The reason for the stay is that there would be a heavy sand storm after a high temperature heat wave that reached over 150 degrees.

But inside the thick walls the temperature will not raise that much.

At most it would reach 70 degrees and if they further dig into the underground then the temperature would be further less.

There are already underground shelters below the safe town.

The area is a safe spot that can stop the disasters but it would not stop the raise in the temperature.

The sand storm has the wind level of 200 kilometer per hour.

At this level the sand was so strong that it would make sand no different than the shrapnel from a bomb blast.

They made be even higher.

A person exposed to this kind of thing would not have anything left.

But even this kind of think would not damage the walls of the sand castle city.

Well because it has such protection it lost something different.

That is the changes in the temperature.

The other safe spots are prone to the attacks of the beasts but those safe spots would constantly maintain their temperature.

But this safe spot can guard against the attacks from the outside.

So it will not be able to maintain the constant temperature.

The reason why Vicky wanted to see the disaster is naturally to get the opportunity that follows along.

The opportunity will actually form at the top of the claw like structure of this sand castle.

It would be a crystal that has strong wind energy.

It will be very useful to Nubia that is good with wind energy.

The temperature of this place is really good for Sakura to train her fire nature.

The crystal that would be formed is the solidified wind energy.

Similarly when the temperature is at its peak a fire crystal will also be formed.

But it is not as good as the fire crystal at the land of volcanoes.

But the wind crystal is really useful for Nubia.

These two are the actual targets that Vicky is waiting to get his hands on.

With these opportunities Sakura can get close to 6-star level while Nubia can reach 7-star level in the future.

So after entering this city of sand castle, Vicky wanted to climb the sheer mountain wall to reach the top.

But he cannot do that in the open because the high place of this mountain was controlled by the birdbrain clan.

They are very particular about the situation.

So they would not anyone enter the top of the mountain.

Similarly the underground of this place was controlled by the Merck clan.

Vicky wanted to use the nights as the cover along with his ghost ability to get to the top of the mountain and enter the ark space.

From then on he would be in the ark space and wait till the opportunity arises.

When the opportunity comes he would steal the thing and once again enter into the ark space.

He can actually keep an eye on the things through the ark space.

So there will not be much problem even if he stays in the ark space for a while longer.


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