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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 291: stealing little mind

Actually the ark is slowly digesting the space crystal.

It would take a long time with just being a one star artifact.

If it needs to be improved it needs more materials.

But the space around the ark is improving.

Originally ark is present in an independent space.

Whenever they enter into the independent space of the ark the space would anchor itself to the reality on that very spot.

This was the reason why they could not travel anywhere even if they travelled a lot inside the ark.

Just like that the space crystal is actually strengthening and increasing the independent space.

In its current form if there is a person from 3 star or higher level, they would be able to identify the location of the independent space easily.

With that they would be able to break into the ark space with strong force.

So the ark space is also fragile and they have to be careful when they are facing a strong enemy.

Even if they hide in the ark they should hide the location properly so that no space fluctuations would go out when facing and hiding from a strong enemy.


Mohini casually came to the location of the treasury.

The space technology is not famous in the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

The space technology is only available at the central region where the countries reach at least 6 star levels or above.

Unfortunately the cities at the outskirts of the apocalypse land would keep the things in the storage rooms most of the time.

Well it would be a lie to say that there are no space storage devices.

But there is only one or two in the hands of the top clans or families of a city.

Fortunately the target of Mohini that is the artifact piece called the little mind is not stored in such a space storage device.

So Mohini can easily get that with her ghost technique.

Well she can pass through walls and none of the walls here are reinforced with anything that can block a tier 7 powerhouse like her with her ghost skill.

There has to be a 1 star enchantment or 1 star technological barrier to stop her from entering into the room with her ghost abilities.

She quickly entered into the storage room and started to check the things there.

Well she is covered completely in black clothes and there are infra red lights attacked to her body.

This is the precaution against the possible surveillance inside.

With her ghost ability she can pass through the walls but she has to materials somewhere to get the things.

If there is surveillance then it can easily notice her.

So she did this.

Her hacking skills are good but it is not to the point where she can surpass the strong minds of technotrix clan.

Even though it is just a branch family they are still strong.

So she would not take any risks.

She first went to get the little mind that was kept inside a glass casing.

Before that she checked around to see if there are any surveillance cameras around.

Then she put some covers on them directly first.

Then she went around and stole everything in the room.

After stealing she left as peacefully as she came inside.

Everything was stored in the ark space.

Then she returned back to jerry’s hide out.

There is a back pack filled with all the things.

But the only thing that would be given to jerry is the little mind artifact piece.

Getting inside the place is easy and did not require her do anything.

The password worked properly.

When Mohini arrived jerry was still doing the enchantments to the bullets.

When he was working he would not notice his surroundings properly.

So he did not notice that Mohini has arrived here.

Mohini also did not disturb him and let him change the bullets that she left here before.

This is not a long process.

Mohini has to just wait for an hour before jerry completed his work.


When he looked back Mohini was there and it made him grasp for breath because of the sudden shock.

Immediately he calmed down and said.

“At least knock on the door before entering.

Why are you scaring me like that?

My heart is very delicate and don’t give me any heart attacks.

Also why are you here already?

Don’t you say that you are going to steal the little mind from the treasure of the technotrix clan?

What happened?

Don’t tell me that you cannot do that and just lied to me about all of that.


He started to ramble with his mouth as if he did not need to take any air inside to speak.

Mohini silently took out the glass casing that contains a specially made circuit chip from inside.

This chip is the little mind.

It did not appear like brain or mind instead it appear like a chip.

As soon as the little mind is out the mouth of jerry closed.

He immediately came forward to check the chip.

But the mechanical hands are trembling.

It is the person inside the robot that was trembling inside the robot.

He immediately got out of the robot and started to see the chip with sparkling eyes.

He is a short man that is over 2 heads shorter than Mohini.

He has a muscular body that is very common in dwarfs.

But his face would make people think that he is a grumpy one.

Well his current expression is very different and he looked like he was fucking his favorite girl and having an orgasm.

Mohini laughed at him and waited till his excitement died down.

“How did you actually get this thing out of the tight security vaults?

Do you know how valuable it is?

With this I can complete a 1 start technology robot to completion.

Finally after so long, I will succeed in creating a tier 1 artifact.”

Chapter 292: enchanted bullets

“…With this I can complete a 1 start technology robot to completion.

Finally after so long, I will succeed in creating a tier 1 artifact.”

After his excitement died down he looked at Mohini with gratitude.

But there is also caution in his eyes.

He felt fearful that Mohini would take this chip with her or use it to blackmail him or use this information to gain something from the technotrix clan.

Mohini can see all this with a single glance and said.

“Don’t worry.

I did not have any interest in that.

I have already told you that I am your friend and I came here to find you specifically for the identities and few other things.

If you become strong, I would have a strong ally.

I don’t have any thoughts of harming an ally.

So don’t worry.

Also this is a deal to begin with.

It is an exchange of interests.

So you take what you wanted and give me what I wanted.

That is all there is to it.

Did you get the identity documents and other things?

Are these the bullets that are enchanted?”

As Mohini said the words she went to the bullets and checked them.

She doesn’t need to shoot them to check based on her experience.

She looked at the markings and opened a bullet to check the internal structuring.

That is the change in the composition of the gun powder and other things.

These things are necessary for the process of high power and high damage bullets.

There is another way too.

That is enchanting them with the energy of elements like fire, ice, lightning……

But that technology here is not sufficient.

One needs to have 1 star technology or a 1 star magical rune engraving master to enchant them.

That process is complicated and long.

But with the little mind that Mohini gave to Jerry, he can make a 1 star artifact robot.

With that he can enchant with few elements using the spars that has elemental affinity.

There is also another way that is to mix the gun powder with the crushed powder of the elemental spar and load the bullet again.

This is another model of bullet enchantment.

There is another model where they would empty the shell of the bullet.

The projectile piece inside was placed with a spar that would lose its stability and when shot it would cause very strong damage of that element or energy.

These are called bullet bombs.

There are many kinds like that.

But the most powerful ones are actually sniper bullets that are enchanted with bullet control.

That is the bullets directly can be altered through the control of mind or lock on the target.

The bullet will have small fins that would come out after the projectile was shot out and these fins would guide the direction of the bullet.

There will be internal mechanism to control these things.

If there is some strong blasting material added inside then they can make a powerful target blasting bullet.

The lightning enchanted bullets are used for stunning enemies.

The poison enchanted bullets are used for poisoning the targets that needs to be killed no matter what.

The poison bullets have single target and mass effect bullets too.

The single target would induce poison through the bullet wound.

The mass effect bullet would spray poison in the form of a fog as soon as it made contact with a solid object.

Even shields and other things might not stop them.

But this kind of bullets is completely useless against creatures like undead and zombies.

Well the stun effect lightning bullets are much stronger in comparison against the undead and ghost type monsters.

As for the zombies the fire type bullets and blasting energy type bullets are much useful.

If they are low level zombies then the lightning bullets are also useful against them.


Mohini checked the documents and found that all of them are perfect.

With these they can easily enter into the city of Gnore and other cities as well.

As for the status cards they need a drop of blood to activate them.

But they have the expiry date.

Once used these status cards would show the status of a person.

What they show is the numerical value of the person’s capabilities and few other important things like abilities and skills.

The high level identity cards can even show the skill tree and other important information of advancement.

The information on the skills, skill trees and abilities would be added to those status cards.

But the information has limitations based on the level of the status card.

The status cards are divided into 10 levels;

It is just line the 10 stars of power level.

Each level is further divided into high grade, medium grade and low grade.

Most of the people in the outskirts of the apocalypse land use low grade 1 star status cards.

They cost around 10 tier 7 spars of common magic energy.

If it is special energy then the cost changes based on the rarity of special magic energy.

Special magic energy means the elemental magic energy or other combined or high grade magic energy.

These status cards looked like a small crystal plat that is the size of an identity card.

They can be stored in the pocket.

These are made in the special guild of magicians that was established throughout the apocalypse land.

These magicians guild is very strong and they are not unified.

They have all kinds of races in them including dragons.

But they do business very well.

They are in collaboration with the guild of business.

Also this apocalypse land has a guild called the guild of survivors and adventurers.

This is the only unified guild.

The guild of business would take care of the world business and there are is even combined share market.

Sometimes even a huge apocalypse city can change hands because of the lost shares of a country.

Chapter 293: fate weavers

The guild of business would take care of the world business and there are is even combined share market.

Sometimes even a huge apocalypse city can change hands because of the lost shares of a country.

That is how big the business is.

The guild of magicians is very strong.

They are not unified but they would attack and release strong bounties when their magicians are killed.

Also they are the largest buyers of many materials in this apocalypse land.

The magician’s guild also has the alchemist and refiners.

They are many important fields of making medicine, crafting artifacts, breaking seals and many more things over the world.

They are like the leading researchers of the world.

Just like the magician’s guild there is also the technology guild called the engineers guild.

They also release status cards which are made of technology with similar purpose and process.

Unfortunately there are many limitations in them.

Also there are problems with data of the status cards.

The data can be transferred through the status cards to the magic towers or data towers.

This way there is no data privacy in this matter.

But good thing is that the status cards will not ask for the name of the person.

The major drawback of the status cards is that they have expiry date and the update of the information has limited time of updating.

For a high grade tier 1 status card it can let a person refresh her status 10 times.

For medium grade it is around 6 times and low grade it is around 3 times.

As for the time span.

Low grade status card can last for 1 year, medium grade status card can last for 2.5 years and high grade status card can last for 5 years.

If you want to use a status card you have to drip a drop of blood on it.

If you want to refresh or update the record then you have to drip the blood again.

Once the refresh limits are over the card would become dull with black and white numbers.

When the card expires the numbers would vanish directly without leaving anything back.

Also the status card would crumble into dust after it expires.

Right now Jerry has brought back the high grade status cards which are rare to find in these outskirts.

Well their value is comparable to the little mind that Mohini brought and the risk is considered to make the entire deal fair.

Mohini took the status cards and checked them

One status card can only be used by one person.

After using it, it cannot record the details of another person.

One can get status cards at the guild but they need to have identity and the corresponding amount of spars or equivalent things.

Most people would not buy the status card unless they have a stable income and strong background.

Mohini wanted them because their powers would rise quickly for the period of time to at least 5- star level powerhouse.

The reason for this is the book unlocked in the library of the ark space.

It mentioned many opportunities and maps included.

Each opportunity has its own time of appearance based on a specific way of prediction.

This kind of prediction was used on earth too.

It was the Indian astrology.

Unlike the fraud methods of many countries, the Indian astrology was purely mathematical.

It would not give you accurate results.

It would only indicate three main things.

First is the aspect of the coming situation.

Second is the nature of the aspect that is good or bad.

Third is the length of time this thing could last.

Everything would be clearly mentioned.

Originally Indian astrology was formed by a massive survey.

The only constant thing in any beings life is time that is the time of birth and the time of death.

They made these things constants first.

Then they used the planetary bodies that are used for measuring time in that area as constants.

Finally they started to note down the information from birth to death of hundreds of millions of people.

They started to organize this data into many categories and took the common items in the life for similar situation.

These things are divided into aspects and nature of the aspect.

Finally everything was arranged into a series of calculations to find what the aspect of future and how to act against the aspect.

If there is a future aspect of a job and it was mentioned that it is going to be good natured.

Then one has to put more effort into this matter to gain better benefits.

If it considered a bad situation then one have to put in proper effort to face the possible disaster.

As long as you find the right combination in your chakra then there is at least 80 percent chance of obtaining accurate results.

To get more combinations one has to gain the record book of an astrologer that saw the chakras of many people.

It is like the case sheet of a homeopathy doctor, the log book of a ship captain….

Right now Mohini has one such record book from the library as one of the rewards from her crazy ancestor.

This contains her thoughts and actions of future descendents which let her to form all the advanced preparations.

Actually there is a special chakra called the sarvatho bhadra chakra that can let you know the precise information including the name and past, present and future of a person.

Unfortunately no one knows how to use it properly in the current era.

(It is real, I have checked it)

Even in the current apocalypse land there are not many people that can use this chakra.

It was originally belongs to a cult called the fate weavers that worshipped the goddess fate.

They cult only had polymaths in it and they are extremely powerful.

The crazy progenitor is actually one of these cult members.

Chapter 294: status cards

They cult only had polymaths in it and they are extremely powerful.

The crazy progenitor is actually one of these cult members.

Actually she is of the last generation.

She left some records but solving them and using them is very hard even for Mohini.

Right now the results of many disasters and opportunities that might happen were clearly written in this book.

This was one of the guides to Mohini and the other girls.

Each opportunity can be helpful to one or more in the group.

Unfortunately there will be strong competitions and they have to compete to get the good results.

Their first opportunity would be after the first disaster that they face in the apocalypse land.

The opportunity is actually the ruins that appeared after the disaster happens after few months from now.

These ruins were actually made by the progenitors just for the 7 key holders as a way of strengthening their future heirs.

Also it is to pass on their bloodlines to their strongest heirs.

That is the reason why Nisha that came to the center of the ruins started to go crazy.

She found the truth.

She found that she is not the correct heir that matched the verification system of the ruins.

So she did not get any good things.

On the contrary she was attacked a little.

This attack was passed on to others killing them and she escaped.

Mohini clearly remembered about this matter.

She took the cards and said a few words to jerry before leaving here.

Mohini took her identity card and passed through the regular checking.

Then she came out of the city and came to where her girls are waiting for her.

After coming to the location she entered into the ark space and called out her women.

They are all working out and doing their own things while Mohini is away.

When Mohini appeared they all came over to see the results.

Mohini gave them their identities and they checked them carefully.

Then Mohini took out their status cards and handed one card to each of them to use.

They already got the small needles with them and they pricked their fingers quickly and dripped the blood on the card.

Immediately the card started to brighten up and then their statuses appeared along with their affinities.

Also their future chance of improvement was also clearly stated in it.

Mohini’s status card is very different.

Also her system also changed its status screen to match with the current status card.


Status (maximum detection limit 2 star peak grade)


Physique: tier 7 low grade

Soul: tier 7 low grade

Mind: tier 7 low grade

Agility: tier 7 low grade

Strength: tier 7 low grade

Overall status: tier 7 low grade


God’s gift skill: jack of all trades (Click on this to know more about the skill tree)


Acquired skills


Ghost skills (A set of skills obtained through special means)

(Click on the skill to get the complete information)


When she clicked on the skill tree the results is something even more unexpected.


God’s gift skill: jack of all trades

Description: can use all kinds of elements and special things.

Can use many but master of none.

Possible skill tree: not available.

Reason and history: the improvement of a person with jack of all trades skill is extremely hard.

To improve one has to train many times more than an ordinary person with normal skill.

No one knows how many times the effort is needed for improvement.

The highest possible level reached by a person with jack of all trades skill is only till 3- star level.


Mohini looked at the information making her smile because the original data related to this skill was actually hidden in the archives.

Most probably right now the skill card in her hand is trying to send the information about her back to the magic towers.

Unfortunately ark space is independent space and it could not send any information back from here.

These status cards are only used for applying at the guild and taking some big missions to prove the strength.

Also most of the time only overall rating was seen.

The overall ratings of the girls are also seen by Mohini and they are all around tier 7 just like him.

With the identity cards and status cards they are ready to enter into the city of Gnore.

That is not all what Mohini got.

She also got good amount of crystals that they left in the warehouse along the little mind and other artifacts or pieces of technology.

Because of their strong strength and power of the clan they became arrogant.

Because of this arrogance they did not thing that anyone would steal their warehouse that is tightly guarded and had internal surveillance.

But Mohini is the perfect nemesis for this kind of situation and he clearly and cleanly stole everything.

There are many spars from tier 5 to tier 7.

The higher the tier of the spar is the lower the number of spars in the warehouse.

As for the lower tier spars below tier 5 are not present in the warehouse.

Also all the spars are perfectly packed in groups of their respective tier and respective nature of the spar.

Some rare spars are also present with lightning element, mind force nature and soul force nature too.

Right now the people of the technotrix clan should be panicking about the things missing in the warehouse.

Even thought they would not regularly check the warehouse, they would definitely doubt the block of the surveillance.

This would let them come over to check the surveillance.

At that time they would notice that that entire warehouse is completely empty.

This would give them a strong heart attack and start searching for the missing materials.

All they would find are the blocks that obstructed the surveillance cameras from recording the actually incident happening in the warehouse.

Chapter 295: smooth entry to the city of Gnore

This would give them a strong heart attack and start searching for the missing materials.

All they would find are the blocks that obstructed the surveillance cameras from recording the actually incident happening in the warehouse.

Well before blocking the cameras they were able to see a shadow of a person that suddenly appeared into the room through a wall.

Then she came to all the surveillance cameras and blocked them by using various means.

Actually Mohini just painted paint to the camera screen.

This blocked the entire thing clearly and then she started to steal things brazenly.

When she stole everything here nothing was recorded because of the paint.

But when she was painting they recorded her appearance that of a bulky man over 8 feet tall with black hood covering her entire body.

But it still outlined her strong muscles and body structure.

Also the face was covered with a mask that looked like that of a gas mask.

This was the disguise that Mohini put on to cover her appearance.

So all in all they got was the face appearance that Mohini let them see.


As for Mohini and her girls they already changed their appearance.

They covered their bodies with bulk materials that are fake parts to make them look ugly.

Then they put on the dresses that they specifically arranged for this matter.

Now they look just like the person in their identities.

Mohini also changed his appearance and made the final check of the girls.

After everything is set they decided to enter into the city of Gnore.

They took out some modified weapons that looked like cyberpunk style and came to the city gate.

The inspection was quickly.

Well it not much of an inspection after Mohini gave them a tier 3 monster spar as payment of entry for all of them.

Mohini likes to get licked by these people but her women are not interested in these unclean people living in the desert.

Not one each but all of them combined would only give a tier 3 spar.

If a team can hunt a tier 3 monster beast without any causality or major injured people then this mean that the team has at least one tier 4 powerhouse.

For a city like Gnore tier 4 power houses are not that big in numbers.

The highest powerhouses shown to the public are from the main clans that are around tier 7 or tier 8.

But in secret there will be a 1 star powerhouse that is a tier 10 powerhouse present in the city.

There might be more than one, 1 star powerhouse.

As for the tier 4 powerhouses they should be considered on the same level of the young masters of some big clans.

Well they can check the age and gender of a person with a scanner.

So they know that all the people here are young.

This made them vary of the people in Mohini’s group.

Sometimes some young masters hide their identities to hunt down big monsters in secret.

If they interfere in these things recklessly then their heads would be gone.

This is not the only thing that made them think that Mohini is a young master.

The tier 3 spar that Mohini gave them as payment also made them think that Mohini is rich to pay the spar so easily without frowning.

So they politely sent them inside the city.

Mohini took the women through many small alleyways and came to the bar where Jerry is.

They are going to get a hotel room or residence to stay.

They would share a single residence for all 7 of them.

They have already adapted to this kind of change and the rampage mode of Mohini that made their pussies swollen.

Originally they are far too embarrassed to have threesome and foursome.

But after Mohini played with them for once they understood that they could not withstand Mohini alone.

So they formed teams of two and three to tray on her power.

But even then they were unable to succeed.

So they decided to attack her all 6 at the same time.

They found it more pleasurable this way.

This made them want to have the group play.

Mohini did not mind about this matter and was really interested.

So she cooperated with their group play and fucked all 6 women at the same time.

From then on they all are sleeping together on the big bed in the ark space.

They decided to save 10 hours of time a day and spend the remaining 10 hours for sleeping or other thing in the 20 hours stay time in the ark space.

When they came back to the secret hideout of Jerry, he was shocked by the extra people that came along with Mohini.

But he remembered handling their identities so he knows that they are Mohini’s women.

He wanted to know if they know about him.

No matter how you look at it, he is a shy type dwarf.

He doesn’t want his secrets to be known by the other women.

So he looked embarrassed to ask.

Mohini can see Jerry’s embarrassed expression even though the robot that is covering her body.

So Mohini spoke first.

“Don’t worry;

They don’t know about you much.

Also they don’t know about your preferences.

By the way, let me give you a piece of warning.

All these are my women have different preferences,

Don’t have any funny ideas.

Well you will not think of them any way with you absurd preferences.

Also you don’t have to worry about getting a good beauty.

The person that you would fall in love with would appear soon after the first disaster is over.

We will go along with her later.

You will definitely fall for her in love at first sight.

She has big tits, big ass and petty body.

Well it happened in my past life and it would happen in this life too.”

Chapter 296: Three cores

“…She has big tits, big ass and petty body.

Well it happened in my past life and it would happen in this life too.”

Mohini said to Jerry with a smile and the robotic body of Jerry trembled strangely.

The reason for these thoughts of Mohini is because she did not cause any butterfly effect in the apocalypse land yet.

So it is natural for the things to happen just like the original trajectory.

Also this person has an important role for Mohini and her girls to develop.

The development is related to the improvement of mechanized weapons and bullet enchantment.

Mohini has this absurd though of using nuclear fuel to make a nuclear bomb bullet.

She has made a little progress in her study and she also got the nuclear fuel that she required back on earth.

The nuclear fuel is not available in the apocalypse land.

The moment the earth connected to the apocalypse land all the nuclear fuel on earth would have vanished completely.

Instead this nuclear fuel would become different kind of energy to form magic vines under the earth connecting the earth and the apocalypse land.

Fossil fuels can exist but nuclear fuels will not exist.

At the start of the apocalypse the mutated being that came into contact with the nuclear radiation would still exist in this apocalypse land.

They are not new species instead they are called the radiated mutated species.

There is no such thing that can be called perfect.

Some times when the sun falls or star fall took place a high amount of nuclear radiation is released.

This high nuclear radiation would cause the strong mutation over the species that survived.

It happened to all kinds of species like the radiated mutated elves, dwarfs and even dragons exist in this apocalypse land.

But the area of the apocalypse land is so big that the news was not that spread around.

But it was still spread in the outskirts of the apocalypse land where the nuclear radiation is possible.

The problem here is the radiation material would not last long after the huge destruction.

Before the people could get the material the materials would turn into magic ore or some magic crystal mine or something else.

So there is nuclear fuel or material in the apocalypse land.

There is another source to these nuclear fuel materials.

This is actually the spars of those mutate creatures.

Mohini did not tell her women but all the creatures in the apocalypse land would form a spar inside them.

This includes Mohini and other too.

When they are still on the earth the spar would not form.

But after entering the apocalypse land the spar would form at the location of the heart of a person or in the brain or at the base of their spine.

These are the only three possible locations of the formation of spar in any being.

Most people in the apocalypse land reached tier 1 and have tier 1 spar.

This is the requirement for spar formation.

Only after reaching tier 1 can a spar start forming in the body.

The location of the spar is also significant.

For a person that has the ability towards the skills or capabilities related to mind it would form in the brain.

For a person that has the ability towards the skills or capabilities related to soul it would form at the heart.

For a person that has the ability towards the skills or capabilities related to body it would form at the base of the spine.

It is the same for the monsters as well.

But for Mohini it was different.

The reason is her skill that is related to jack of all trades.

She has three cores in her body right now.

Naturally even with the jack of all trades a person usually only have 2 cores at best if that person has strong family background.

But Mohini is different.

She has the corresponding techniques and other things.

She is her own background to form all three cores.

The reason why others would not form too many cores is because once the cores are formed they should all be upgraded to upgrade the overall power.

That is if Mohini wanted to improve from tier 7 to tier 8 then he has to improve all her cores to tier 8 before the complete upgrading to tier 8 powers.

If not they will not be able to use the power of the tier 8 powerhouse.

This is the biggest problem of having too many cores.

But once the three cores are completely upgraded then that person can beat someone that is two layers above them.

If it was two cores then they can fight against someone 1 layer above them.

So with Mohini’s current strength he can fight against a tier 9 powerhouse easily.

Even though it looked ridicules this is the truth.

When she reaches 1 star level first tier she can fight with someone at one star level third tier.

But the three cores needed to be upgraded at the same time.

Also the quality of the three cores represents her power output and it can further increase her fighting capabilities.

So Mohini has to develop them slowly.

She is already doing that.

She talked to jerry and got a place to stay.

It was a rented room that is for a family of 4.

Mohini easily got it for the next year with a tier 5 spar as down payment.

She has already checked this place in her previous life.

This place is much secured and they don’t have worry about any sudden dangers or attacks.

After settlement that is to put on some seemingly normal clothes and things they left the room.

Most of their important and daily necessities are inside the ark space.

All of this was for show.

After this they went straight to the guilds.

First is to visit the adventurers and survivors guild where several missions are given for rewards.

Chapter 297: The Price of Things

After this they went straight to the guilds.

First is to visit the adventurers and survivors guild where several missions are given for rewards.

Second is to visit the business and merchants guild where one can get an identity to start a business.

These two are the important things.

As for the other guilds they are no recognized guilds and they are also dark guilds that are not accepted but the moral order, even though they did not have any moral to begin with.

But hey none of the people in the apocalypse land has it easy.

Even when it was back on earth, there is no such thing as true peace or true happiness.

Everything that comes is only a momentary change of moods that can only sooth the mind for a moment.

But the price for a moment of happiness or peace is so great that a humongous work has to be done to get that.

For example, for a person to be called a genius he has to work continuously for over 15 years completely spending his childhood to get this title.

Well there are exceptions.

Similarly you have to let a plant grow for many months or years for it to give you the fruits and yield materials.

The time spent and the care taken for the plant is its price.

The costliest thing in the world is actually the mental peace.

It is practically impossible to get mental peace for normal price.

The good people die early because all the good they did or all the good karma they earned would be spent on a stupid wish.

“Let all the people in the world live peacefully and blessed.”

This kind of wish of the good people make would not change the world.

Instead it would help reduce the punishment for those bad people.

Well there are too many bad people in this world than good people.

The end result is when this good person wishing for everyone meets up with a disaster.

They would die miserably without any good karma to save them.

Also the death of this good person is caused by the bad people that they saved.

It might look funny but this is how things are.

The most important thing is the price here.

Everything has a price and as long as you met the price requirement you can even become a god.

The people of the apocalypse land knows about the price and use what they had for their survival.

But here the price cannot be calculated and the form is different from good and bad.

Here the price is called disaster and opportunity.

One they can face the disaster and gain the opportunity.

Second is to escape from the disaster and try to get the opportunity after the disaster passes away.

The people that actually face the disaster become strong unknowingly and they have higher chance of finding the opportunity that appears after the disaster.

The people that escape the disasters are weak to enter the disaster happened area to find the opportunity.

Even if they found the opportunity they would not be able to receive 100 percent of the opportunity.


Mohini and the girls went to these guilds and quickly completed the registration with their identities.

Mohini has paid tier 6 spar to as initial payment for the registration and also got a highest grade of registration in the adventurer’s guild.

With this they can get some special support from the guild and can stay in the guild.

Also they did not have to pay the toll for the travelling to various cities in the apocalypse land.

There are many other benefits about this highest grade membership in the adventurer’s guild.

But this only world on the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

They still have to upgrade the membership when they enter into the middle region of the apocalypse land.

Similarly he paid two tier 6 spars to as initial payment to the business guild to get the highest grade registration for all 7 of them.

With this, many extra payments in the business guilds and handling fee for many businesses will be waved.

Similarly it will only work in the outskirts of the apocalypse land and it still have to be upgraded when they reach the middle region of the apocalypse land.

With these guild identities even if they did not have the other identities of the cities they would be fine.

This is because the information here would be passed on to other cities and the main branches through frequent information transfer.

Also there is special information magic rune in the card that would help act as proof.

This is only available in the high grade guild identity cards.

Any way after getting these things they took missions and went out of the city.

They mission that they took is related to the hunting the monster beasts called desert sharks.

They appear on the west side of the city where there is large amounts of desert area.

 This desert is deadly and can lead to the oasis city or to the death.

The oasis city is special with a large oasis that has special kind of fish species that has magical properties related to water.

In the disaster after few months this city would be whipped out completely along with the special fish.

So right now they took the task of going to the desert to get some important things from there.

Mohini is planning to get these fish and put them in one of the many water puddles she created in the ark space.

She used her telekinesis to divide the big pond of river into smaller ponds.

She would put some of these fish in one of the ponds.

There are few uses for this kind of fish in the future but they are very hard to find.

Well they discovered a use about this fish and they became an important ingredient for making a virility and vitality potion.

Chapter 298: Vita fish

There are few uses for this kind of fish in the future but they are very hard to find.

Well they discovered a use about this fish and they became an important ingredient for making a virility and vitality potion.

This happens 4 years in the future.

After that Mohini only lived for another year before dying.

She did not remember anything after that.

Also she never entered into the middle region of the apocalypse land.

She only went to few cities in the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

The fish here are so abundant that they did not think of privately breeding them anywhere.

Also these fish are mainly used for improving a man’s thing and vitality of any species of beings.

But it is not that high amount of effect for it to be famous.

It is famous in the outskirts and few people breed few fishes privately in other cities.

But the amount is pitifully low because taking the fish away from here crossing the desert safely is a hard thing.

Most people would usually use guild request to procure the fish and eat it when they got them back.

Just like the request that they got just now.

Mohini and her women have registered as tier 4 and tier 3 adventurers.

There is a different between the adventurers and survivors.

Survivors are the people that faced the disaster and got the opportunity.

The adventurers are the people that come after the disaster to pick of leaks.

They registered as adventurers and not the survivors because the survivors are highly sought out.

Being low key is good before they are strong enough.

Since they have to go to the city of oasis and come back with the vita fish which is the special fish for both vitality recover and virility recovery.

This fish is also called as the man fish and it has this peculiar shape.

The make fish looked like a rod with soft ends and the female one looked like a peach.

In a way they looked like sex organs.

The female fish will improve the vitality and also improves the female reproductive organs.

But this was rarely ever used by females.

Also some perverts ask for female fish specifically because they can use them in place of some sex toys.

Those fish has living flesh and the smoothness of a female sex organ that is the pussy.

Similarly the male fishes are also ordered by the female perverts to play around in place of dildo.

Well it is a natural dildo.

Also there is another important thing.

The fishes that were actually played like this and were used to masturbate soaking in the love juices of a man or woman has higher medicinal value for vitality and virility recover.

This fish would not die even if it was taken out of the water for 30 minutes

The highest sought out fish is the male fish right now.

When the special medicinal properties were discovered the cost of these fish would raise from one star spar or higher.

Also because of their rarity and usage value they were moved to a 1 star grade ingredient.

Having a pond filled with these fish is no different than having a treasure for the future.

Also being able to breed them is much better choice to have a great wealth.

After the integration of the space crystal before the situation inside the ark space has changed a little.

Now the things like fishes can be left inside.

Just like plants they can also grow inside normally.

But this is only considered to beings that did not have any proper mind or consciousness.

Even the fishes like sharks and octopus could not be considered to enter and stay in the ark space.

If it was before even if Mohini got the fish she would not be able to maintain those fish inside the ark space.

But now she can breed them in ark space.

Fortunately that stupid protagonist helped her in this place.

Also she did not see this protagonist in her past life.

So most probably he is some sort of transmigrator or a returner.

Whatever the case might be he should be entering the apocalypse land and join a country.

Mohini has heard that the human city has a clan with the female heir.

Most probably he should be going for her.

If there is a news about the female heir saving a person or be saved by a person then it would fit things perfectly.

Also the Elven city has a princess too.

They are all heroine materials and they can easily be considered as the best candidates for the protagonist.

Well Mohini was not tempted by their beauty.

She has 6 women that are extremely beautiful that she has to hide them in disguise.

They don’t mind playing around but if too many people are involved then they will not be able to enjoy the things.

Why would she have the thoughts of going for other women?

Her women are enough for her.


They did not know the direction to the oasis city of the desert.

So they have to take another mission along with the current one to reach the oasis city.

It is an escort mission where the reward for a tier 3 adventurer is 4 tier 2 spars and for a tier-4 adventurer is 2 tier 3 spars.

If it is the same level of survivors the amount would add an extra spar to the number.

That is how the rewards are.

Also during the journey they would pay the food and water expenses separately.

Mohini also prefers to go along with the caravan on escort because this way the safety would be guaranteed.

There are others to rely on and their disguises can be kept while they are fighting.

As the pressure is shared they don’t have to fight with their full strength all the time and fight as freely as possible.

Chapter 299: desert cars and flying ships

There are others to rely on and their disguises can be kept while they are fighting.

As the pressure is shared they don’t have to fight with their full strength all the time and fight as freely as possible.

Also with the advanced technology why there is a caravan with slow movements because the cost of the technology is high.

The hovering vehicles burn spars like they are rotten leaves.

So they have to depend on old model of transportation with tamed monster beasts pulling the vehicle.

Also there are no roads in the apocalypse land connecting the cities.

No one knows how long that city can last what is the point of constructing roads.

Unless it is a safe area there is no guarantee that the city would be hit by a disaster.

So the infra structure would usually be built in lose manner so that it can be salvaged again easily.

Well for this reason they have to walk most of the way or use desert cars to travel.

Those desert cars work with the spars as fuel, but the efficiency and all the other things are too low.

They can be used instead of hover cars but they have the frequent problems of getting the desert sand into their internal workings.

Also the wheels usually stuck in the sand most of the time.

This is the transportation at the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

It is said that at the central part of the apocalypse land there are high level transportation vehicles and even teleportation is not a lie.

There are flying ships just like that in the Treasure Island anime movie.

Similarly there are many other travelling tools.

But here it is just the lowest mode of transportation with monster camels pulling the carts.

Also the most of the goods that is being carried to the oasis city is actually water.

Why do they have to take water to the oasis city where water is available in abundance?

It is because the water there has special nature and has high amount of minerals.

Also it is especially saline to the point that they could not drink the water.

Actually those vita fish died in the disaster because of the sudden change in the salinity in the water causing them to die.

With the sudden change of salinity they could not properly take in the water and the oxygen in the water.

The final result is their death.

Well the water is also turbulent which is not good for the fish of this species to survive.


For this reason the oasis city requires water from outside.

As for why they are staying here is because of those fish has constant demand in the surrounding cities.

Other than the three cities on this side of the desert there are another 6 cities on the other side of the desert.

If Mohini wanted to leave here then she has to cross the desert and pass through those 6 cities to reach the main cities of the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

She has to travel all the way to find a 3 star city or country.

After going there she can get a map or way to enter into the middle region of the apocalypse land.

But before going there Mohini has to take all the opportunities along the way.

Well there might be other protagonists that are assigned to get those natural treasures that are formed from disasters except for the ruins that appear here in a year.

But that did not let Mohini leave things as it is.

She would do anything he possibly can to get all the treasures for herself and for her women.

While Mohini is thinking of this, they have already made their preparations and went to meet with the person that assigned the quest.

They requested 27 adventurers for their protection.

In the request they wanted 20 tier 3 adventurers and 7 tier 4 adventurers.

Other than that they are willing to take 3 survivors that are at tier 3 or tier 4.

The adventurers have classes and most of the time the wizards are more preferred.

The wizards are the people have abilities related to elements or extra offensive or defensive capabilities using magic.

As for the fighters they are mostly fight using body enchantments.

Usually wizards have weak physique in stories.

But that is not the case here because wizards would work hard strengthening their bodies the most.

Also they would specifically learn skills that can let them escape quickly or strengthen their defensive capabilities the most.

There are other specialty classes just like that in those games based on the opportunities and personalities that the adventurers and survivors had.

Mohini and the group registered as adventurers and they noted as magic warriors.


Their journey would take around 7 days to reach the oasis city with the caravan.

They group is already ready to leave for the trip, but Mohini observed that Radha and Ginny are not that good at disguising properly.

This might become a problem in the future if something was found out.

Well they are beauties and as long as someone noticed this then the situation would turn out differently.

Mohini thought but did not think that something like that would happen.

They quickly came to the meeting point.

All of them are wearing a bag pack that has rations and few things.

Mohini’s group is also wearing something like that.

This bag packs were bought yesterday and are very much useful in the matters of hiding their origins.

Also they had some food and water in the bag packs.

Like all the adventurers and survivors Mohini did not believe in the food that is provided by the caravan.

So they decided to take money for the expenses which is fixed.

It is a price of two tier 2 spars for any fighting adventurer and three tier 2 spars if they are a wizard or healer.

Chapter 300: professional dissection of wolves

So they decided to take money for the expenses which is fixed.

It is a price of two tier 2 spars for any fighting adventurer and three tier 2 spars if they are a wizard or healer.

If it is a survivor of the same classes then they would add extra tier 2 spar.

Mohini went to collect the spar for the 7 of them.

This is also good for those business men from the caravan because they can carry more goods with the extra space.

So they prefer things this way.

Also in the apocalypse land trust is a valuable thing and once something happens no one can save you and no one will save you.

So making proper choices is important here.

After getting the spar Mohini went to get on a caravan with her women.

The 7 of them are a team and they are assigned to guard the third batch of carts in the caravan.

The entire caravan is divided into 4 parts with each guarded by specific number of people.

The first part is guarded by powerful adventurers or survivors.

Similarly the end is also guarded like this with powerful adventurers.

As for the middle they would leave it to the groups with tier 3 and a tier 4 adventurers or survivors.

The caravan moved slowly to the destination.

After they left the city the ground was normal for a while but after that it slowly turned into lose sand of the desert.

The air became dry and the temperature rose sharply.

Fortunately they are wearing constant temperature clothing inside.

Even though they are good they would not last long in the apocalypse land.

This is just outskirts and the temperature here is already around 50 degrees centigrade.

If they moved to some proper disaster zones the temperature would be even higher or even lower to reaching freezing.

In this kind of situations the adventurers and survivors can still survive by improving their physique using magic.

There are magic artifacts that are useful in this kind of abnormal temperatures.

But they would burn spar like crazy.

One has to have enough rich materials and proper equipment to survive in the abnormal situations.

In this apocalypse land earning is equal to the amount of risk.

So, not everyone would get the high quality products that can have resistance to temperature.

The constant temperature clothing they hand is only a temperature measure for this edge of outskirts.

When they moved in things would change and they have to prepared much better artifacts or improve their existing artifacts.

But it can wait after the disaster and they reached the other 6 cities beyond the desert.

For now they are going really well but this is the problem.

They heard that another caravan did not enter through the desert in the route of the oasis city for at least 2 weeks.

So this place should have monsters swarming already without anyone to clear them.

But there is nothing which is quite strange.

This made the people stay in vigilance the entire day.

But Ginny has already discovered the monsters they are looking for.

They are actually the desert wolves that can hide in the desert and attack suddenly in packs.

These desert wolves only have three valuable things.

First is their spar, second is their flesh and third is their skin that can be used as leather.

Its fangs and nails are strong but they are of no use to anyone in Mohini’s group.

He has stronger means than the ones that can be made from these wolves.

During the escort mission they monsters that an adventurer or a survivor hunted will belong to him or her.

They can use it or sell it to the caravan they are escorting.

If it is a group effort then the leader of the caravan can act as the arbiter in division or they can propose a voting among the people that participated in the attack for division.

These rules are set by the adventures and survivors guild and business guild.

So they are valid.

If a person or group defied these things then they would have to bear the consequences of their actions.

Mohini and her girls fought with four desert wolves that are around tier 3 and killed them.

They deliberately took time killing them.

Also none of them used their powers related to elements in fighting so that others would not recognize them.

Using elemental magic is the symbol of being a magic warrior.

Even though they mentioned being magic warriors they did not show much of their power during the battle.

The weapons they are using are their own specialty.

Mohini is carrying a rod that is thin at the center and widens to its edges.

The edges are cut in a manner of a drill bit used to drill the ground on both sides.

It is already very sharp for attacking.

But Mohini can attack two spear heads on both sides of the rod turning it into a double headed spear.

The drill bit like edge has special spiral markings that can be used to screw in the spear heads.

These rods and spear heads are made from special titanium, iron and few metal alloys that are extremely hard but also flexible.

There are 100 sets of them in her ark space.

Mohini used the name of a fake company in mechanical industry to make these things as machinery internal parts with high precision machinery.

Well the payment is only paid in half as the remaining payment should be paid after the end of the year.

Unfortunately they are not in a position to receive any more payment.

In the apocalypse land only radioactive materials turned into magic ores and magic minerals.

All the other metals are still the same with a few exceptions from time to time.

They can be tempered with magic of various natures and elements to improve them but under normal circumstances they are all the same.


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