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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 551: the giant earth worms

It has the sensing range of 1 kilometer from the tablet in the hands of Vicky.

So Vicky can move farther away so that the drone can come over without bringing the monster along with it.

The drone was good and it flew high up while lifting the treasure chest that was being retracted back to the drone.

The sensors are active and it immediately moved towards the location where Vicky and the girls are moving.

It acted very fast and escaped from the range of the monster that can attack them.

If those monsters can really move quickly they would not have set up this kind of traps.

So Vicky was sure that they would not follow them after they crossed a certain distance.

Soon the drone came to them with the treasure chest.

Vicky first removed the treasure chest and then disassembled the drone completely.

Yue spoke at that time.

“It seems like the previous place also has a treasure chest and we did not get it.

Well lives are more important than treasure chest.”

Everyone accepted this matter and feels that same.

Vicky quickly disassembled the drone and the gun.

After that he kept the thing in the personal space for quick usage later.

Then he opened the golden treasure chest.

He did not give the chance of opening the golden treasure chest to other girls because of the problems that would come out of the treasure chest.

If there are good items and the person that opened the treasure chest got greedy thought then there would be problems.

Similarly if there is no good thing that came out of the treasure chest other people would think that the person that opened the treasure chest is unlucky.

But if Vicky opens the treasure chest then no one would have any opinion about this matter.

When they opened the treasure chest few good things appeared.

Intelligence potion x 2

Sensing potion x 2

Vitality potion x 2

Level 40 Base upgrade blueprint x 1

Cold cream x 1


They know about the other things but they did not understand what this cold cream is.

So they checked the information.

Item name: Cold cream

Description: cold cream in this bottle is around 250 grams.

It can be used to cool off the body at critical situations.

One person can apply only 5 grams of cold cream on the body to have to cooling effects.

The coldness would let the body feel the temperature of 26 degrees for duration of 12 hours from the usage.

Excessive usage might cause the person to feel lethargic and extreme cold.


Vicky understood the usage of this cold cream and he gave it to the three girls to use if needed.

Actually only Yue and Cylia need this cream.

Both Vicky and Ginny can control ice and coldness to keep their body cold.

They did not have any thoughts of selling this for the time being.

With the decision they started to move towards their next destination slowly.


A few weeks later all of them improved their capabilities while walking the desert area.

They really made the big progress during these few weeks of time.

There are new artifacts on them.

There is more food and water.

Most of these things are obtained from golden treasure chests that they got from the trap areas using the drone.

But that day they encountered a flying beast.

They saw that there is a mountain in the area.

The mountain is quite large filled with stones and rocks.

There are few dead trees and there is a bird nest on the top of the mountain.

Well this is their guess because they could not see the top of the mountain properly and clearly because of the mist like fog surrounding the mountain.

Fortunately Vicky reacted quickly and hid the drone before it was destroyed.

As for the big bird, it is a vulture with broken wings.

It was attracted towards them and wanted to kill them.

Well they are its prey.

Unfortunately it underestimated the people present.

Vicky with his sharp shooting shot straight into its eyes and let the bullets touch its brain through the eyes.

The result is that this big bird became their food supply.

The only sad thing is that they could not go up the mountain to take its treasure chest.

But they did not care.

They had a good bird meat for the night.

During their journey Vicky contacted Veena and candy few times.

He found that they also entered into a different survival mode.

Their survival mode is the cold survival mode that is easier for them.

They could not meet with Vicky and others during this time.

They don’t know what would happen after that.

Vicky helped them with some food and other things.

They are regularly in contact to make sure that they would meet in the future.

Soon Vicky and the girls came to the central region that the treasure map is marked.

They are more cautious as they walked towards the center because the area has bigger monsters that could not be killed through normal means.

While they are walking they have already seen the monsters here.

They are big earthworm like creatures that are as wide as 20 meters and the length is more than 100 meters swimming in the desert sand from time to time.

This is the most dangerous area that Vicky and other have come during the entire time.

Vicky observed the movements of those giant earth worms carefully and decided to make his move right when they leave this area by swimming.

There is a pattern of movements of these creatures.

Also during the daytime they rarely come out of the sand.

This is because they did not like sunlight.

Another thing is they like to prey on those strange oasis monsters from before.

They would eat them and go into the sand and hide for a long time.

Chapter 552: shocked at the center of the desert

Another thing is they like to prey on those strange oasis monsters from before.

They would eat them and go into the sand and hide for a long time.

Vicky doesn’t want to take his women to this risky area.

So he left them in a relatively safe place.

Well they don’t want him to go alone.

But they could not stop the choice of a man that wanted to improve himself to protect his women.

So he convinced them to stay there and wait for him.

He left them under the cliff of the big mountain like structure after making a hole inside for them to stay.

Then he started to move swiftly with light footsteps.

He did not attract the attentions of the big monster earth worms.

He was careful enough to avoid the places where they might emerge based on the sand trail and sensing sand movements.

Also he changed his gun to the different model where it can shoot the nuclear bomb bullets.

He has loaded them into the gun carefully and stored it in his personal space so that they would not be moved much.

He checked the map from time to time and moved towards the center that looked quite black from a distance.

He did not understand what the yellow and biscuit colored sand suddenly turned black at that place.

Also he found that those big earth worm monsters would not go near the central region where the map pointed at the treasure chest.

He doesn’t know what that is either.

But soon he understood the reason.

Only after getting close to that region did he found something that made him want to run back.

At that place there are densely packed scarabs that are actually dragging the huge earth worm monster to eat.

No matter how the earth worm monster struggled he could not escape their grasp.

There are so many worms that Vicky don’t know if he can move forward like this.

But fortunately he has a drone to act.

These scarabs would not eat other materials.

They are only interested in flesh of living or dead corpses.

So he can use the drone to get what he wanted.

But the location is very deep that it would be out of the range of his control.

So he can only set it in auto mode to let it go and extract the treasure chest for him.

He can program the drone to recognize the treasure chest and extract it.

But he would lose the protection because he only has one gun.

If things did not work then he can only shoot the nuclear bomb bullets using a sling shot that he has as spare.

With his shooting skill he can possibly use it to attack but the speed is not fast.

This is because he has to load one at a time and he has to pull the thing with his own force to shoot.

With gun he can directly attack after being loaded.

He did not have enough time to make all kinds of choices right now.

He came all the way here and he could not just leave things be.

So he took the drone, the slingshot, the gun and the tablet.

He disassembled the thing to load the slingshot first.

Then he connected the gun to the drone to shoot the suction cup and retract the rope back.

Finally he started to write the program in the tablet to autonomously retract the treasure chest.

He did not have to work to write a program.

The Artificial intelligence can do this work quickly.

He just has to give it instructions and safety measures.

The original database can be understood by the system through its memories and original feed that Vicky gave to them before.

With that the information was passed on to the drone to activate on its own and flew off from his location.

He quickly put the tablet into his front pocket.

This tablet is the beacon for the drone to return.

That is the positioning.

So he could not put it back in the personal space.

Then he quickly got up and moved back slowly from his current position.

He could not stand in the same spot for a long time.

If he did then the sand would sink under his feet causing lot of vibrations.

Sand worms did not have eyes.

They would sense his movements through the skin that is through vibrations from his movements.

So standing in a place is no different than giving them his stable location.

Even moving might alert them but they would think that it was another sand worm like creature and would not attack him when moving.

So he has to move.

He started to move around in that area while looking cautiously for the quick sands and other things that he might encounter.

Tian Meng is working hard to keep an eye on the surrounding sand for any danger that might emerge.

It is not that easy for them.

The distance that the drone has to fly is around 4 kilometers.

This is the radius of a huge circular area that was covered with scarabs all over the place based on the map.

Based on the estimated location, verification, extraction and returning, it would take the drone around 12 minutes minimum.

It takes a maximum of 20 minutes.

It travels really fast because of the upgrades that Vicky made to it during his free time.

For the next 20 minutes he can only jump around the area to avoid any danger.

But he was not sure because anything can happen in 20 minutes of time.


Also he has to keep an eye in the sky to make sure that there is no vulture like creatures that can come.

Well even if they come he could not do anything to it.

But he can run away from here because the big creature most probably would destroy his drone.

Chapter 553: tension time, used nuclear bomb bullet

Well even if they come he could not do anything to it.

But he can run away from here because the big creature most probably would destroy his drone.

His drone flew into the center of the area while scanning the images of the surrounding area.

The treasure chest image was clearly taken into the account of the artificial intelligence.

So what it is searching is anything that resembles a treasure chest.

As long as it finds something that looked like a treasure chest it will go to secondary verification.

After confirmation, it would take the treasure chest and return back to Vicky or the signal beacon that he is carrying.


Vicky is not in a good position.

Before because he stopped on the spot for few more second those huge earthworms came out to attack him.

Right after he moved away from the previous location, a huge mouth came out of the ground that wanted to devour him.

But it accidentally dived back on a different direction and touched those scarabs.

So it was currently being devoured by those hungry scarabs.

Vicky on the other hand moved away from here and escaped but it is not without a chase.

After the first big earth worm there are more of them coming after him.

While running around he found a stone in the desert sand.

He doesn’t know if he could stand on this stone to avoid the situation with those monsters.

He circled around the area for a while and finally stepped on the stone and did not move any more.

After getting on the rock the monster earth worms came out of the sand trying to feel the vibrations in sand and air.

But they could not find anything.

So they silently got into the soil and started to circle around the rock.

They are intelligent creatures and they can sense that there is something solid nearby.

They can think that this place might be the place where their prey is hiding.

So from time to time their huge bodies hit the sand stone that was chipped with every hit.

The sand rock started to shake and Vicky tried his best to not to move and fall.

10 minutes has passed just now.

In two minutes minimum and another 10 minutes maximum the drone would come back.

He has to hold on till then.

After that he would switch the drone to escape from her though a different method.

For the time he used his magic power to stabilize the rock from being chipped away.

He can naturally control all elements and stone consists of earth and he can control it with his magic power.

2 minutes passed by but he did not see any drone in the sky.

Another 3 minutes passed by but he still did not see any drone in the sky.

Vicky felt cold in his heart.

Right then he suddenly felt the small dot in the sky.

He took out his binoculars and checked the black dot.

It was the drone that is returning.

But there is a vulture like thing that is following it.

The drone is doing dodging movements at a risky angle to escape from the attacks of the vulture.

Vicky saw this but he could not do anything about this.

If he used the nuclear bomb bullet then it would cause a small EMF wave that would cause hindrance to the drone movements.

Also the distance is very large and he could not attack the vulture from his current position.

He can only let the drone come over to him and then act.

Also for him to escape from here he definitely need the drone.

So he waited patiently.

It is only for a few seconds but the vulture attacked the drone more than 6 times.

He was really fortunate this time and the drone finally came to him with the treasure chest.

Vicky did not touch it directly but only let a part of the table touch the bottom of the treasure chest.

Immediately everything was sent into the personal space where all living things would die.

He doesn’t know if there are any scarabs attached to the drone.

He doesn’t want them to get into his body at that time.

On the other hand he is not free either because the culture changed its target to him.

It wanted to attack Vicky and eat him.

It is not the only thing there is also those monster earth worms that wanted to attack him.

Vicky took his sling shot and pulled it hard.

He pointed at the vulture that is about to attack him and released the sling shot.

The point of attack is not to touch the vitals of the bird instead it was to make contact.

Only this way can the nuclear bomb bullet can explode.

So he made sure that there is a contact even if the bird dodges.

The distance is around 16 meters.

The range of the sling shot in his hand is only 20 meters which should be perfectly enough.

Also at that distance there is no lethality.

The vulture that is attacking Vicky felt a sense of danger and when Vicky shot at it with the nuclear bomb bullet.

But without a gun and only as sling shot might not damage it that much.

Well it has good intelligence and can think about this matter.

When Vicky shot the nuclear bomb bullet did not move at the speed and power that can damage the vulture.

So it ignored the small attack and wanted to devour Vicky.

Vicky on the other hand took out a tarpaulin like thing from the personal space and covered his entire body like a turtle shell.

Then he shrunk back on the rock covering everything.

This sheet is made of thin layer of lead and few other materials that can help block nuclear radiation in it.

It can stop the nuclear radiation that would come out after the explosion.

Chapter 554: unexpected things from the treasure chest

This sheet is made of thin layer of lead and few other materials that can help block nuclear radiation in it.

It can stop the nuclear radiation that would come out after the explosion.


The moment the nuclear bomb bullet touched the body of the vulture it immediately exploded on the spot.

The explosion is just few meters away from Vicky but the energy released from inside is so high that he is barely holding inside.

It is like the temperature around him suddenly reached over 80 degrees.

Also the surrounding air was removed replacing with strong vacuum.

Fortunately the thing he pulled out and covered was strong enough to let him survive.

Also his body is strong enough to survive.

He took out the healing spirit water that he got before and drank it while holding the cover tightly from the strong force outside.

Also he anchored himself with few gold blocks on the top of his back.

Finally he used the magic energy in his body to create a mud walls all over his body to connect strongly to the stone below.

These things are done the moment he let lose the nuclear bomb bullet towards the culture.

The main damage area is around 10 meters wound the point of attack.

He was only few meters out of that location.

But he is already out of the dangerous zone.

With three layers of protection he was fine with minor injuries.

The amount of radiation was severely reduced by the lead and gold present on his body.

There is also a layer of mud wall on the top and spirit healing water in his mouth.

All of this let him persist without being completely killed by the strong explosion just now.

The stone he was lying on was almost blown away by the force of the explosion.

The weight of his body and the gold is the one that held the entire thing intact.

But the devastation caused by the explosion has made many earth worm monsters around leave this area out of fear.

They sensed a strong attack just now.

The vibrations are off the charts.

So they are afraid that they would be killed.

So they fled in all directions from that place.

Vicky checked his body and took another healing medicine and ate it to recover completely.

After that he started to change the things.

First he removed the outer mud shell, then he removed the gold and sent it back to space and then he removed the cover sheet and put it back in space.

It needs to be treated for it to become normal from nuclear radiation.

Vicky could not stay in this place for long.

He looked at the location where the culture should fall.

But there is not even a feather left.

Everything was blasted leaving nothing.

Also there is a big scorched area under that place where the nuclear explosion happened.

The edge of the rock he was standing on was also burnt red with various degrees of glass formation and devastation.

There are some big earth worms that were injured and their blood gushed out of the sand around.

He quickly took out a foldable glider and took out the drone.

After that he connected the drone to the back of the glider.

Then he attached it to his back and turned on the drone fans to full thrust.

For one person it can barely lift the person above the ground.

What Vicky would do is to connect the thing and jump of the rock.

He would touch down on the ground every now and then.

When he touched the ground he would run to improve the force.

Also he would use the wind elemental energy to make his body light to stay in the air for a longer time.

With that his return journey is much faster.

When he came out of the dangerous area to the mountain area, first took out his base and then stripped naked on the spot.

He took the water to clean his body with slight amount of salt.

This would clear off the slight amount of nuclear radiation.

Even if there is some remaining that would not be able to do any more damage to him.

Only after taking the bath he put on another set of clothes that he exchanged before and put his clothes in the salt water.

They would soak and recover later.

Well salt water would damage the clothes but there is no other choice.

He has made some clothes with the skin of those animals.

But these clothes are good for winter but not summer.

So he is wearing simply clothes that he made the system craft from plant fiber.

After that he moved to the location where his women are waiting for him.

Then he took out the treasure chest that is still gold in color but the gold color shine is much higher than other golden treasure chests.

He quickly opened treasure chest fearing that another person might open another treasure chest with tier skipping card and he would lose it.

So he quickly opened the treasure chest under the eyes of his women.

From the treasure chest Vicky got some really good things.

Tier skipping card x1

All purpose terrine vehicle design x1

10 level free base upgrade card x1 (Below level 30)

Empty design drawing sheets x 5


The things that Vicky obtained have shocked him so much that he could not speak for a few moments.

 The first thing that tier skipping card is an expected thing.

But the other three things are unexpected things.

Every one of them is a super thing that can make countless people fight him to get them.

But only he got them.

The girls that looked at the things are even more shocked and happy that these things are really useful for them in the future.

They did not have any objection for Vicky to use them.

Chapter 555: climbing the steep mountain

The girls that looked at the things are even more shocked and happy that these things are really useful for them in the future.

They did not have any objection for Vicky to use them.

Well if Vicky uses them they are also using them.

So they did not have much rejection to this matter.

Vicky did not use the base upgrade card or any other item for the time being.

It is not that he doesn’t want to use them but he doesn’t have to use them right now.

He would use them later.

For now upgrading a level only requires 1 base core of another person.

After it reaches level 20 it would need two base cores to improve.

The restriction of the card can let it reach to level 30 only.

So he plans to use that when he upgrades the base to level 20.

With that it would be upgraded to level 30 directly.

That is much more profitable than using it right now.

With this decided the empty design drawing sheets were kept separately as well.

Finally the all terrine vehicle design drawing was checked.

It was added to the work bench for making the all purpose vehicle.

But after it was made it needed to be upgraded.

For making it requires lots of materials.


All terrine vehicle manufacturing materials requirement,

Wood x 40

Stone x 20

Plant fiber x 80

Iron x 12

Beast hides of over level 10 monster beast x 18

 Leather of over level 10 monster beasts x 6

Rubber x 22


There is a long series of listed materials for Vicky to get them.

Some of them are available with him and some of them are unavailable for him.

So he let this go for the time being.

Especially the rubber is not available for him.

So he can only give up.

He let the girls check the survival market but they did not get anything.

So they decided to move away from here.

But after getting the treasure chest they did not have a destination.

So they decided to wait here for a day.

During this time Vicky would climb up the mountain and make the map of the surroundings again.

After that they would go towards a new destination.

Also they could not move forward and they have to take a big turnaround to go to the other side of the desert.

That night they did not sleep with much peace because they are in a dangerous place.

Even with the shelter they are still in danger.

With the current base level they can withstand the power of a level 25 monster easily.

But anything beyond that can easily destroy the base completely.

So they are in tensed state.

The presence of Vicky is the only thing that calmed them down during this time.

Well it is the instincts to be calm but they are still in tensed state.

In the morning next day Vicky started to climb up the mountain.

He knows that on the top of this mountain there are some flying beasts like vultures.

But he still climbs up because he needs a map to know the direction that he should travel.

Also he was sure that he can take care of these beasts.

Even if he has to jump down from the mountain he can still land safely with the glider and drone attached things.

As long as he controlled the initial force of the jump he can easily land down safely.

As for how he would control the initial force on his body is very simple.

He would use a spear head connected to the plant fiber rope to plunge it into the wall to control his initial force.

As long as he is skillful he can easily escape.

Also he has his gun now and he can attack those beasts.

He took the sharp bones of some creatures before.

These were turned into bone bullets with sharp edges.

Vicky can shoot air powered gun shots to attack those beasts with these bone bullets.

With everything ready he started to climb the mountain slowly.

The mountain is tall and the peak is above the clouds.

Also the mountain is steep making it impossible to walk and climbing by hand is the only way to climb this mountain.

The process is hard but with superior physique it is not that hard.

Vicky took 3 hours of time to climb half of the height.

He did this quickly because he was sure that those flying beasts would not attack at this lower level.

So he climbed up slowly step by step.

After another 3 hours he climbed to 75 percent height of the mountain.

Because of the fear of those beasts he started to climb slowly.

Also he started to hear the sound of some baby birds screaming as he climbed.

So there should be a nest nearby.

They have to be careful when crossing from this area.

After another 3 hours he did not reach the peak but he noticed that there are many peaks in this place.

Each peak has a nest with many birds.

Some are vultures, some are eagles and some other creatures present in these peaks.

Well there is not one mountain but more than one mountain nearby.

But all these mountains are sand mountains that are more line standing poles instead of normal mountains.

Vicky has a hard time getting on the top of the mountain.

Also he needs to stand in a spot for a few minutes to let the machine capture the surrounding area clearly.

So he has to pick the right time for that.

Also it is already evening.

After the light is gone his machine could not record anything properly.

He cannot stay here for long either because his sweat smell can be recognized by those beasts to attack him.

Because of this he has to complete his thing before the light go out completely.

Chapter 556: three modes of survival again

He cannot stay here for long either because his sweat smell can be recognized by those beasts to attack him.

Because of this he has to complete his thing before the light go out completely.

Finally he reached the top with his slow crawling.

The daylight would last for another half an hour or so.

So he quickly pulled out his spear rod to make it into a stand.

Then he connected the device quickly and started it.

After the regular check of functioning the telescope like thing started moving around slowly covering all the 360 degrees around it.

It took it 5 minutes exactly.

Vicky did not connect it and check the things instead he quickly put the entire thing back into space.

After that he started to crawl down slowly.

But this time unfortunately his leg accidentally touched a lose piece of sand stone and it started to roll down.

This alerted the big eagle that just came back to the nest.

So it immediately flapped its wings and came over to Vicky.

But Vicky is not stupid and directly jumped down without thinking for another second.

With the speed of gravitation he quickly vanished from the eyes of the eagle falling below the clouds.

The eagle did not give him a chase because its kids are hungry and are waiting for it to feed them.

That is a fortunate thing.

Vicky jumped down and while in the air he threw two spear heads towards the steep wall of the mountain that got plant fiber rope attacked to them.

These ropes are attached to his body so that stopped his fall.

With the connection of the plant fiber rope the moment he sensed that the rope would break he made the spear heads enter into the personal space along with the rope.

This would let him fall again but he was close to the wall and got a hold of himself at that moment.

Then he connected to the glider on his back slowly and he got down the mountain using the glider and the drone fans to control the fall speed.

He reached the land in just few minutes.

He climbed high almost for 9+ hours but getting down did not take him even 9 minutes completely.

With him safely coming down the girls came over to him happily.

He did not immediately check anything.

Instead he decided to cook something and eat first.

Unfortunately there are three women with him but none of them know how to cook.

So he has to cook the things to eat.

He made some simple things to eat with meat and spices.

Then he arranged the devices to connect the loaded map into his tablet.

This time the scanned thing is a 3D image.

So he connected a holographic projector to give them a better view of the entire thing.

Then a 3 dimensional image appeared in front of them to look at the scanned location.

They started to look at the things while eating the spicy fried meat.

In the image they saw that one side around 90 kilometers away there is a bay.

Similarly on one side there are countless Rocky Mountains that are around the edge of 100 kilometers.

Also there is a fogy area to one side that was around 90 kilometers.

It is like a half section of a hexagon with these three areas took on the other side of the desert area from where they are standing.

Most probably the entire desert area is like huge elliptical area that created this situation.

One side is the entrance and the other side is the next mode of survival area.

The desert is really vast and if he did not have his equipment then he would really need to search for a year to find the right direction.

There are many dangers in the desert with limited materials.

Also knowing the direction in desert is really hard if that person don’t have the same equipment that Vicky had.

On the other hand the area at this place has too many green zones.

Most of them should be traps.

Based on the things Vicky and the girls started to vote.

Vicky explained the situation with the three sides.

First is the fog side.

“I don’t know if I can sense the area inside the fog with the help of brother dream.

Also I don’t know what this fogy area might be.

Other than that we don’t know if that fog is normal fog or acidic.

Also this fogy area might have hidden dangers like acid pools or sudden pot holes or quick sand or some other kind of dangers.

We have to make a careful check before thinking of entering.

So checking that would be the best start for us.

Then the rocky are is also strange and I don’t know if it has any special effects.

Based on my thoughts we might face ice caves or abyss or earthquakes or sudden volcanic eruptions in the rocky area.

It can be considered as most dangerous.

I really hope that this is not that dangerous as I thought.

If it is not then it would be a good place to get minerals, stone and few other important things.

But there will be lack of trees, water and few other things in this place.

Finally the water area,

We have to check this area carefully before entering.

The water area before might be beginners level and this water area might let us enter in a different state.

Similarly the danger we face in the water also increases.

After entering the water area we might get a chance to enter other islands or under water survival mode entry in the later state.

Also in the mountain area we might be able to get a chance to enter the sky area of survival mode at the later stage.


After Vicky was done with the explaining the three girls started to think about this matter.

Chapter 557: the problems of the foggy are from candy

After Vicky was done with the explaining the three girls started to think about this matter.

So they decided to start from the fog area and walk along the edge to the rocky area and finally to the sea area.

This would give them extra survival points for discovering the new survival modes.

After the decision was made they then started to plan a path that would touch as many monsters with slow movement as possible.

Also they found something unexpected.

That is there are other survivors present in this place.

Based on the projected area they are around 60 kilometers away from their location.

They are travelling in a curved path most probably because of the lack of proper direction in the desert.

They are currently heading towards the sea area.

Vicky don’t know the entry limit of the number of people that can enter the sea area.

Similarly he doesn’t know much about other areas as well.

He did not have any thoughts of meeting these people for the time being.

Any way they would not appear in front of him.

So he doesn’t have to kill them.

Even if he wanted to upgrade his base, he doesn’t want to kill others without a reason.

He is not cold blooded.

So they started to walk on their designated path.

After a month of moving slowly they came to the edge of the fogy area.

Immediately the system gave out the notification for all 4 of them.


Congratulation host for discovering misty survival area,

You will receive bonus survival points in the morning reset time tomorrow.

Entering the misty survival area would give the host excess survival points as reward.

The number of people that can enter into the misty survival area is 12.


Vicky did not see any monster that is guarding the area.

He was sure that the obstacles in desert area are already dangerous enough to balance out this problem.

Well they did not face any other strong problem that made Vicky use the nuclear bomb bullet.

He still has 12 more nuclear bomb bullets.

The effect of being exposed to nuclear radiation on his body was resolved by him using the normal methods he knows.

But a little more water was consumed.

After looking at the introduction of the fogy area Vicky tried to probe into the fog area of survival.

But he could not get him or brother dream’s spirit sense into the fog area.

So Vicky decided to stay here for the night and get some information.

There are other people that entered into various survival modes in the last few days.

Candy entered into the foggy survival model while Veena entered into the sea survival model.

So Vicky contacted candy to get more information.

Naturally being partners she would tell Vicky about the information without hiding anything.

She is also a player with good amount of sense stats.

So she would improve that first.

With the information she gave the amount of visibility in the fogy area is very low and the sensing capabilities are just a little higher.

Instead of giving information it is like candy complaining to Vicky.

The location is like a marsh with many sudden pit drops and quick sand area in this place.

There are many insects that can even cause damage to the players or survivors in this case.

Also they can even cause diseases.

Other than this there are many marsh model beasts and reptiles like snakes that are as big as Titanoboa, huge crocodiles, marsh tentacle monsters…..

There are even plant monsters.

Based on her words she wants to leave this foggy area as quickly as possible.

Vicky let the girls following him know about this information and explained the situation inside the foggy area.

With that they decided to not to enter the foggy area.

So they would pass along the edge to reach the rocky area.

In the misty area there saw many tree protruding out towards the desert area.

So they got some wood along the way.

The wood they spent for cooking was completely stocked back.

Also they got some exotic fruits during this time.

Into the fog there are not trees.

Trees only appear in the area that has some solid ground under them.

Also the lack of sunlight makes the fogy area more problematic.

But the dividing line between them has trees that are not much restricted.

Cylia wanted to communicate with the trees but she could not get any information.

Even though tree extended beyond the boundaries there are still some restrictions.

So they connected the materials.

Also when they are close to the fog area the amount of water their water condensers would condense was increased by 20 percent.

This proves that the elements can transfer between the places even though there are boundaries.

Unfortunately they could not communicate with elements like water and fire to know the situation on the other side.

While they are walking along the edge they would occasionally meet some exotic animals that crossed over.

Not big ones but still they are mostly not eatable.

While they are walking they would check the chat group to see if there is anyone that entered into the rocky mountain area.

But till now no one posted about this matter.

So they can only go there by blindly following along the path.

The distance between the fog survival mode areas to the Rocky Mountain survival mode area is around 100 kilometers.

They can cross this distance quickly but they wanted to move slowly.

So they took 15 days of time to move in zigzag manner covering many areas to gain the treasure chests while they move on.

During this time the gains are mostly distributed to his women to improve their capabilities.

The drone really worked well in this area and the gains are really great.

The only bad thing is that they could not upgrade their ark space without the base core from other survivors.

Chapter 558: the dangers of rocky area

The drone really worked well in this area and the gains are really great.

The only bad thing is that they could not upgrade their ark space without the base core from other survivors.

But it is not a problem.

After 15 days they almost came near the rocky area.

At this time they found some information about the rocky area.

Someone entered into the rocky area and decided to sell the information for 100 survival points.

The information cost is high.

But for Vicky it is not that high.

So he bought the information and found that it was just some basic nonsense that he already expected.

There are some poisonous creatures and there are some dangerous creatures in this place.

The creatures like mountain wolves, mountain rams, bald eagles…..

As far as vegetation is considered, there is vegetation.

There are some trees that grew through the rocks.

But most of them are shrubs and plant vines.

The area with water is very less.

Even if there is water it is contaminated with metals and other things.

Most of the water here are acidic.

The creatures here are basically with metal, rock, fire and poisonous mode of attacks other than normal attacks.

There is also volcanic gas from some mountains and the place is very dry with alternating climates.

There are some stone hail stones that is mixed with acid rain that falls from time to time.

The caves have mountain lions, mutated bats and many other dangerous creatures inside.

So taking cover there is very hard.

A base below level 10 will not be able to withstand the impact of strong hail of stones, acid rain and lightning strikes

The base above level 10 would barely able to withstand the impact but the damage they suffer is also very high.


Vicky looked at the information and explained it to the women.

As they understood the situation they felt that going to this place is also very dangerous compared to the desert they are in right now.

At least there are no natural disasters in the desert.

They came all the way to the rocky mountain area.

Then they received the notification from the system to congratulate them.


Congratulation host for discovering Rocky mountain survival area,

You will receive bonus survival points in the morning reset time tomorrow.

Entering the rocky mountain survival area would give the host excess survival points as reward.

The number of people that can enter into the Rocky mountain survival area is 10.


Vicky still wanted to enter this place instead of the water area because Vicky was sure to survive here than in the water where he could not stand.

He is a land based creature but not a water based creature to move freely in the water.

Naturally Vicky has innate fear of water where he could not move freely.

They did not enter the mountain area and wanted to check the situation on the water survival mode area.

They wanted to gain extra survival points.

Also they plan to spend more time in the safe place instead of going into the dangerous place quickly.

While they are walking towards the side of the ocean Vicky stopped them for a day and converted the drone to connect to the scanning device.

He wanted to take another look at the direction that they are going.

This place did not have any flying creatures nearby.

In order to get the better understanding and benefits from their surroundings it is a necessary step.

With the arrangements done Vicky let the drone fly into the sky to the maximum distance it can float.

He can his women can sense it’s even if it was in the air because of the improvement they had during these few months of journey.

The process was smooth and there is no hindrance to the scanning this time.

When Vicky connected the scanning device to the 3D projection device he found that nothing in the rocky mountain area was scanned.

It was like an invisible wall covering the area completely without leave any part of the mountain area getting scanned.

But the other side was scanned clearly.

What shocked Vicky is that there are traces of battle 10 kilometers away from them.

It should be the people that went towards the sea area.

They are dead and they still had the base core with them.

Because of this discovery Vicky and the girls decided to move towards that direction at full speed.

Even with their speed in this slippery desert sand they would take lot of time.

But to upgrade their base Vicky needs to move to this place.

With the strong enough base level they can enter into the mountain area and the sea area without any problem.

It took them few hours to reach this place with the rushing.

Another good thing is that the desert sand here is not so slippery.

Fortunately the dead were not consumed by the beasts here.

When Vicky arrived here with his women the bodies are already gone or removed by the system.

But the personal space bracelet is still present on the spot.

Well they got into the sand slowly but they are still there.

When Vicky and the girls arrived here they had a new opponent.

An eagle came over flying and wanted to snatch the shining personal bracelet present on the sand.

Vicky has switched his gun to the air soft gun that would compress sand and stones to shoot with air.

He used this to shoot these bullets of sand and stones into the eyes of the eagle that tried to attack them.

While Vicky was busy with this some poisonous insect creatures like scorpions and centipedes came out of the sand.

The centipede is over 3 meters long and the scorpion is over 4 meters long.

Cylia, Ginny and Yue started to fight with them while Vicky fought with the huge eagle with the modified gun.

Chapter 559: base is upgraded to level 30

The centipede is over 3 meters long and the scorpion is over 4 meters long.

Cylia, Ginny and Yue started to fight with them while Vicky fought with the huge eagle with the modified gun.

The battle took some time but their won without getting any injuries.

There are small bruises but they can be healed quickly with their current physique.

Vicky took out the bracelets of personal that are being buried in the sand.

He found that there are only two base cores inside and the remaining things are simply materials to upgrade the base or food or water.

There is no medicine or any particularly valuable things.

Vicky showed the things to his girls to let them see if they can find anything they want or useful to them.

Then they looked and did not find anything useful.

Finally they checked the base cores.

They are level 12 and level 13 base cores.

If things are extracted they can get 7 base cores that can be used to upgrade Vicky’s base.

Actually a level 10 base core is considered a single upgrade base core unit.

Above that every level increase would add one base core to upgrade.

This is the same when they are being dismantled.

Similarly if the number is level 22 then the base cores it has are 16 base cores in it.

One level 10 base core + from level 11 to level 19 it was 9 base cores + level 20 to level 22 each has two base cores and it was 6 base cores.

So the total number of base core units is 16.

Vicky quickly started to upgrade his base.

He has all the essential materials for upgrading that he hoarded before.

His base quickly upgraded to level 20 with one base core remaining with him.

Then he used the 10 levels base upgrade card on his base to upgrade it directly to level 30.

With the remaining materials he wanted to upgrade the base of his women.

But all of them refused and said that they would let him upgrade first so that their safety is guaranteed.

With that Vicky put away the base core he has in extra.

Also he felt that his base is empty without many things.

Most of them are used to upgrade so his base looked very empty.

Now the base that reached level 30 has 3 floors and looked more like a tower.

The base is circular in shape and there are many places that still need internal upgrade.

It requires materials.

The base upgrade card will only upgrade the base as whole but not internal upgrades and other things.

Vicky has to get the materials to upgrade them.

Even the construction of rooms and inner walls has to be carefully upgraded by Vicky with his materials.

For these things blueprints are not required.

In the tower Vicky observed that some formations can be made transforming the base into a magic tower.

Also they can arrange attack and defense systems around the tower to make the attacking and defensive functions.

But all of this requires more materials like gold, silver, monster cores…….’

Vicky can obtain them slowly and upgrade the base to a defensive tower.

He decided to buy the things from the market in the store with water and other materials.

All the upgrades took a long time so they stayed there for the night.

They did not get many materials but the defense was further improved to the point that it can withstand the attack of monsters below level 35.

So they can go to any terrine with the current base.

But they have to be careful and upgrade the base further as quickly as possible.

Also they hope to upgrade the base to the upper limit.

The current upper limit mentioned by the system is level 100.

Vicky and the girls continued to move and on the way they got many materials and treasure chests.

By the time they reached the sea water survival mode area they received the message again.


Congratulation host for discovering sea water mode of survival area,

You will receive bonus survival points in the morning reset time tomorrow.

Entering the sea water mode of survival area would give the host excess survival points as reward.

The number of people that can enter into the sea water mode of survival area is 10.


The number of people that can enter is 10 and it seems that no one has entered from this place.

Well the previous people that wanted to enter from here are already dead.

Vicky found that the amount of water that is being condensed has increased to 130 percent.

They need water to exchange and get more materials.

So they started to exchange for materials to make the internal upgrades.

There are many types of survival but food and water are still the resources that many people lacked.

Even with the condenser, if they are in a wrong place they might not be able to get enough water.

Vicky place more than 4 condensers and purifiers.

That is the reason why he was able to take a group bath with his women.

Even then most of the water is already condensed and stored in separate barrels.

This water reserve is being used by Vicky to gain the benefits.

The problem with others is not having the water condenser and purifier design blueprint.

Instead it is the materials.

They need many ingots of bronze and silver for this to complete and upgrade properly.

But they did not get so many things.

The price of ingots of bronze and silver are very high.

Also they are mostly unavailable because Vicky would buy them directly as soon as they are put into the sales are in the market.

Vicky and the girls decided to upgrade the internal parts of the base to the most defensive state.

Only this way they can feel that they are safe inside the base.

Chapter 560: the all terrine vehicle upgrade

Vicky and the girls decided to upgrade the internal parts of the base to the most defensive state.

Only this way they can feel that they are safe inside the base.

Also they are not in a hurry to take the next challenge immediately.

They are planning to gain as much of advantage they can get in this current place.

The big mouthed monsters that use oasis or green plants or animals as bait usually have silver of golden treasure chest.

Similarly those small monster groups like sand scorpions or centipedes would have bronze or iron treasure chests.

Vicky found that there is no wooden treasure chest during this travels.

Most probably the level of this place has far exceeded a simple wooden treasure chest.

They still have another 6 months to live here.

So they plan to use this time to gain as many benefits as possible.

Based on the trajectory of the things they got till now they made a rough calculation.

They can completely upgrade the tower base that is the level 30 base internally improving its offensive and defensive capabilities.

With that the level-30 base can resist the attack of a level 40 monster and it can even attack a level 30 monster without a problem

When it was about monsters all kinds of monsters including the ghost type monsters can be resisted.

But the base has to be upgraded with magic array.

To make the magic array they need special magic crystals or large number of monster spars that are grinded into powder and mixed with spirit water to make the magic liquid.

This would be used to make the array in the base.

So Vicky and his girls decided to stay here for the next few months and make the decision about entering the other three survival modes based on their progress.

With the decision they would stay near the intersection of the sea area and the mountain area to operate from this corner.

This place would let them more water resource in condensers.

Because of the mountain area nearby there are stones in the area.

The sea water would occasionally drift some materials like wood from time to time.

Other than that they would go into the desert every day to snatch treasure chests from those big monsters.

During this time Vicky was not idle and during his free time he thought of what he has to draw on the blank design drawing papers.

He thought of some powerful tools to draw on them.

Then he would add them to the work bench and let it create some impossible things.

But he has to select the few from many things.

He was sure that getting this kind of blank design drawing sheets is not an easy thing that can happen again and again.

Right now he obtained these blank designs from the central region of the survival mode through a gold chest.

To be precise, he got this through the most dangerous place.

Only because of this reason did this treasure chest produce these good treasures.

If he wants to get something like this, then he has to be extremely lucky or be able to get to the center of the survival mode to get this kind of good thing.

So he has to plan things carefully.

As for the all terrine vehicle it is a little hard to complete.

The biggest problem is actually the rubber.

It is not a natural resource that can be obtained casually.

Even though rubber can be obtained from rubber trees, this kind of trees can only be available in rain forest like areas.

Finding them casually in this survival mode is not possible.

While he is thinking he sent a message to candy to see if she has any things that can be useful for him.

That is the marsh area that is the fog area might have this kind of trees or drop of this kind of materials.

Fortunately candy replied and she said that she found this kind of rubber trees and got the rubber.

She immediately exchanged some with Vicky.

Vicky put the rubber in the work bench and there are many other small and complicated things.

After everything is ready the work bench started to work.

The all terrine vehicle requires 6 hours of production time.

After it is produced it still needed to be upgraded.

At the same time Vicky’s base needs rubber in the internal upgrading in many places.


In the following days Vicky and his girls moved towards the desert are and get as many treasure chests as possible.

The rubber was supplied by candy in exchanged for other materials.

On the other hand the all terrine vehicle is made.

It looked like a boat car and the boat edges can also transform into wings and it can let the vehicle fly.

This vehicle works on monster cores as energy source.

Magic crystals can also be used as magic energy source for this vehicle.

But right now this vehicle can only fit one person to travel.

The blueprint has automatically upgraded to the next level for upgrading the all terrine vehicle.

It is not in physical form instead of it is added to the work bench.

Vicky used the thing to upgrade the vehicle to the next level.

Along with the internal upgrading of the base Vicky also wanted to upgrade this all terrine vehicle.

Also he wanted to make a spare one.

If the materials work well he would make more and give one to each of his women.

There is also the security in this all terrine vehicle.

The level 1 vehicle can resist the attacks of the monsters at level 10 and below.

Similarly further upgrades have further benefits.

But it takes time and large amount of resources to do the upgrading of this all terrine vehicle.

Vicky doesn’t know how much it can be used in the real world.

So he has to see after he returns.


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