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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 246: Bellatrix confession was recorded

John just took her virginity and it was the virgin blood from her broken hymen and stretched pussy.

John cast a healing spell and then moved to plunge his dick back into her pussy once again all the way to the depths of her pussy.

Bellatrix moaned and started to lick the pussy of her sister.


Time passed slowly as the three people played the bunny game.

Bellatrix became a woman and in pleasure she regarded John as her man.

But after they stopped the game she would still resent him later.

So John has to have a handle in his hand to control her for the time being.

When she completely falls into the hands of John this handle is no longer necessary.

Before that he needs something.

So he simply recorded her request to fuck her and take her virginity.

Also her lustful face is clearly visible and her lust towards the dick of John is also visible.

John also asked her if she wanted her asshole virginity to be given to John.

She was in so much pleasure at that she really begged John to fuck her ass hole and take its virginity.

So, all of her confessions are recorded by John.

Voldemort is a freak and as long as he gets a wind of her confession without even the video he would directly abandon Bellatrix.

John recorded the entire thing and separated the point to only show her head and confession.

John is a possessive man and don’t want anyone to see the boy of his women.

So things would not be complicated in the future.

After fucking Bellatrix till night, Narcissa and John sat on the side to talk while Bellatrix rested.

John is still hard and Narcissa did not receive much of it before.

So she was currently sitting on his lap with her pussy swallowing the dick of John.

John spoke.

“Your sister is really good to maintain the virginity for so long in the chaotic world.

But she would be furious tomorrow.

What are you going to do with her?”

John asked Narcissa.

“What are you worrying about?

She is ignorant and going after that brainless, nose less moron.

I don’t want her to waste her life on an idiot.

You are much better.

You can take her as your woman.

I will talk it out of her slowly.

Any way after tasting your dick and massage it is not possible to go back.

My sister might be crazy in her mind but she still has thinking capability.

She knows how to take sides properly.

As long as she believes you are stronger than Voldemort she would immediately switch to your side.

She is with Voldemort even though she knows that he is just a half blood is because he is strong enough to fight against Dumbledore.

If she sees that you are stronger than Voldemort, she would not stay with him anymore.

Any way she hates half bloods because of the pure blood mentality.

Also you took the video of her confession right.

It would be enough to keep her in check for the time being.

She would understand the things slowly.

Also I will keep an eye on her.”

John smiled at Narcissa and then gave her an enchanted butt plug and said.

“This is for your sister.

If she tries to tell something about me it would activate and arouse her completely.

But it would not let any other man touch her.

Only I can relieve her lust.

Also once it is inserted, only I can take it out and no one can pull it out.

It is similar to that of a blood curse.

Also it would notify you when she becomes aroused.

You should take the chance to take her away from those moronic death eaters and call me right away.”

Narcissa smiled and looked at John happily.

John then used his strong hands to move the body of Narcissa up and down like a doll on his dick.

Narcissa likes this part very much because she doesn’t have to move her body.

John would move her body for her and let her have the feeling of riding without any effort.

The only thing she does at this moment is to enjoy the pleasure of the thick long dick piercing all the way into her pussy.

Her moans are so loud that Bellatrix that is sleeping woke up.

She wanted to move but her body is too tired to move.

Also the after effect of the pleasure is still there and her body still twitches and squirts from time to time.

Her eyes became complicated and there is a sense of defeat in her eyes.

This is because after fucking her John still has power to fuck her sister.

Also the moans of her sister are so good that she was aroused again.

The feeling made her more and more complicated.

She forgot about Voldemort and her hand moved to her pussy.

Her finger touched her clit.

Naturally she did it silently because she still has pride to not to show John her lewd side.

She now considers John as her enemy so naturally she doesn’t want to show her lewd side to him again.

John naturally noticed this but he did not show this on his face and actions.

Instead he whispered it in the ear of Narcissa making her smile more and moan even louder and lewder.

On the other hand Bellatrix touched her clit and a part of her pussy lips.

But everything is swollen because of the actions of John.

Now when she touched them she felt a strong sensation of arousal but also stinging pain.

She really wanted to touch herself but she stopped because of the pain.

John already cast a healing spell but the effect could not keep up with his pounding.

Now Bellatrix is facing the mixture of pleasure and pain.

She closed her eyes and started to finger her pussy gritting her teeth.

Chapter 247: changes in Bellatrix’s thinking

Now Bellatrix is facing the mixture of pleasure and pain.

She closed her eyes and started to finger her pussy gritting her teeth.

Suddenly there is an extra finger that came to her pussy.

This made her body stiff suddenly.

The finger pressed at a specific point in her pussy and she had an orgasm at that moment.

It was the finger of John that entered into her pussy at this moment.

She did not expect that John knows that she is masturbating so secretly and was able to put his finger inside her pussy without her knowledge.

This made her tremble.

If he is so attentive to this small matter how attentive would he be towards the important things.

This made her shiver with fear.

If she wanted to betray John or disclose the things she feared that John would directly cause trouble towards the person she got close to.

How did she came to this conclusion is actually not difficult to understand.

Naturally women are emotional creatures with high level of intuition.

Even though she is crazy her intuition is really strong.

John smiled at her while holding Narcissa that was still impaled by his dick John said to Bellatrix.

“Bellatrix, this name is bit long and calling did not give me much after taste.

So let’s change it to the short one.

What would Narcissa calls you… yeah Bella.

That name would suffice.”

John spoke as he was thinking and then looked at Bellatrix and said.

“Bella, you belong to me from now on.

If you dare to betray me then I would destroy everything you hold dear.

Well Voldemort did not recover completely so he would be the first target.

You can protect against the magic attacks but what about other things.

He still needs to eat and drink.

I can poison him.

If you test the poison I can cause him to fall ill with many kinds of diseases.

You might have looked down on the muggle world but they have developed many viruses to cause diseases that can be easily transferred and get infected.

I can make him feel the pain that is far more than tearing his soul and die with pain.

That is not all there are special weapons in the muggle world that can attack from long distances.

How many times Voldemort can escape from bullets?

Don’t think that you can secretly betray me.

There will be Narcissa by your side and I will caste a charm on you to keep you in place.

As long as you break the charm I will implement my plans.

You should know how to choose right.

Now be obedient and suck my balls.

Your sister wants to have a big load inside her.

So lick my balls to stimulate me.

A word of warning before, you try to do something funny.

You can try to bite my balls if you don’t want your teeth any more.

I have enchanted my balls to become as strong as steal.

They would be fine even if you hit them with bullet.”

Well safety first and John really did enchant his balls and dick to this level.

Not only these but all of his human man weak points were enchanted this way by him.

Caution is always good.

After saying these words John pulled Bellatrix to the edge of the bed where her face is right below his balls and her sister’s pussy was above.

Bellatrix was really terrified by the words of John.

She never felt that someone would be so shameless and the words of John were more like that of a villain than Voldemort.

The devilish appearance and the words comparable to that of the devil’s own words,

This is the appearance of John in the mind of Bellatrix.

But for some reason her mind felt excited looking at this.

She actually fell in love.

The love she has for Voldemort is actually just admiration for his power and decisiveness.

But John felt like a person made just for that.

This made her twisted mind twist even more and directly fall in love with John.

Her heart beat accelerated.

John can see the strange new light in her eyes and felt very satisfied.

This is what he wanted from Bellatrix.

She is originally a woman that can stand very close to a villain.

But Voldemort just barely got her allegiance with many shortcomings.

John did not have any short comings and he was even more ruthless and twisted than her.

This made her directly fall in love with him.

She no longer hates John.

Even her licking and sucking of his balls has a change.

John can really feel the passion in her movements.

She even used her hands to hold the balls of John and do a thorough licking.

But John could not trust anyone just yet.

It would be a beginner’s mistake.

Both Narcissa and Bellatrix need rest.

So they slept hugging each other with John in the middle.

The reason why John was so carefree is because he made the necessary preparations and did not fear Bellatrix.

They made a special oath like thing that makes Bellatrix unable to harm John in any way.

Narcissa was already John’s women so they did not have any problem.

John slept between the two pairs of tits on her face.

He did not return to Hogwarts for the night.

Well no one would notice him.

Even if they notice that he was missing Dumbledore would cover up for him.

Well that is the part of the deal from before and Dumbledore would not break this deal.

He is currently coveting the body of John.

The stronger John is the better it is for him.

Right now he would think that John is currently training and improving that is performing the rituals from that book.

He has noticed that many of the rare materials are being hoarded by someone recently.

So he would definitely cover for John.

Chapter 248: turn Harry into a woman, a deal with Snape

He has noticed that many of the rare materials are being hoarded by someone recently.

So he would definitely cover for John.

Because of this John did not have any problem.

Also before leaving in the morning he went on for another bull round to fill up the two pussies of Narcissa and Bellatrix.

Because of the early morning attack they are still in bed and could not move.

None of the death eaters disturbed them.

Or to say they did not dare to disturb them because none of these two women are easy to handle.

If they know that John played double time with them last night and early in the morning they would definitely be shocked to death.

Even Voldemort might have a heart attack or even soul attack.

But it is not the time to reveal his things.

John did not reveal it and he specifically sealed the thing so that no one would disturb them.

The reason is Bellatrix is resting here after the fatigue from the previous stay in the Azkaban.

So no one disturbed them.

After waking up they felt more body pains they had before.

But they are very happy with this kind of pains.

Even Bellatrix felt happy from the pleasure she got in the morning and yesterday.

She wants to more of this pleasure but she has to recover first before she can have the pleasure.

She has completely set her eyes on John.

But there are still some attachments that are needed to be broken.

It takes time.

But with Narcissa present and John’s planning things would be broken so clearly that Bellatrix might try to kill Voldemort and Harry potter to give more power to John.


Harry on the other hand will continuous to have dreams about Voldemort.

But he did not have a person to share these things properly.

Also there is no woman to comfort him about this matter.

Cho Chang is happy with Cedric so Harry was along with moronic Ron.

They looked more like lovers but soon someone would meddle in their affair.

Hermione unconsciously distanced herself from between the two.

She is still their friend but she is not the one that would walk around with them all the time.

Also Harry is having special classes with Snape.

John also used this time to mix a special potion in the food that Harry consumed.

This medicine would slowly turn Harry into a woman.

It is at the level of genetics.

That is the strongest female gene in his body that is most probably his mother would become active.

This would change his face slowly in the time span from 6 months to over a year.

During this time Harry would feel the growth of his hair, the growth of his tits and loss of hair on his body.

Other than that his dick would also lose its manliness.

Since he is at the growth phase the change would be maximized and it would be perfectly complete when he reaches the age of 18.

Before that the change would be a step by step change rather than a sudden change.

John has already decided to let Harry fall into the hands of Snape and save Snape.

When Snape was free John went to speak with Snape.

“What brings you here mister black?”

Snape asked John but the amount of hostility is less.

“Professor Snape, I have something to show you.

First check it and tell me how this is.”

John gave him a small bottle of potion.

Snape received it took a whiff.

But this potion is so rare that he did not directly recognize it.

He took few minutes to recognize this potion and the expression on his face changed.

He directly looked at John questioningly.

John smiled back and said.

“Professor Snape, you know that Voldemort has returned and Harry is a living Horcrux right.”

John paused for a moment and let Snape understand the situation.

“I know that you always protected Harry because of your love for lily.

But lily is no more.

Harry is also in a situation where he has to die to kill Voldemort.”

John stopped again and Snape asked with a stern face.

“What is the point mister black?”

John did not fear Snape so he answered smiled.

“I have a way to save Harry.

But he would be a hindrance to me as a man.

I know that you love Harry as much as lily.

So I came up with this plan.

Since Harry did not have anyone to comfort him you can comfort him.

I know man to man is very difficult.

So with this potion I will turn him into a woman that looks just like lily.

With that you will have love, Harry will have family and everyone would be happy.

I will not target Harry instead he and you can be employed at my companies as chiefs in transfiguration and potions.

In short what I am here for is for your allegiance.

Also I have the resurrection stone that can save Harry even if he dies.

As long as he was resurrected in the shortest time, things would be different from that of the story the brothers of deathly hallows.

This is the time for you to make your choice and I don’t want Dumbledore to know about your choice.

I will save you and Harry.

As for how you will make Harry into your woman is something you have to work on.

I don’t have to give you ideas in this matter.

As long as he understands that you helped him so much is enough for him to fall in love with you.

When he turns 18, you can directly marry him and live as a happy family.


John created a beautiful picture for Snape and it is like his dream come true.

Snape also wanted to try the gender changing potion on Harry before.

But Dumbledore always acted as hindrance to him.

Chapter 249: dangerous Valentine’s Day

Snape also wanted to try the gender changing potion on Harry before.

But Dumbledore always acted as hindrance to him.

Dumbledore did not even let him get close to Harry.

But John is willing to give him a good chance.

Also this is the chance he wanted.

He started to consider the proposal of John very much.

He personally knows the capabilities of John and he can trust John.

John was very sincere in a business deal.

He would always complete his end of the business deal and would be very strict on completing the business deal.

It did not take long for Snape to come to a decision.

With that they made an unbreakable oath of their agreement.

There is only one variable here that is Harry potter.

He is also in this deal but he might not accept the deal later when he was turned into a woman.

John also doesn’t want professor Snape to die.

So he took out a defense formation plate and gave it to professor Snape.

“Harry doesn’t need protection but you are going to enter into the enemy camp and act as a double agent right.

This magic formation plate can endure the full power attack of the killing curse from Voldemort,

Keep it with you all the time.

I don’t want to lose a valuable potions master and a researcher like you.”

The eyes of Snape changed because no one knows that he would be sent to the enemy camp.

He thought that Dumbledore told him about this.

Snape took the magic plate and nodded his head.

John did not say anything more and left here directly.

Also he gave the potion to Snape so that he can administer the potion to Harry in regular dosages.

With Snape mentioning the occlumency requiring the calm mind and this potion calms Harry’s mind, Harry did not have any doubt.

Even if Dumbledore knows about this, he would think that it is a calming potion and nothing more.

If it is a short term gender switching potion then it would show immediate effects.

But the potion is a permanent one and the conversion of gender is through in both body and mind.

Well as long as proper hormones are released things would change properly.

With the hint of interest falling into the other side can be done very quickly.

The enthusiasm of Snape increased and gave Harry the permanent gender changing potion two dosages a day.

That is before the practice and after the practice.

He is required to give this dosage continuously for 20 days.

After that the changes would happen over the span of time slowly.

Harry did not feel any change because he was under great stress.

His body started to change slowly.

Since he was in growth period many people show changes.

So no one noticed much about this matter.

Hermione was covered by John so she would not say anything about the changes.

John simply made her occupied with some things distracting her from the original thing.

During this time Umbridge sacks Trelawney for her inept performance during Umbridge's inspections.

Although Dumbledore is unable to prevent Trelawney's dismissal, he invokes his authority to allow her to remain in the castle.

Also he appointed a new Divination teacher that is a centaur named Firenze.

It is much to Umbridge's disgust due to her hatred for half-breeds she really became angry for the decision of Dumbledore.

In the divination class John felt a different about the understanding of centaur’s way of divination.

Firenze’s teaching methods are based on centaur wisdom and therefore very different from Trelawney's.

For example, centaurs believe that Astrology may predict events that are significant to mankind, but not trivial events of human lives.

The room in which Firenze gives his class was bewitched to resemble his natural habitat in the Forbidden Forest.

When John asked him why he does not teach in the Forest itself, Firenze explains that he was banned from his colony.

This is because he agreed to teach at Hogwarts

This is considered as treason by centaur because they do not wish to share their wisdom with humans.

John became interested and decided to take a deeper look into the wisdom of magical creatures.

Some things are very different from humans.

Like the fairies know the spirit knowledge that many wizards done know about.

This made John wanted to research in this direction to find a probable hope towards the origin of magic.

In the month of February John got ready to receive the shower of love from many girls.

Well there are some things from men too and he really doesn’t reply to them.

He is a straight man and only loves women.

On 14th February John was really drowned by chocolate.

He would not eat every chocolate instead he would check it before eating.

He doesn’t want to be poisoned by something strange and lose himself.

His caution really worked as he found some chocolate with love potion and there are chocolates that can make his appearance disfigured.

John noted them all and found their owners.

He directly considered them as his enemies and they might cause him some possible disaster.

So he decided to keep an eye on them.

He did not worry about this love potion thing but the ones that sent him chocolate that would cause him to disfigure received severe retaliation from him.

They are all disfigured permanently by eating the chocolate that they made.

John made this happen through special means.

This Valentine’s Day is the most dangerous Valentine’s Day in his life.

Fortunately the things ended well.

In the night he gave good kisses to all of his women while the one that can sleep with him received a special night super ride.

Today John got 5 women to fuck and all of them have milfy bodies.

They are Narcissa, molly, Bellatrix, Rita Skeeter and Nagini.

John still won against the 5 against 1 challenge and became the last one standing.

Chapter 250: Lucius discovers who cucked him

They are Narcissa, molly, Bellatrix, Rita Skeeter and Nagini.

John still won against the 5 against 1 challenge and became the last one standing.

Well his dick is the one that is standing while he slept.

His dick was inside that ass hole the last woman he fucked.

To everyone’s surprise it was actually Bellatrix.

She is wild last night.

In the morning John woke up on the bed with 5 naked women that are still sleeping.

He is currently at his home where it is the safest and he called all 5 of them here to play because it is safe.

Lucius has already suspected Narcissa for being absent many times on specific days.

Also she looked more cheerful and rosy during this time.

So his mind is running fantasies of his wife for a long time.

So today he stalked her all the way to where she is gone.

But he was shocked to find that she went to Grimmauld palace 12 to play.

He knows that only John stays here and no one is allowed.

Well death eaters did not know the Grimmauld palace 12 has become a strong hold for the order of phoenix.

But even so the only person that can be present at Grimmauld palace is John.

Then he suddenly thought that John should be present at Hogwarts and how can he be present here.

With this thought he immediately headed towards Hogwarts to check if John is still present at Hogwarts.

But he could not do anything know about this matter.

So he sent a letter to his son to check the situation of John.

He found that John would vanish from time to time from Hogwarts and Dumbledore would cover for him.

This made him completely feel that his point is right.

The one that gave him the green hat is none other than John that he brought back to his house before.

He also remembered that only after the appearance of John did he lost his man hood.

This is just a guess but there is no proof to this.

He was so furious that he wanted to kill both John and Narcissa to quench his rage.

But he could not do anything because John has already noticed him.

John first principle is to be cautious.

So he would always keep in mind to keep the surveillance on the outside of Grimmauld palace.

Also keeps an eye of Lucius that is more and more irritable during this time.

He is not some super spy to cover up all this tracks when he stalked on Narcissa.

So when Narcissa felt that someone is stalking her she immediately told John.

It is not like a serial heroine that would try to solve everything on her own.

John doesn’t want stupid people and she carefully reported this matter to John before.

For this reason John specifically let dobby silently keep an eye on Lucius during this time.

Now he found out that Lucius is stalking them and even found her current activities.

John can now boldly play the game since he no longer needs to hide anything.


In the morning next day John decided to go along with Narcissa to solve the matter with Lucius.

When they arrived at the Malfoy mansion there are other death eaters present here.

But with Narcissa none of them made took any action.

John was leisurely that came along with her and walked straight into the study.

As for Bellatrix she has already returned before and was present inside.

She has already accepted John after getting banged for a few days and seeing some evidence about Voldemort.

Well the evidence is for her psychological comfort only and it is nothing more than that.

With her falling towards the side of John there is not much fear entering into the Malfoy mansion that is currently the stronghold of death eaters.

Narcissa took him straight to the study of Malfoy mansion and then she called Lucius for a talk.

Lucius did not expect that his wife becomes bold enough to call him to talk to the man that put a green hat on his head.

Also he was shocked that his stalking was found out by John and even came to his home to talk to him after fucking his wife.

But he could not let others know about this matter.

If they did then he doesn’t know where to put his face.

The good people on the side of Dumbledore would ridicule him.

If the good people can ridicule him then how would the thugs and criminals on the side of death eaters would react.

They might even ask to fuck his wife while living in the mansion.

That is the only thing.

To get more support of the death eaters and improve their moral, Voldemort might even give his wife as present to those death eaters to fuck.

He is already a cuck what is wrong with getting cucked few more time by few more people.

With that his name and the Malfoy name would be gone.

He doesn’t want all this to happen.

So he shut his mouth and walked to the study to see what John wanted to talk to him.

He is still furious but he is still rational.

Well he has been in this state for more than 5 years.

So his tolerance has increased over time along with his thoughts.

After coming to the study he saw John sitting there leisurely drinking tea with a smile.

Bellatrix did not come.

She did not want to expose her matter for the time being.

If her matter is exposed then Lucius would have a little more advantage in this matter.

After Lucius came inside, John spoke with a smile.

“Mister Lucius, please take a seat and let us discuss about something important.”

Lucius is trembling with anger but he still sat down with his stern face.

It is like he just gave blowjob to the fathers of Crabbe and Goyle.