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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 241: meeting with black Zetsu

Even though Naruto said that killer B is still alive.

He still has his doubts and could not believe the words of Naruto completely.

So he wanted to find Sasuke to find the truth of this matter.

He is really interested in the matter related to Sasuke.

The white Zetsu immediately revealed the location of Sasuke.

The reason is very simply.

Sasuke no longer wanted to cooperate with Obito.

So there is a break between them.

Because of this the white Zetsu wanted to speak about the whereabouts of Sasuke.

Also they are here to speak with Naruto and negotiate with him.

They have already checked everywhere.

They did not find the Rinnegan that Nagato should have with him.

So they can only ask Naruto and negotiate with him.

“Sasuke is not here.

He is currently going to intercept Danzo from the hidden leaf village before he reached the capital of land of fire.

But it is a decoy and he is going to a hidden location through the valley of the end straight to the mountain graveyard.

He went to there to get his revenge on Danzo for causing the death of his clan and the death of his brother.”

After saying these words the white Zetsu directly vanished into the ground.

Well Danzo for some reason has another secret base up north that he secretly arranged with Orochimaru before.

He is going there to hide for the time being.

He knows that he could not win against Naruto and there is going to be a big war.

So, he is going there to hide from all this for the time being.

When things reached their end he would come out to straight the weak and exhausted people.

Then he would take control of the things.

So going to capital to talk to daimyo is just an act.

What he sent there is also just a body double.

Sasuke has already intercepted the body double and did not find Danzo.

So he used his Sharingan to know the information of Danzo without touching the seal on the tongue of the person.

With that he changed directions to chase after Danzo.

Naruto already knows about this matter and his close is tailing Sasuke.

On the other hand Kabuto and another close of Naruto also arrive at the intercepting location along the route that Danzo travels.

Not only Raikage and all others left from here straight to the location where the intercepting point is there in the path Danzo took.

Danzo did not expect that so many people would know about his secret route and come to witness his death.

Each of them had their own reasons buy the main thing is all of them came here to witness the death of Danzo.

While others are leaving the summit area to see the situation Naruto also moved but he left a clone to speak with black Zetsu.

They met in a secluded part of the snowy mountains and Naruto made a wooden house to keep them warm.

Inside the wooden house black Zetsu stood in front of Naruto that is slowly drinking warm tea.

“You are black Zetsu right.

Now tell me what you want to talk to me about.”

Black Zetsu felt the familiar natural energy around Naruto and its black face turned blacker.

It knows that Naruto has interfered with them more than once.

So Naruto already knows what they are doing.

This means that he could not lie.

So, black Zetsu told Naruto about the plan of moon eye operation.

Naruto smiled at black Zetsu and thought in his heart.

“No matter if the world change the situation did not change.

He would never tell the truth unless I reveal it on my own.

I have to say, I am really interested in taking these black Zetsu and white Zetsu with me.

Having them is no different than having an army on hand.

Unfortunately gaining their allegiance is not an easy thing.”

Naruto sighed and then spoke to black Zetsu.

“I don’t want you to lie or hide the actually truth.

Since you don’t want to tell about yourself, I have no choice but to tell about you.

You are a white Zetsu that was formed from the previous moon eye operation that was done by Kaguya and the 10 tails.

Before being sealed Kaguya used her power to send her will into a white Zetsu.

This resulted in your formation that is the black Zetsu which is 1000 years ago.

From them you are trying every possible means to slowly lead the situation where you can revive Kaguya.

Unfortunately you did not see anyone having Rinnegan over the past 1000 years.

You know that awakening Rinnegan needs special situation and conditions.

So you started to experiment those conditions and finally succeeded.

But you also need to create a proper puppet that can work for you and help you revive Kaguya without even knowing.

Well no one is willing to believe a person like you that is suspicious at glance.

So he started to find a person that is in need, in pain, in confusion, and in hatred.

That is none other than Madara Uchiha.

But he is not as easy to control and he suspects you at every corner.

Also for him awakening Rinnegan is a very hard thing and he has to transplant his eyes to Nagato.

All in all they awakened the Rinnegan with stability but the lifespan of Madara reached its end.

Another important thing to revive Kaguya is to complete the 10 tails.

In order to gather the tailed beasts and complete the 10 tails you need another emotionally stupid person.

This is none other than Obito.

From start to end he doesn’t know why he is doing all this.

The strangest thing is that he is still doing all this for a dead person that you and Madara killed in cold blood.

She should be called Rin right.

Do you remember her?”

Chapter 242: dealing with black Zetsu

When Naruto spoke about this matter the eyes of black Zetsu is really widened.

He did not expect that Naruto to know everything.

Still he could not figure out how Naruto knows everything.

But Naruto did not care about his confusion and said.

“There is another danger that you did not know and even Kaguya forgot.

Isshiki Otsutsuki is still alive.

He used Kama to transfer his soul into another person.

He is recovering right now.

If you did not take the proper action then it would not take long for him to retaliate.

Also the people from the Otsutsuki clan also have thoughts of wanting to come to earth.

This is because they did not hear back from Isshiki Otsutsuki for a long time.


When black Zetsu heard about this he was so panicked that he doesn’t know what to say.

If the Otsutsuki clan people really came then doesn’t Kaguya was the first one to be troubled.

Not matter if she was saved or not, she would be the first one to be troubled.

This made him doesn’t know what to do.

Not only him but even Kaguya don’t know how to handle the retaliation of the Otsutsuki clan.

For this very reason she tried to get the power of the 10 tails.

But it failed and slowly fallen into the hands of the 10 tails to the point that she did not even recognize her children.

She wanted to kill them and take their chakra back.

It was not her thought but the thought of the 10 tails.

Now Naruto did not have time to explain all this nonsense.

So he took out a sealing paper from the personal space and summoned the Rinnegan that he took from Nagato.

Then he said to black Zetsu.

“I want you to continue with your plan and let the ninja alliance and the 10 tails fight.

But when Kaguya is summoned, you have to help me with some things.

First of all I want to separate her from the 10 tails and completely out of the control of the 10 tails.

I have different plans for the 10 tails.”

Black Zetsu was vigilant and suddenly asked.

“Why do you want to help my mother?”

Well it would be his biggest doubt.

He is 1000 years old and knows the logic that there is nothing free in this world.

So he asked the question.

Naruto smiled at him and said.

“I want to help her because I want to become your father.

Kaguya might not be from the main family of the Otsutsuki clan.

But she is a rare beauty and I wanted her to be my woman.

I know that she likes peace so I will give her the peace she wanted after saving her.

But the price is that she would become my woman.

It is as simple as that.”

Black Zetsu was really dumfounded.

He did not expect that Naruto wanted to do so much just to get his mother.

He still could not believe it.

Also he did not understand how Naruto knows so many things.

Finally he did not understand the identity of Naruto till now.

But he could not do anything in this situation.

He even suspected that Naruto is Isshiki Otsutsuki.

But if it so then he can sense the different chakra of Otsutsuki from Naruto.

But he did not sense anything like that.

He could only believe the things that Naruto said without saying any other word back.

After receiving the Rinnegan of Nagato the black Zetsu left from Naruto without saying a word.

No matter what happened reviving Kaguya is the important thing.

After reviving Kaguya he would ask her what to do.

But one thing was believed by him.

That is Kaguya was controlled by the 10 tails.

So she acted strangely before.

Well he has the will of Kaguya and he knows that there is a problem.

By himself he could not recognize this matter.

But with the intervention of Naruto’s thoughts he recognized the problem.

When the 10 tails can create something like white Zetsu that can copy other people’s memories, thoughts and even chakra perfectly, can’t it create a Kaguya with this kind of problem?

With that the seed of doubt was planted in the thought of black Zetsu.


On the other hand Naruto and others are moving towards the location where Sasuke would intercept Danzo.

Danzo is moving slowly with caution so many people arrived on the spot very early.

They are hiding to watch the show.

The 4 Kage along with Naruto present and their subordinates are also present on the spot.

After this fight Obito should appear and take Sasuke with him.

But Naruto has different thought.

He would wait and act according to the situation that would best suit for him.

While on the way he did not forget to flirt with Temari, Kurotsuchi, Mai Terumi and few others.

They did not expect Naruto to be like this.

They actually felt really pleasant when Naruto made things easy and happy for them.

Even though they are rushing there is not much problem at all.

Naturally Obito arrived early to intercept Danzo from leaving a certain spot and defeat the tricky subordinates of Danzo.

Right when he was done Sasuke has arrived here.

Naturally Danzo and Sasuke started to fight.

The fight is very similar to that in the original plot.

But Sasuke has to figure things out on his own and it took more time.

Danzo did not have anyone to take as hostage.

When he was on his final legs Naruto’s clone suddenly appeared out of nowhere and kicked Sasuke.

It was not to save Danzo but to let Kabuto take his revenge on Danzo.

Sasuke was made at that moment and wanted to fight Naruto with his Sharingan.

But he is almost out of chakra and could not do anything.

Naruto walked over to Sasuke and said with a calm tone.

Chapter 243: endless punishment for Danzo

But he is almost out of chakra and could not do anything.

Naruto walked over to Sasuke and said with a calm tone.

“You are not the only one that wants revenge on Danzo.

There are few others that also lost their lives because of Danzo.

Other than that the fault of your loss was actually caused by your brother and father because of their stupidity and passiveness.

If they could not survive they have to leave there decisively and form another ninja village.

Who said that one land can only have one hidden village?

Your people are simply stupid and they died because of their stupidity.

Actually there are also jealous people involved.

Still in the finally analysis your brother, Uchiha Itachi, his friend Uchiha Shisui and your father Uchiha Fugaku are the biggest reasons for the extermination of your clan.

So you did not have any right to kill Danzo here.

On the other hand Kabuto has the right to kill Danzo.

Well his entire life was ruined because of him.

Also a good woman that loved to take care of orphans was killed because of him.

Also Kabuto has better ways to kill Danzo in the most painful way possible.”

Naruto’s clone said and Kabuto that achieved sage Jutsu appeared.

He came over and started to use a special medicine to inject into the dying Danzo.

Danzo immediately woke up but his body was in endless pain.

Kabuto laughed like a mad scientist and said.

“This medicine would stimulate your Senju clan cells that are still remaining in your body.

They will not let you die but they will not let you live either.

You will feel the very life sucked out of your body and die in endless pain.

By the way I have to cut off your other hand, legs and tongue so that you will not be able to die using them.

Kabuto was very professional in this and he cut off the hand and legs carefully after that he cut off the tongue of Danzo.

Naruto’s clone on the side praised Kabuto.

“You really leant well under me.

Those cuts are really clean and clear.

Let me make a special cage for Danzo here right under that cliff.

No one can save him and he would die slowly.”

After saying these words Naruto made a hand seal to make a special cage made of think lines of wood.

Danzo was placed inside and the cage was sealed.

The cage is hanging under a cliff like an animal that is kept for exhibition.

Sasuke on the other hand also calmed down and looked at the situation.

Instead of killing Danzo this is much better way to slowly kill him.

There are two more people that would get this kind of punishment.

They are the two elders that are still left in hidden leaf village.

But it would take some time.

Naruto’s clone did not forget to collect the eye of Shisui from Danzo before sending him into the cage.

Naturally Sasuke would not stop at that and wanted to destroy the hidden leaf village.

So when Naruto turned to the side he wanted to kill Naruto.

He did not expect that that person in front of him was just a clone.

The other 5 Kages and many other people are also present around watching the situation.

They also looked at Naruto that is present with them.

They did not expect that just the clone of Naruto is so much stronger.

Also they don’t know if the Naruto present with them is the real one or just a clone.

The Raikage was really hit hard about this matter.

If he was really defeated by just a clone of Naruto then he was really in a dangerous situation.

If the clone is that strong then the real body is stronger than the clone.

Also the clones can be produced at varying strengths.

So he doesn’t know the difference between the real body and the clone of Naruto.

This made his thoughts even more complicated and his mood further depressed.

On the other hand Sasuke stupidly came over to attack Naruto.

But Naruto kicked back with his leg without turning.

Well his legs are quite long and the point of connection is actually the balls of Sasuke.

This time he did not fly for just 3 inches into the air but at least 30 feet into the air.

His balls are completely crushed.

Well even with the Sharingan he can see the fast movements of the leg of Naruto but he could not make his body as quickly as his eyes.

So the situation came to this point.

The pain of the balls of Sasuke was so huge that he directly lost his consciousness.

Around this time many men looking at the scene felt a pain in their balls and cold sweat beads on their foreheads.

Even Obito felt the tingling pain.

Even though half of his body was crushed his balls are still intact.

But after seeing the scene he felt scared that his bird might be crushed by a kick.

Obito appeared quickly to take Sasuke away from here.

Well he did not have a choice.

He did not even take the body of Danzo.

Well before leaving he did spoke about the declaration of war.

This time Kabuto did not have anything to do with the war.

That is he did not summon the dead people.

After getting his revenge he was taken with Naruto back to the hidden leaf village.

He would be given a lab to study and Orochimaru is not that far behind.

Naruto would use his time and chance to bring him back after he put the soul servant seal.

With that he doesn’t have to worry about the betrayal from them.

The technology would improve faster after they are guided correctly.

Technology is very important for the future of the ninja world.

There are things that are not threatening enough for some of the alien people.

Chapter 244: Obito was enraged

Technology is very important for the future of the ninja world.

There are things that are not threatening enough for some of the alien people.

Before leaving from here, Obito did not forget to speak about his purpose.

That is about the 10 tails and his moon eye project.

Well this caused the other Kage to be in panic and they looked at two important people.

First is Naruto that was the jinchūriki of 9 tails and the other is killer B the jinchūriki of 8 tails.

Both of them are the important people and they are the main people in the coming war.

Naruto already controls the 9 tails and he doesn’t need any help from the 8 tails jinchūriki that is killer B.

So Naruto did not spend his time with men instead he wanted to have fun with the women.

So he made another meeting of Kage and concluded the alliance.

At the same time all the lords of the lands are connected with the video conference and had a live meeting.

Well their approval is necessary in this matter.

With that decided Naruto also got busy.

He did not have time to idle around right now.

He has to capture the 10 tails completely to himself.

But he still has to follow the plot.

In this plot there will be no dead people revived.

Without Kabuto it would not happen.

The only dead person that would come back to life is actually Madara Uchiha.

Also he would die after coming back to life.

Other than that the army of white Zetsu would not be wasted so easily.

Black Zetsu did not believe Naruto easily so he is not planning to use all the white Zetsu to fight.

He wanted to reserve some to fight with Naruto if things turned bad.

So the war is inevitable.


But Naruto has to eliminate another danger that is Kisame that is hiding inside the Samehada.

With killer B present here Naruto got things easy.

So he called killer B to talk separately and they became friends easily.

Well Naruto is still Naruto so the protagonist aura in his body would naturally attract the people around.

With that the side characters like killer B it is easy to become friends.

After that they killed Kisame.

Naturally at this time in the land of rain Konan and Nagato are facing Obito.

After losing his Rinnegan Nagato wanted to live peacefully.

But he was sure that he will not live in peace because of Obito.

Even Konan knows that.

So they went to find Obito to try and kill him.

In the process Naruto’s clone appeared once again to save Konan at the critical moment.

“Do you thing you can fight against me the great Madara Uchiha.”

Obito was irritated because of the appearance of Naruto interfering with his plans more than once.

So he wanted to use the name of Madara Uchiha to deter Naruto.

But the words of Naruto caused him to tremble.

“You are Madara Uchiha.


Obito was stunned and asked.

“Why are you laughing?”

“You are even more stupid than you are a child.

Can you really make others believe that you are Madara Uchiha?

Your name is Obito.

A moron that would try to kill his teacher and his wife that treated you as their child.

You are an idiot that would kill your own clan including children in the name of peace.

You are a stupid person that believed that you can revive a dead person and did all kinds of atrocities.

You call yourself Madara.

You are just an imposter that would use the name of the dead man and being arrogant about your stupidity.

Others might not know about you but I know everything.

If you still doubt my words let me tell you about Rin.

She should be in the pure land.

If you do things to interfere with my people then I can only look for Rin in the pure land.

You should know about impure world reincarnation.

I can bring her back and play with her.”

The words of Naruto caused Obito to have a seizure.

He doesn’t know something like that could be done.

Well he did not come into contact with Kabuto much.

He did not know the level of progress of impure world reincarnation.

So Obito was thoroughly enraged.

It is the boss reaching rage mode.

But he could not make a move because he feared that Naruto would really do something to Rin.

In his eyes Rin was pure.

If something was to happen to her and it was implicated to him then he does not know how to face her.

Right at that time black Zetsu appeared and took Obito away from here.

Naruto did not pursue the matter.

Obito received the Rinnegan from black Zetsu saying that he got them from the hiding place of Nagato.

So Obito calmed down and started his preparations for war.

There are many white Zetsu ready to fight.

Originally he was not looking for the undead to fight.

Only after Kabuto joined hands with him to get Sasuke did not accepted the undead.

So even if there is no undead his plans are still the same.

The war started in a few days and the ninja directly formed into big groups just like in the original plot.

Gaara gave an amazing speech and the fight started.

Naruto was in contact with black Zetsu and he was specifically ordered to kill men but not women.

If the population of women increases it would be good for the world and he can take over the ninja world peacefully.

So women are not being targeted in the coming war.

Obito did not revive anyone but black Zetsu specifically revived Madara Uchiha.

Also the Rinnegan that he got from Nagato would be given to Madara Uchiha according to his original plan.

Naruto did not have any problem with this plan and even told black Zetsu to proceed.

Chapter 245: saving Kaguya

Also the Rinnegan that he got from Nagato would be given to Madara Uchiha according to his original plan.

Naruto did not have any problem with this plan and even told black Zetsu to proceed.

The war started and both sides are fighting.

During this time Naruto took the chance to bring out the soul of Minato from the masks at the site of ruined Uzumaki clan.

The purpose is to get the other half of the 9 tails.

Naruto was strong enough and he was able to easily extract the other half of the 9 tails and integrate it into his body.

With that done the battle continued.

With Madara Uchiha awakened he and Obito fought against Naruto.

As for Sasuke Naruto’s clone took care of him.

Sasuke was kicked so hard before by Naruto that he lost consciousness.

When Obito was running around preparing for war Naruto’s clone took Sasuke away.

Then the operation was done to make Sasuke turn into a woman.

But he is not in a position to move right now.

Naruto also extracted his Indra chakra with the help of the memories of sage of 6 paths.

With his current setting Naruto really became strong and even condensed the 9th yin seal on his body.

His power is few times higher than that of the 10 tails jinchūriki in sage mode.

Well that is if he added all the power including the stored chakra in those yin seals.

This did not include the 9 tails.

Now that the 9 tails is also full he was very strong.

Even if there is 10 tails jinchūriki in sage mode fights with him head on Naruto can still win.

That is not the only trump card he has.

Naruto can also use sage mode, Rinnegan, the shield and sword of the Susanoo of Itachi and hundreds of wooded clones that are at Kage level.

Also his knowledge on seals is the most important thing.

He has already let his clones surround the area where Obito and Madara are present in a specific sealed form.

As for the white Zetsu they would not attack Naruto’s clones.

They only attack male ninja relentlessly.

During this time the other Kage started to fight with Madara while Naruto went to fight with Obito.

Coming events still followed the plot without the presence of other undead and Sasuke.

Naturally Obito did not change for the better with Kakashi not being here.

With the manipulative words of Naruto things turned out very well.

Black Zetsu got the chance to kill Obito and get the second Rinnegan to Madara Uchiha.

But Madara Uchiha did not get the good situation.

Right when he became the complete 10 tails jinchūriki, black Zetsu pierced him with a black rod.

The after effect is that the body of Madara disintegrated completely and Kaguya appeared at this moment.

Right when Kaguya appeared Naruto’s clone activated the formation.

The clones themselves are the pillars of the formation seal.

With that Kaguya was stuck and even black Zetsu was stuck.

He could not control the white Zetsu any longer.

Naruto flew over to them and said to black Zetsu.

“Don’t struggle.

I know you planned a back hand to attack me.

You might be the will of Kaguya but I don’t know how much you are corrupted.

So I can only seal you for the time being and first help Kaguya come out of the control of the 10 tails.

Till then I have to concentrate more.

So don’t struggle.

After Naruto said the clones in the formation activated another formation seal that would help Naruto have immense spirit power.

With this amount of spirit power he will be able to penetrate into the mind of Kaguya and help her out of her current situation.

The 10 tails is in the sea of consciousness of Kaguya.

It was dangerous and delicate process to complete.

When Naruto used the Rinnegan to enter into the space inside the mind of Kaguya he saw a huge tree that thickly bound her tightly in plant vines and roots.

Naruto could not use chakra here but the spirit energy can be used.

He used the Rinnegan to control the 10 tails to slowly release Kaguya’s soul.

When it was completely released Naruto packed the 10 tails and made the process of extraction.

This 10 tails did not have the power of 9 tails as they never defeated Naruto during the fight.

So the 10 tails is on the same level as Naruto.

But Naruto has more powers and he was able to successfully extract the 10 tails completely.

He did not forget to leave an amount of life energy behind so that the life energy of Kaguya was preserved.

Even though she would not die as an Otsutsuki clansman, she would be severely weakened.

Naruto that extracted 10 tails did not become its jinchūriki because he doesn’t know if there are any hidden tricks that might cause problems for him in the future.

Instead he made the 10 tails bear chakra fruits with its chakra energy.

It is just like he did in the previous tutorial world.

It only produced one fruit after that it directly turned into a seed.

This one charka fruit is the strength of 7 tailed beasts combined.

9 tails did not ask about this matter.

It is not like 9 tails wanted other tailed beasts to be released.

They can never be free and there is always some bad situation.

If Naruto dies who would cover the situation for them.

So naturally it is better to become a chakra fruit and the 10 tails turned into a seed.

Naruto did not stop at this.

He wanted to continue to clear other threats on earth.

But he has to treat Kaguya first.

Naruto brought out a dress for Kaguya and put the dress on her naked body.

She is very soft to touch and her tits and ass are really good and tender.


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