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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 251: micro world crystal

Well this corrupted amber did not have many fans so the cost of this thing is very high.

The people can go at most 3 4-star spar to get this corrupted amber.

So the initial price is already high and no one wanted to buy this thing.

Well Vicky wanted this piece because something happened in his box.

Vicky and all of his women felt the vibration of ark space at that moment when the material was taken out of the isolation box.

The reason for this was also mentioned to them immediately by the ark management system.


Please obtain that material for the ark to upgrade to 7-star artifact directly.”

Vicky and his girls did not understand about this matter.

But since the ark space specifically asked for this matter they decided to buy that.

So Vicky raised the price to 5 4-star spar.

After a brief silence someone increased the price to 6 4-star spar.

Vicky understood that someone deliberately wanted to increase the price.

Most probably it was someone related to the current owner of the corrupted amber that wanted higher price.

Vicky did not immediately raise the price instead waited for auctioneer to reach the second announcement before raising the price to 7 4-star spar.

This made the other party did not dare to increase the price again.

Even if they increased they would be locked by Ginny later and Vicky would steal from them.

They would not let such a good opportunity slip past their hands.

Soon someone came to his box with the material for inspection Natasha stepped forward to do the inspection.

In fact the ark management system can clearly check the material and confirm that it was the material that it wanted.

Vicky took the 7 4-star spar and handed them to the person in front of him.

Then they signed an agreement copy that the purchase was completely legal and the transaction is complete on the spot.

Vicky that got the material did not directly put it in the ark space.

He feared that the ark space would step into emergency upgrade.

This would cause them to lose their shelter and protection for the time being.

He doesn’t want that to happen right now.

So he put the material in to the storage ring and gave it to Natasha for safe keeping.

Well materials like these are her duty to guard.

As for why the ark management system would react so much is because of the material is not corrupted amber.

In fact it looked like corrupted amber.

Some time the time element would appear like death element and space element would appear like life element.

The corrupted amber in front of them is actually a crystallized combination of time and space crystal.

It is called the micro world crystal.

If there is a person from the central region of the apocalypse land then they would have definitely discovered this.

For this crystal they can even go to war between the countries of the central region.

Unfortunately the people here don’t know the value of the crystal.

Even Vicky did not recognize it immediately instead he only recalled it after taking a closure look at the crystal.

Originally if it is only a time crystal or a space crystal then Vicky might not be able to touch it.

But the current micro world crystal has combined both time and space crystals into one.

Then it formed a protective layer around it to safeguard the micro world inside the crystal.

The color of corrupted amber appeared because of the combination of life and death elements with time and space elements.

They are the creation of a world.

So naturally they would be a mixture of life and death.

Also to seal the huge amount of energy everything would be sealed like this.

If the small crystal was shattered then it can directly destroy few hundred kilometers from the location of the drop.

It is not just simple destruction but complete annihilation forming a huge hole through the apocalypse land.

Something like this happened once before.

At that time a powerful 10-star powerhouse tired to shift this kind of energy from a safe city to save the city.

This attack was caused by the opposing nation to destroy the capital city of a 10-star country.

But shifting this kind of power is not easy.

The person that did this also died with the energy.

Not even his remains remain after that.

Well it is a different matter.

Vicky kept the thing safely and let Natasha take care of this thing.

Others wanted to know why the people in this group wanted to get the useless thing with so much cost.

But they did not dare to question about this matter because everyone has their own thoughts and actions.

The auction continued.

The next thing on display is also an ore.

It is called the liquid gold.

It is not petrol or gasoline.

It is literally the liquid gold.

It looked like mercury but in gold color.

The usage of this is very similar to the material that is used to make little mind before.

But this one is more advanced than that material.

It can make a 5-star or above artificial intelligence with just 50 grams of this thing.

The 50 grams of this material will only occupy the space of a finger nail of the thumb.

So the artificial intelligence can be made in a very small thing.

The thing in front of them is around 100 grams placed in a small vacuum capsule.

So the initial price is 20 4-star spars and every subsequent increase should be 5 4-star spars.

Well it is really a valuable thing.

For the people that likes to make artificial intelligence units this can be used to produce a big army.

Also even if it was destroyed by chance, it can be reused many times over.

So it is not a loss business buying this material.

Chapter 252: liquid glass binding material

Also even if it was destroyed by chance, it can be reused many times over.

So it is not a loss business buying this material.

The price soared through the roof it quickly reached 60 4-star spars and the final price reached 100 4-star spars that is 10 5-star spars.

The person that brought this is the one that came with Aivana.

He was an expert in crafting artificial intelligence and robots with lots of complicated runes in it.

So he bought this thing.

Vicky and his girls are also excited because of the thing they got before.

But they have to be careful about this matter.

Also they have to leave here quickly so that they would find a safe place to hide when the ark is upgrading.

For the time being they can only keep their calm and look at the situation.

If they want to they can leave from here right now.

But they still have something they want to buy among the auctioned items.

This item is not something big and easily obtained materials.

It is a metal that would help in the formation of alloys.

As long as they got this material they can upgrade their suits to 4-star artifacts.

Other than this material they got everything ready.

This material is called “liquid glass”

It is a transparent liquid that looked no different than water.

But when it comes into contact with metals it would change its properties to that of an acid to form a metal alloy.

They need at least 7 grams of this material for the 7 suits.

For that they specifically prepared the spars worth 20 4-star level spars.

Well they did not have much wealth in their hands.

All of this was stolen spars from other cities.

So naturally they have to spend the things carefully.

Other than this they also have the 5-star monster spar of the lion they got before.

But this was used slightly and the amount might not be satisfactory to them.

Still they have enough money and materials to buy the thing they wanted.

Also they have decided to leave here after getting the liquid glass.

With the decision they waited for the auction to move on.

Many new things were auctioned.

Most of them are special ores and minerals because this place is close to mineral area and mining area.

Just like that the auction came to the liquid glass material.

Right then the auction started and increased the price to 10 4-star spar.

Finally Vicky got the thing for 16 4-star spar.

Fortunately it did not reach his limit.

He got the thing and exchanged with the spars and equivalent lower level spars.

After getting the thing and signing the contract they left the auction house quickly.

The 7 of them walked out of the auction house.

But there is always a tail behind them.

Unfortunately they underestimated Vicky and his girls.

When they turned corners they cloak activated the camouflage thing and they mixed in with the crowd.

After leaving here they booked a hotel room for a few hours.

They searched around the room to see if there are any monitoring devices or runes present in the room.

After removing them and placing curses on them they went into the ark space.

First things first Vicky and the girls split up and took some raw materials that can be used as food for at least for a month or two.

These things were placed in the separate storage space ring.

After that they took out the micro world crystal.

Immediately ark space trembled and gave the notification to integrate it into the ark space.


Host with this material ark can be upgraded to 7-star artifact.

It requires 36 days to complete.

Do you wish to upgrade the ark space?

Consent 0/7”

For this all 7 of them should accept.

Vicky and the girls talked about this matter for a moment and decided that they should continue with that.

Based on the words of Vicky he has been here for more than 3 months from the current time before leaving here on the journey towards the middle area of the apocalypse land.

For the next three months Aivana and other would not leave either.

After the current auction the auction would go on for another month.

Every day something different would be put on display.

Also there are many small stalls all over the place.

Other than that there would be a sudden disruption in the time and space causing the teleportation impossible.

So they are stuck here.

Even after 3 months things would not get normal making most people take the boat to go to the middle region of the apocalypse land.

Because of this Vicky and the girls has decided to upgrade the ark right now.

But the question is, if the ark would still cover their bloodlines right now.

Even if the ark did not cover Vicky made runic stickers of hiding.

They can be connected to the suits of cloaks for them to hide their bloodlines form others.

But these runes requires huge amount of energy and they have to constantly supply energy to them.

Also they are not perfect and they would expire after 6 days of usage.

Fortunately the system did not disappoint them.

It said that after 6 days the normal process of covering them with bloodline protection can start again.

So Vicky prepared the 6 sets of runes and attacked to the suits of the women and his suit.

Then he looked at his women to see their decision.

They all thought for a moment and nodded their heads.

If they start early they can complete early.

There is an attack of zombies and zombie beasts later.

So they have to be prepared for those monsters with strong power to attack the city.

There are also many monsters like people in the city right now.

So they have to be more careful than other times.

Chapter 253: upgrading ark space, sealed for 36 days

There are also many monsters like people in the city right now.

So they have to be more careful than other times.

With the initial preparations made and everything was checked they stepped out of the ark space.

Then they gave the command to let the ark space upgrade.

The space storage ring was held by Vicky for safekeeping.

Even thought the girls are all together there are slight differences between them.

They would not speak of these differences in front of Vicky and only compete with each other silently.

Vicky also knows about this matter.

As long as it did not cross the line he doesn’t want to meddle into their matters.

But he would still keep a close eye on them all the time.

After taking all the materials they stuffed small bag packs for show and the system gave a sound.


The upgrade of the space starts.

For the next 6 days host would not receive any protection or shielding from the system.

So hosts are advice to be safe and hide.

After 6 days the shielding mechanism would start but before the completion of upgrading host cannot enter into the space.

After 16 days of the 36 days of upgrading host can access the ark warehouse to keep things inside but could not take out.

After 26 days of the 36 days of upgrading host can access the ark warehouse and take the things out but could not enter inside the ark.


The information was given to them in a long list and for Vicky and the girls to understand things clearly.

With the final confirmation the ark started the upgrade process.

Vicky told them how to activate the runes of concealment and let them activate it immediately.

Then they started to maintain their normal life as usual.

Jerry went to meet with Aivana all the time and brought her over to meet with Vicky and his women.

Well she met Vicky before but not all of his women.

When she found out that the 6 women are Vicky’s wives she was shocked.

But it is a common thing for many men to have many wives and a woman to have many husbands.

But when she learnt that all 6 of them confessed to him because of his gentle care and cooking she was really shocked.

Also she because curious of the cooking of Vicky.

She has eaten many kinds of delicacies in the apocalypse land.

Well she is the princess of a big clan of a 5-star clan with many resources.

So she became curious.

Jerry really doesn’t want Aivana to eat the food cooked by Vicky.

This is because he himself was almost addicted to the food cooked by Vicky.

That is how good he cooks and how well he combines the tastes.

He doesn’t want to lose the woman that he finally liked to his best friend.

Both Jerry and Aivana are not a couple yet.

Even though Aivana knows that Jerry liked her, she did not say anything or speak about anything.

So naturally Jerry felt insecure.

But it is too late.

She asked Vicky to cook for her and she wanted to taste.

The girls around Vicky laughed looking at the aggrieved expression of Jerry looking at Vicky and Aivana.

Vicky cooked the food and made few dishes that are popular on earth but not in the apocalypse land.

In the apocalypse land food is very scarce.

One can get meat by killing some monster beasts but getting green vegetables is not an easy thing.

As for materials like rice, wheat and others is even scarce.

So when Vicky cooked the food with these materials Aivana was shocked.

Well even she as the princess of the big 5-star clan could only eat these things sparingly.

But Vicky brought out big amounts of these things.

In her eyes the background of Vicky took a sharp turn.

But she did not say anything.

Vicky doesn’t have to worry about replenishing the food because he can replenish them by farming.

He has already made few cycles of rice, wheat, millets, and other things.

They are well preserved and there are many sets of seeds that are preserved as well.

So they don’t have to worry about eating green and vegetarian things.

As for the meat they can get them from those monster beasts but only few parts of that is good for eating.

The remaining meat is very bitter to eat.

It can fill up the stomach but they would not feel happy about the taste.

Also they did not use many spices that Vicky has on his hand.

The amount of spices on his hands is enough for him and his girls to live for more than 100 years.

They still have trees and plants along with seeds to replenish these materials in the future.

So they are never worried as long as the ark space is well and good.

But even if the ark space did not work Vicky can still make tasty food because of his understanding of the food.

He made the dishes carefully.

The smell itself was enough to make the people in the room swallow their saliva.

Others outside the villa also smelled the food.

But they did not dare to enter because these are private villas and the people inside are more or less strong.

Most of the time, the people living in these villas are mistresses of the big men of the city.

So they did not dare to come and check.

In the house there is a happy atmosphere with many dazzling dishes in front of them.

Aivana tasted the food one by one.

Even without rice and other things the food is so good that her eyes were smiling from the taste.

She was very happy that tears flowed out of her eyes form the pleasure of eating such a tasty food.

She could not stop after eating a bite and started to eat quickly.

Chapter 254: the difference between a chef and a powerhouse

She was very happy that tears flowed out of her eyes form the pleasure of eating such a tasty food.

She could not stop after eating a bite and started to eat quickly.

It is like she feared that if she is late someone would eat her food.

But she has plenty to eat till her stomach bulged.

Only then did she stop and but she still don’t want to part with the remaining food on the table.

Vicky has to pack her a big box of food before she calmed down.

Jerry on the other side was really distressed looking at the mad look in the eyes of Aivana.

Well the apocalypse land did not have many deserts that Vicky had.

Apocalypse land did not have peaceful times for them to develop all kinds of food.

But earth has thousands of years of peace.

So there are many kinds of food developed on earth compared to the apocalypse land.

After taking the big box of food Aivana left with Jerry sending her back.

After leaving Aivana felt that her behavior just now was not good.

But she really liked the food and could not give up.

She was sure that she could not become the woman of Vicky.

From the start to the end Vicky did not look at her with any eyes of lust or love.

The look he had when he looked at her and his women is completely different.

So she can only think of a way to get close to Vicky to eat this kind of food all the time.

She looked at Jerry on the side.

She knows that Jerry liked her and the look in his eyes when looking at her is the same as when Vicky looked at his women.

She knows that Jerry is close to Vicky and might get food from Vicky.

This made her want to know if she gets together with Jerry can she gets the food that they ate just now.

Her thoughts are going wild like this while Jerry had his own thoughts.

We can simply call it as distress instead of calling it good thoughts.


Vicky on the other hand got good eyes from his women.

There is envy in their eyes and they unanimously told Vicky that they would defeat him today.

The defeat is in the bed but not in real combat.

They don’t want to lose Vicky to anyone.

In their thoughts Vicky only belongs to them and no one other than the 6 of them has the right to make claims on Vicky.

In order to not to let Vicky have any other thoughts they decided to give him some good fan service for the night.

So that night things are really spicy for Vicky and the girls really performed many things making Vicky gulp down his saliva from the beautiful sight in front of him.

The girls took turns to ride on the top of his dick showing off their endurance.

The ones with big tits came forward to give a tit massage to Vicky’s face.


Just like that things went happily that night.

When Aivana returned back to their staying place, the people smelled the food box.

The smell is really good and increased their appetite.

But they could not snatch the food box in the hand on Aivana instead they asked her where she got the food.

They also want to order a delivery.

Even the 5-star powerhouse old man was interested to know after smelling the spicy smell of the food.

Aivana did not hide anything and told them what she saw today.

Well Vicky did not stop her from speaking about this matter.

So she did not hide the things and explained the things to them clearly.

They were really shocked.

Based on the materials she mentioned the food that Vicky has is really like that of the heir of a big family.

Also there are many beauties beside Vicky that are all with excellent power levels at young age.

The important thing is that they said that they became Vicky’s women because of his cooking and care.

Usually the heirs of the big families usually did not like to learn the things like cooking.

Even if they learnt cooking everything would be just on the surface.

But Vicky is even better than a 5-star chef.

Chefs also have levels based on the quality and other factors of food.

They once tasted the food of a 5-star level chef before.

But the smell is not as good as the good smell they smell right now.

On the other hand the information that Aivana gave also made them think that the food that Vicky made is many times better the food she ate from the 5-star chef.

The importance of Vicky immediately changed in the thoughts of the people present.

This is because few people are more important than the powerhouses on the same level.

The chef with 5-star level cooking is more important than a powerhouse at 5-star level.

This is because a 5-star level chef requires many years to reach that level.

This requires huge amount of talent, patience and delicate capabilities.

On the other hand a 5-star powerhouse can just be trained as long as there are enough spar and potential improvement materials.

They cannot improve the talent of a chef with any material.

So there is one in many people that can become a great chef.

In this apocalypse land becoming a chef is really harder than becoming a powerhouse.

They need financial aid, required materials, should know how to process the materials and many things.

Also they should be prepared to waste food if the dish fails.

This is something that is completely unacceptable in this apocalypse land where food is very scarce.

There are people that are dying because they lack a mouthful of food.

Can anyone really waste the food easily without any form of burden in their mind?

Chapter 255: zombie appeared in the city

There are people that are dying because they lack a mouthful of food.

Can anyone really waste the food easily without any form of burden in their mind?

If they can do that they should be some powerhouse heir from a 9-star or 10-star clan.

Thinking about these things the 5-star level powerhouse did not want to dig deep into the affairs of Vicky and his women.

Instead he advised Aivana to maintain a good relationship with Vicky.

If they need any help he would immediately give help to them.

With that the days passed by normally when Aivana and Jerry would visit Vicky and his women from time to time.

Fortunately the dangerous time period of 6 days has passed by quickly.

With that Vicky and the girls relaxed a little.

Most probably the system first upgraded the part of the ark that would provide them with concealment protection.

The food they had on hand is enough for them for a long while so they are not in a hurry.

But the news about the zombies started to circulate in the city.

There is a breach in the city.

That is someone scratched by a zombie entered the city and turned into a zombie later.

This person injured many other and created a chaos.

It was finally stopped by some 3-star level powerhouses that personally took charge of this matter.

All the infected people are killed and their bodies are carefully disposed.

Also the area that was contaminated was sealed off and they would perform some research to find a way to stop this zombie infection.

Other than that they are researching about how to disinfect the contaminated area before turning it into a usable area.

One should know that this is a very important time where many foreigners from higher level cities would come over to spend their currencies and spars here.

The 40 council members have made specific rules to keep the things in business without showing any ugly sides of their business.

But now that some problem appeared that part of the area that had the problem would have to bear the responsibility for the problem of reputation of the city.

Also they have to solve this problem quickly if not they have to bear the big responsibility.

On the other hand the remaining 19 gates increased the security immediately.

Every person that comes or leaves would be thoroughly checked before letting them inside.

If that person has any wounds then they would be sent to the detention center for check and safety.

Only after the passage of safe period can the person come into the city.

This is how things are designed so that they would not face the zombie disaster.

This is also the reason why Vicky felt that staying inside the city was safe.

Also the Elven area is much safer compared to other area.

They have the clean freakiness and all the people that are inside should be clean in this area.

So there are specific checks for all the unclean people outside the check from the very early time.

Because of this they will not have any zombies enter here after going through so many checks.

At least for the time of a year they will be safe.

After that there will be higher level zombie sand things would become complicated.

With the presence of beast type and even fish type zombies the things would be more complicated.

But before that happens Vicky plans to take his girls and leave this area to safety.

That is to the middle region of the apocalypse land.

But he was sure that just like last life the teleportation gate would become problematic.

The reason for this is the sudden surge of strong creatures in the waters outside the city.

The zombified creatures would mindlessly target some of the strong creatures deep in the water.

The movements of these strong creatures cause the strong energy fluctuations.

These strong energy fluctuations are the reason why the spacial forces are disturbed.

The final result is that the teleportation gate has unstable connection.

So it is no longer safe to travel.

With that the problem started.

The people of the big forces would decide to travel by boat.

But the strong creatures under the water would sense the surge of energy and prey outside.

So they would come out and want to take a look or spar.

These strong creatures have the mind of their own.

Well there are many mindless creatures but still the waters are the area where humans can’t stand.

Similarly many other species could not stand and fight on the water without proper footing.

So the problem would come here.

When they want to attack they would not attack directly instead it is a battle of patience.

The sea creatures would send small tricky creatures to hinder and wear out the people in the boat.

When they become weak these big creatures would come out to play and get the prey.

If the powerhouse of the boat is still strong after this then they would not attack and retreat to find another target.

Vicky doesn’t want to fall into the confrontation.

After this month the people that came with Aivana would leave here.

At that time they would find out that the teleportation gate is not working.

At that time they would think of staying here for a while.

During this time the gate would not get any better.

So the people behind Aivana and some likeminded people would ally themselves to use the boat to cross the waters.

The distance from one bank to the other that is the outer region to the middle region is very long.

It would take at least 6 months of time to travel on the fastest boat that travels at half the speed of light.

Even though they looked like a normal old sail boats the winds in the waters here can pull the boat at that high speed.

Chapter 256: the expected benefits of 7-star ark

It would take at least 6 months of time to travel on the fastest boat that travels at half the speed of light.

Even though they looked like a normal old sail boats the winds in the waters here can pull the boat at that high speed.

So boat is made of very sturdy materials with both metal and wood along with the sails that are made of special fabric.

Only this way can this boat catch the wind without breaking to travel at that high speed.


Vicky already knows about this boat and many other safety features of these boats.

So he did not have any problem riding one with many powerhouses on the side of Aivana.

This side of the apocalypse land is filled with deserts, rocks and minerals.

So, most of the powerhouses here are related to Dwarven clans of the apocalypse land.

Dwarves are very good with crafting.

These boats are crafted by them.

Usually they craft these boats to withstand the strong impacts from 4-star beasts most of the time.

But the beasts deep under the waters in this area reached the 5-star and in rare cases 6-star level monsters.

So the ships carrying only 4-star or 5-star level powerhouses would have more problems.

The group that came with Aivana only has one 5-star level powerhouse.

But they are from a 6-star city and they have connections.

So naturally when making this dangerous journey they would try to make the safety approach instead of the rash approach.

Well people in the apocalypse land are not rash people most of the time unless they are some unreliable lucky idiots. (Protagonists)


The time passed by slowly while Aivana made jerry visits Vicky almost every day.

The main purpose is to eat Vicky’s cooking.

Jerry was both happy and sad.

His relation with Aivana grew bigger but he was bothering Vicky too much too.

Vicky on the other hand did not feel that it is a bother.

As long as their ark reaches 7-star artifact level then it can let them stand in the safest place even if they are in the middle region of the apocalypse land.

Also after the ark reaches 7-artefact level one person travelling is enough for them all to travel along.

That is one person can move the ark from being stagnant in a single place.

This also gives them a chance to have children in the future and their safety is guaranteed.

But upgrading the ark would have problems like they are facing right now.

They would have to stay outside without any protection.

Considering this they have decided that they would have children after their ark upgrades to 10-star level and they have stable secure life.

Also after the ark upgrades to 7-star level it can be brought out as a ship with the previous tower.

The power of the ship is comparable to 7-star ship and no monster under 7-star level can cause any damage to it.

Also no monster below 8-star level can catch up with the ark ship.

So travelling after upgrading the ark is the best possible outcome for Vicky and the girls.


Time passed by slowly for another 20 days and most of the things related to the ark space have been improved.

It is around 26 days since the upgrade started.

At this moment many people have already realized that the teleportation gate is not working.

The problem is not with the teleportation gate but the safe channel of time and space could not be established.

The people from the middle region panicked a little because they could not return properly.

Most of them did not immediately set off by boat instead they looked at the situation carefully.

They understood that it has something to do with the zombie tied.

They are not in a hurry to leave.

Even if they set sail by boat they would take at least 6 months of times to reach the middle region.

So they decide to take chance and wait for another month to see the situation with the zombies.

If the zombies are controlled and the time and space channel stabilized they can directly connect the teleportation gate to travel to the middle region.

Even through teleportation it would take them around 6 hours of time.

During these 6 days the teleportation time and space channel should be stable.

If not then they might face very sever and dangerous consequences.

Some of them might be able to fall in the ocean between them.

But this is the lightest of the dangerous consequences.

They can fell into other spaces reaching some unknown in habitable land.


They might get torn into pieces by the fissures in the time and space.

They might fell into time loop and lose their life because of this.

They might get into a place of sealed places where something beyond apocalypse land was present.


Just like that there are many dangerous consequences.

So they calmed down.

But not everyone is calm and there are some early birds that wanted to take action.

They believe that delaying will only cause them to face more severe consequences.

So they immediately set off by boat.

The boat can contact the shore of the 3-star city for the distance of few hundred light years.

That cannot be measured like this instead the ship can contact the 3-star city after setting off the city for around 8 days of distance.

After that they could not be contacted and anything that happens to the ship remains unknown.

But the ship that sent off 8 days ago has sent messages continuously back for 8 days.

The messages they sent is that their ship was harassed by Zombified Sea creatures and from time to time there are some 4-star monsters that came to attack them.

The ship can still withstand this but they did not expect that on the eighth day they would face 2 5-star sea monsters attacking them at the same time.

Chapter 257: the relentless zombie attack

The messages they sent is that their ship was harassed by Zombified Sea creatures and from time to time there are some 4-star monsters that came to attack them.

The ship can still withstand this but they did not expect that on the eighth day they would face 2 5-star sea monsters attacking them at the same time.

After that the ship lost contact.

No one knows what happened to the ship.

But there is a bad premonition in the hearts of many people.

After knowing this many early birds don’t want to enter into the waters any more.

Even the ships that entered before returned.

One of the ships that are closest to the ship that lost contact got the final message that the port did not get the image.

This message was delayed and passed on through the other ship after reaching back to the port.

The reason for delay is the strange nature of living being.

If they were unable to make it back to the port safely they don’t want anyone to know about this information and more people would die in the process.

That is if they die then they are not willing to let others live.

Fortunately they came back to the port alive and the news appeared in the port.

“The first ship that set off from the port has encountered a 5-star Megalodon like beast.

It was swallowed whole without even getting a chance to send the message back or ask for help to the port.”

They did ask their nearest ship for support.

But the nearest ship actually turned around back to the port as soon as they received the message.

Just like this everything was cracked down and all the people that wanted to leave have stopped on the spot.

Vicky is not in haste as they still have to spend another 10 days of time before the ark upgrade is complete.

So they are not in a hurry.

Instead Vicky started to make food for them again and fill up their consumed food reserves.

The meat reserves were carefully made again.

They could not get the meat of the beasts back on earth.

The mutated beasts here have a specific problem with taste.

Only few parts of the meat have better taste and the remaining is all bitter.

Because of this Vicky has to buy a lot and carefully separate the useful parts.

All the useless parts are used to exchange back with his butchering skill it was well received.

So there is no loss in buying and selling meat.

But he would have to spend his time in this process.

Also the food that Vicky cooked was mostly for long time preparation work foods.

He wanted to make things in bulk.

So he would make the preparatory process first and store it in ark.

The warehouse is good for putting and taking the things.

So he used his time wisely.

Being with Vicky for so long the women also learnt to cook.

So under his guidance they helped Vicky cook the food and pack the things into boxes.

Everything was packed in carefully for one portion of lunch for them and was stored in the ark warehouse.

Water is plenty and they don’t want to get water from here anyway.

They wait till they came across a place with abundant water resource to get water.

Or replenish their water resource.

During their preparations their guests Aivana and Jerry would appear from time to time.

So they got the food and also brought over the message about the latest news in the 3-star city.

The information is valuable for Vicky and he appreciated about this news.

The food supplies that Aivana and Jerry consumed are not much greater than what they had on hand.

So Vicky did not bother about these little materials.


Another 10 days passed quickly with the unease and tensions in the city grew bigger and bigger.

There are so many zombies that it felt like an endless stream.

There are all kinds of zombies in many races from, humans, elves, dwarves and even beasts.

All of them started to attack the city without a care about anything.

They will not feel any pain no matter what they do and all the lower level zombies are completely brain dead.

Right then the 5-star lion beast that Vicky and the girls buried also took action.

It immediately became a 5-star zombie lion.

It started to attack the city without a care.

Also the last contact from the other cities no longer gave any response.

This means that all the other cities nearby have already fallen.

The people in the 3-star city were not in a good mood.

The 5-star lion gained its intelligence even though it was a zombie beast.

With its intelligence it ordered the other zombies to control the forest area.

But other 5-star beasts appeared and blocked its path.

Similarly it controlled the infected fish type beasts to infect more marine creatures.

But it was also stopped because of the strong marine creatures that directly destroyed the infected beasts to come to their layer.

But they also woke up from their slumber and cause the time and space channel to break with their strong energy.

So the 5-star lion diverted its target towards the 3-star city.

At first the people in the city can still bear with it for a while with many 4-star level powerhouses.

But as time passed on their recovery of magic power could not keep up with the attack of the zombies.

Even if they are low level zombies they are relentless and unless they got hit in the head they would not die.

Even if they are blasted they can still move as long as their head it intact.

Also they can upgrade to use magical energy.

When survivors use magical energy they could not use 100 percent of this.

If they used more than 60 percent they would feel dizzy.

Chapter 258: the broken balance between the people

When survivors use magical energy they could not use 100 percent of this.

If they used more than 60 percent they would feel dizzy.

The will be unable to fight properly.

But the zombies can use 100 percent of their energy both physically and in magical way too.

Naturally it is a big mismatch.

With that in the past month the situation of the 3-star city continued to deteriorate.

There is no way to comeback at all.

So the city council has no choice but to ask for help from the guests that arrived from the powerful clans from the middle region.

But can these people from the powerful clans work for free.

They would not do such a thing and the people from the city did not have many better things to offer.

Also the people from the middle region did not take the things here seriously.

They are still in the thoughts of leaving here as soon as the teleportation gate way connects the time and space channel with some stability.

They are waiting for this to happen and leave this mess behind.

They have their trump cards that can let them fight against these zombies.

But they are unwilling to use their trump cards here.

Also they still have to deliver back the costly materials they bought in the auction here.

Naturally they are unwilling.

With that the two sides are in stalemate while the zombies and the city are in unbalanced stalemate.

Things deteriorate every day.

The other 2-star cities around the forest also sent distress signals to the 3-star city for help.

But the 3-star city could not help itself how they can help others in their current situation.


Another month passed and the situation in the 3-star city is not good.

The food and water reserves have severely depleted.

The city was under complete lock down.

Every person present that is not in combat state should have to pay food and water along with spars as contribution for the people that are fighting.

This is the new law that was made by the council to cover the situation.

If they did not provide the set amount of materials then they have to come out and fight at the frontlines outside the city walls.

Vicky used the cheap useless materials he hoarded before to use here.

Even the water he provided is not good.

Also he sent the 6 women back into the ark space and only provided for one person.

Those guards checked the entire house and did not find any other person.

So things are arranged like this.

Naturally they would not ask form the guests from the middle region of the apocalypse land.

But they refused to help them so they can only do this.

If they did not accept these conditions then they would hole up in their own strong hold within the city instead of protecting the whole city.

Well they could not ask from the big powerhouses and make threats.

But it is not like they have a choice in this situation.

They could not move these big shots out of the buildings they are living in.

Also they buildings they live in are at the city center.

So even if the zombies enter into the city they have to go through then entire city before they reach this city center.

This was done specifically to show off their wealth and support to these big powerhouse from the powerful clans of the central region.

But now it turned against them and they did not have any support at all.


The desperate situation continued for another month

During this time some of the people went into the sea to leave from here.

They felt that the situation of this 3-star city is not good.

If the city is breached they will not be able to use the teleportation gate.

In this kind of situation they have to brave the sea and leave through the sea way.

But it is dangerous and they all have to form into a group of powerful men to leave from this place.

But the council of the city would not let them leave so easily.

If the powerhouses leave they would really be in the dangerous place.

They will not have any place to take a step back.

So the big powerhouse and clans of the council has made the decision to abandon the city and go to the middle region.


Right around that time Jerry came along to speak with Vicky.

He wanted to know what the plan of Vicky is.

Also Aivana told him that they are planning to take the risk and go to the middle region using a boat with few other big families.

If Vicky and his women also wanted to go this way then they will help them get along into the group.

Vicky on the other hand felt the good will of the person behind Aivana.

It is definitely not her thoughts but the person behind her.

Also it is not that the 5-star powerhouse behind Aivana wanted to help Vicky and his women.

Instead he felt that Vicky has a trump card from the higher power and wanted to have a safety escape route even if the situation is not good.

So they used the good will to come to them.

Vicky smiled and accepted their good will.

Just like they thought Vicky really had the back door that is the ark space.

But he would not use that easily.

If it was exposed then there will be many problems.

But going with the big clans is also a good thing with fewer amounts of problems.

Any way Jerry wanted to follow Aivana and he would not give up the things half way through.

So naturally Vicky would help his friend to pursue the woman his friend liked.

Vicky’s women also made this decision to follow along with the plan of Jerry to leave along with Aivana.

Chapter 259: coming to a deal with Gilol

So naturally Vicky would help his friend to pursue the woman his friend liked.

Vicky’s women also made this decision to follow along with the plan of Jerry to leave along with Aivana.

They did not fear anything and they are sure that they would survive the journey to the middle region of the apocalypse land.

With that they made the arrangements with the person behind Aivana.

The 5-star powerhouse behind Aivana is called Gilol.

He is an elder of Aivana and possibly a grandfather on her mother’s side in relation.

She is the most talented person in the younger generation of her mother’s family.

So she was favored the most in many situations.

Vicky and his women arrived at the place where they are staying.

It is the first time for Vicky to meet Gilol.

So Vicky brought over a small gift for Gilol.

The gift is few grams of broken silver and few grams of bloody silver.

They can be considered as priceless treasures in a 3-star city.

But to a person from the 5-star city they are very rare items.

They can still be obtained if they spent money but they are rare and hard to come by.

If it is a powerhouse from a 10-star city, they would simply look down on these two things.

Vicky is neither humble nor over bearing when he presented these materials.

This present shows that Vicky is not from a poor status.

Also he did not have much value for these small things.

On the other hand his background would be confirmed as strong and mysterious.

This is the effect Vicky wanted to have.

The people around Gilol sill had doubts in the background of Vicky before.

But now that doubt is gone with the present he just gave to Gilol.

If Vicky can present such rare materials then his background is definitely stronger than them.

So they would not look down on Vicky and his women.

Also the gifted materials are enough for them to take Vicky and his women with them without any complaints.

After giving the gift Vicky sat before Gilol and spoke naturally without any pressure or fear.

His actions, confidence and bearings looked like that of a young master from a powerful clan of force.

“It is nice to meet you mister Gilol.

I heard that you are a very good in making high grade artifacts.”

Gilol smiled and responded.

“I am just making them putting my heart into it.

It is not worth mentioning.

Previously Aivana brought over the food you cooked.

It was really an eyes opener that something can be made so deliciously with such few ingredients.


They spoke for a while which is a normal flattery.

Aivana on the side got board but Jerry was attentive.

He knows that Vicky is not from super big clan or anything.

Even the identities of Vicky were made by him.

But he still has doubts that Vicky might be from a big clan that lost its foundation.

He did not dare to say anything and he did not even speak to assist Vicky in this matter.

While speaking about the things Vicky came to the point,

“Mister Gilol, Aivana said that you are leaving this 3-star city by boat in a few days.

Is that true?”

Gilol nodded and said.

“Yes we are leaving by forming an alliance with the people from the other 5-star and 6-star city clans in the middle region.

Also the powers of the council of this 3-star city are also planning to abandon the city this time.

I would like to invite you and your people to come along.

More people there are more security there would be.”

Vicky knows that it is simply telling nonsense.

But Vicky accepted it with a nod and said.

“I know that this 3-star city would fall in a few days.

I also plan on leaving.

Going with you would be good since we are already acquaintances.

But I have a request.

Don’t tell anyone about my origin.

Just introduce me as a cook that can work for you.

You don’t have to worry about anything.

Also I don’t want anyone to know that the people following me are women.

If things get annoying, things might get out of hand.

When the lives of the people are involved, in desperation people can take violent decisions.

I don’t want any collateral damages on my side.”

If things really go out of hand, then Vicky don’t mind abandoning Jerry for his women and leave the ship decisively.

With the ark reaching 7-star artifact level, they did not fear anything.

But don’t want to reveal anything to these people and even to the closest person like Jerry, Vicky revealed nothing.

After their discussion they have decided to leave in around 2 days.

Vicky and the girls left from here back to their villa.

Well it is not that distance away from the central location.

Just a 20 minute walk.

As long as there is a signal they can move away from here decisively.

Vicky’s women were all there observing the situation carefully when they are in front of Gilol.

Vicky’s way of dealing with the things is really careful and precise.

He did not leave any gaps and told them clearly what he wanted to do.

In the next 2 days Vicky and his girls did not give out any supplies to the authorities of the city.

So they naturally broke into the villa to check.

But they did not find anyone in the villa.

Jerry on the other hand went to stay with the Aivana and discuss about his technology.

Jerry has a signal receiver of Vicky and Vicky can receive his call even though he is in space.

This is the benefits of the upgrading the ark space to this level.

Other than receiving signals, Vicky can also see and hear the things that are happening outside the ark space at where they are staying.

Chapter 260: choice if there is an accident

This is the benefits of the upgrading the ark space to this level.

Other than receiving signals, Vicky can also see and hear the things that are happening outside the ark space at where they are staying.

Well their villa was thoroughly searched and they found nothing.

The group of people from the city council left.

Vicky came out for a moment and then went inside.

For the next 2 days he was discussing the things with his women.

Well they are all on bed and they would talk while they play the bunny game.

Everyone has their own turn and they would play their own fetish.

Vicky would accommodate everything while he has his own thoughts.

The discussion is about the journey and the accidents that they might face during the journey.

There is no such thing as 100 percent possibility.

There are always errors.

Everyone say that the probability of head or tails when the coin is flipped is equal and it is 50 percent.

But they are fundamentally ignoring the other chances that the coin might be a fake that is the coin might have two heads or two tails.

Or there is a chance that a crow flew by and snatched the coin when it was in the air.

These conditions are ignored because the possibility of them happening is very less.

But the possibility of accidents is never ‘ZERO’.

So Vicky is discussing with his girls on what to do if the boat they sail has accident.

Naturally they would take out the boat of the ark space and escape.

After ark upgraded to 7-star artifact the previous tower has turned into a big ship like structure.

It can also be on land and travel like a vehicle.

It is not big but inside would be spacious because of space magic.

The problem here is not escaping but who should they save.

That is should they save Jerry, Aivana and her elder Gilol.

Well there is no proof that they would leak the information about Vicky and his girls.

So saving them is problematic.

But if they did not leak the information then saving them might give Vicky and his girls some stable foot hold in the apocalypse land middle region.

So they have to make their choice about saving them or not.

They would save Jerry because Jerry was very loyal.

As for Aivana, she should be saved because of Jerry and she is a good person.

The problem comes with other people.

If they only saved two people and a specific set of people, others would immediately become angry and would attack them.

The nature of living being is strange.

As long as they know that they would die they would try their best to kill others.

If they cannot live they do not want others to live as well.

So if there is a big accident when they are on ship.

Saving people need to be done discretely.

If not things would turn to the bad side.


Vicky and the girls made some plans and other things.

Natasha and Sakura made more contribution in this matter.

They can understand the situation more clearly and plan the things to their best interests.

With their plan explained all the other girls and Vicky thought of the feasibility of the plan.

Only when they thought that the plan did not have many flaws they accepted it.

Even if the flaw appeared they would directly dispose the saving candidates to remove the flaw.

That is if the flaw appeared because of Jerry, Aivana and her people then Vicky and his girls would decisively abandon them on the spot.

To Vicky and his girls living is the most important thing.

Yes he values friendship but not at the cost of his life.

If he did that he is not different than an idiot.

If it is for his loved ones like the loyal wife and filial children then he would definitely take the risk of life.

But for a friend he would not take that risk and cut of the problem at the root cause.

A friend that can bring a life threatening problem to threaten his life and his women’s life is not a good friend.

With the decision made 2 days passed by quickly.

That day everyone got to the port.

Vicky and his girls quickly joined up with Aivana and Gilol.

Gilol introduced Vicky as the cooking staff along with his women.

But no one knows that the people beside Vicky are woman.

All of them covered their body with a special armor and there is also a cloak to cover their appearance.

There is no inspection and they got on the ship.

They would set sail in 2 hours.

There are more than 32 ships and the formation of the movement would be with hierarchy.

That is people from 6-star level can travel at the center of the formation in their ship.

People with lower level would be at the outermost edge.

Even though it is unfair no one would refuse this.

Just going out of this place is already good and they don’t want to fuzz over the small things.

Also no one expect the other person to save them because they are already unwilling to save them.

Since it is like that the people at the outer edge would be the cannon fodder or the people without much background.

When Vicky saw this formation he suddenly had a bad feeling.

That is the system might bring over another stupid protagonist around this time.

An accidental encounter and gaining some great benefits,

This is the best situation for something like that to happen.

As soon as Vicky got the doubt Vicky told Ginny to pay attention to all the ships for special situations.

The situations like bullying, assassinating or something strange in this dangerous situation.

Ginny and all the girls understood this situation and they would stay alert if something like that were to happen.


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