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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 236: he became sixth Hokage accidentally

They all saw him defeating the Akatsuki ninja called the pain.

Many of them died before but they all came back to life now.

Naturally the other ninja that are alive described that Naruto came to fight with pains and took the fight outside the village.

After that they all came back to life.

What does this means?

This means that Naruto revived them all after defeating the enemy that caused all this destruction.

This made them look at Naruto with much greater appreciation.

It is like they are looking at him like he was their parent.

During the chaos something has actually happened.

Naruto was concentrated on Nagato while Danzo brought over some roots to take hostage of Shizune.

Then he used Shizune to make Tsunade drink something poisonous.

The result is Tsunade was thrown into comatose state just like that in the plot.

Originally she should die but because of her capabilities in healing and poison removal she was able to drop into this passive state.

Originally Naruto’s clone should replace him after he left Tsunade.

But something happened and Naruto’s clone left here.

This was the order of Tsunade saying that she will be fine with many Anbu on her side.

But this did not work with many root ninja suddenly appearing and causing this entire thing.

When Naruto came back to find out about this matter, Danzo has already left the hidden leaf village with Koharu and Hamura to meet with daimyo.

The poison in the body of Tsunade is tricky.

It would take him a day to completely clear out the poison from her body.

This poison is particularly sticky and connects itself to the internal organs and other important parts tightly.

So he has to remove the poison little by little so that there are not future problems.

During that day, Shikaku and others went to the meeting with daimyo.

It was announced that Danzo would be the sixth Hokage.

By the time he healed Tsunade and let her rest he left a wood shadow clone to take care of Tsunade and Shizune.

Naruto knows that going out now is not a good thing for him and he would not make much difference with Danzo.

So he decided to wait here to meet the team of Samui.

The letter would be taken by Naruto from the hands of Danzo.

Right when team Samui came over to meet with Tsunade with the village damaged to a certain extent Shizune spoke that Tsunade is in coma.

Then Danzo came over to take the letter from Samui saying that he is the sixth Hokage.

But that did not work as Naruto appeared out of nowhere and kicked on the back of Danzo.

This made him land on his face directly with his legs open up into the air.

Naruto received the letter from Samui and said.

“You are from the land of lightning right.

How is Yugito Nii?

Is she doing well?”


The expression of Samui changed and asked Naruto if he was Naruto.

Naruto nodded and started to talk to her.

Danzo got up from the ground with angry face.

“I am the sixth Hokage,

I hear by order you to go to the confinement cell of the roots and be under complete surveillance.

Roots capture him immediately.”

Danzo shouted with the top of his lungs.

But now reply came from anywhere.

Even the roots don’t want to take a step forward.

The ones that wanted to take the step forward are already restrained by the roots of the plants.

So they are stuck without a chance of moving.

Karui on the side don’t know why Danzo is shouting like this.

So she asked before Samui even reply to Naruto’s question.

“What is that old man shouting like that?”

Naruto smiled and said.

“Well he is the appointed temporary sixth Hokage.

He took the position with force and deceit.

So no one actually cares about him and accepts him as the sixth Hokage.

During the last fight with Akatsuki he was cowardly and hid in his underground base.

Also he came to attack our people and even the fifth Hokage using a hostage.

All in all he became the sixth Hokage by accident.

So it is considered as invalid.

The fifth Hokage is my woman and I can answer in her place.

So don’t worry about him.”

Karui thoughtfully closed her mouth knowing that the situation is not very good.

Samui on the other hand replied to Naruto.

“Sister Yugito is doing well.

She said that she was saved by the 9 tails jinchūriki called Naruto that was training nearby at that time.

We did not expect to meet you in person.

Personally I thank you for saving her.

I have seen her hard life as a jinchūriki and I really hope that she would be happy.

Fortunately the tailed beast is gone now and she became an ordinary ninja.

But most people are still avoiding her fearing the tailed best that is inside her before.


Naruto nodded listening to her.

At that time Danzo could no longer hold back and wanted to use his wind style vacuum punch attack on Naruto.

He could not use the Sharingan on his body right now.

It would reveal his important trump card.

So he wanted to attack Naruto with vacuum punch.

The team Samui was shocked and wanted to protect Naruto.

But they reacted too slowly and the attack of Danzo landed on Naruto.

But strangely Naruto did not suffer any damage at all.

Instead he caught the neck of Danzo with his hand and threw him like he was throwing a javelin.

Danzo was thrown by more than few hundred meters with reaching the highest height from ground around 100 meters into the air.

The team Samui believed the claim of Naruto being the strongest person here that can take the letter in place of Tsunade.

So after delivering the letter they waited for the reply.

Chapter 237: temporary Hokage Naruto

The team Samui believed the claim of Naruto being the strongest person here that can take the letter in place of Tsunade.

So after delivering the letter they waited for the reply.

While it is happening here Naruto’s clone has already went to the capital and gained the right to speak with daimyo.

The reason is to get himself be appointed as temporary Hokage before Tsunade woke up.

Also Naruto brought all the ministers to the meeting.

For the proof of power Naruto showed them the wood style and the sage mode that made the first Hokage Senju Hashirama famous.

Also being the 9 tails jinchūriki has given him extra edge in this matter.

So the previous decision to make Danzo the sixth Hokage was removed and Naruto was named as temporary Hokage before Tsunade wakes up.

With the degree passed Naruto’s clone took this and used the flying thunder god technique to appear in the hidden leaf village.

Another one of Naruto’s clone gathered the clan leaders of the hidden leaf village along with Shikaku to tell them about the order from daimyo.

Before Naruto completed reading the letter his shadow clone with the order of daimyo arrived and another shadow clone with the clan heads and important people of the village also arrived.

The sudden appearance of so many people startled team Samui.

But they still kept cool.

They are like ambassadors and they will not be implicated by anyone of thing.

Danzo has already left here but one of the root ninja is lingering around.

They wanted to know about the contents of the letter that was sent by the Raikage.

But Naruto did not speak about the letter instead he took out the order from daimyo and started to read it.

With this order Danzo was not longer the Hokage or the sixth Hokage position belongs to him.

It clearly mentioned that he is not the Hokage and he was not appointed.

Then Naruto was appointed as temporary Hokage.

Then Naruto took the letter from the Raikage and explained about the 5 Kage summit.

The ninja from the roots went to explain about this matter and the anger of Danzo busted out.

He was directly told that he was not the sixth Hokage and no sixth Hokage was named.

This means that his previous efforts were all wasted completely.

This made the situation more and more complicated for him.

But he doesn’t want to stop here and go to the daimyo to talk about this matter.

On the other hand Sasuke that is coming to the hidden leaf village to get his revenge was stopped by Obito just like in the plot.

But Zetsu that appeared gave different news that made even Obito confused and strange.

The news about Danzo being kicked out as the sixth Hokage and his position was taken over by Naruto being temporary Hokage.

Also Naruto defeating pain made them become even more wary of him.

The target of Sasuke was still shifted to Danzo.

Danzo went to the capital to speak about this matter with daimyo.

But a clone of Naruto stood guard for daimyo to guard against the aggressive behavior of Danzo.

So daimyo stood on his decision.

Danzo was disappointed and decided to return back to the hidden leaf village.

This is where Sasuke wanted to intercept Danzo.

Naruto has already anticipated about this matter and told Kabuto about this matter.

Kabuto has half improved in the sage arts with the help of Naruto.

Orochimaru’s remaining soul was already branded with the soul servant seal of Naruto.

So he could not anything.

Kabuto was ready to take his revenge even if he only got half of the powers of the sage mode from the snake cave.

So Naruto’s clone took him to the place where Sasuke would confront Danzo.

They would take the right time to kill Danzo in the slowest and most painful way possible.

Naruto also wants to take this opportunity to capture Sasuke at that time and turn him into a woman.

After that he would let Sai pursue the female Sasuke or Sasuka.

That would be great.

When Sasuke was exhausted is the perfect time to play with him.

The main body of Naruto left few clones in the hidden leaf village for safety and decided to go to the meeting of the 5 Kage.

As for his aid he wanted to take Shikaku and Shikamaru with him.

Shizune and Karin are currently tending to Tsunade.

Also Naruto doesn’t want to take Kakashi with him.

Kakashi will be here to keep an eye on the roots along with the situation of Jiraiya.

Naruto is going to meet with few beauties along the way.

Also Naruto looked at team Samui and said.

“I am a jinchūriki myself and found information from pain from Akatsuki that I just fought few days ago.

It is said that the 8 tails that Sasuke brought back is a fake one.

Most probably your boss killer B should still be alive and is hiding in your place.

It is better to go the 5 Kage meet with me and talk about this with Raikage directly.

Being a jinchūriki I can sense his presence that is still alive and active.

So don’t worry about this matter.”

One of the clones of Naruto specifically hides beside Anko that would be targeted by Danzo to get to Orochimaru.

One clone is specifically kept an eye on all of the root ninja.

Sai on the other hand got information from Naruto that he would bring female Sasuke to be with him.

Sakura on the other hand don’t know how to react to this matter.

In the last few days Naruto played with her nipples so much that they actually started to show the signs of growing.

She actually had tits under her nipples now and she was very happy with that.

Because of this good news about her tits growing, she already forgot about Sasuke to some extent.

Chapter 238: I have a little grudge against the hidden cloud village

She actually had tits under her nipples now and she was very happy with that.

Because of this good news about her tits growing, she already forgot about Sasuke to some extent.

Her mind is completely filled with Naruto pinching her nipples hard.


After settling the things here Naruto left with team Samui towards the meeting of the 5 Kage.

Sai on the other hand sent a message to Danzo that Naruto is going to 5 Kage summit.

Naruto told him to send this message.

Danzo would feel at ease that he can meet with daimyo without the presence of Naruto.

But he will be walking right into the trap that Naruto set for him.

After today Danzo would never return.

With him dead the roots can finally be free and Naruto would remove the brain washing that Danzo did.

Naruto wanted to meet Raikage for a specific reason.

That is to test his current body with the power of Raikage lightning power.

So he and team Samui left at the same time and move on towards the area they decided to have the summit of the 5 Kage.

Naturally on the way Naruto talked with Samui and Karui.

Instead of calling it talking it is more like flirting.

When they are half way through to the location where 5 Kage summit was held, they met with the group of Raikage.

Naruto looked at Raikage and said.

“You are really a muscular man.

You looked quite strong.

Mind if I play a round with you like a friendly exchange.”

Naruto said calmly but the eyes of the people around him changed.

Raikage also did not understand the words of Naruto.

Also he did not know Naruto.

So he looked at Samui for explanation.

“Sir, he is Naruto Uzumaki the temporarily appointed Hokage in place of previous Hokage Tsunade.

He is also the 9 tails jinchūriki and said that boss killer B might be hiding.

He said that after defeating an Akatsuki member called pain he gave out this information that the killer B they captured is actually a fake clone.”

Raikage looked at Naruto and said.

“You look very tender, do you still want to fight with me for a round.

We are going to the Kage summit.

You might look bad if something happens.”

Naruto smiled and said.

“Well, Raikage I have a slight grudge against the hidden cloud village.

First of all, the red haired woman that you tried to kidnap before is actually my mother Kushina Uzumaki and the previous jinchūriki.

Second is the Hyuga clan woman that you want to kidnap before is my woman Hinata Hyuga.

I don’t know ninja would have bandit like behavior instead of the behavior like a ninja.

Also kidnapping of little girls and women is really a bad behavior of a strong power.

Even though I know all this I saved someone from your village before when I met by accident.

The reason I saved her is because she was a jinchūriki like me.

If you are strong then I would not do anything.

But if you are week then I might have to follow your example and get what I wanted from the land of lightning.

So a gentle spar is needed to test the things if you don’t mind.”

Naruto’s words seem very reasonable.

But there is no blushing on the faces of any of the people from the land of lightning that is hidden cloud village.

Raikage felt that what Naruto said made sense.

Since he has a grudge against the hidden cloud village, as the head of the hidden cloud village that is as the Kage of the hidden cloud village he has to answer to Naruto.

So they decided to spar a little.

It is a simply and normal spar without taking the life of the other party.

Shikaku and Shikamaru did not say anything from the start to the end.

They felt that Naruto would do things in a clear and precise manner.

This is what they understood after what they saw Naruto’s actions for many years.

Raikage also got ready to fight without listening to the words of his men.

“You have to be responsible for your actions boy.”

Naruto smiled and said.

“If you failed to attack me properly then I might take some severe steps in the future.

You and your people should be responsible for your actions.”

The words of Naruto really provoked them.

With that said they walked to the slight open space in the snow and got ready to fight.

The body of Raikage started to emit lightning.

Naruto on the other hand did not even make a hand seal or he looked ready for the fight.

Instead he stood there for the attack of Raikage.

Raikage felt that Naruto is looking down on him.

So he immediately flamed up.

To be precise he was zapped up with lightning.

Even in this snow and cold place the hands and forehead of Shikaku and Shikamaru was clearly sweating.

The people on the hidden cloud village thought that Shikaku and Shikamaru were tense because of Naruto.

But it was the other way around.

They don’t know what Naruto would do to Raikage after the end of the fight.

Naruto is not a simple person.

They got message from the ministers of daimyo about the deeds of Naruto that came to them to become temporary Hokage.

They are even willing to make him the permanent Hokage with all the power he has on his hand.

What is a little lightning can do to a person that might have power beyond the first Hokage Senju Hashirama.

Soon the fight started and Raikage charged towards Naruto at an extremely fast speed.

“Here I come, boy.

How your body is as sturdy as your words.”

With that he moved like an arrow with the speed of lightning with a fist in front of him moving towards Naruto.


The punch made its contact.

Chapter 239: third Hokage defeated


The punch made its contact.

Naruto that received the punch felt that the strength of the punch is not that great.

Raikage must have used around 60 percent of his strength.

The punch felt like the full strength punch of Sakura and casual punch from Tsunade.

If Naruto has to say then this punch did not cause him any damage.

Even the lightning energy around the punch that should cause excess damage was dispersed by the thin wind film that is around his body.

There is too much dust in the air that is caused by the impact of Raikage rushing forward to punch to cover the situation from being scene by others.

But they all heard the words of Raikage at that moment.

“No, it is not possible.”

The dust quickly settled revealing the scene in front of them.

Naruto is still standing on the same spot without moving while Raikage’s punch made contact to Naruto’s body around the stomach.

But nothing has actually happened.

It did not even move Naruto by an inch.

The expressions from the people of the land of clouds changed.

Naruto smiled and said.

“Raikage, don’t hold back.

As long as you are not strong enough then you know what you would face.

If you could not stop me then I will directly take over the hidden cloud village along with the land of lightning.

If you prove your power I want to talk a different deal with you.

So don’t hold back and unleash all your power.”

The words of Naruto made Raikage feel that he was ridiculed.

In rage he decided to use his full strength.

Also he was shocked that Naruto did not have any damage on his body.

He thought that it is some sort of Jutsu that would stop all the physical damage.

But there should be a limit.

So he wanted to do a relentless attack on Naruto.

With continuous hitting he wanted to see if Naruto’s defensive Jutsu can still keep up.

With that he started to increase the lightning output and started to punch Naruto with his full power and speed.

But Naruto stood on the spot without moving.

But if they observed carefully the can see that Naruto was moving by a millimeter for every punch he received.

Even though the punches did not break the defenses of Naruto it moved him back slowly.

After a while Naruto moved back by 10 centimeters.

But his smile did not change and he looked as good as he was before.

Raikage also stopped his punches and looked shocked.

He has spent over 50 percent of his chakra but he could not break the defense of Naruto.

Also was even more shocked because Naruto did not use his tailed beast chakra all this time.

If he used it then he can sense the chakra.

Since Naruto did not use his tailed beast chakra then he is currently fighting with his own chakra.

This means that Naruto’s chakra might be strong than his own chakra.

Also Naruto did not attack back all this time and his face did not show panic or anything all this time.

Instead he is smiling sarcastically towards Raikage all this time.

It is a naked provocation to him.

This made Raikage enter into rage mode and decided to fight Naruto with his trump card.

It is the trump card that he used to pierce through the Susanoo that is said to be the strongest defense.

This time Naruto showed a slight serious expression.

But it is not so serious.


The hand of Raikage pierced through the wind film and touched the plant vines covering the body.

The plant vines are cut and the force even broke his skin a little.

A small drop of blood came out of the skin of Naruto and everything stopped.

Third Raikage could not move forward any more.

The face of third Raikage changed because he understood his attack the most.

So he knows what it means to have this kind of impact.

His face showed horror and Naruto finally moved his hand to slap the third Raikage.

His body flew from this position like a bullet shot out of a gun.

When he reached around 60 meters from Naruto he stopped.

The damage is not much because of the lightning body around him.

The wound on Naruto’s body closed up.

Then the plant and wind barrier sealed up.

With that Naruto looked at third Raikage and said with claps.

“Clap… claps…..

You are really strong Raikage.

Unfortunately you are not strong enough.”

The team Samui along with the men that came with third Raikage came to his side as Naruto walked over towards third Hokage.

When arrived in front of him, Naruto spoke again.

“You are strong and I can discuss some things with you later after the summit of the 5 Kages is over.

I hope you don’t mind chatting with me.”

Naruto said and returned towards Shikamaru and Shikaku.

Raikage knows that Naruto did not hit him hard and did not even use his full power.

He really sensed a great sense of danger and panic.

It is not that he is afraid of death.

Instead it was the instinctive fear that would come out from the very core of his being.

The people surrounding him asked if he is okay.

He could not speak about this matter and sigh.

Things have come to this point.

So he could not shy away from the things.

It might seem that the hidden cloud village might stop existing in his reign as the Raikage.

He doesn’t know what future holds but he was sure that he could not face Naruto and win.

He can try with large number of people.

But there are still other strong people from the hidden leaf village.

There is Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Kakashi…..

So he was sure that their village could not win against Naruto with their current strength and capabilities.

Chapter 240: form an alliance and I am the alliance leader

There is Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Kakashi…..

So he was sure that their village could not win against Naruto with their current strength and capabilities.

He can try to form alliance with other nations to take care of this matter.

But first he has to listen to the demands of Naruto before making the decision to go to war.

Well it has to wait before they are done with the 5 Kage summit.

They made it to the summit area.

After small verification they entered into the area where the conference is held.

Naruto got a good welcome from Gaara.

Well they both are friends and in a way Gaara is his brother in law because of Temari.

Naruto also attracted the attention of Terumi Mai.

Well Naruto did not look like a hillbilly.

Instead he was warm and handsome.

Gaara started to speak first and Tsuchikage interrupted many times in the middle.

Naruto did not speak during this time and let them speak as they please.

He can show off right when his opportunity arises.

Well his time came when they talked about the people that can actually control the tailed beasts.

Naruto looked calm and spoke.

“You people did not have much understanding of the things like Gaara did.

Well you are not the hosts of those beasts right.

I am also a host and also I am the host of the strongest beast.

It is your stupid thinking that makes things difficult to control the beats or anything.

As long as you obtain a proper relation and communicate with the beast they would listen to you.

You said that you old man that just barely reaching a century saying that you should be respected.

The tailed beasts are all over 1000 years old, they know more than us and they are stronger than us.

Don’t they deserve respect?

Does stupidly fighting with them and imprisoning them like brainless idiots?


Onoki immediately flared up and started to float into the air.

But the moment he made eye contact with Naruto he immediately deflated.

Naruto’s eyes formed Sharingan and this shocked the people present.

Also Onoki has a deep shadow in his mind about Uchiha Madara and Sharingan.

The assistances immediately came out wanting to stop the fight.

But with Onoki stopping they also stopped and moved back to their places with the words of the presiding person from the land of iron.

The people looked at Naruto with shock but Naruto did not give them any explanation and continued with his words.

“I have defeated the leader of the Akatsuki called pain.

But he is only the leader on surface and someone is pulling the strings from behind.

Also he calls himself as Madara Uchiha.

But I suspect that he is not Madara Uchiha but someone else with a Sharingan.

He is trying to do something by collecting all these tailed beasts.

Most probably he wants to wage a war against all the ninja villages at the same time.

He might want to take over the world or conquer the world.

Let me ask you a question.

How sure are you to face at least 7 tailed beasts head on and win against them with the current strength of your village?”

The other Kage’s immediately became silent indicating that they are not sure.

Even Raikage was silent.

Naruto has already told him that killer B is still alive and he might have taken refuge during this time.

So he was not included in the number before.

After looking at the faces of the people present Naruto spoke.

“If we are like loose sand then we will all lose the battle one by one.

So I propose that we form an alliance.

Only with an alliance can be face against the attack of the tailed beasts and survive.

By the way, I am telling this because I am worried about you.

As for my former question, I can clearly answer that I can let hidden leaf village survive against the combined attack of the 7 tailed beasts without any problem.

So make your choice now and you don’t have to fight for the position of the leader.

I can stand there as the leader and lead the people.

But you can also choose other wise and I will not bother with you during the attack in the future.

Also if you think you are strong enough then you can come and fight me.

As long as you defeat me then I will leave the position of the alliance leader to you.”

Naruto’s words are really arrogant.

But they are backed by his power.

A strong power and pressure surged on the surrounding people.

The bloody red yes with Sharingan looking at the people gave them a fear that is instinctive.

Raikage was even more trembling because Naruto did not even use his Sharingan when he fought with him.

His defense is so powerful and he still has many trump cards in his hand.

Everyone knows the power and horror of Sharingan after knowing about Madara Uchiha.

So naturally they would feel fear when facing Naruto.

Before they made the decision the white Zetsu appeared at the center of the room.

It appeared here to leak the information about Sasuke.

Also it wanted to speak with Naruto.

It is about the eyes of Nagato that it the Rinnegan that Naruto took from Nagato.

But the white Zetsu in front of him is just for diversion.

The black Zetsu appeared behind Naruto and passed him the message of wanting to meet and talk before it left.

The white Zetsu on the other hand shouted that it wanted to tell them about the whereabouts of Sasuke Uchiha.

Raikage was more interested in this matter and wanted to know the location of Sasuke and get his revenge for the killer B.

Even though Naruto said that killer B is still alive.

He still has his doubts and could not believe the words of Naruto completely.


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