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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 146: the leaf covering her crotch fell off revealing everything

Also her pussy and ass hole are really craving for some cum inside them.

Unfortunately it is not the time and place for these things.

She put on this sexy outfit and walked with her curvy body shaking with her every step.

She is really hot making the men take second glances at her and stare at her body with eyes full of lust.

Also she walked proudly and seductively when she walked inside.

She did not seem to be shy about anything.

Well she has been naked on a ship for a few days before in front of many lustful pirates.

She can still take the thoughts of these few people without fluttering.

Even if they want to fuck her on the spot, she is ready.

But this party would be crashed soon by the soldiers of east India Company.

So she could not do anything about this matter.

Also William turner would be seeing her in her current appearance.

Most probably he would be heartbroken.

But it has nothing to do with Elizabeth and she did not care.

It is his turn to understand the things.

It was for him that she is doing all this.

So naturally he has to forgive her about these small things.

Elizabeth has a small goal here.

That is to save the twins Lian and Park.

These beauties will belong to her and become her maids in the future.

They are capable and small tweaking is needed.

Right when she was thinking about this matter Sao Feng brought out will from the big water tub on the side.

When he was pulled out his first reaction is actually not towards his life but towards Elizabeth in her hot outfit.

Right when Sao Feng wanted to kill William turner Elizabeth naturally showed reaction

“No… No”

Because of her movements the leaf that was stuck to her pussy fell down revealing her beautiful pussy to everyone present.

Well it was done by her on purpose to gain more lust points.

Actually will already saw her naked once before when Barbossa made her walk the plank naked when they marooned her and Jack on the unnamed island.

So his reaction is not as exaggerated.

But he was more aroused instead.

Right then the thin one of the dim wit pirates along with others saw her pussy with her wide legs from below the wooden boards through the cracks.

The plot continued when they snapped back from her charm.

Right then the mercer and the soldiers arrived.

Elizabeth could not show her current appearance to mercer so as to not to let Lord Beckett know about her and cause problems to Norrington.

So she hid carefully from being attacked behind the pirates of Sao Feng.

Also she pulled the twin sister that should be shot dead from being killed.

This time mercer did not shoot at her because Lord Beckett ordered him to not to do anything to Elizabeth and let her move along with her plan.

Even if mercer saw that Elizabeth appeared in such an embarrassing position he would not do anything to her.

He was following orders of Lord Beckett to the point.

This gave the twin sisters a good impression of Elizabeth for a moment.

Since one of the twin sisters did not die the other one did not go to get revenge.

Naturally they ducked down and escaped with the flow.

In the place of the twin sisters the person died is actually another pirate from Sao Feng’s crew.

But no one cares about a dead pirate.

So the things are solved in this manner.

Mercer did not go after the twin sister pirates that are closely following Elizabeth instead he went to take care of William turner and Sao Feng.

But he stopped because William turner is still working on the mission that lord Beckett gave him from before.

Well he doesn’t know that Norrington took the heart of Davy Jones to lord Beckett before him.

So it is natural that things would turn out this way.

Will saw Elizabeth that is still dressed up in coconut cups without anything under to cover her pussy and because speechless.

He removed his short to cover her body.

Unfortunately the shirt was too short and he did not notice that he only covered her upper body with her pussy and ass still on display because of the darkness.

Elizabeth felt the hands of some pirates that would touch her bear ass from time to time in the darkness.

Well they escaped from the death situation and they need something to ease their tensed nerves.

One gently touched her ass one but Elizabeth did not shout or say anything.

Instead she smiled at them.

It is like giving them a green signal so naturally they started to touch her ass more.

One of them even tried to finger her pussy and ass hole but they arrived at the ship that they bargained with Sao Feng.

Other than that the two twins followed Sao Feng to take care of him while Tai Huang brought a small crew to take them to the ship and set Sail.

Also Tai Huang has his eyes on the body of Elizabeth from the moment he laid his eyes on her.

So he would take his time to feel her up later when her other crew is not with her.

While they are trying to bring back Jack, Lord Beckett is not idle.

They have already taken control of Davy Jones and the Flying Dutchman.

They killed the kraken and they started to hunt down other pirate ships one after the other.

This was a smooth journey with Davy Jones present with his strong ship and capabilities.

While escaping Elizabeth gave another letter to mercer silently.

This letter was taken from her portable pussy space and told him to deliver it to Lord Beckett.

Mercer was naturally not interested in the appearance of Elizabeth because he has some problems with being a man.

Chapter 147: at the end of the world

This letter was taken from her portable pussy space and told him to deliver it to Lord Beckett.

Mercer was naturally not interested in the appearance of Elizabeth because he has some problems with being a man.

He got the letter with stern face and let Elizabeth escape from there quickly.

He hunted down other pirates but let Elizabeth and others escape from this place smoothly.

He don’t know what her goal is, since his master supports her, he would support her as well.

As for the appearance of Elizabeth in coconut cups without anything to cover her pussy, he would not speak a word of this with Lord Beckett.

He knows better than anyone that Lord Beckett seems to have loved Elizabeth.

If he tells this matter to Lord Beckett, the heat of Lord Beckett might break and he might get blamed for not taking action to save Elizabeth before she was stripped naked.

He loves his life as much as any other human.

Naturally he would not speak about this matter to anyone.

Only William among her loves can get to see her naked in front of many people and feel the humiliation from other men.

As the main protagonist he should at least bear that much.

Elizabeth on the other hand used all the gained lust points that perfectly enough to upgrade her portable pussy space to level 20.

Well she was seen naked and generated too many lust points during this time.

So all of this added up and gave her just enough to upgrade her portable pussy space all the way to level 20.

With this upgrade she is only left with 2 thousand lust points.

She kept the lust points just in case.

All of her other skills also improved during this time because of her constant effort of using them one after the other.

Also getting fucked by many people has increased her experience points.

Well she did fight with the pirates more than once.

This also improved her experience and level.

All that was not improved is actually the system level.

Lilith also did not use the gained system points for her exaggerated prices during this time.

She wanted to let Elizabeth improve her system level first.

Then she would improve the system level based on her needs in the future.

She still has to go to many other worlds.

So is accumulating things to gain benefits later.

The ship set sail and she got some thick fur blanket to cover her body when they reached the cold area.

Well they did not prepare another set of clothes for her.

In order to not to cause any problem to her skin, under the cover of the blanket she transferred the coconut cups that are covering her tits into the portable pussy space.

She can put them back when they reached the land of the dead.

Also William turner could not be without a shirt.

So she gave him to shirt back after covering her body with the thick fur blanket.

At the same time she sat between the two dimwit pirates that are sitting beside the shivering monkey.

Occasionally she would touch their dicks under the cover of the blanket to let them be warm.

Also it would make her body warm.

The two dimwit pirates had their hands inside her blanked rubbing various parts of her body from time to time.

This will keep her warm and also keep them warm from being aroused.

Also they are very close to her because of the cold.

William did not say anything and felt that it was cold and it was nice if they could keep Elizabeth warm.

He did not thing of other things only staying close in this emergency situation.

After seeing her naked in front of so many people twice things in his mind has changed significantly.

Also he started to get the ideas of watching Elizabeth getting close to other men.

He even wants to see her getting touched on tits, pussy and asshole by other men.

But he did not reach the position where he watches her getting fucked by other men.

They moved on to the edge of the world or the end of the world under the careful navigation of Barbossa.

Elizabeth did not expect to come to a place with still water and starry sky like this.

Also the cold is temporarily gone in this place.

Most probably she reached the mystical place of poles instead of normal north and south poles.

The calm did not last long because there is a huge hole in the water ahead and there is a water fall like thing.

It was such a big hole that they could not see its shape other than the falling edge.

It is really the end of the world like it was mentioned in some mythologies that the land is actually flat.

At the end of the world there is a fall of water leading to the underworld.

At the center of the flat earth there is a way to reach the upper world.

Elizabeth knows that she has to hold on to something and she let go off the blanket that is covering her body and held on to the rope.

She inserted a part of the blanket into her pussy beforehand so that she can still use it later in emergencies.

When the ship started to tilt into the water fall things started to fall off the ship.

At that time the blanket also left her body revealing her naked body.

She put back the coconut cups back on her tits before this happened.

At that time the blanket entered into her portable pussy space under her careful setting.

The people around are not in a mood to think about her beauty at this moment as the ship started to fall into the huge ocean fall.

“Ahaaaa…..” X everyone…

When they woke up they are at the beach of unknown land.

Chapter 148: monster core of the kraken

“Ahaaaa…..” X everyone…

When they woke up they are at the beach of unknown land.

Elizabeth got on to the shore with others.

The ship that they used to come here was completely broken.

“I don’t see Jack.

I don’t see anyone.”

Elizabeth spoke attracting the attention of others.

She is only wearing the coconut cup that covered her tits and even they just fall off after she just spoke to attract the attention of others.


She is completely naked causing the men to momentarily forget about the situation they are in.

William did not say anything or struggled looking at the naked exhibition of Elizabeth’s body.

Instead he leisurely came forward and reluctantly gave her his shirt to cover her body.

But her cleavage was clearly displayed because of the lost buttons on his shirt.

Also the shirt barely came to her ass and did not properly cover her pussy.

Instead of wearing nothing, wearing something like this made her more erotic and aroused the men around.

They gulped down their saliva completely forgetting their current situation for a few moments.

Tai Dalma was the only person that was not attracted to Elizabeth and looked at the situation calmly.

She then collected her rock crab and said that Jack was nearby.

Right then the ship with Jack at the top started to sail down the sandy dunes with the help of rock crabs.

Only then did the people reacted to this and came out of the charm of Elizabeth.

When William found that Elizabeth is the reason for the death of Jack in the mouth of kraken he was shocked.

Not only him most others are also shocked.

They did not expect that a hot looking beauty would do something like that.

But it is not the point here.

They want to leave here and the ship is in the hands of Jack.

Naturally they would be inclined to Jack.

So they got on the ship.

Jack only acted like this because of his paranoid state.

But Elizabeth already told him that she would come to save him and here she has come to save him.

He needs some time to remember the things and assess the situation carefully.

But the plot moved on normally.

In the night when the ghosts started to float in the waters and the small boats with lanterns they did not see governor Swann.

This means that governor Swann was still alive and well.

Instead they actually saw Norrington on one of the small boats.

Elizabeth was really shocked and called Norrington.


William was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

As for how Norrington died is by accidentally touching the taboo of the Davy Jones that was specifically arranged by Lord Beckett and mercer.

Well he doesn’t want anyone to through dibs on Elizabeth and stay alive.

Naturally they plotted this and killed Norrington.

So the chat between Norrington and Elizabeth is not that touching.

Well he is at peace after his death as losing everything changed his mind.

He told Elizabeth the information related to the Davy Jones heart and sailed away even without taking the rope.

Well the time is a strange thing.

If one escapes other has to take its place to fill the gap.

So in place of governor Swann Norrington took his place.

Elizabeth did not appear as sad as she should be.

In the morning next day they did not have any water or even rum on the Ship.

When the Ship is sunk all the water is gone.

And when they are fighting kraken they spent all the gun powder and rum.

So they did not have anything much other than few missing barrels.


With the up side down Elizabeth and other returned back to the normal world from the endless seas between the worlds.

Naturally will that is in coot with Sao Feng pointed towards an island that has fresh water.

They wanted to resupply there and then move on from there.

Well it was the location William and Sao Feng has previously decided to meet.

They had their deal and William successfully took control of the ship temporarily.

Right at that time Elizabeth got a quest.


Compulsory quest: fetch the kraken core

Description: host the kraken’s body still has its core and the system wants the core.

The core of the kraken can be extracted by cutting off its eyes and poking inside through the eye hole.

Rewards: for the core of the kraken host would get a skill called the “Double Pleasure”.


Elizabeth did not understand what this skill is about.

So she checked the information about the skill before taking on the quest.


Skill: Double Pleasure

Description: with this skill any and all form of sexual or pleasurable interaction with the host by anyone would have double the pleasure for both the parties.

Double pleasure would generate double the lust and double the lust points generated.

Skill level: level 0

Hint: Skill can increase all the way to level 100 and each level would improve the pleasure and rewards by 1 percent.


Looking at the information Elizabeth was not that moved.

This is because to get the full benefits she has to reach level 100.

But something is always better than nothing.

Any way all she has to do is to get the core of the kraken and it did not cost her much effort.

Getting something good for something she doesn’t even know that it exists and did not have any value to her is already the best result.

The kraken crystal core has many uses for the system as it is a valuable resource in a different way.

It is just like how the system wanted to get the trident in this “Pirates of the Caribbean” world, this monster core has a different value and usage for the system.

With the quest to obtain the monster core of the kraken, she immediately got off the ship to the island.

Chapter 149: William was around spying on Elizabeth

It is just like how the system wanted to get the trident in this “Pirates of the Caribbean” world, this monster core has a different value and usage for the system.

With the quest to obtain the monster core of the kraken, she immediately got off the ship to the island.

When they reached the island Elizabeth asked the two dimwit pirates to come along.

They thought that Elizabeth wanted to have some fun again.

So they did not make a sound silently followed her.

When they arrived at the kraken they started to poke it to vent their anger.

At that time Jack and Barbossa also arrived here.

But they did not stand here and went into the island to get some fresh water and food supplies.

While they left Elizabeth spoke.

“I want you to gouge its eyes and get a thing behind its eyes.”

The thin dimwit pirate immediately asked.

“Do you want its brain?

What do you need its brain for?”

The fat one immediately slapped the head of the thin one and said.

“We will get whatever you want poppy.

But what would we get in return for doing this dirty work?”

He asked with a lewd smile.

Elizabeth also smiled back lewdly and said.

“As long as you get the thing behind this beast’s eyes then I will let you fuck me again.

But you have to be quickly because those people that went out would come back.”

As soon as she said these words the two dimwit pirates immediately because motivated and started to poke the eye of the kraken.

After the eye the back layer of skin is removed and a strange red crystal appeared inside the hole.

The thin pirate immediately said to the fat pirate.

“Look, there is no brain instead it is some sort of crystal.”

The fat one looked back at Elizabeth and asked.

“Poppy, is this the one you wanted to get.

It seems to be very valuable.”

Elizabeth knows what they are thinking and said.

“I will let you fuck me twice now if the time permits and you can fuck me as many times as you like as long as I am free.

Also no one should know about this matter.

After I leave the side of being a pirate and turned into a business woman, I will take you with me to play around.

What do you think of this offer?

Well there is a different option.

I will kill you here and let you stay on this island along with the beast here.”

As soon as Elizabeth said she took out two guns and pointed them towards the two of them.

They immediately became obedient.

They quickly dug the flesh of the kraken and pulled out the core that is as big as the human head.

It was red all over like a crystallization of blood.

When they took it out they cleaned it with a cloth and gave it to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth put the guns back and took the kraken core.

She did not fear them attacking her because her current strength is around the same as them.

So she is not that fearful.

Instead they are lustful towards her.

When she got the kraken’s core into her hand she got the system message.

“Please put the kraken core into the portable pussy space to complete the task.”

Elizabeth knows that these two dimwit pirates would hold the grudge.

So she would use her portable pussy space to vanish the kraken’s core to make them think that she is a witch or something.

With that they would not dare to think of other ways to double cross her fearing that she would put a curse on them.

So under their watchful eyes she put the kraken’s core on her pussy.

In the next moment the monster core vanished into her pussy.

The two dimwit pirates were shocked and looked closely at her pussy.

Right at that time William that was on the boat used his had spy glass to look.

He saw that Elizabeth was standing near the kraken’s body with her legs wide and her pussy is on display.

The two dimwit pirates are actually staring at her pussy.

William did not get angry this time instead he was aroused.

His pants showed a small tent.

Well in comparison he has a small dick of 3 inches long.

He moved to the edge of the boat and started to touch his dick looking at the scene.

Elizabeth led the two dimwit pirates along with her towards the woods area behind the kraken corpse.

Slowly they vanished from his sight and he was more and more aroused because of the imagination he is having when looking at the scene.

Elizabeth on the other hand led the two dimwit pirates behind the kraken’s body.

Any way she is not wearing anything on her body other than this broken shirt.

She simply took off the shirt while the dimwit pirates pulled down their pants revealing their dicks.

They know that they did not get much time so they quickly got into the position.

It is the same previous positions with the fat man under her while the thin man behind her.

They actually changed their preferences of fucking.

The body of the kraken is soft and lying on the top of it did not cause the fat man to feel any discomfort.

With that Elizabeth slowly squatted down on the top of the thick dick of the fat man.

The thin man plunged his dick into her ass hole from behind at the same time.

Elizabeth moaned from pleasure and started to move her hips that became more and more shapely.

She did not control her voice as she doesn’t mind others watching her riding two dicks at the same time.

She would accommodate them to fuck her as long they asked and provided with some sort of compensation other than the lust points she gets.

Chapter 150: Elizabeth wants a gang bang with Sao Feng

She did not control her voice as she doesn’t mind others watching her riding two dicks at the same time.

She would accommodate them to fuck her as long they asked and provided with some sort of compensation other than the lust points she gets.

She did not notice that William was actually looking at her all this time.

She is not in a blind spot instead she is in a place that is clearly visible to William using the spy glass.

So he saw her riding on the top of two dicks at the same time.

Also the two dicks that are riding are the lowly pirates that are dirty and stinky.

He did not expect that the taste of Elizabeth would fall to this level.

He did not even get a chance to fuck her.

So she has already lost her virginity before.

When he thought of how he was released before by Norrington, he remembered the way Norrington looked at her.

So William guessed that Elizabeth lost her virginity to Norrington.

Also it is to save him.

Later because he focused more on his father than her love and even though that she loved Jack has broke her heart.

This also made her a little twisted and become like this after knowing that Norrington is dead.

This is what William thought and felt that he is responsible for the current situation of Elizabeth.

So he is not angry and only had sympathy towards Elizabeth.

Also he was aroused looking at the scene.

No matter what he loved Elizabeth and he would stand on her side.


Elizabeth doesn’t know the feelings of William right now.

Even if she knows she doesn’t care.

This is because William would not be with her in the future.

As long as he accepts being a cuck then there is a no problem with her in the future.


Elizabeth had a good time and the returning pirates all looked at the beauty riding two dicks at the same time.

They are all tempted and wanted to have a go with her.

But they are in a rush at this situation where another pirate ship under the command of pirate lord Sao Feng came over to the black pearl.

Also they did not get any water because everything is poisoned by corpses.

Elizabeth quickly cleaned her pussy in the sea water and got on the row boat to return to the black pearl.

She knows that she would be having a great time soon in another ship.

Without the presence of William and others she can really let loose and show her slutty side completely.

When they returned to the ship naturally Sao Feng’s men captured them and she was also captured.

But the hands of the pirates are not honest.

When she was held by her hands, the pirates behind her are actually fingering her pussy and asshole.

Well they don’t know that she just got a load of cum inside those holes and washed them.

Elizabeth is still wearing only her broken shirt.

Right at that time lord Beckett’s ship arrived and Jack was taken to meet him.

Lord Beckett did not ask to meet with Elizabeth because he just killed Norrington few days ago and he don’t want to give any ideas to those pirates.

He cannot trust the pirates and needs the inside person to solve the brethren court.

Elizabeth is the perfect candidate for this situation.

So he did not show any thoughts of getting close to Elizabeth or showing his closeness to her.


When William said that he was after the black pearl to save his father, instead he is not after her at this moment made Elizabeth look at him with disgust.

When Barbossa proposed the deal about calypso with Sao Feng, he accidentally believed that Elizabeth is the calypso.

Naturally Sao Feng wanted to fuck the calypso.

He is a lustful man.

So he pulled Elizabeth into the bargain.

He was already very interested in her hot body.

With the title of calypso things became spicier.

So he pulled her into the bargain.

Elizabeth acted like she is angry at William and accepted the deal.

The pirates immediately got into action.

Elizabeth followed Sao Feng to the ship called the Empress and they started to fight.

The two pirate ships started to go in two different directions but their destination is the same.

Sao Feng did not expect that Elizabeth was a wild woman.

This made him believe even more that she is calypso.

Well calypso is said to be wild and playful just like the sea.

When they got away from Lord Beckett’s ship Elizabeth said to Sao Feng.

“I know that you want to fuck me as calypso.

But you are not enough for me.

If you do as I say I will give you special blessing tonight.”

Sao Feng immediately hooked to her words and said.

“What do you want me to do… calypso.”

Elizabeth smiled charmingly and said.

“I want you to fuck me right in the middle of the ship right now.

Then let all of your men fuck me till their balls are completely dry and all my holes are completely full.

I will give you a special blessing after the sun set around at dinner time with the rise of the moon.”

The words of Elizabeth made him frown with his eyebrows closely knitted.

But he still accepted the words of Elizabeth because he was lustful and wanted to fuck her, the calypso right in the middle of the boat.

This made his dick stand and throb.

Well in this time the things and kinks did not develop much.

Most of them are in the early stage and only instinctive level.

So when Elizabeth voice out this exhibitionist thing he was really hooked to her words.

Immediately he called all of his men to come out and witness the scene where he would fuck Elizabeth right at the middle of the boat.


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