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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 231: Rinnegan and Asura chakra awakened

Well he was sure that there are not many surprises other than the three sage places that he did not explore in his previous life properly.

But in this life he would explore them completely to get most benefits that he can get from everything in this ninja world.

When he came to the frog mountain there is a fish and bug soup for him to eat.

He doesn’t know how to react to this.


After that he was taught by the old frog about how to train in sage mode.

Naruto did not have a problem with that because he can already enter sage mode directly without any problem.

So in front of the old frog he quickly entered into the sage mode without any problems.

As soon as he entered the sage mode the old frog was shocked.

Then he checked again.

Only then he found that Naruto has body that is very compactable with natural energy.

That is he can draw natural energy without needing to stay still.

Also he did to have any adverse reaction to the absorbed natural chakra.

Since it is like that they took the next step of fighting using the natural chakra and sage mode.

As they fought Naruto understood the much better and free usage of natural chakra.

That is his understanding improved.

This knowledge and experience is more important than other Jutsu.

This is because natural energy is common in every world.

So he can use this in other worlds as well.


On the other hand Sasuke and Suigetsu went to fight with 8 tails killer B.

They are ordered to capture killer B.

Unfortunately Sasuke did not have a complete team or proper command over his Mangekyō Sharingan.

He was knocked out many times and finally he was able to beat killer B with severe damage to his body.

Also his Mangekyō Sharingan was directly overused.

The lack of presence of Karin and Jugo was evident.

He barely got the clone of killer B and brought it back with the help of Suigetsu.

After returning he was really considering if he should switch his eyes with the eyes of Itachi or not.

Naruto’s clone is always around waiting for the right moment.

Actually Sasuke should switch his eyes right after his battle with Danzo.

But his situation is not that good.

Also he has to wary of Obito that is posing as Madara.

Even his brother took precaution for him to be wary of Obito.

So he could not stay still in this matter.

He just barely won because of using Amaterasu at the last moment and with the help of Suigetsu.

If not he would have died there.

His injuries are so severe that black Zetsu has to step in and help them escape.

So he chose to switch the eyes.

But he never expected that as soon as he switched the eyes and placed his eyes in the beaker a hand appeared out of the wall and took the eyes of Sasuke.

Also the clone of Naruto used flying thunder god technique to jump out of this place at a very fast speed at that moment.

Because of this Sasuke that just switched his eyes and requires a moment to adapt to the situation.

So before he could react everything has happened.

The one he suspects about this matter is not Naruto.

Instead it is Madara Uchiha that is Obito and Zetsu that can move thought the walls.

The clone that got the eyes immediately transferred it to another clone that is used for communications between the clones.

Naruto got the news and his clone was summoned over to the frog mountain.

The clone carried the eyes of Sasuke.

The old frog doesn’t know about this matter and Naruto has to quickly switch the eyes.

Pain would come to the hidden leaf village to create some disturbance.

Naruto doesn’t want anything to happen to his women.

Also he doesn’t want any excessive loss of lives.

He was not sure if he can convince Nagato to return the lives of all those people back.

The only thing he can do is to prevent that from happening.

Also he can perform the same technique as long as he gains the Rinnegan.

So as soon as he got the eyes of Sasuke the first thing he did is to open his Mangekyō Sharingan that is the Mangekyō Sharingan of Itachi.

When it was completed he directly replaced his eyes with the eyes of Sasuke.

Immediately his pin wheel Mangekyō Sharingan has shifted to form a flower pattern.

With that he got the complete eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

He did not stop at that.

He started to use the natural chakra, 9 tails chakra, Uchiha bloodline, Senju bloodline and Uzumaki bloodlines to combine to open the Rinnegan.

It could not be done directly but under special circumstances that Naruto got right now it is still possible.

He doesn’t need a sudden emotional change or a life and death battle to awaken the Rinnegan.

His eyes showed the concentric rings formed in his eyes.

Finally Rinnegan is opened.

But he did not stop at that.

With the Rinnegan he stimulated his perfect sage body to further tap into his potential.

He wanted to awaken the Ashura chakra in his body to complete the entire process in a single move.

He has already done this in his past life when he devoured the souls of sage of 6 paths and his brother.

He might not have the entire memory but he can recreate the things he did then.

With that he strongly tapped potential he was connected to the sage of 6 paths.

He was very much in control of his energy and used his power to directly devour the soul of sage of 6 paths without listening to his words.

Naruto has no interest in listening to the rambling of a self righteous old man that caused all kinds of mess.

Chapter 232: replacing all the clones again

He was very much in control of his energy and used his power to directly devour the soul of sage of 6 paths without listening to his words.

Naruto has no interest in listening to the rambling of a self righteous old man that caused all kinds of mess.

There is a resistance from the sage of 6 paths but he is just a soul that could not do much to the physical world outside.

So he was devoured quickly without leaving anything.

There is a small part of Otsutsuki bloodline in his body and it was directly activated by the memories that Naruto obtained after devouring the sage of 6 paths.

He reverted back his eyes to normal eyes and then sealed the other pair of eyes carefully.

After obtaining the Mangekyō Sharingan awakening the Rinnegan these eyes can be used in a different place.

At the time of death in this world he can switch into those eyes and store the original awakened eyes carefully to take them to other worlds.

This way he would be able to gain more benefits later.

So he quickly made the choice in stored the eyes in medical beaker and stored it in personal space.

With the Rinnegan he can now successfully extract the Indra chakra in the body of Sasuke.

Well the sage of 6 paths could not do that because he is a soul.

But Naruto is not a soul and has physical body.

He can extract the chakra of Indra from Sasuke and directly add it to his own chakra.

This way he will have enough power to directly fight against Kaguya.

But he would not startle Sasuke just yet.

There is another time when Sasuke would be down.

Or Naruto can use his chance to put sleeping potion in the food of Sasuke to make him fall into his trap.

Any way Sasuke no longer has the venom protection from Orochimaru.

So it is easy.

But right now Sasuke would be on alert because of losing his eyes that he just switched with the eyes of Itachi.

In fact Sasuke almost went to fight with Obito and Zetsu in order to know who took his eyes.

Well he has eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and he don’t have to fear of losing his eye sight.

So naturally he would fight against them bravely.

But the result is that he lost and Obito made his point.

“If I can defeat you now I can also snatch your eyes easily.

I don’t have to sneak around if I want to get your eyes.

So don’t blame those things on me.

We will investigate about what happened and think of a way to get your eyes back.”

After that Obito asked Sasuke on detailed information.

Zetsu that listened suddenly asked if the other party came out of the wall and has strong natural chakra around him.

As soon as these words came out Sasuke nodded his head.

Yes Naruto appeared like that.

He appeared like this before to save Yugito Nii.

So it is natural the Zetsu would recognize this matter and recall this matter.

Obito also thought about this matter and said that he would find that person.

He doesn’t want any hindrance to happen in his plans in the future.

So he directly acted and ordered Zetsu to use full force to find the location of the person that snatched things from them.

Unfortunately he could not find because Naruto is on the frog mountain right now.

So it is not easy to get to him.

Naruto after completely getting the control the Rinnegan he started to produce new clones.

This is because his overall strength once again increased by a notch.

He produced new yin seal that is number 8 Yin seal.

His current chakra, control, Taijutsu, ninjutsu and Genjutsu has reached sage of 6 paths level.

So all the 8 yin seals have this level of chakra stored in them.

He can replenish them quickly when he is close to nature and plants.

For the battle with Kaguya in order to save her and separate her from the 10 tails he needs to have 108 clones to form various seals.

So he started to produce clones and replace them with the previous clones all over the world.

He would absorb natural chakra and produce the clones with wood element.

This way the natural chakra would be more stable.

All of his previous clones were replaced by him and directly covered their power and chakra.

Also all of his clones have Rinnegan with enough chakra to fight with one of the 6 pains head on.


This time it would the attack of pain and Naruto has to return back to help save the people.

He did not have any interest in saving those people.

But if they died then who will the village consist of.

Also he wanted to establish his power and presence so that others especially Danzo would not make any stupid moves on him when he is around.

But he could still not stop some of the collateral damage that they would do.

As long as it is infrastructure damage and not the life Naruto can be happy.

This is because the people that died cannot be revived easily but the broken buildings can be repaired.

Also this can be given to his construction company and he can earn a big wave of profits.

Considering this Naruto was happy.

While he is planning the things Naruto found the old frog and told him that his clones got information that hidden leaf village is going to be attacked by pain.

So he wanted to immediately transfer back to the hidden leaf village.

Jiraiya was still healing and recovering so he will not be able to fight.

Well healing and recovering because Naruto did not waste his energy to completely heal him.

His special services are only to the beautiful women he liked and wanted to get close to.

Chapter 233: turning Yahiko’s body into meat paste

Well healing and recovering because Naruto did not waste his energy to completely heal him.

His special services are only to the beautiful women he liked and wanted to get close to.

So Jiraiya has to heal on his own.


Naruto quickly appeared in the hidden leaf village.

The attack of pain has just started and Tsunade wanted to call Naruto back.

But the two elders or to be precise the two removed village elders Koharu and Hamura came over telling Tsunade not to call Naruto back.

Right at that moment Naruto appeared out of nowhere and slapped the faces of the two elders till their remaining teeth flew out of their mouths like bullets.

Then Naruto said.

“You came here to persuade Tsunade to not to call me.

You should be invited to do this by Danzo right.

He should have used your dark histories to make you do that.

But after living for so long did you still not know what he wanted to do.

He wanted Tsunade to die during this attack.

When everything was broken he would negotiate with pain saying that he would give him to him to become the Hokage of the village.

Currently he is hiding behind that window to listen to what we are talking.

If you could not convince Tsunade then he would come out to destroy the way of communication to call me.

This is his plan.”

Danzo that is standing outside sweated from sudden fear because Naruto spoke everything that he thought off.

His entire plan is as bright as day for Naruto and he directly placed it in front of them.

This made him want to slip away from here quickly but he did not expect that a leg suddenly came out of the wall and kicked him straight on the balls.

The kick has so much force that Danzo heard the sound of cracking and flew up into the air by 3 feet before losing his combat effectiveness.

But he is a powerful man.

Immediately two root ninja appeared and caught him on time to escape with him.

Tsunade and the two elders saw this scene clearly while Naruto is still standing by their side.

They know that it was done by the clone of Naruto.

But he did so silently that Danzo did not notice his clone.

This made them speechless.

Naruto looked at their faces and spoke.

“After this incident is solved you will be judged for your actions and receive punishment for trying to rebel against the village.”

Naruto said that and kissed Tsunade and said.

“Give orders to the people for evacuation while I take care of this pain.

If things go well I will bring some good news later.”

After saying these words Naruto vanished from this place and appeared at the location of one of the attackers.

There are 6 pains that are all pain in the asses that only knows destroying things and killing people instead of thinking in a straight like.

You can consider them as mentally ill people that got super powers.

Naruto appeared at the pain that summoned carious creatures.

Before it reacted to Naruto’s sudden appearance he moved his hands at such accuracy that all the rods in the body were removed.

With the chakra rods removed the body is no different than dead body.

Naruto did not stop and burnt the body to ashes on the spot.

With that there is no chance of revival.

At the same time he appeared in another part of the village where the father of Ino is trying to get information from a pain.

Naruto appeared there and pulled them apart then he directly burnt the body on the spot.

“I know what you wanted to ask.

Even after you removed the chakra rods there are some in the head of this person.

It would be problematic later.

So we have to burn the body for the safety of the village.

As for the information I already know about that so don’t worry.

Go and assist in the evacuation of the villagers.”

Shizune was there and she quickly got into work without asking any other questions.

Fortunately her soul was not taken.

Naruto next appeared at the place where the pain that used the king of hell to collect souls.

Naruto used a strong repulsive nature and broke the body of the pain.

Then he removed all the chakra rods in the body of the pain using plant vines.

After that he directly burnt the body to ashes.

This made Nagato that is controlling the pain realized that things are going completely in the wrong direction.

He wanted to use the planetary devastation to destroy everything.

He did not even care if the other pains are still in the hidden leaf village.

Well the first target of Naruto is the pain that uses the summoning technique.

With that destroyed the escape path of all these pains was also destroyed.

Naruto suddenly flew and appeared beside the pain that is floating and wanting to use the planetary devastation.

Before he completed the technique Naruto knocked the core areas that are used to cast that technique.

Well he also has Rinnegan and he knows where the critical points are.

Also a body needs to have functioning parts to maintain its proper shape and movements.

As long as those bones and tendons were distorted can the body still move normally even with all the chakra.

With that the body of Yahiko that is the pain has fallen to the ground.

Before the body touched the ground Naruto removed all the chakra rods forcibly directly removing them with full force.

He did not care if the body was damaged in the process.

This is to show his anger towards the actions of Nagato to destroy other things stupidly.

He did not stop at that instead he pounded the body in such a way that it was turned into meat paste on the spot.

Chapter 234: slapping Nagato while Konan was captured

This is to show his anger towards the actions of Nagato to destroy other things stupidly.

He did not stop at that instead he pounded the body in such a way that it was turned into meat paste on the spot.

With that Yahiko is no longer available even as the dead body.

Konan was really angry at that time.

She wanted to attack Naruto.

But she could not leave Nagato that could not move right now.

She can only endure while the other pains were moved to the location of Naruto by Nagato.

But they did not expect that right at that time Naruto’s clones appear behind the pains and destroyed them all at the same time.

The chakra rods are all sealed in sealing papers carefully so that there are no hidden dangers.

The sudden blow made Nagato cough up blood.

Konan was really shocked about this matter and she wanted to take Nagato away from this place.

But Naruto did not leave them and appeared straight at the location they are using the flying thunder god technique.

Well their location was already deciphered by Naruto’s clone long ago.

But Naruto has to do some good show for the villagers to look.

If you want to be a king, you need land and people to serve you.

If you want those people to serve you whole heartedly then you have to show them your strength.

So Naruto made the special play of killing all the pains in the village one after the other without leaving anyone.

Now he appeared at the place where Nagato and Konan are present.

The moment he came he shot a big oil balloon on her from her blind angle.

With oil sticking to her she will not be able to perform any Jutsu.

On the other hand few clones surrounded her with fire lighting things.

One of the clones moved to hold her directly without letting her perform any Jutsu during this time.

He directly hit the points on her arm that would stop her from making hand seals.

Also Naruto specifically turned a clone into a simple rice grain and put it into the small flower on her head.

This would be used later when she leaves here and tries to kill Obito.

At that time this clone can save here.

Everyone in the village already saw Naruto that fought with the pain that floated into the air and cleared all the treats in a matter of minutes.

So they are cheering for Naruto for saving them and the village.

“He is just like his father Minato that would do anything to save the hidden leaf village.”

“Look how strong he has become.”

“I am really happy that he did not resent us for all the things we did to him.”


While they are talking Naruto is not idle.

He has spent villain points to buy another accumulation card and used it right before entering the battle.

So he is getting the big benefits of many treasure chests floating all over the place.

Nagato’s treasure chest started at golden treasure chest range and it started to increase more and more.

With the move of Naruto to capture Konan Nagato was really panicked.

“No don’t do anything to her.”

But when he looked at Naruto the eyes of Naruto and all of his clones showed the Rinnegan.


Naruto that was standing in front of Nagato moved forward and gave him a slap and started to speak.

“How can suck a stupid person exist in this world?

Do you know how many people were killed just because of your stupidity?

Do you really think that after you collected the 9 tailed beasts and some super stupid Jutsu you can simply change the world to bring peace?

How can you believe in the words and thoughts of such stupidity that are even absurd than the ideology of Jiraiya?

Don’t just give your stupidity a good name of peace.

You are doing all this because Yahiko died because of your inaction and his stupidity.

You are simply using the word peace to get your revenge on all the people indiscriminately.

You don’t even know who caused his death properly.

But you went onto kill Hanzo of the salamander that visibly killed Yahiko.

Also do you really think that you can have Rinnegan just because you are from the Uzumaki clan and you saw the death of your parents?

Don’t you even have a brain as small as peanut?

Don’t you feel that everything you did was all manipulated specifically?

You even have the thought of how many lives you destroyed because of your stupidity.

Being a human war and fights are inevitable.

There is no such thing as peace in this world.

If you are strong then you can give peace to few people that are close to you but not the entire world.

You are not a god.

You are just a skinny man that was pulled into his play by some odd means.

Even if you have grown so much you still did not understand how the world work.

You are not suitable for this world.

You are not suitable for the power you have right now.

This is because this is not your power but the power given to you by someone.

Do you think that I don’t know who is pulling the strings behind you?

It was that ungrateful bastard that is using the name of Uchiha Madara that puts on that stupid mask in your group.

He is another stupid person that is being used without even know who is pulling his strings.

You bunch of morons think that you are great just because you have power.

Before you moved making all kinds of ruckus many people are still happy.

But now you have caused a crisis on the level of the whole ninja world.

They would not understand your pain even if they feel the pain of losing someone…”

Chapter 235: new life and new name for Nagato

“…But now you have caused a crisis on the level of the whole ninja world.

They would not understand your pain even if they feel the pain of losing someone.

Instead your deeds would fuel more wars creating more orphans.

You fucking bastard how dare you to kill other because of your delusions.

Even if you kill other why bother coming to my place.

If you want 9 tails, sorry that I could not give you.

You can die for all I care.

You want to steal something from me.

Also it is the only family member that is with me since my birth.

You have become like this just because of a boy you met when you a child and lived with him for a while.

But to me 9 tails is my companion that lived with me since my birth and it is my very life.

Do you really think that I would give my companion to you just because you wanted to take it?

Since you are so arrogant just because you have those Rinnegan,

I will take that Rinnegan away from you.”

Naruto said and then pulled the eyes of Nagato.

Well before saying all this Naruto has already hit on the arms of Nagato.

So he could not move any more.

As for the Rinnegan Naruto also has Rinnegan and used it to counter his Rinnegan.

As for large amount of chakra Naruto has 8 times the chakra of Nagato other than his own chakra and the chakra of 9 tails.

So in just few moments Naruto directly removed the eyes of Nagato with medical ninjutsu procedures and stored the eyes carefully in a beaker.

Nagato did not have any pain in this matter.

He was already pulled into trance by the Mangekyō Sharingan of Naruto.

With his hand movements when slapping he has already blocked the chakra channels.

So the power that Nagato possess was rapidly reduced.

As for Konan she was also put into trance so that she could not move.

After removing the eyes of Nagato, he also took some normal eyes to replace them.

Then he removed him out of the metal casings.

He used his medical ninjutsu to remove all the chakra rods that are inside his body using his Rinnegan and superior spirit.

Without the chakra rods his body would not live easily.

So Naruto has to put special attention just this once to save him.

Well he is a fellow clansmen and one of the few last remaining ones.

So it is natural that he would save Nagato.

By the time they returned back from trance, Nagato is standing in dazed state with his body fully functional.

Konan that came out of trance thought that she is still in trance looking at the body of Nagato.

She even tried to break free from Genjutsu.

But it did not do anything.

Naruto’s voice sounded in her ear.

You don’t have to doubt it.

I just healed him and removed his Rinnegan.

He is a fellow clansman from the Uzumaki clan.

There are only few of us left and I don’t want him to die because of his stupidity.

Then Naruto called the kill of hell to revive the dead people during this time.

Naruto has to spend chakra in one of the yin seals completely to complete this Jutsu.

But all the dead people are revived without any problem.

Nagato was speechless right now.

He doesn’t know what to say to Naruto.

He understood the things more clearly when Naruto said the final words.

“I am going to take over this world and when I am the only ruler there will be no more wars.

Only this way can the peace be established.”

Naruto did not have any dibs on connecting to Konan right now.

He has to take things step by step.

Well he has already spent time with her before.

So he knows her thoughts clearly.

She liked Yahiko and thought of Nagato as her brother.

She did not have any thoughts of love towards him.

Naruto then told Nagato to go to the land of waves where he would set up a school for him to teach children that have both parents and both without parents that is orphans.

Nagato don’t know what to say for this.

Well he is not that educated but he has basic knowledge enough to teach children.

On the other hand Konan said that she has something to take care off before leaving Akatsuki.

Nagato panicked and wanted to stop her.

But she said.

“This is something I have to do.”

Naruto on the other hand sent his voice straight into the ear of Nagato.

“I will keep an eye on her.

So don’t worry about this matter.”

With that Naruto separated a clone to take Nagato to the land of the waves.

As for the body of Nagato and other pains, they were all buried together with their names and identities.

This includes the name of Nagato and Konan.

This means that they shed their previous lives and are going to start a new life now.

Nagato took a new name that he liked that is Akagi.

Naruto‘s clone took him to the land of waves and gave him a new identity.

Konan would have a different plan arranged by Naruto.

Naruto has already left the flying thunder god seal on her body along with the small rice grain shadow clone.

As long as she is in danger his clone can appear and save her without a problem.

So Naruto is not worried about this matter.

Nagato on the other hand started his peaceful life in the land of the waves.

When Naruto came out of the woods and started to walk towards the village he met with many ninja that came out of the village for him.

They all saw him defeating the Akatsuki ninja called the pain.

Many of them died before but they all came back to life now.


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