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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 511: 69 position with Konan and servants

“Konan is a good girl.

I hope you take good care of her in the future.”

Nagato said with a slight trembling tone.

Well he liked Konan and giving her up to another person is really a hard thing.

But still his good heart made him gave up on Konan to Shizuka.

What he doesn’t know are the strange interests of Shizuka.

May be one day Nagato might find Konan riding two dicks in both her pussy and asshole at the same time with an ahegao face.

But Shizuka would not force anything.

She would slowly understand the heart and interests of her woman.

Then she would slowly plan the depravity plan for them and let them enjoy the life to the fullest.

God has given them such a beautiful and pleasurable body.

It is a sad thing to just hide the thing and rot away.

So it is good to enjoy the things to the fullest.

Shizuka smiled and said.

“That depends on what she wanted.

As you have already known, I have few women by my side.

She has to accept that to become my woman.

Also I have to see what she likes first to connect the things.

As long as she accepts that I would be happy to take her.”

Konan did not leave here and was silently listening to the words of Shizuka and Nagato.

She has a complicated though but she made a strong choice with determination.

She wanted to become Shizuka’s women and live in a safe place happily with great pleasure.

She always wanted to be spanked and have rough sex.

But she did not even lose her virginity till now and always pleasure herself secretly.

She was disappointed in all those ninja that have joined Akatsuki.

There are all kinds of people but none of them even had a single thought of fucking her.

If they took the first step then she would have enjoyed it.

But she never got the chance and those stupid mutt ninja did not even look at her like a woman.

Shizuka has noticed her from the start and said those words to her specifically.

So she came out of the hiding decisively and said to Shizuka.

“I want to be your women.

I liked you from the moment we first met.

You seem to have this clarity about this world that made me become interested in you.

Over time your achievements made me more and more curious.

At the same time being with you gave me strong security that I lacked from childhood.

Also I want pleasure and have a great time just like you and your woman.

I hope you take good care of me.”

Konan said as if she was not proposing but actually ordering Shizuka or her lust to Shizuka.

Shizuka smiled back and decided to put her back in her place later.

But for now she would not do anything.

Shizuka immediately split a clone to use the flying thunder god technique to take the two people back to the hidden leaf village.

The original body took Konan while the clone took Nagato.

Shizuka took Nagato to the registration office while Konan to her special farm house on a deserted island.

After arriving here Shizuka showed Konan about all the servants that she gathered.

They are going to have double play.

That is both Shizuka and Konan would get on the bed hugging each other in 69 position while two people would fuck them from both sides.

But under the strong request of Konan, Shizuka grew a big thick dick and pierced both of her pussy and ass hole taking her virginity.

Then they both had their four holes pierced by the men while their tits are being pressed against each other.

She readily accepted it without much thought.

Also Konan was spanked enough to turn her ass bright red and she begged them to stop spanking her.

After they are done with that they were taken to take a bath where few big male servants came to wash their bodies inside and outside.

Then they put on the bitchy clothes.

Konan was only given nipple stickers and the pussy was covered with string underwear with small triangular cloth that covered her pussy.

Also she is wearing cat ears under the words of Shizuka.

Under the power of Shizuka she finally returned to her original place like a docile cat.

Nagato looked around and did not find Konan here.

Shizuka clone said that she is introducing her to other women.

Nagato has a feeling that Konan is having fun with Shizuka.

His heart felt slight pain but he held it back.

Konan and Shizuka are currently having a good time with other women and servants that massaged them slowly.

Konan is lying on the top of Shizuka’s chest and hugged her tightly feeling the warmth and security while sucking her tits happily.

She even meowed few times for the amusement of Shizuka.

Shizuka was patting the back of her head slowly and said.

“You might be tigress to others.

But to me you are my kitty.

So be a good kitty and I will love you more.

Do you understand Konan?”

Shizuka asked.

“Meow, yes my dear bitchy husband.

The kitty understands clearly.”

Konan said and her face has expressions unlike the original appearance of her that has face paralysis.

Shizuka smiled and healed her injury for taking her first time.

She fell asleep on the spot and Shizuka sighed.

Then they vanished from here and appeared in her home right on the bed.

Here Shizuka’s women are out doing their own things.

So they did not come over to check.

After that was arranged Shizuka did not leave but produced another clone to go and buy few things for her next expedition.

It was to occupy the moon but there is a good thing before going to the moon.

She knows that the monster guarding the passage to the moon is a giant crab.

Chapter 512: cooking the giant crab

It was to occupy the moon but there is a good thing before going to the moon.

She knows that the monster guarding the passage to the moon is a giant crab.

So Shizuka is preparing materials to make a big hot pot.

For that she sent her clones to collect the best hot pot materials.

The spices, huge iron pot, high quality vegetables and herbs and high quality meat……

As her clones are preparing the food, Shizuka went around monitoring the situation at the occupied lands.

Also she specifically arranged a team to construct railways all over the land as the first task.

In the evening Shizuka’s clones arrived with all the ingredients she wanted.

There were all stored in separate storage sealing papers.

Shizuka took them and went to the location of the passage.

The place is gloomy and it is a deep cave.

Well no one would expect that the passage to the moon would be under the ground inside a cave.

Before leaving Shizuka talked to black Zetsu and transplanted the Rinnegan into the eyes of a white Zetsu that was made from the cells of Senju Hashirama.

It was engineered by Orochimaru under Shizuka’s orders.

She was fascinated to study white Zetsu and his research moved forward by leaps and bounds.

Shizuka on the other hand talked to Madara telling him that the preparations for his plan are already complete.

As long as the tailed beasts were reborn Shizuka would capture them and resurrect him.

Madara Uchiha is also on the last legs and he would definitely not live long enough for all the tailed beasts to come back.

So that is how things are.


Shizuka entered deep into the cave and went straight towards the location where the monster should be resting.

Shizuka did not say anything and directly opened the Sharingan and checked around.

The size of the crab is really big and Shizuka simply calculated.

“It can become hot pot that can serve at least 300 people.”

The saliva in her mouth spilled out thinking of the food.

Shizuka created a clone to arrange the big pot from the storage sealing space and to start the fire.

Shizuka used the Sharingan to bring the giant crab to directly come out of the cave.

The Shizuka used a water spray technique to clean up the giant crab with all the dirt around.

After cleaning she ordered it to enter into the slightly boiling pot.

The pot is big enough to hold the crab.

This was specifically prepared by Shizuka for this very thing.

On the side Shizuka’s clone created a giant wooden table and started to sort out the material.

Then she began to chop the vegetables along with meat of high quality.

On the side Shizuka made another fire and a big pot.

Then she started to make the big base for the hot pot.

Then she let the thing simmer slowly.

On the other hand the crab was still in her control.

It slowly boiled after an entire hour.

Shizuka’s clone completed her previous work of arranging the materials and moved to take care of the giant crab.

The giant crab is already dead and it was easy for Shizuka’s clone to handle it.

She cleaned up the internal organs and other thing and moved the giant crab into the hot pot that is slowly simmered over time.

The entire process took over 5 hours to reach the highest possible taste.

Shizuka with the help of her clone arranged the entire thing into smaller pots of equal proportions and packed them in the sealing papers.

Well she did ate her fill first and then moved into the cave again.

She went straight to the portal and appeared at a deserted area of the moon.

It did not appear like moon as he appeared inside the moon where the environment is just like that of earth.

Also it is even more magical.

Shizuka did not alert anyone here and went straight to the sun inside the moon.

Entering inside is very easy for Shizuka with the help of Rinnegan.

After entering the sun, she found that she is in a different dimension.

The sun that appeared outside is actually a barrier that is concealing the things inside.

In this place there is a huge castle that looked old.

But it seems to be maintained on its own.

Then there is a temple like thing which should be the grave of Hamura Otsutsuki.

That is the brother of sage of 6 paths.

Right in front of the grave there is a huge glowing sphere with a different pattern.

It looked like a giant eye ball.

Shizuka knows that it is the Tenseigan.

This is also her target for coming here.

But before that she wanted take care of the Hamura Otsutsuki’s spirit that haunts this place.

This pair of stupid brothers is the disease of this world.

No matter what they did, everything was for the destruction of the people in a much through way.

Fortunately this world produced a proper protagonist if not,

This pair of good brothers would have completely destroyed the world because of their good nature.

Shizuka came to the front of the temple but did not go inside.

Instead he produced 6 clones to form a hexagon formation around the temple grave.

Each clone made a hand sign and created a seal to quickly cut off the connection of the spirit of Hamura with the Tenseigan outside.

Shizuka is not stupid enough to take risks.

Shizuka was sure that Hamura still has connection with the Tenseigan and can attack Shizuka silently.

Shizuka would not receive that attack.

Instead Shizuka directly severed the connection between the Tenseigan and the spirit of Homura.

After the connection is severed Shizuka entered into the temple and called.

“Hamura Otsutsuki, I know that your spirit is still here.

Come out quickly and face your punishment for all the wrong doings you did and all the people that died because of you stupid reasoning.”

Chapter 513: the false Otsutsuki clan returns to earth

“Hamura Otsutsuki, I know that your spirit is still here.

Come out quickly and face your punishment for all the wrong doings you did and all the people that died because of you stupid reasoning.”

Shizuka said with arrogance and acted for the first time like a proper villain.

Well the effect is also good with the stupid person like Hamura.

Immediately the spirit appeared in front of Shizuka.

He looked angry towards Shizuka for her words and said.

“Who are you and why are you causing trouble here.

Also what is it about my brother?

You…you are from earth and not the Otsutsuki clan here.”

Shizuka immediately sneered.

“Is this the Otsutsuki clan?

They are just a bunch of half bloods with both human and low purity Otsutsuki bloodline.

You even call them Otsutsuki.

A bunch of fake bastards has the nerve to call themselves as the original Otsutsuki people acting all high and mighty.”

“Who are you?

Why are you here?

Why did you have the Rinnegan?

What did you do to my brother?


A series of questions were shot towards Shizuka but Shizuka did not give him any answer.

Instead she directly used the same technique model as he used on the sage of 6 paths to gain all the things she needed.

First she used the Rinnegan to put Hamura into trance.

Even with Tenseigan he could not resist the power of Shizuka.

Also he was currently in sealed state without any connection to the outside world to gain more power.

Other than that he is just a spirit that is not as strong as sage of 6 paths.

So he was easily captured by Shizuka.

Then Shizuka read through his mind to get all the information she wanted from him first.

Then she used the power of the Rinnegan to integrate the power of the spirit of Hamura into her body.

This way the spirit of Hamura would be gone forever.

There is no possible reincarnation or anything like going to pure land after that.

“I don’t like playing old and stinky men with small dicks like you and your brother.

You are even useless in this matter.

How well did you take care of your wives when they are alive?

You did not even teach your children properly.

You have to treat them equally to give enough love to make the future families well.

But what did you teach them.

Is it to show hierarchy to their own brothers and sister?

You moronic old man has created a situation where all your descendents fight each other to die.

Your very life is a waste of living space and even ghost space.

So die quickly and I will go and play with my women and servants.”

After saying those words, Shizuka increased her power to completely copy the memory of Hamura and absorbed the energy of his spirit completely

Shizuka felt that her spirit energy has increased by a large margin and she moved towards the Tenseigan.

She switched her eyes from Rinnegan to Byakugan.

She knows how to open the Tenseigan with the help of this huge Tenseigan.

She quickly made some hand seals to form a connection with the Tenseigan and then she started to absorb the energy from the Tenseigan.

Immediately her eyes started to change from Byakugan to the next level.

After an hour she opened her eyes that have blue rings in them.

She has successfully awakened the Tenseigan.

Now it is time to clean up the fake Otsutsuki clan of the moon.

She came out if the barrier floating in the air easily with the help of immense chakra.

Then she exerted the pressure on all the people present in the underground city of the moon.

Immediately the super Kage level powerhouses came out of their respective powers towards the source of pressure.

Well this fake Otsutsuki clan is having the fight between the main family and the branch family for a long time.

“Who are you?

What are you doing here…?”

The same questions as Hamura repeated.

Shizuka did not have the mood to answer all their questions patiently.

So she moved at a very high speed and straight away knocked the two leader figures and then punched their faces till their heads turn into pig head without speaking.

Other people were shocked for a moment and wanted to help their leaders.

Unfortunately they discovered that they could not move from the spot they are standing.

After punching these people for a while Shizuka finally nodded her head in satisfaction and said.

“I came here from earth and I am the current empresses of the ninja empire.

In my conquest, I came here to occupy the moon along with the fake Otsutsuki clan of the moon that followed Hamura Otsutsuki before.

This place officially belongs to me and you did not have any right to stay here.

I know that you would be unwilling.

So I gave you a round of beating in advance.

If you are not convinced then come forward to receive another beating.

You are all now ordered to return back to earth.

I have a place for you to settle down and become the proud citizens of Ninja Empire.

But if you don’t want to then, I can only send you to the pure land where you would settle down permanently.

You can make you choice.

I will only give you 3 minutes to choose.

The people that did not want to follow my orders can stand in the square.

While the people that accepted my orders can go back and pack their things for departure this cage.

Also there is no longer the main family and the branch family.

The Hyuga clan that followed these stupid rules was already been cleared by me and they no lives happily.

As for you god Hamura, I have destroyed him completely.

Your time starts now.”

As Shizuka said these words, she became silent and waited for the people to make their decisions.

Chapter 514: special services offered for big deals

As Shizuka said these words, she became silent and waited for the people to make their decisions.

Soon the leaders made their decision.

They already felt the different in the power and they also lost their hope of the ancestral protection of Hamura Otsutsuki.

Since there is nothing they can only succumb.

But there are always fools that don’t know right from wrong.

Some people came to the fighting area where Shizuka is hovering.

But Shizuka did not care about these people and floated in the air till the time limit is over.

When the three minutes are over Shizuka moved and the people in the square immediately turned into meat paste that was stamped on the ground.

It did not even take a single second completely from the start to the end.

They did not even get to scream before they died.

Also Shizuka did not move even an inch or made a hand sign for the attack.

They are simply killed from the immense pressure concentrated on them for a moment.

The people that looked at the scene fell into despair and deeply frightened by the power of Shizuka.

Some of the usually impulsive ones felt that they are lucky to not to be impulsive and die without a grave.

They immediately went to pack their things and followed the path that Shizuka’s clone provided for them to leave this place quickly.

Shizuka’s clone back on earth receives the people and directed them to the previous Uzumaki clan location and let them settle there.

As for the houses and other things, Shizuka has already created the huge wooden houses and the land of the Uzumaki clan was reinforced.

That is not all Shizuka did, Shizuka has brought back all the remaining scattered people of the Uzumaki clan were brought back and given their ancestral home to them.

Now these two clans would live together here.

This was all arranged by Shizuka.

She even pulled the surrounding islands close to each other and formed a major island just like the one for the hidden mist village.

With the arrangements done Shizuka sent someone to do the governance.

The moon would operate there naturally without any problem with the help of the remaining energy of the Tenseigan.

At least till Shizuka leaves here the thing would not fall off on the earth.

With the important work completed, Shizuka moved around picking up the flowers that he planted before.

That is the women she appointed at the other hidden villages before to take care of by occupying the newly occupied land.

This time is the peaceful time till the tailed beasts are revived.

Shizuka doesn’t want to waste even a single moment of this time and went on to play with her women.

So she separated extra clones to stay with her woman and assist them in gaining more pleasure.

In the hidden leaf village that now became the headquarters of the ninja empire Tsunade is sitting in the main office.

There are no Anbu here because Shizuka is present in the office.

This is similar with all the offices where Shizuka’s women are present.

In the office of Tsunade a pot bellied man entered arrogantly.

He is a business man that would provide good amount of grains for the hidden leaf village.

It can be said that he is one of the big business partners of the hidden leaf village.

Also he is a noble of the previous land of fire.

With her capabilities he was nominated as the noble in the ninja empire as well.

Shizuka was hiding in the corner while looking at how Tsunade would deal with this person.

When he arrived inside his eyes only looked at the huge tits of Tsunade.

Well the work uniform of Shizuka’s woman is different.

They are currently wearing nipples stickers that only cover the nipples patches of the tits

These stickers have the ninja empire symbol on them.

At the bottom there is small stringed underwear with a triangular cloth that barely covered their pussies.

The front of the triangular cloth there is also the ninja empire symbol.

With the big tits of Tsunade it is natural to attract the attention of the lewd people easily.

On the top of this they would wear their normal dress but the small clothes inside are specifically made to gain more attraction towards them.

Also it was announced that there are special services for the business men that offered better deals.

As for what the services are not mentioned to them.

But the faces of woman are all red because they are going to provide services with their bodies.

“Hokage-san, glup… it is said that there are special services to the business men that brings over the big deals… gulp….

May I know what those services are…?”

Tsunade did not speak for a moment with her red shy face.

Well she did do a naked twerk dance in the middle of the road before.

But at that time her face was modified and her identity is concealed.

So no one can recognize her.

Right now it was different.

How can she speak about these services with her current identity?

When she don’t know what to say Shizuka appeared from the corner suddenly and said.

“Sorry for the delayed answer sir.

I will discipline my officials properly.”

Shizuka is wearing a sexy dress that is barely covering anything.

She moved twisting her back like a sexy cat and came to Tsunade and said.

“Tsunade, when this kind of big business man comes over to give us a big deal, you have to first show him your sincerity.”

As she said that Shizuka pulled the upper part of the Tsunade’s dress to bare her tits and display it in front of the business man.

“This is called eye candy service.

You should jiggle your tits a little to show them to the customer in many different angles till they are satisfied when looking at your tits….”

Chapter 515: fresh pussy waiting for you

“This is called eye candy service.

You should jiggle your tits a little to show them to the customer in many different angles till they are satisfied when looking at your tits.

If needed you can let your customer feel up your tits and play with them for a minute.

If the deal is finalized then you have to take care of the needs of the customer.

Did you understand what I mean?”

Shizuka said while massaging the tits of Tsunade.

The pot bellied business man in front of them could not hold back his lust.

He took out his dick and started to jerk off looking at them.

Shizuka looked at him and said.

“What are you doing that?

It is our job to help you with that problem.”

Shizuka led Tsunade out of the Hokage seat and removed her out clothes leaving the sexy nipple stickers and the small underwear.

Then she told Tsunade to cover the face of the business man with her tits while she spoke.

“Since my subordinate did not complete her task properly, I would give a good service to you sir as punishment.”

Then she got down on her knees and started to suck the dick of the pot bellied business man.

The stimulation is too much for the pot bellied business man.

He only lasted for less than 2 minutes.

During this time the nipple stickers of Tsunade were removed and he was sucking on her tits.

Right after he released his cum inside the mouth of Shizuka, she swallowed everything with a bright smile on her face.

She licked her lips and swallowed the cum cleanly making the heart of the business man skip a beat.

She moved forward and pulled the small underwear of Tsunade down revealing her pussy and fingered it.


Tsunade moaned from pleasure as she leaned back on Shizuka with her pussy full on display for the business man ken.

The eyes of the business man ken did not leave the pussy of Tsunade the whole time.

He gulped down his saliva when he looked at it.

His hands are moving and stopping wanting to touch the pussy of Tsunade.

Looking at his expression she spoke.

“What is it Mister Ken,

Are you willing to sign a contract with us?

As long as you sign the contract, I will let Tsunade ride on the top of your dick.

Also you can cum inside her without any worry.

You can cum inside her till you are balls are dry.

We also have special extra service during the time of our contract.

You can book a night with any of our beauties base on the available time of the beauty.

The list of beauties will be available with Himeko of the office to the side.

All you have to do is to provide the long term contract information.

Now tell me do you want to sign the contract.”

The words of Shizuka sounded like a devil’s contract that would entice a man with beauty to get what it wanted.

But the business man ken could not hold back this feeling and decided to give in.

“Okay, I will sign the contract with the ninja empire for the next 5 years.

I hope that the cooperation is good during the nights.”

Shizuka took out the contract paper for him to sign and put his seal on it.

After this was complete Shizuka directly lifted Tsunade and spread her legs.

Tsunade stood there with red face all this time.

She did not do this kind of thing with her real face.

But she was so excited that her body barely has any strength to do anything on her own.

So she has to take the help of Shizuka right now.

The wet pussy of Tsunade came to the vision of the business man ken and Shizuka spoke.

“This is the fresh pussy of the beauty Tsunade.

You can check it and even taste it if you want.

If not I will place her on your dick to play with her as long as you want.”

That is what she said but in her heart she said something different.

“Yes it was indeed a fresh pussy, other than few hundred men from the land of lightning no one fucked her.

Just yesterday she knocked out 5 big men with her pussy and sucked them dry.

You can kiss it to taste the cum left by them.”

Well Tsunade had a bath in the morning and completely washed off.

Actually those servants cleaned her both inside and outside completely before sending her and other woman to the offices.

So they are perfectly clean.

Also because of the special enchantments from the system all of Shizuka’s women would have tight fit bodies that would not lose their tightness no matter what.

So even after getting fucked by the thick cocks her pussy is still tight without any problem.

Business man ken wanted to taste the pussy of Tsunade.

So Shizuka moved forward pushing the pussy of Tsunade to the face of business man ken.

“Sniff… Sniff…”

He sniffed the pussy of Tsunade and got a whiff of the womanly scent that made his dick stand straight again.

He slowly moved forward with his tongue stuck out of his mouth licked the pussy of Tsunade feeling the tender texture covered with the love juices of Tsunade.

He moved his hands to hold Tsunade’s body and started to lick her pussy vigorously till the body of Tsunade trembled with an orgasm.

He was very satisfied and finally let Tsunade’s pussy swallows his dick.

She could not move properly in this position as he was sitting in a chair while Tsunade is sitting on the top of his dick inside her pussy in an awkward position.

So Shizuka helped her move her body up and down in a rocking motion for them to get started.

Soon business man ken took over the job from Shizuka to fuck Tsunade.


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