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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 221: saving Yugito Nii

He gave the order and then dispersed.

Black Zetsu that is the original master mind behind his felt that the things are not as normal as they appeared to be.

He gave chance to Naruto but he could not find Naruto.

Well Naruto is as strong as black Zetsu and he also has the mayfly technique.

Other than that he also has the natural chakra to cover up and mix in with the surroundings so black Zetsu did not find Naruto.

Naruto instead left a lure to a faraway place like he is fleeing making black Zetsu chase all the way.

No one would expect to appear again in the same place where they extracted the 2 tails from Yugito.

So Naruto came here again.

With his healing capabilities and strong vitality he was able to stimulate the dying Yugito to breathe in again.

He did not completely heal her because the people from the hidden cloud village would come to get her body.

If she is willing to follow Naruto then Naruto would drop some remains that were mostly destroyed to distract the ninja from the hidden cloud village.

If not then Naruto can only let her go back to the hidden cloud village with all these injuries and life still intact.

After she goes back to hiding cloud village Naruto has to slowly pamper her and get her on his side over time.

Well after finding that she lost the 2 tails they would start to experiment on her.

The reason is how she is alive even after losing the tailed beast from her body.

Also they might suspect her because she is still alive after losing the tailed beast inside her because she is not the original Yugito.

This kind of things can actually happen when it comes to the ninja world and all kinds of things can happen to her.

Naruto can still come and rescue her at that moment.

After making the decision he started to heal her serious injuries first.

She slowly awakened her consciousness in her startled state.

She looked at the handsome person in front of her and reacted violently.

Naruto immediately hugged her from moving and said.

“Don’t move.

I am treating your injuries.

You are hurt really badly and if you move the injuries I just healed would reopen again.

Fortunately you met me….”

She stopped struggling after listening to the words of Naruto.

He was really healing her and continued to listen and observe the situation she is currently in.

“Fortunately you met me.

They are extracting your tailed beast right.

I could not save you right away but at the final moment when the residual tailed beast chakra is still inside your body, I have saved you from them.

Then use a special vitality technique to save your life.

Now you did not have a tailed beast inside you.

Only its residual chakra is left inside your to keep your vitality.

After your injuries are healed you can move.”

She listened to Naruto about the incredible things he did just now.

She did not expect that she would be saved.

At that moment she remembered that right when her life was about to end a sudden root of the tree came to pull her away from the monster like statue.

She did not move much and asked Naruto.

“Thank you for saving me.

Who are you?”

“I am Naruto from the hidden leaf village.

Also I am the 9 tails jinchūriki just like you.

I was training nearby and felt the strong fluctuations here.

Then I found that they are extracting your tailed beast.

Unfortunately they are all strong people and I could not attack them directly.

I can only attack them when they have reduced their vigilance.

That is right when they are about to succeed in extracting the tailed beast completely.

So I took the chance to hit and succeed in snatching your away from there.”

She was dazed when she heard the entire thing that Naruto said.

It was perfectly in sync of what happened to her.

She doesn’t know where but there is a problem that she could not point out.

After few moments she finally asked the problem she did not understand.

“You… you are the jinchūriki of the hidden leaf village.

How can you be here training?

This should be the border region of land of fire and land of lightning…”

This really is a valid question.

So Naruto shamelessly said.

“Well, I am really strong.

Unless I wanted to let others to find me, it is impossible to find me.

So I can train anywhere without a problem.

Any way Hokage is my woman, the deputy (Shizune) is my woman so what is the problem.

I might not be able to fight against the people that attacked you.

But I can run away without any problem.

If there is an injury I can heal myself.

So all in all I am an all rounder that can go anywhere.”

When she heard the words of Naruto she felt very strange but everything is reasonable.

She knows that hidden leaf village has new Hokage that is Tsunade.

But Tsunade is over 40 years of age and the man in front of her is in his teens.

Similarly she did not know that there is a deputy Hokage for the hidden leaf village.

As for running away from the guys and hiding from them, she can still believe this.

This is because Naruto saved her from them when their vigilance is down.

She was sure that Naruto can heal easily.

She suddenly felt that her life is miserable.

Well they are both jinchūriki and her life is not as good as Naruto just spoke.

Naruto can easily see though her thoughts and said.

“The life if jinchūriki is really not good.

I can have what I have right now because I used every opportunity I got to pull the people that are indifferent towards me to like me…..”

Chapter 222: Yugito Nii don’t want to follow Naruto

“The life if jinchūriki is really not good.

I can have what I have right now because I used every opportunity I got to pull the people that are indifferent towards me to like me.

It took me a long while but I got them all into my side.

Even so there are so many enemies.

You should be older than me.

You should have faced too many things than me.

I really feel sad for you.”

Naruto said with his magnetic voice.

This made Yugito remember her past which is very usual thing in this Naruto plot.

Anyone and everyone would go back into the long set of memories for every single sentence or word.

The playbacks are so idiotic that Naruto really wanted to vomit at them.

But he cannot deny that he can also use them to make good impression on other people.

So he directly poked into the sour spot of her memories.

It is like a homeopathy medicine that would increase the problem first before curing it from the core.

Naruto also increased their pain and then become a companion with the same pain.

Later he would say the words of his great development to gain good score with the girl.

Finally he would confess and show the domineering side to make the girl fall in love with him.

This is his standard procedure in the Naruto world.

Yugito was really moved and her expression said everything that Naruto wanted to know.

Well they are called ninja but none of them fight using sneak attacks like a ninja should do.

They are ninja and they don’t know how to control their emotions.

In the original plot Naruto as a man cried so much like a girl that people might mistake him for the heroine with a male appearance.

Not only him but his words can even make the most ruthless killers like Zabuza and even Obito to cry.

This is really annoying to the core.

Also there are so many hot beauties in this world but they are into fighting wars instead of enjoying.

They don’t even care about the beauties.

I really don’t know what they are going to achieve when they tried to get the bloodlines and Jutsu of other people.

If the other person is prosperous then they would want to kill that person.

Also these people did not have enough interest in even the money.

The men of this world are the most useless people that did not have a direction of happiness in their life.


Naruto healed Yugito almost completely and only left the surface or skin wounds.

They are painful but they are not life threatening.

Naruto stopped for a moment and said.

“Do you wish go with me.

It has been so long and none from the land of lightning came for your rescue.

Are you sure that you belong to the village hidden in the clouds.

Also I will not let you go back to the hidden leaf village with me.

Instead I have started a business with the people I saved in the land of waves.

You can work there after changing your appearance.


Naruto said with his trembling magnetic voice.

Yugito was really moved by his words and really wanted to follow him.

But she could not leave her village that she was born and lived all these years.

Also she lost the 2 tails beast.

She felt that she has the responsibility to report back to her people.

She shook her head at Naruto and said.

“Thank you for saving me.

But I cannot go with you.

Even though they hate me I still have to show my good side to them to gain their recognition.”


The people in the ninja world are really stupid.

She did not seem to understand the depth of the situation.

But Naruto did not intend to tell her this and let her go back to those people from the hidden cloud village.

She can be taken back only when her thoughts broke away from the hidden cloud village.

In order for that to happen Naruto has to take the chance to let the people of the hidden cloud village break the heart of Yugito.

So he took out a small grain of rice and gave it to her.

“Take this with you.

If you are in danger just send in some chakra into it and it will save you at that time.”

After Naruto said he thought for a moment and said.

“I will not heal your injuries anymore.

If they are healed completely then your people might misunderstood the entire thing and cause problems for you.

Good bye for now.”

After saying these words Naruto vanished from the spot like a flash.

The small grain of rice he gave her is similar to the things Yamato gave to Naruto and others.

They are the compressed wood grains.

Naruto’s clones can come out of these small gains at any time based on the situation.

They can also keep surveillance on the surrounding situation.

So everything is good with this small grain.

Also she will not be able to leave this grain away from Naruto because Naruto stuck a grain secretly on her body where she would not touch.

This would keep an eye on her so that she would not be in danger after taking her back to the hidden cloud village.


After Naruto left Yugito has to wait for a long time before she walked out of this place.

Even then no one came to her rescue for a long time.

If she is relying on the ninja from the hidden cloud village, she will not be able to come out of the things alive.

Fortunately Naruto was nearby at that time to save her.

Naruto left a clone to keep an eye on her as he returned back to the hidden leaf village.

Naruto did not require any form of training from Kakashi.

Chapter 223: Asuma is dead

Naruto left a clone to keep an eye on her as he returned back to the hidden leaf village.

Naruto did not require any form of training from Kakashi.

His close continued to train in various places during this time without any rest.

On the other hand Asuma was sent to take care of Hidan and Kakuzu that destroyed the temple of fire.

Along with Asuma, Shikamaru was also sent.

Naruto knows that this would be the death of Asuma.

Till his death he was unable to lay his finger on Kurenai.

Now Naruto can sigh of relief as he changed the plot.

There will only be one heir left in the Sarutobi family after third Hokage.

That is Konohamaru.

The reason why things went so smoothly is because the child of Asuma did not have much role in the future.

If it is an important character then things would be more complicated like how he could not directly cause any kill to Sasuke, Obito and few other people during their plot.

Naruto specifically sent a clone to keep an eye.

He wanted to know if Asuma died or not.

There are other things to take care of at this moment.

After confirmation the clone did not vanish and started to train on its own in a different way.

All the clones are like that.

No energy of Naruto is wasted.

When the news of Asuma came back there is a commotion.

Kurenai is not that sad only a little.

It is just like all other Jonin of her generation that are sad because of the death of a friend.

Naruto was happy about this matter and went to the funeral with sad face like everyone.

There is a person that he has to manipulate.

Konohamaru is a person that has the protagonist luck in him.

So it should be natural that Naruto pays more attention to him just in case.

Naturally on the next day the team 10 that is under the leadership of Asuma before decide to continue the mission to hunt down Hidan.

Tsunade could not let them go on their own.

Naturally Naruto appeared beside them suddenly.

“You have to take Naruto with you for extra insurance.

A team needs 4 people.

It is just in case.

Remember that your lives are more important than anything else.”

Originally Kakashi should be here at that moment.

But Naruto took the chance to switch the characters by mixing some laxatives to Kakashi so that he would not show up.

Kakashi was very busy right now and the credit of this matter was given to Ichiraku ramen store by Kakashi.

This is because Ayame was out of the town and Teuchi hired few useless pricks.

The result is a complete mess.

So naturally they are the biggest suspects.

Naruto followed along with them.

Shikamaru did not have a problem and explained his plan to Naruto.

Also Ino was more restrained because she is on a mission to avenge their team leader.

Based on the original plot they should have just completed the extraction of 2 tails.

Unfortunately the reality and the plot have some time differences that are caused by the appearance of Naruto.

With the appearance of more members of Akatsuki that helped in extraction the process because faster.

The other members took part as extra this time are actually Kisame and Itachi.

Originally they should not participate.

But things changed because of the actions of Naruto before.

The number shortens the time and the results are also changed like this.

Well whatever it became convenience for Naruto.

They were discovered by Ino that took the body of a bird to scout the area.

The first started based on the attack pattern and plan of Shikamaru.

Naturally Naruto took the role of Kakashi and would act right when the guard of Kakuzu is down.

Naruto appeared behind Kakuzu and plunged his arm into the heart of Kakuzu with lightning chakra.

Naruto can use all kinds of chakra elemental natures after the training he went through.

Also he not only used the lightning chakra but also the wind shuriken Rasengan was also placed inside the body of Kakuzu.

After placing the wind shuriken Rasengan in his body Naruto jumped back to a safe distance.

He has already talked about this to Shikamaru and others.

So they know that there would be an extraordinary blast.

But they did not expect that it would completely cause all the hearts of Kakuzu to be destroyed in a single shot.

Even Hidan was affected by the sudden attack of Naruto and the damage is really severe.

Well there are always hidden things.

Under the ground Kakuzu was still alive.

Well there is only one heart left alive that pierced few meter into the ground to escape from the dangerous situation at that time.

As for Hidan his body started to recover that was damaged to the molecular level.

The main body of Kakuzu is gone and only the black substance drilled out with a fire mask slowly out of the ground.

Shikamaru went to take care of Hidan at that moment.

Naruto did not let Choji and Ino follow behind Shikamaru.

Because of the previous attack of Naruto, Kakuzu was frightened.

Kakuzu wanted to escape from this place.

Unfortunately Naruto is really fast and the mask was blasted along with the entire thing being electrocuted till it burnt to crisp.

With that there is nothing left.

Shikamaru on the other hand continued with his plan to kill Hidan.

Well Hidan is particularly an immortal and he would not die.

But he can still be killed by the truth seeker balls.

The lord Jashin that he worships is actually like the Otsutsuki clan from the Otsutsuki planet.

They are kind of dark being that would grant immortality to the body.

But there is a price for everything.

It is the sacrifices that he makes that give him the chance to maintain his immortal life.

Chapter 224: the strange taste of Karin

But there is a price for everything.

It is the sacrifices that he makes that give him the chance to maintain his immortal life.

So naturally there is a way to kill him if the technique used is on the same level.


Shikamaru used his original plan to bury Hidan under the ground without any chance to come back.

But Naruto told him that it is better to separate his body parts and scatter them around the world so that he could never be revived.

Under the suggestion of Naruto Shikamaru only buried the head of Hidan here and the remaining parts were buried at other places in the same forest.

Naturally no one is allowed to enter into this forest.

Even if they came here, with the distribution of body parts in the deep pits it is not possible to retrieve them all and join them together in a short time.

Before they can succeed they would be found out quickly and stopped in time from them to revive Hidan.

With that their revenge is complete.

Naruto knows that Zetsu can still revive Hidan.

But he would not do that because he doesn’t know how to kill Hidan at the given moment.

Naruto only speculated that they could kill Hidan with the truth seeker balls.

But it is not proven fact.

Since it is like that they do not want to take any risk.

Zetsu also don’t want any hindrance in his plan to revive Kaguya.

So he would to revive Hidan to create more variables.

His plan is already proceeding smoothly as it is.


They happily returned back to the hidden leaf village.

Since Sakura did not follow them Naruto was close to Ino.

He felt her tits are growing nicely and got a good kiss from her in secret.

Feeling up her tits and ass made Naruto really aroused.

But he held back for the time being.

He still have to wait to reach his full potential before being a man and plough the small land of his girls all night long.

On the other hand Naruto’s clone near the base of Orochimaru is waiting for the situation where Sasuke would kill Orochimaru.

Kabuto need some support for the subsequent plan to progress smoothly and quickly.

So the clone is waiting here to observe the situation.

Well Orochimaru would not die but was taken over by Sasuke for the time being.

Kabuto did not stop Sasuke for the time being.

He already received his orders from Naruto to stay away from Sasuke for the time being.

So Kabuto left Sasuke to continue with his own work.

Naturally after they returned Ino went with Choji and Shikamaru to contemplate a little over the death of Asuma.

Naruto did not disturb them.

Instead he went to have ramen with Sakura, Sai and Kakashi.

At that time Konohamaru came over with his new sexy Jutsu.

The first one is really god image.

If he is really a girl Naruto would have thought of playing around.

But Sakura was repulsive about this matter.

On the other hand Konohamaru use the same sexy Jutsu with Sai and Sasuke.

This immediately sparked the mind of Sakura that aligned with the image of what Naruto said before.

She could not help but be shocked and her heart changed at a violent speed.

Even her nose has bleeding.

Sai on the other side said with an emotionless voice.

“That is a great image of Sasuke and me.

I should paint that later to keep it in for memories and gift them to Sasuke when I propose my love.”

Kakashi on the side don’t know what to say at this moment.

After they are done here Naruto went to talk with Karin.

Well he did not ignore here but she was too engrossed in learning some of the Uzumaki seals and healing techniques that she closed herself in a room.

She is a bit strange on the way she dresses and the style she maintains is also different.

Actually few days ago she said that she wanted to wear a dominatrix dress for Naruto to see.

Well she will be the one that would be dominated.

Also she drew a picture of a specifically designed dominatrix dress that looked like the dress of Sadi in one piece.

Naruto was really taken aback by her thoughts.

Unlike in the original plot her tits are growing a little bigger than usual under the help and support of Naruto.

So Naruto promised her that it would be her wedding night dress.

Also he told her that only he and his women can see her in this dress.

After talking to her Naruto have the thoughts of ordering this kind of dresses to all of his women later.

Well this type of dresses needs to be produced separately and are not in direct production.

Only he has the authority to measure the body of his women.

So he specifically left a clone to learn tailoring to design various hot clothes for his women.

It seems like an important thing to do.

So he took action immediately.

During this time he did not get to meet Hinata that was training differently.

Naruto invited her for dinner to feel her up carefully.

She is really growing well and her tits grew the most.

Naruto’s fondness towards her tits and hair made her specifically take good care of them.

While they are kissing they have an audience.

It is Hanabi that followed her sister to see where she is going.

After seeing the scene she blushed and don’t know what to say.

Naruto has noticed her but he would not pull her into his side immediately before.

But right now his clone suddenly appeared behind her and brought her in to the house.

Right then Hinata is sitting on the lap of Naruto and kissing Naruto with a deep hug.

She is not so shy and she did not faint like before.

Chapter 225: Hanabi discovers Hinata and Naruto kissing

Right then Hinata is sitting on the lap of Naruto and kissing Naruto with a deep hug.

She is not so shy and she did not faint like before.

When kissing Naruto after they kissing him so many times she is no longer shy about him.

Now Hinata is 16 or 17 years old while Hanabi is 12 or 13 years old.

Hanabi is more active to find her sister and want to know what she is up to all this time.

Also she wanted to know how her sister suddenly became more confident and strong.

She was caught now and was brought over to where Hinata and Naruto as kissing each other.

Hinata did not expect that Hanabi is spying on them and was caught.

The face of Hinata turned red and felt shyness after a long time.

Naruto smiled at Hanabi that is struggling with the clone.

Hinata immediately said.

“Hanabi stop struggling.

He is your brother in law and my future husband.”

Well her words trembled and fluttered for a moment when she spoke but she still spoke these words hugging Naruto.

Hanabi stopped struggling and the clone put her down and left.

Hanabi covered her mouth and looked at Naruto up and down before speaking.

“You are the reason why my sister changed over the years.

You are called Naruto right.

The son of the fourth Hokage and has 9 tails sealed inside you.

You are the one that removed the caged bird seal on the head of big brother Neji right.”

Her voice is really cute with her appearance.

Naruto hugged Hinata from behind and said.

“Yes, all the things you said are right.”

Hinata smiled with red face.

Hanabi immediately said.

“It is wrong to touch woman without getting married to them.

So unhand my sister.

You can only become my brother in law after you marry my sister.”

Her words almost made Naruto fall from the chair he was sitting on.

He did not expect that Hanabi would say something like that.

So he smiled back at her and spoke.

“You know, rules don’t matter to me.

I can do whatever I want to do.

You sister is really good and hugging her makes me feel happy.

She is so soft and fluffy that I want to keep her at my home.

Unfortunately I could not just do that right now.

If you want your sister then why don’t you replace her?

Come here and give me a hug.

If you are really fluffy like your sister, then I would leave your sister temporarily for a while till our marriage.”

Hanabi thought for a moment and said.

“No, I cannot let you hug me.

If you hug me then you have to marry me too.

I don’t want to marry you.

I am going to be the leader of the Hyuga clan in the future.

So I cannot marry anyone.”

Naruto smiled and said again.

“Then I cannot leave your sister.

Also you will not be able to become the leader of the Hyuga clan because I will disband the main family and make you people choose a leader through elections.

So you will not become the leader.

Most probably Neji would become the leader.

You will be married off to someone by your father.

Since it is like that why don’t you just marry me and live with your sister.

You wanted to protect your sister right.

Just marry me and you can protect her all you want.

What do you think?”

Hinata that listened to his pinched Naruto on the waist and whispered.

“You want to extend your claws all the way to my sister.

Don’t do that.”

Naruto hugged Hinata tightly and whispered back.

“Do you really think that you can find a man that is better than me in the future for your sister?

Since you want her to be happy why not pull her into the family.

We can all be a big happy family in the future instead.”

Naruto’s words are really reasonable for Hinata but she could not just pull her sister in this for the time being.

So she can only say.

“Don’t talk about these things to her for the time being.

She still has to train and become strong.

We will see about this in the future.

I should go with her and talk to her now.

So let me go.”

Naruto is not a clingy person.

So he let go of Hinata and let her talk to Hanabi.

As for his words he did not intend to make any moves on Hanabi.

He would move when she grow up into a beauty like Hinata.

Even though she would not have the bountiful tits of Hinata, she would have a firm body with a different fish like eyes and long hair.

So he would not mess with her growth.

After Hinata and Hanabi left Naruto was bored again.

So he tried to sense the woman he liked that is currently present in the village.

Then his thoughts connected to Kurenai.

Kurenai went out for shopping to buy the things.

Naruto immediately vanished from here and appeared in an alley near the shopping area.

He walked out of the alley and walked in the opposite direction of Kurenai to confront her along the path.

He wanted to create a chance encounter.

So he did just that.

When they met face to face Naruto immediately shouted at Kurenai.

“Hello big sister, long time no see.”

Well they did not meet that much often and most of the time it was the disguised appearance of Naruto.

So she did not see Naruto for a long time.

Now that she met Naruto again she spoke with him with enthusiasm.

Well she witnessed Naruto kicking the asses of both Kisame and Itachi before when he was just a Genin.

So, she remembered him and much more impressed by him.

Now that they met suddenly she became interested in Naruto.


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