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The fantasy world settings are not mine but everything other than that is my own creation.

All the character’s in the story that have any Adult interaction are 18 years or older.

All the forced situations that appear are all just an act by the protagonist to fool the enemies and gain benefits.

Chapter 246: restocking meat from forest and sea

They are wearing their magic suits and on the top of the suit they are wearing bulk clothes to cover their appearance.

They are particularly ugly in their external appearance, so no one in the city would bother with them for the time being.

This current city is not in the control of the single clan.

There are many powerful clans that formed a council.

The main branches of big clans like technotrix clan, Merck clan and few other strong clans have seats in the council.

There are 40 seats in the council and there are more than 30 big clans and groups.

They all share the seats and they would decide the things by voting.

All these clans here have at least 1 or 2 4-star powerhouses in their clan.

So naturally they are very powerful and have strong influence of the area.

The security of the city is also good and the city has 20 gates right now.

Each seat has the duty to guard the gates that are assigned to their clan or side.

Right after entering through the gate the clan that has the authority or duty over the gate would be present there as their main base.


Vicky entered in the Elven clan side.

Because of the blessing on his body that was not disguised has given him good entry quickly.

They felt that he was recognized by a high elf so they did not question him other than checking his identity.

Vicky’s identity is normal and there is no problem.

So they naturally let him and his companions enter.

Vicky settled down in the Elven side for now.

Their main target after entering into the city is to restock some of the food, water and local spices.

Also this place is close to the water source and there are many kinds of sea food.

They are planning to collect more food here.

The food here is comparatively much better than the outskirts of the apocalypse land.

Vicky can cook it better.

What they are going to do is to collect the raw materials and cook the food in the coming rest time.

The food they consumed has increased quantitatively.

Because of this they food reserves are rapidly decreasing over time.

They replenished some good from the cities that they visited.

They still have vegetable food with them from the planting area of the ark.

But the meat related food is going down.

Since they are in a unique place with a forest on one side and sea on the other side, the meat food they can collect here is really big.

So they took the chance to collect the food in these places.

The Elven place did not have much amount of meat.

Well they serve meat dishes in the hotels here but they would not sell meat much in this area.

But they sell variety of fruits and seeds.

Rose said that she has to collect her own world tree seed later so that she can plant it in the planting area.

This world tree has many benefits for them all.

But she has to acquire it on her own trail facing a disaster.

Vicky has already looked about it in the book of prophesies.

It is said that they would find a chance soon.

In the current situation they have to collect as much as food as quickly as possible before the zombie virus spread.

The forest chicken, roosters, rabbit, boats, deer…..

From the sea there are many kinds of fishes from small size to big size.

Vicky and the girls split up and started to go from one place to the other checking for the stores that sell meat and spices in whole sale.

They also need to replenish salt.

They still have plenty of water for them to consume.

They also have large amounts of daily necessity water.

Jerry on the other hand left to enquire and connect through the underground channels.

Because of the mining city nearby there are ways to replenish guns and bullets.

There are enchanted bullets and enchanted grenades in the area.

But they are really expensive.

What Jerry is going to do is to enquire about this matter.

Then Vicky and Ginny would come to use the mind control to know the location where these things are made.

After that these they would find a time to steal these things from their warehouse.

This kind of thing would be guarded.

But they are plenty of them at the same time.

So stealing them would be much easier as long as they find the right opening.

Vicky and the girls would stay in this place for nearly a year of time.

During this time they would find the way to get what they wanted.

The auction has not started and even with the zombie apocalypse the auction would not stop.

The teleportation formation was right at the center of the city.

After a week after Vicky and others arrived the advertising of the auction started to flow around the city.

The reason for this advertising is not to attract customers but to attract small scale business men to set up stalls like a carnival.

With auction there would be a carnival.

The auction would be held after a month.

The city started to become lively.

Fortunately Vicky bought many good meat products in big batches.

They also bought some local dishes along with spices.

Mostly they bought seeds.

Seeds can be planted to improve their grain reserves.

Also some plants here are very strange like the gray forest back on earth that appeared after the start of apocalypse.

Some of the plants in this gray forest are also useful as spices and side dishes when cooked in specific way.

Vicky learnt some of the local food preparation styles and tried to cook them in the ark.

The taste is much better with other combinations giving Vicky and the girls to taste something new every day.

Chapter 247: the purpose of auction

Vicky learnt some of the local food preparation styles and tried to cook them in the ark.

The taste is much better with other combinations giving Vicky and the girls to taste something new every day.

The food they liked would be made in big quantities while the food they did not like would not be made.

This is their daily work during this time other than training to improve.

Vicky used the 5-star spar from the lion they got before in the magic energy concentration area.

This would let the energy last for a long time for them to use.

They highest level their ark can currently manage right now is only 4-star level.

So this 5-star spar can last for a long time.

With this they don’t have to use others spars for improving the concentration.

Well the system would automatically absorb the surrounding magic energy to improve the magic energy concentration.

But the improved concentration could not keep up with their consumption.

So they can only use spars.

Also they can improve the concentration to absorb more magic energy.

But this would consciously cause the magic deficiency in their surrounding area.

This would cause many problems to them.

This would cause more attention towards them.

That would become the biggest problem for them.

So they do not want that to happen.

But they decided to take part in the coming auction.

During these days the first sightings of zombies appeared.

Then the news about the 2-star cities nearby falling has appeared.

At the same time there are many zombie monsters in the forest causing big problems.

This zombie virus even spread into water to cause zombie fishes.

Well all of them are low leveled and the city stepped into the emergency state.

All the walls of the city were closed and the cost of food and water increased by 4 times.

Vicky that has brought the food and water before in large quantities is now enjoying the life.

No one bothered to check Vicky as he came to the city 15 days ago.

The previous 2-star city they live in did not fall yet.

But the 2-star city called the mountain city has fallen completely.

The powerful experts of 4-star level started to take turns to guard the 20 gates of the city.

The auction will be held soon.

There are many big people that would arrive here from 4-star and 5-star cities of the middle region.

So the people here are preparing really hard to entertain them.

Gaining benefits from them can help the city and support when their people want to enter into the higher cities.

Money that is spars is one form of currency but the other form of currency is called the relations that are contacts.

This is a valuable resource to give them access to enter into the middle region in the future.

This is the other side of holding the auction.

These days jerry was sitting near the teleportation gate to see if the future lover would come here.

Even though he don’t know the woman he likes in the future would look like he cannot wait to see her later.

Vicky knows where Jerry saved his future lover and he has already found the hide out of those thugs.

All they have to do is to wait till that woman was captured by the thugs and save her to help them.

This way the good image would appear perfectly and Jerry would gain his lover.

Vicky already told Jerry to not to be impulsive in doing anything.

So Jerry did not do any stupid things.

He just went to the teleportation gate area and went to eat around that place.

Vicky has given him a storage space ring that he got before.

He was really overjoyed to receive such a gift from Vicky.

Vicky has already cleared the zombie virus from this storage space ring.

So there is no problem.

He started to use this storage ring to store his main things and weapons.

Also Vicky and Jerry made a contacting device that set at specific frequency.

Since Jerry wanted to stay here to look Vicky told him to contact him as soon as he saw the woman he might like.

This is because Vicky doesn’t want Jerry to be impulsive and cause unnecessary troubles.

Well if one were to appear at the wrong time then it is highly possible that they might think that they are the thugs that captured their daughter.

So they have to make things more properly.

Also they cannot reveal that they can see the future.

So naturally they can only act right when Jerry acted in his previous life.

Till then Vicky has to stop him from doing anything stupid.


Vicky and the girls did not go anywhere during this time and only stayed and trained.

One of them would stay out to guard the place and keep an eye on things in shifts.

Vicky was given most time to practice other than cooking.

Well he has the lowest level right now so they wanted him to improve.

With the high concentration of the magic energy and the 5-star spar held by Vicky when practicing has improved his speed very much.

He found that the 5-star lion spar is a bit special and it is compactable to him.

That is it covered all the things that he is deficient in and filled those gaps to let him improve faster.

It is good fortune to have something like this.

Vicky used it to practice quickly and improved his level by leaps and bounds in just few days.

He reached tier 9 of 2-star level.

Right then Sakura that was on guard outside came in to call Vicky telling him that Jerry made a call.

Vicky immediately stopped his practice and came out to go to Jerry to have a talk.

While Vicky was away other girls are doing their own things without wasting time.

Chapter 248: right time to save Aivana

Vicky immediately stopped his practice and came out to go to Jerry to have a talk.

While Vicky was away other girls are doing their own things without wasting time.


Vicky came to the location where Jerry is waiting and looked at the person that Jerry talked about.

Vicky found that they match based on his previous memory.

This is the same woman.

She has the small body with big tits and ass.

She looks average on face but the body is really good.

Vicky told Jerry to not to follow her directly as they are keeping an eye through the sensing.

Also the sensing work was done by Ginny because these people have strong protection and can react when other people are sensing them.

There is a 5-star powerhouse that came along with that woman.

She is called Aivana.

Jerry fell in love with her in the very first sight.

Well he is literally floating in his armor.

Aivana is a woman from a Dwarven clan of a 5-star city in the middle region of the apocalypse land.

She is a princess level figure there.

But she is a mischievous woman and she slipped out of the people that are guarding her.

This caused the accident where she was captured by some thugs and was taken away.

They wanted to use her to get some ransom from the people behind her.

Naturally this kind of rich people are well protected and they would pay the ransom as long as few scapegoats are prepared.

The amount would be good when the people are from the higher level star city.

Also after getting the goods they can simply escape from this place to another city using the teleportation gate.

If there are enough members in a team and the gain is big enough they can escape from here or hide somewhere else.

It is not like anyone would be able to catch them.

They can also use decoy technique using robots or other things like puppets to take the ransom and escape.

Fortunately Jerry found them in their previous life and defeated those thugs saving Aivana from them.

Just now they recognized the person but did not act immediately.

Also taking Ginny and even he himself going out is a dangerous thing.

Their bloodlines can be recognized by those 5-star powerhouses.

This would be dangerous.

So they can only come out cautiously and have to maintain a distance.

Not every powerhouse can have sensing capabilities and special sensing skills.

As long as they did not get close to them they will not be able to sense their bloodlines.

Even if they try there is a big chance that they would fail to sense because of the ark protection.

So for now it is still fine.

But they don’t know the results in the future.

That is if there is a sensing expert then he would definitely find them quickly.

So hiding is the best option.

Later when Jerry would save Aivana, they would help from sidelines but they will not participate straight into the thing.

They don’t want to meet the powerhouses.


After that they left here to the place where the thugs should hold Aivana as hostage in the future.

Jerry would keep watch here while Vicky and Ginny returned back.

It would take two more days for them to capture Aivana.

They will save her after two days after she was captured.

They would not do anything to her because the people behind Aivana are strong.

If they did something out of the line then they would be hunted down completely.

So they would only capture her and held her as hostage.

While Jerry is monitoring the things Vicky started to train again.

He is very close to reaching the 3-star level.

So he continued to train.

After 2 days Jerry sent a message that they captured Aivana.

Vicky told his girls to send him a message to stay put and not act stupidly.

Then he trained for another 2 days when Jerry was impatient.

Right then Vicky successfully stepped into 3-star level and improved his strength by a large margin.

He quickly sent a message to Jerry and he went to help Jerry.

Actually Vicky doesn’t have to help Jerry as he can completely take care of this situation.

But what Vicky wanted to do is to let Jerry move in the same path as he moved in the past life to get the heart of Aivana.

So after Vicky arrived with his complete magic suit and the cloak they quickly moved towards the location where Aivana is being held captive.

Aivana is around 2-star level.

That is the same as Jerry.

They did not time her up.

Instead they used special sedative to knock her out.

They did not tie her up because normal materials will not be able to bind a 2-star powerhouse.

The materials that can bind a 2-star powerhouse are too expensive.

If they can bear that expense they don’t have to become thugs right now.

Well they took these two days and decided to send the ransom note.

If they did that they would be really captured easily by the people behind Aivana.

Fortunately for Jerry they did not do that and gave this opportunity to Jerry.


Vicky and Jerry sneaked into that place and waited for the moment when Aivana wakes up.

It is important for Aivana to wake up and become the witness that Jerry saved her.

It did not take long for her to wake up.

Right when she woke up the thugs that captured her wanted to put her back to sleep.

Unfortunately they did not get the time to do that.

Jerry immediately broke through the front door and started to fight with the thugs.

All these thugs are around 1 star and the boss of these thugs is close to 2-star level.

So they were defeated with the power of the big robot and Artificial intelligence quickly.

Chapter 249: Aivana was saved successfully

All these thugs are around 1 star and the boss of these thugs is close to 2-star level.

So they were defeated with the power of the big robot and Artificial intelligence quickly.

Aivana was shocked to see a big robot knocking out the thugs and coming towards her.

When he came close Jerry came out of the big robot and helped her with some medicine to clear the numbness of her body.

Then he called the people behind Aivana to inform them that he found her.

Well in the past 2 days they have clearly mentioned and released the search posters to search for Aivana.

So it was easy to contact them quickly.

Jerry safeguarded Aivana and even spoke to her with great care.

While Vicky did the background work of standing aside and keep things in order.

After few minutes he silently slipped past this place back to his house.

Before leaving he came to Jerry and said.

“You have saved the woman you loved right.

I am going back to take care of the things with my woman.”

He clearly indicates that there is another person that helped Jerry in this matter.

Also it shows that Jerry fell in love with Aivana and came to save her.

Aivana that was mentally awake understood this matter.

Looking at Jerry she blushed.

Well it is a hero saving a beauty incident.

So it is a normal thing.

Also Vicky set the conditions carefully so that there are not many blind spots about the identity of Jerry.

That is Jerry is not a cheap person that would use other to capture Aivana and then save her to make her fall in love with him.

This kind of thought should not appear in the people that came to check later.

Also Jerry and Vicky just arrived here few days ago.

So they would not be suspected.

Jerry is at the restaurant where the teleportation gate is present.

So he can be said to have fallen in love at first sight the moment he laid his eyes on Aivana.

This means that he started to search for her the moment they released the notice of her being missing.

So this means that everything is in correct order and there is no problem with him doing something behind their backs.

Soon after that the people that came along with Aivana came to this location.

When they arrived they wanted to point their weapons at Jerry but Aivana stopped.

These few minutes are enough for them to speak and Aivana understood the intentions of Jerry.

With enough proofs there are no doubts.

She explained the situation and also told them that there is a helper to Jerry that saved her.

But that person left before because he has to take care of something else.

Jerry was taken along with them back to their temporary residence prepared by the city council.

Well they are here for the auction held by the city council.

Naturally they would take care of the guests with care.

The guests that come here for the auction are from strong background.

If something happened to them then their city and clans would be decimated.

So when they heard that Jerry saved them they immediately flocked over him to give him some presents.

Some of them looked at his mechanical robotic armor and wanted to recruit him.

Unfortunately Jerry declined saying that he is already in another team and is going to leave to the middle region of the apocalypse land.

They are a little sad but they did not say anything.

Since he solved a major problem of getting retaliation from a big clan from a 5-star city, it is enough to call him their dad.

So they did not dare to show any bad voice.

Aivana took him to meet an elder that came with her.

He is a 5-star powerhouse.

Also he is from a dwarf clan.

Their machinery and robotics are further compressed into much complex machinery with complicated and advanced technology.

A small coin like thing can become an energy hand gun after activation.

A small bag pack can become a powerful armor that is light and strong.

So there are many advanced things in their hands.

Jerry did not reveal his identity much but he vaguely told them that he was once from the middle region but have to go that far.

Other tactically did not ask about this matter right now.

Since the other party did not tell them, it means that they did not want them to be involved.

Dwarves can tell the age of other dwarves.

Also based on the age of Jerry, they can tell that Jerry was not punished from banishment or anything.

Instead it should be something like the destruction of the clan or something like that.

In the recent years many such things have happened but the biggest thing is the clan that was destroyed in the 6-star country.

This is the only big incident where a Dwarven clan was completely destroyed.

It is said that the prince of the Dwarven clan went missing.

So they directly guessed that it should be jerry in front of them.

With this guess they understood his situation.

Also they understood a different situation.

That is since he was returning that is along with a team, this means that he found a strong backing.

The other party that save Aivana with him should belongs to that group.

He really wanted to meet the other party.

This is because the other party did not come to them to ask for any benefits.

It is only Jerry that stayed till they took Aivana to safety.

This means that the other party is very strong did not care about the benefits.

This means they either have a very strong background or they have enough wealth to look down on all those benefits.

They believe that it should be the former situation of having a strong background behind them.

Chapter 250: corrupted amber

This means they either have a very strong background or they have enough wealth to look down on all those benefits.

They believe that it should be the former situation of having a strong background behind them.

With that they did not ask any more questions.

They only showed their hospitality to Jerry.

Vicky and others did not meet them directly.

Jerry did not call them.

But he met with Aivana few times after that.

They hit it off quickly.

So they started to go out around the city without any fear.

Aivana met with Vicky later and his women.

But all of this in armored bodies and only their faces appeared in front of her.

There is a guard following Aivana because of the last incident.

When they guard looked at Vicky and his women he was shocked.

It is not because of their appearance but their level of power.

All of them have solid power with 3-star level.

Also they are very young compared to many geniuses.

So he was shocked looking at them.

Other than that the amours they are wearing is sophisticated enough for them to become interested in.

They combined mechanics and magic here.

They also do this work but it is not easy thing to do.

Only higher level Dwarven smiths can do such a thing.

But these young people having this kind of amours means, they have strong background.

So he did not dare to investigate them and only followed them silently without making any big moves.

Soon it was the date of the auction.

They went to participate in the auction.

Vicky bought tickets for them all.

Originally one he wanted to go there.

But he cannot recognize some things directly.

He needs the support of his women.

So he took them all along.

When they entered the auction area they are given a separate box.

Other than the live they can see through the screen there is also a directly display through the glass window.

They can simply use the button there to raise the price if they want.

With that they quickly set the things and watched them slowly.

The auction started.

The first item is a strange red fruit it is called the desert blood fruit.

Eating it would improve the vitality of a person and increases the life span by at least 10 years.

Also the person that eats it would gain resistance to strong temperatures and affinity towards heat.

But the gain cannot be calculated as it can be high or low.

The starting price is 10 4-star spars and every increment requires 1 4-star spar.

They can also put in a 5-star spar in place of 10 4-star spars.

But it is hard to mention the increment price.

So they have arranged it like this.

Even if there is higher spar they can convert the spars to the lower level spars with quantity.

Vicky was not interested in this fruit.

It is not like he don’t want it but it was not the important thing.

There are a few things that he is interested in.

He would concentrate on those things.

The auction for the desert blood fruit started.

People raised its price by a large margin and it was sold for 40 4-star spar.

Well this fruit can be used to refining some pills and the properties can be enhanced under certain conditions.

After that the second item was placed.

It is called the corrupted amber.

It looked like a blackish honey colored crystal but still looked like amber.

Amber was originally secreted from the tree in the form of a resin and it would solidify.

It would have a certain amount of life energy.

But corrupted amber is one that is contaminated with other elements because of certain circumstances.

That is if the amber was suddenly exposed to strong fire due to a natural disaster then it would be corrupted by fire.

This kind of fire corrupted amber would have dark red color.

Similarly it the amber was exposed to water due to a natural disaster then it would be corrupted by water.

This kind of water corrupted amber would have bluish color to it.

But the corrupted amber in front of them is black in color.

This means it was exposed to strong death element or something like that.

The dark black color is the death element that is stuck in the amber and it solidified.

This kind of amber is naturally used in weapons or artifacts manufacturing.

They would use it to enhance that specific property of the amber to be imbued into the artifact.

But no one uses death element unless they belongs to the dark tribes of ghost, demons or other tribes.

In the part where Vicky is currently in, there dark elements are very less and almost nonexistent.

This is because they are in a place with ample sunlight.

Not just ample but too much sunlight that can create a vast desert.

So naturally the death element corrupted amber is rare produce that was formed here.

Also it is a very less valuable product.

No one in this place wants it and can use it.

Even the people that came to auction are like that and they did not have much use to this.

Only a few Dwarven smiths might be interested.

They can use it as a balancing element to create a weapon that can take in opposing elements.

Well this death element corrupted amber is the combination of both life and death element.

So naturally they can use it for weapons of this side.

The announcer made the announcement of the price that made them give up.

“The initial price is 4 4-star spars and each increment should be no less than 1 4-star spar.”

Well this corrupted amber did not have many fans so the cost of this thing is very high.

The people can go at most 3 4-star spar to get this corrupted amber.


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