Thank you and Happy February! (Patreon)
Hello my Sexies!
I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you for being here. Your kindness and support are what keep me inspired to continue creating for you! I wanted to try something new this month and see if it's something we make a bit more permanent. I would love one idea from you for an audio this month. You know I love creating for you and I REALLY love knowing what you're in the mood for!
Share your ideas in the comments below. This is for every tier to participate in. If this goes well, I will choose one (perhaps more) idea and record it for you. If you don't have an idea, that's ok! You can participate by liking an ideas others have that turn you on. If an idea gets a ton of likes, that might just be the one I have to go with. 😉
What do you think? Also, if this goes well, I may just have to start using Discord to make it easier to chat with you all. 💋
With love,