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Hey everybody,

Here is a frame I finished out a few weeks back. I wanted to quickly make a realistic AI version for fun. As a reminder the Betty Project will be drawn animation and will not use ai models. However I am considering crafting the frames into Ai models after for a future project for this kind of experience.

I have had a slew of messages ranging from eagerness in regards to me completing the Betty Project, to worries about my health and my over all activity. I am okay, I am healthy and I am still actively making the animated frames for this project. My work/life schedule is very busy and I wish there were extra hours in the day so that this project would have been completed by now. There is only one more scene to finish out frames for and this project will be ready. However, sadly there were other animated parts I wanted to include such as shoe burst, a revert, and other angles of Betty's hulking transformation. If anyone has an opinion on adding those scenes or other scenes within this scope or to just hurry up finish this project already feel free to let me know in the comments.

Thank you to those who reached out and those, like me that are excited to see this work when it is ready. As a reminder, there will be no monthly billing charges on this Patreon channel until this project is launched. 



Daniel Cholewa CL

I am agreeing with some people here and say just release what you have done and do not try to burn yourself out to add extras and everything. You have time to make other movies and clips and stuff where you can add bouse stuff to fit with the storyline and everything. Plus you need to be paid to for what are doing and everything and we want to continue to contribute by are payments to you for your awesome work you doing for the fans of your work. Don't try to continue to do your work free and not have to help you and support you as part of your awesome work


Thank you everyone for taking the time to voice your input and for all the support. I am animating the second to last part now. I have about 5 frames left to draw for the final part, animate, sound, effects, and a final coat of polish and it can be ready. I hope to add the extra parts at a later time.

scout king

Personal, I think id be nice to have that extra quality to make all the wait worth while. Of course, I know the risks and such that comes with that. Burn out, over work, health, time, and money are all important factors, but I am a person of quality over quantity. I have trust and faith that whatever you put out will show the effort and time put in, no matter extra sense or not. To get to the point, I would like the extra sense, I think it would be neat, but I know I am but one of many voices in this debate and the decision is ultimately up to you. Feel no pressure to do what you NEED to do but always try to go above and beyond.