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I spent some time this morning pumping some frames I have been working on into an AI generator. Cleaned them up, compiled, and interpolated them into animation. Its not perfect and this tech is moving so fast I can't even keep up. Don't get too excited though, the Betty Live Action piece will still be of the usual format. Maybe I will make an AI version, but it will come out a bit dirty like this one with the current resources I have available.




A lot, 😂: Stable Diffusion 2.1, Photoshop, After Effects, and even Fireworks if you remember that one.

Agent Zero

How close are we getting to completion? This looks pretty awesome btw


Should be done with the recording tomorrow. I have a minute and a half of animation done, but that needs polish. The end phase needs to be animated. If I don't do the revert I should be able to have it done in July. I will do my best to include fun previews of stuff as the project continues


Looks great. I’m sure a full AI version would be awesome-even with a little dirt. Like a martini.


This is new level animation 😍😍😍😍


Can u make more AI tf videos


Sure, this is definitely possible. Time consuming, but possible as I still have to upload hand drawn frames due to AI's lack of consistency.