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Hello everyone!

This is an update to Shoost v0.10.0!

Early Access : Shoost https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-access-62586291

Update Details

The main changes include the addition of a "LAYER category" function and changes to the UI design.

Added Layer Effect feature.

Effects can now be applied to any layer.

Effects now include Chroma Key, Color Correction, Rim light, Outline, Drop Shadow, and Blur.

↑Chroma Key.

↑Color Correction.

↑Rim light.


↑Drop Shadow.


The more effects you add, the more GPU power is used, so it is best to use them in a balanced way.

Added Blending mode.

A blending mode has been added. By "adding" black background videos over each other, it is easy to create smoke-like expressions.

There are four blending modes to choose from: Normal, Add, Multiply, and Screen.

Added opacity and rotation functions.

In addition to adjusting layer opacity and moving and scale layers, rotation operations are now available.

Added an adjustment function to Screen Effects.

The intensity of the Screen Effects can now be controlled.

Flare adjustment.

In addition to Intensity, the size can now be changed. The color tone effect of the flare has also been adjusted. You can now feel the "light" more than before.

Added layer specification to the Pan Follow function.

The layer to follow can now be selected.

Added pop-up window on exit.

After pressing the Exit button, a pop-up window appears to confirm the save status.

Added name notation to icons.

When the cursor is hovered over an icon, the name is now displayed.

Other bug fixes.

- Added Rim Light types.

- The initial size of Flare Rays was slightly reduced.

- Removed Blur from the Effects category, since a blur function has been added to Layer.

- Tweaked the size of the blur effect.

- Fixed a bug that Undo Redo did not work correctly.

- Fixed a bug that prevented Layer from grabbing when using Spout Output.

In this update we have made many improvements to improve the usability and expressiveness of Shoost. Now that effects can be used on a layer-by-layer basis, we plan to add more layers and screen effects in the future.

We hope you continue to enjoy Shoost!

Click here for early access : Shoost https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-access-62586291

(Due to the many changes, we are leaving the v0.9.0 version available for download.)



Luna Akasha

Hey , I have proof people are leaking your product to the mass audience users .


Hello. I would like to know more details, can you DM me.