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Hello everyone!

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about how to proceed in the future, and in parallel with that, I had commissioned the creation of a Live2D model for Shoost. And it's finally done!

The reason why I created Live2D models is because many Vtubers use Live2D models in Shoost, and I thought it would be easier to find ease of use while moving the characters if I had my own Live2D models. In addition, I plan to make promotional videos in the future, so I needed a model that could move.

Your support has allowed us to produce this! Thank you!

Here is the model we created.

I asked them to make it with a Anime atmosphere. I am satisfied with the cute result! I immediately tried out the photo in various situations.

I made a lot of things.

- I made a walking scene with a moving background. I move my own head up and down to create a vertical swaying motion.

- The image of chatting in a cafe.

- Image of ASMR.

- Close-up shot test.

Now that we have a working model, it will be easier to test additional features. I have a few ideas I would like to try, and I will test those.

We'll keep working hard on development, so please give us your support!




That's amazing! Your work is admirable

