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Hello everyone!

The camera control system that I've been developing for the next Shoost update is finally coming together with various features.

One of these features is the ability to control the anchor point.

By being able to control the position of the camera center point (anchor point), we can now control the point of focus when zooming. This feature also allows us to adjust the position of close-up shots when using the Camera Switcher.

In addition, I've added a Smooth function that allows you to control the camera zoom speed and an Auto Background Blur function that automatically applies a blur effect to the background according to the zoom level.

As a minor update, I've also made modifications to apply the blur effect to LED monitors as well.

As for the remaining features, I'm considering adding the ability to customize the camera angles in the Camera Switcher.

Implementing camera angle customization involves many elements to consider, such as developing a new UI for camera control and coordinating with the Save function. Therefore, the update will still take some time, but I would be grateful if you could look forward to it!

I'll do my best to aim for an update within this month!




looks amazing