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Hello everyone!

Shoost has been updated to v0.12.1. This update is a small-scale one.

Early Access : Shoost https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-access-62586291

Update Details

In this update, we have modified the camera zoom functionality. Previously, when zooming the camera, the resolution appeared to be rough. However, we have changed the camera zoom method to maintain the resolution without degradation.

However, please note that this does not increase the resolution of the image itself. If the original image has a low resolution, it will still appear low-resolution even when using the camera zoom.

↑ Case with a low-resolution image

↑ Case with a high-resolution image

When placing a high-resolution image that has been scaled down, it is now possible to maintain the high resolution even when using the camera zoom. For more information about resolution, I think this article will be helpful.


- Adjustment: Changed the maximum value of Camera Zoom in the Effects section from 3 to 5.

- Adjustment: Changed the maximum value of Transform Scale in the Layer section from 3 to 5.

- Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where the behavior of Exposure [Background] in the Effects section was incorrect.

Click here for early access : Shoost https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-access-62586291




Can we ask for more backgrounds or assets you use in your example pictures? I have wanted to use layers but can't find transparent images of things and getting backgrounds is difficult.


Hello! There is a website called "BOOTH" where you can find a variety of backgrounds for sale. I hope this will be helpful! ( https://quunplant.booth.pm/ )