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Hello everyone!

The wait is over. Shoost has been updated to v0.12.0!

Early Access : Shoost https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-access-62586291

Update Details

Added Glow Feature.

Now you can make selected layers glow. You can also choose "Glow Select Colors" to make only specific colors glow.

There are three types of glow: "Normal," "Streak," and "Star." With the Star type, you can freely adjust the number and direction of the rays.

Added Crop Feature.

You can now crop images.

Added Select Colors Feature.

This feature allows you to keep only selected colors in a part of your image. You can not only retain colors but also invert them. 

There are two types: "Keying" and "Blend." Choosing Blend overlaps the selected color part. You can adjust the color to modify only the selected color areas.

Added Guide Feature.

You can now display guides based on the rule of thirds and safe areas, which will be helpful in deciding compositions and layouts.

Added Layer Order Reordering Feature.

You can now freely change the order of the layers.

Added Layer Visibility Toggle Feature.

You can now toggle layers' visibility on and off.

Changed Screen Layout

Considering the size of the UI, we changed the layout control so that the screen and UI do not overlap.


- Adjusted the "Normal" and "Diffusion" in Screen Effects, mainly fixing the impact of Intensity.

- Modified the camera shake movement.

In this update, I was able to implement the long-awaited glow effect and the highly requested feature of rearranging layer order. I believe these additions make the process of creating visuals on the screen easier and more enjoyable. I hope you continue to look forward to what Shoost has to offer!

Click here for early access : Shoost https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-access-62586291




Is there a way to enable/disable features like "glow" with a shortcut? :D


Thank you for all of those amazing updates! You are doing amazing :D