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Hi everyone, i just wanted to create a little post to share what i'm going to be working on in the coming days.

1.- Commissions!! I will try to tackle all the commissions for this month next week, i hope that i can finish most of them by the weekend, either way i'll be posting all of the commissions as i'm finishing them.

2.- This comic: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58745909 I hope that i can get throught to all of the remaining renders before the end of the month so that i can start working on the panel distribution and text, hopefully i can finished next month, if  i take longer to finisht it i'll be posting more renders to show off the progress.

3.- FUTURE IDEAS: In the near future i want to make more comic style histories, right now i have 3 or 4 stories that i would like to adapt, one of them is this book called: "My paraplegic boss" I dont know if any of you guys knows about this book, also i want to adapt more amputee stories, so please if you know of any good short stories please let me know :)

4.- Future animations: Right know im working on a animation featuring two amputee ladies so please look forward to that in the (i hope) near future.

5.- Turntables  (aka 360 renders): For some reason the file where i had all the girls from the christmas render its giving me a really hard time when i tried to render the turntables, i will be trying to render all of them but it may take some time so please bear with me. ALSO i would like to see which models do you guys want to see as a 360 render please let me know, i think that i will make a poll for you guys to choose the subject of the 360 render, please look forward to that one :).

Another topic that i wanted to touch on was that i'm going to be reusing some older models to make them recurring characters hope you guys are ok with this :)

So yeah i think that's it, hope you guys have a great day and again thanks a lot for all the support :) I'm looking forward to read you guys comments :)




Gréât idea i love story my boss is paraplegic and i m impatient to see all rendors and all ur story


1. Good to hear! I'm delighted to be part of the process. 2. The renders are somewhat uninteresting by themselves, but I think the text will elevate the final result. Either way, looking forward to seeing how it all turns out. 3. This sounds exciting. I can think of at least one story I'd very much like to see adapted in this way. 4. If I'm going to be brutally honest, amputees don't interest me that much, but animations of paras will always be welcome. 5. Time-consuming, but hopefully worth it! Polls are a great way to engage with your followers. As for the other topic, I think you have a number of recurring characters already. Then again, I would love to see some of these characters fleshed out, to a degree. Name, age, who she is and what happened to her? What does she like, how is her life? That sort of thing. A character profile, almost.


It would be good to hear what history are you talking about :) To be fair, I believe at least half of my followers like amputee and don't like paraplegics very much haha that's why I have to create equal content for both parties :)