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This month's update was recorded live on Discord on Saturday, April 15th. We hung out afterward in the voice chat for awhile and had a good time. A huge thank you to everyone who joined in, and to my Mods for being there and helping out!

This update includes items for both this Patreon and the SFW Patreon, as it's all recorded live on Discord at the same time. 

This was a fairly light update, but we did cover a few important things, including:

  • Personal updates - mainly the zoo, but a few updates about me (this one gets a bit emotional in spots, just a head's up!)
  • Sequel Polls - Winning audios are coming, and the next poll will be in July or August
  • Concept Game - new timeframe and what's going on with that, plus new SFW game coming in May
  • Updates on the Custom Audio tiers - how the number of spots in each tier are determined
  • Updates on the YouTube channel - I'm too spicy for YouTube! 😂😂

And more! It's not a super long update, but there are a few things to catch up on, so definitely check it out!

As always, here are all the regular links:

I'll see you all next month!

~B~ 💜💜💜




i can’t listen at the moment bc i’m in class but i hope everything’s okay! ❤️