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This month's update was recorded live on Discord on Saturday, March 18th. We hung out afterward in the voice chat for awhile, until Derpy decided he needed attention. It was a lot of fun. A huge thank you to everyone who joined in, and to my Mods for being there and helping out!

There was a lot to cover in this update, including:

  • Personal updates - both about me and my zoo (some important stuff going on)
  • The Writers' Event has been released and can be found HERE 
  • Merch will be released to the public April 1st. Patrons still have a discount code. Details are HERE.
  • Clarification on the new custom audio tiers - specifically etiquette surrounding using your own scripts for your custom audios in these tiers
  • Sequel Polls Updates
  • New Concept Game coming in April!
  • Discord Bot issues
  • Anniversaries

And more! It's not a super long update, but there's a lot going on, so definitely check it out! 

As always, here are all the regular links:

I'll see you all next month!

~B~ 💜💜💜



Don.tbother mewiththat

Late as always but the first thing i wanna mention is a big reason i listen to these is kitten Updates so i hope they never stop 😁. Second i want to congratulate you on the incredible work with the writers Event even if it took a while i think the wait was very much worth it. As for older content that i really learned to love theres a bunch imo the "May i" series, the syrin "overworked friend" series the illicit affairs series. While you may not have found ur niche at that time i do think you already had a very unique style back then and its only Gottes better.