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You Chose the Inspiration, Now It's Time to Vote on the Concepts! Part Two of our Concept Game is Here!

  • #1 3
  • #2 14
  • #3 5
  • #4 8
  • #5 25
  • #6 5
  • #7 8
  • #8 3
  • 2023-01-18
  • —2023-01-23
  • 71 votes
{'title': "You Chose the Inspiration, Now It's Time to Vote on the Concepts! Part Two of our Concept Game is Here!", 'choices': [{'text': '#1', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '#2', 'votes': 14}, {'text': '#3', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '#4', 'votes': 8}, {'text': '#5', 'votes': 25}, {'text': '#6', 'votes': 5}, {'text': '#7', 'votes': 8}, {'text': '#8', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 23, 15, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 18, 14, 32, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 71}


Wow, that week went by quickly, didn't it? Sure felt like it!

A big "thank you" to everyone who voted in Part One of our Concept Game! You had a tough choice, but you picked the two images you thought would make the best audio concepts, and that brings us to Part Two! Let's get started!

The Winners - Now what?

The winning images were #1 and #3. The winning images are posted below, followed by the 4 concepts that they inspired, for a total of 8 concepts between the two images. These are the concepts you'll be voting on.

Voting - How does it work?

Read through each of the 8 concepts and vote for the one you'd like to see made into an audio. Everyone can only vote once, so choose wisely.

Voting starts now and will end on Monday, January 23rd at 10am.

The two concepts with the most votes will be made into audios. One will be F4M, and one will be F4F. To keep things simple, all of the concepts are adaptable to be for either group of listeners, so it will be a surprise who gets which one.

The Final Audios

The F4M audio will be released on February 15th as the weekly NSFW exclusive. It will be available to the $5+ tiers.

The F4F audio will be released on February 19th as the monthly F4F/F4A exclusive. It will be available to the $5+ tiers.

The Concepts

Here are the concepts for the winning images:

#1. VA and Listener have been performing in a Shakespearean play together and are finished their last performance. Listener goes to VA’s dressing room to let her know everyone is just about finished changing and they’ll all be heading out. They find her at her dressing table, still in her costume, sadly looking in the mirror, playing with the detailing on the front of her costume. They ask what’s wrong. She tells them it’s just the melancholy she feels at the end of every show, knowing this little family they’ve created over the past few months won’t be here tomorrow. Everyone says they’ll keep in touch, but they don’t. It’s just part of the business. Listener tells her it doesn’t have to be that way. They admit they’ve been fighting an attraction throughout the run, but because of the director’s firm stance on cast relationships they’ve done nothing about it. She says she feels the same way. Nothing is stopping them now.

#2. VA is the Lady of the manor, her wealthy husband having passed away when she was quite young. She has no family, just servants, and she’s often alone. Her companion and Lady’s maid has a son, the Listener, and he helps her with errands and busywork around the manor when the other servants are too busy. She has recently hired him to head up the maintenance around her estate, as he’s proven himself capable. Today, he’s helping her fix the wobbly leg on the sofa in her sitting room. The servants have gone to the village for the week’s supplies, so they are alone. She mentions that his mother had said something about them proposing to a girl from the village, and she asks how that’s going. He gets embarrassed, flustered, tells her it’s not what his mother makes it out to be. She presses them, and he says he doesn’t have enough to offer a woman as a husband. She points out that he has a good job, a steady income, and a nice place to live here on the grounds, and he’s a nice young man, so what else could he need? He becomes flustered again and says it isn’t proper to have such a conversation with a lady. She understands that he means more carnal things. He admits he has no experience with such things and would feel like a buffoon on his wedding night if he could not treat his partner with the respect she deserved. VA is intrigued, as this is not a common way to approach the marriage bed. She asks if he’d like some help with his problem, as she’s quite able to teach him everything he needs to know. (For the F4F version, the son would be a daughter and the concept would be adapted accordingly, in keeping with the time period and theme.)

#3. Listener gets fired from their job and finds themselves walking alone on a strange street at night. They’ve been walking for hours, not sure where they are now, and they run into VA. She’s a little old lady, and she notices they’re down. She tells them her cat is missing and asks if they’ll help look. They say they’re not having a great night, and try to move on, but she tells them how much she misses her kitty, etc. They agree, asking her where the last place was that she saw the cat. They start walking. As they walk, VA starts to change, and within a few steps, she’s not an old lady anymore, she’s a beautiful goddess, and they’re no longer on the strange street. They’re in a bedroom, but it looks more like a cloud than a room. She tells them she’s Venus, the Goddess of Love, and she’s been watching them. She knew they had a bad day, and she wanted to do something for them. They ask about the old lady, and she says she had to test them, as she can only be with the most worthy of people, and someone who could put aside their own sorrows to help someone else is worthy of being with her. It shows an inner strength of character that she finds very attractive. Now she’d like to make them forget about their horrible day and give them an experience they’ll never forget.

#4. VA is Listener’s Assistant and they’re not always very nice to her. She does everything she’s told, and is always trying to please them. Their job is very stressful, so they’re not always aware of how they act toward her. One night, after a particularly sharp discussion about something she didn’t actually do wrong, she finally tells them off. She stands up for herself and refuses to take their reprimands anymore. She’s been keeping it together for far too long and she doesn’t want to do it anymore. She tells them they need some kind of stress management in their life, because they can’t act like this toward people. It will be the downfall of their career. Then she gets an idea. Her tone changes from meek and upset to firm and almost bossy. She tells them to get on their knees in front of her, and starts unbuttoning her blouse. They're so shocked by the shift, they obey without question. She tells them she’s going to give them some stress relief right here, but they’re going to be a good boy and do as they’re told, or things will go very badly for them. They're going to follow her rules now, and she’s going to show them what a real boss looks like.

#5. VA and Listener are on a road trip and they’ve been fighting about everything. They’re best friends, they take the same trip every year, and have since they finished high school, but this year everything has gone wrong. They’re just back on the road after their car broke down and cost them an extra day, and now they come across a washed out bridge on the country road they’re using as a “short cut.” The GPS tells them that it’s going to take them an extra 6 hours to get where they’re going because of it. They get out of the car and start arguing about whose dumb idea it was to take the shortcut in the first place, and they end up shoving each other until Listener has VA pinned against the side of the car. Their faces are inches apart, they’re breathing heavily, and they’re both angry. Something snaps between them, and Listener kisses VA, roughly, holding her against the car. She isn’t going to be docile, though, and flips things around so Listener is pinned to the car. This starts a back-and-forth power struggle that escalates to things they’ve never done before.

#6. VA has always been a very calm, level-headed person. Until she met Listener. Now she feels like everything is upside down and they’re all she can think about. They want to do things with her, and to her, that she’s never done before, and she wants to let them. She trusts that they’ll know when to stop, and they’ll listen to her when she says no. They ground her, they help her explore her own needs and desires. And she’s been more than happy with what she has learned about herself so far. She allows them to tie her up, spread-eagle, naked, and she sees the toys they have planned for her. She’s ready to explore this with them and they’re going to make it the most intense experience she’s ever had.

#7. Listener and VA are arguing about something trivial and it escalates. After a minute, they take a breath, step back, and cooler heads prevail. VA apologizes and kisses Listener, which leads to more. Before they really get into anything, Listener finishes. He’s embarrassed and upset about it, as it’s not something that’s happened before. VA assures him it’s okay, they were pretty heated during the argument and that could have something to do with it. It’s just a temporary set-back and in a few minutes, he’ll be good to go again. She’s done it herself after intense situations. He’s not quite sold, so she kisses him and assures him that she loves him and there are plenty of other fun things they can do in the meantime, while he’s taking time to regroup. (The F4F version of this would have more of an opposite approach, with the Listener struggling to finish, and the resulting reassurance from that.)

#8. VA is a sorceress who specializes in sexual magic. Listener has gone to her because they’ve been unable to experience full arousal since their break-up, and nothing else has worked. She has the ability to stimulate the pleasure centre in the brain, to wake up the body, to completely activate the sex drive. She invites them in, tells them to take off their clothes and lay on the bed. When they do, they realize they can’t move. Something is holding them perfectly still, and they’re unable to control any part of their body. She assures them this is part of the treatment, and tells them that if at any time they’re uncomfortable, they just have to say so and she’ll release them. She is going to remove all the blockages they’re experiencing, she’s going to give them intense pleasure and allow their body to experience it fully, without reservation. She removes her robes and tells them she’s going to give them the kind of erotic experience they’ve always wanted.

Final Thoughts

That's it, everyone! Have fun choosing the concept you're going to vote for, and if there are any questions or comments, drop them below or send me a DM! 

~B~ 💜💜💜



*Wow*. Well it won't be easy, but if the poll lets us choose up to four, I just might be able to narrow it do..... wait, what?


This poll makes much more sense to me. I reread the part one vote rules/description multiple times and just couldn't figure out what I was actually going to be voting for, so I simply didn't vote at all. But these make sense. They're all clearly outlined premises and I vote for whichever one I like most.


Sorry for the confusion in the first part. I'm glad this one is better! Thanks for voting! 💜💜