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Last week's question made our mouths water (at least, it made mine water) because of all the yummy foods y'all ended up loving! Thank you to everyone who shared! 

The only sense we have left to cover is touch, so let's check that one off the list this week! 

Here's this week's question: 

💜💜 What is one material/texture you absolutely love the feel of? What is one that you can't stand? 💜💜

These are always such interesting answers, I can't wait to see what you come up with this week! 

Have a terrific week, everyone, and I'll see you in the comments! 

~B~ 💜💜💜




Anything with a grain is pretty nice, velour, corduroy, that sort of thing. They have the smooth one way but rough the other way thing, so it's a bit of a two for one. Also fur or hair, stroking either is very relaxing. Not a fan of scratchy things, I've a wool tee shirt that's fine to start with but gets really itchy after a few hours.

Jim Finley

I love the feel of flannel. The feeling I can't stand is anything sticky that comes off on me when I touch it.


One of my favourite textures is the thigh of someone i feel comfortable with and having my hair brushed at the same time. Something i don't like feeling so much is poking grass when i try to relax out in the sun along with the creepy crawlies


So many great ones... hmm.... I think I'll go with paper. Specifically the feel of pages in a book, the way they flip and move all together when they're a little broken in and soft, without the brand-new crispness, if you know what I mean. That's one of life's great little pleasures for sure. The unpleasant kind? Any kind of wool or yarn I find itchy, because it's something that *should* feel wonderful if one little flaw didn't make that impossible.