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This event has been a long time coming, and I'm so excited that it's finally here! We have so many incredible writers in our community, building an event around them is going to be epic! So what's this all about? Let's find out!


The idea of the event is to build a journey of exploration and self-discovery for one single character. This character has led a pretty sheltered life, and is now at a point where she's ready to experience everything life has to offer. She can explain her story better than I can in the audio attached to the post. Get to know her. Listen to her voice, hear what she has to say. It's her story we're here to tell. 


Now that you've met our character, here's how the event itself works. Every script submitted is intended to add an experience to her journey somehow. They don't all have to be at the very beginning, either. What does it look like when she's had a few experiences under her belt? When she's tried a few things? Play around with where you think she's at in her journey when your script takes place. She's always learning new things, trying new things, and as she goes along, maybe passing on some of that knowledge? That's for the writers to decide. We're essentially creating her sexual bucket list for her. 

All I ask is that the scripts follow the main theme of this being part of her sexual discovery, with this character at the heart of it. 

The End Result

Once all the scripts are submitted, I will build her journey in audio form. The event will be recorded and released in the order that feels most natural for her. To bookend the event and put a nice little bow on it, I'll record a monologue, similar to the one we're starting with, to see how she's changed, how her character has evolved as she has explored herself and her sexuality.

The Prizes

Since not every script submitted will be recorded for the final release, I want to make sure everyone who submits has a chance at a prize. So all the scripts will be posted in the Boudoir for the Beholders to vote on. The 3 with the highest votes will receive a free 20-minute custom audio from me. 

Also, any scripts that aren't used in the final event recording may still be used as a standalone audio later on. 

The Timeline

Submissions can be sent from Friday, June 24th to Wednesday, August 31st, 2022.
💜💜 Patrons can start sending submissions as early as Friday, June 17th. 💜💜 

All scripts will be posted for public voting in the Boudoir on Tuesday, September 12th, 2022. Voting will run for 7 days. Winners will be notified within 3 days of the vote ending. 

The recorded event will be released in early November 2022. 

The Rules

There are a few guidelines to follow when submitting a script:

  • Limit one script per person
  • 2000 word maximum per script
  • Hard limits apply and are listed on the submission form
  • Be respectful of both me and your fellow writers - this is supposed to be fun!
  • Fill out the submission form in its entirety please

How to Participate

Here's the form to submit your scripts:


Please read the entire form and answer every question when submitting your scripts. Thank you!

Wrap Up

I think that covers everything, but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask, either as a comment or shoot me a message. 

I can't wait to see what this event brings us, as I know we have so many talented writers in our midst. And if you've never tried your hand at writing a script before, this could be the perfect opportunity to be creative! Every writer starts somewhere, why not here? 

Thanks, everyone, for checking out this post, for listening to the opening monologue, and for kicking your creativity into high gear for the event! 

~B~ 💜💜💜




Unsurprisingly I LOVE this! Such a terrific concept and a beautifully spoken starting point for everyone to play with in their own ways. I'm never not fascinated by how the same prompt always gets as many different responses as there are people. It'll be such fun to hear how it all pans out.


I’m not a writer, but that intro makes me want to start. Hmm. Plus I already feel for our heroine and I’m excited to see where she goes.