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They say "April showers bring May flowers" so I'm going to take the torrential rain we've had of late as a sign that may is going to be positively blooming (sorry, couldn't help myself) with all kinds of awesomeness! We'll accept nothing less, right? If you're new here and this is your first announcement post, Welcome to my warm, cheerful little corner of the Internet!  We have some pretty epic people here and it's a fun place to hang out, so I hope you're going to love it here! If you've been here before, thank you for choosing to return, and Welcome back! You'll enjoy another month of my rambling and insanity! Regardless of how long you've been here, thank you all for joining me. I am incredibly blessed to have every single one of you here with me! 

April continued where March left off and was another terrific month here in Beauty-land! To say I'm grateful is a complete understatement. There were lots of firsts in April, and lots of changes, but everything was for the better, so we're going to keep things going into May and make this our best month yet! Let's get to it! 

Brace yourselves, there's a lot to cover this month!

💜 $3 and $5 Legacy Tiers - your monthly post with your new content will be live today, so keep an eye out for that.

💜 Blushing Beauty Tier - the poll for voting on which of last month's NSFW Exclusives you'll receive this month will go live shortly. Voting goes until Wednesday, May 4th. Details will be in the post. Only the new Blushing Beauty tier will have access to this poll.

💜 A Thing of Beauty/Inner Beauty Tiers - the poll for this month's "Newly SFW" selections will go live today as well. Voting will go until Friday, May 6th. Only these tiers will have access to this poll. The results of last month's opinion poll will be announced and the resulting changes will take effect as of today. Check out the post for details. 

💜 The new posting schedule takes effect this month, so our weekly NSFW Exclusives for the $10+ tiers will be posted on Wednesdays going forward. All SFW content will be posted on Sundays. F4F/F4A content will be posted on Fridays. 

💜 We'll be having an F4M "Create Your Own Adventure" game this month, similar to last month's F4F game, and the F4F crowd will get a Sequel Poll. These will go live tomorrow, May 2nd and will end on Friday, May 6th. The F4M audio will be released on Wednesday, May 18th and the F4F audio will be released on Friday, May 20th. These will be the $5 tier NSFW Exclusives for the month.  

💜 As mentioned in the Live Stream yesterday, my new website will be live this month. I'll post here when it is. More details on that to come soon! 

💜 The Patron-only Script Submission Form can be found here. Thank you to everyone who has submitted scripts! Please do not share this link outside of Patreon. The form requires your username so I can ensure that only current Patrons are using this form. 

💜 We're still working toward our Patron goal of 500 Patrons! Just a reminder, the reward for that achievement is that I will open Commissions on a permanent basis. More details on this will be released when we get closer to reaching the goal, but I'm really excited to be tracking toward this with you all!

💜 As always, the Content Table is the best place to find all of the Patreon Exclusive audios that are available. I have made sure the table is updated! Once the website has all my content listed, I will replace this link with the site link instead. 

💜💜💜 Click Here For the Patreon Exclusives on the Content Table 💜💜💜

That's it for now. There are a few other things still percolating that I don't have full details on yet, but I'll post updates as I get them throughout the month. There's always so much going on around here, isn't there? That's why it's such a fun place to be! 

As always, if you want to comment on an audio but don't want to do so publicly, you can send me a DM. I love reading all your messages and comments, and engaging with you all about the audios, and I'd love to do more of that this month!

Thank you for being here with me, for bringing such awesome energy to my little community, for supporting my content, for making this an amazing place to be. You are an amazing group and I'm truly blessed beyond my wildest dreams that I get to be here and create content for y'all. I'm grateful for all of you. Stay safe, everyone, take care of each other, and as always, thank you for being you!

I'll be in the comments if anyone needs me! Have a terrific month, everyone!




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