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You've come with me to help close up a friend's cabin for the winter and we're almost finished for the night. The not-so-fun part about this trip is that once the cabin is ready to be closed up, there's very little to do on the last night. The internet is shut off already, everything has been packed up and taken home in previous trips, and the cell service sucks, so data isn't even an option for streaming. We still have some time before bed, so we cuddle up together and I tell you some of the history of this place. Everywhere has these stories, right? Well this one's a doozy. I kind of suck at telling it, but that won't make it any less unsettling. Are you sure you want to hear this?


I know I should probably save this type of audio for October and Halloween, but really, who says scary stories have a timeframe? One of my favourite things to do as a kid was sitting around the campfire on weekends in the summer, listening to the various scary stories the parents and grandparents of my friends would scare the crap out of us with before sending us to bed. Hopefully I've managed to capture some of that feeling for you here! Let me know what you think?


~B~ 💜💜💜



All content is created for Adults (18+), and is written and performed by Adults (18+). All acts depicted are erotic roleplay only and are fully consensual.

All audio content Copyright © 2020-2023 u/behold-the-beauty. You may not download, copy, repost, or otherwise transmit this audio, in full or in part, either electronically or via hard copies. Express consent from the artist is required for anything but personal use.




Duuuuuude, I fuckin' loooove horror stories like this. That was awesome! Thank you, B!


Sorry for the language btw, I was a bit drunk while writing that comment, lol. Ever thought about making something like this into a series? Like your bedtime stories series but horror stories instead? If you ever do that - I'm in!