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Remember what I said last month about a whole lot less snow? Well, as I'm writing this, there are about 2" on the ground outside my window. Apparently Mother Nature hasn't gotten the memo that it's spring now! That's okay. We'll give her a few days to catch up, right?   If you're new here and this is your first announcement post, Welcome to my cozy, happy little corner of the Internet! This is a fun space with a bunch of awesome people and I hope you're going to love it here! If you've been here before and you chose to return, thank you for making such an epic choice and Welcome back! You'll get another month of my particular brand of crazy! Regardless of how long you've been here, thank you all for joining me. I feel truly blessed to have each and every one of you here with me!

March was an incredible month for me and I'm so grateful for that. I wanted to do a lot of things in March, and while I didn't quite get the list finished, I accomplished more than I thought I would, so it was a total win in my books! That just means we're going to keep the momentum going and make April an amazing ride as well, right? So without anymore exposition from me, let's get to it!

There are a lot of updates this month, so here we go!

💜 $3 and $5 Legacy Tiers - your monthly post with your new content will be live today, so keep an eye out for that.

💜 Blushing Beauty Tier - the poll for voting on which of last month's NSFW Exclusives you'll receive this month will go live shortly. Voting goes until Monday, April 4th. Details will be in the post. Only the new Blushing Beauty tier will have access to this poll.

💜 A Thing of Beauty/Inner Beauty Tiers - the poll for this month's "Newly SFW" selections will go live today as well. Voting will go until Friday, April 8th. Details will be in the post. Only these tiers will have access to this poll. An additional opinion poll will be going up for your tiers about this reward sometime this week, so keep an eye out for that and be sure to have your say!

💜 As promised in the March Monthly Update, a new Sequel Poll will go live this month. It will start on Monday, April 4th and run until Friday, April 8th. The audio will be released on Friday, April 22nd and will be the $5 tier NSFW Exclusive for the month. There will be a special additional vote for my F4F/F4A crowd as well, so they get to join in the fun this month, too. 

💜 A Patron-only Script Submission Form is now live and can be found here. Please do not share this link outside of Patreon. The form requires your username so I can ensure that only current Patrons are using this form. A separate one is available for non-Patrons, but I wanted a way to give scripts submitted by Patrons some priority in my queue.    

💜 We now have a Patron goal reflected on the main page, with a special reward for achieving the goal. The current goal is set to 500 Patrons, and the reward for that achievement is that I will open Commissions on a permanent basis. More details on this will be released when we get closer to reaching the goal, but I'm really excited to be tracking toward this with you all!

💜 The Birthday Live Stream will be Saturday, April 30th. The poll showed that the preferred time is 7pm to 10pm EDT, but I may do a longer stream, say from 4pm to 10pm EDT, just to give some more flexibility to my Patrons in other time zones. For now, this will be a Patron-only live stream, since it's my first one and I want to make sure I know what I'm doing before I open it up to the masses. More details on this will be released closer to the day.

💜 An opinion poll will be going up this month regarding the Writers Event, as I'd like to get your thoughts on the format I've chosen. My goal is for this to be a unique event, with a very specific type of release for the final content, but I want to know your thoughts as a community before I go live with it.

💜 As always, the Content Table is the best place to find all of the Patreon Exclusive audios that are available. I have made sure the table is updated!

💜💜💜 Click Here For the Patreon Exclusives on the Content Table 💜💜💜

Okay, I think that's it. If not, you'll see posts pop up here and there with the stuff I missed. These posts don't get any shorter, do they? I guess that just means we have a lot going on and a lot to look forward to!

As always, if you want to comment on an audio but don't want to do so publicly, you can send me a DM. I love reading all your messages and comments, and engaging with you all about the audios, and I'd love to do more of that this month!

Thank you for choosing to be here, for adding your energy to my little community, for supporting my content, for making this an amazing place to be. You are an amazing group and I'm truly blessed beyond my wildest dreams that I get to be here and create content for y'all. I'm grateful for all of you. Stay safe, everyone, take care of each other, and as always, thank you for being you!

I'll see you around the comments! Have an epic month, everyone!

~B~ 💜💜💜



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