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July is almost over and that means I'm once again late with the monthly update! What else is new, right? In my defence, I have a good excuse this time. Check out the update to see what's going on in Beauty-land (and to hear what my excuse is!).

Anyone who wishes to submit artwork can do so at behold.the.beauty00@gmail.com.

Did you guess the series from last month??

Have a great rest-of-July, everyone! Thank you for being you!

~B~ 💜💜💜




Holy shit! That's... a weird month all right. Yet you sound more jazzed up and more like yourself right from the start, which is great to hear. The upgrading plans sound terrific. And the prospect of that special collab concept (whatever it is) practically has me on the edge of my seat already. Um, but no pressure or anything. Obvs.


Whether or not it's the medication, you definitely sound much more chipper and excited this month. I love hearing you talk about your process with characters, you knocked the dude series out of the park. My hand's been in a splint for two weeks, so I feel you with the foot injury. Infuriating not having the range of motion I'm used to and just pain instead. Hope you recover fully soon. Congrats on the growth here and on reddit, you earned it! Very excited to see the rebrand and to hear more about that collab 👀


Thanks Fix. New equipment always makes me happy, as does really good writing (but you're no stranger to that last part, right? 😉). Lots of great stuff on the way, not long now! 💜💜


Thank you! I'm sorry you've experienced pain and restriction with your hand. It really isn't fun dealing with that stuff. I hope you feel better and get your range of motion back soon! Meds are lovely things, but so being excited about what's coming is the best drug of all. 😁😁 It's nice to be back in that headspace again. I hope you like what's coming! 💜💜