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May was a fantastic month and a not-so-fantastic month, all at once. The weather was beautiful, the temperatures warmed up nicely, and the whole month just felt like Summer is just around the corner. Unfortunately I was sick pretty much the whole month, so that made it not-so-fantastic. Now, heading into June, I'm back on my feet and ready to turn up the heat around here. May's audios were really great, and there was a nice variety of stories to tell. Looking at what June has to offer, I can safely say you're in for a treat this month as well. June is going to be absolutely scorching! Let's see what the month will bring, shall we?

But before we start talking about the coming month, we have something very important to do first!

If you're new here and this is your first announcement post, Welcome to my cozy little corner of the Internet here on Patreon! Whether you're here because you can't get enough of the audios (you've come to the right place!), to join a happy little community of people who embrace being our best selves and living authentically (hey, that's us!), to have a quiet space where you can relax and escape for a little while (I've been told it's a pretty relaxing place to be!), or any other reason, we're so glad you've decided to join us!

If you've been here before, you know what I'm going to say, don't you? Come on, say it with me, you know you want to... Welcome back! Thank you for bringing your energy and light into this amazing community, and for making this a warm, welcoming space for all of us! I will keep working hard to make sure this is a place you want to be!

Regardless of how long you've been here, thank you for joining me! I know I say this a lot, but it's just as true now as the first time I said it, so I'll keep saying it. I'm so thankful every single day that I get to live my dream, and getting to share that with all of you is such a huge blessing. Thank you for choosing to be here!

June is all about getting hot and sweaty (at least, it is in the Northern Hemisphere!), and there will be no shortage of that this month! So grab a beverage with an umbrella in it, get comfy, and let's see what's going on around here this month!

💜 CONTENT CHANGE! Yup, I felt the need to yell that, so everyone sees it! Starting this month, we'll be replacing one of the Newly-SFW audios with a SFW Early Access audio instead. I get a bit more into the details of this in May's Monthly Update, but the bottom line is that the Newly-SFW series isn't very popular. All the Early Access content, on the other hand, is very well-liked, so I thought we'd add a little more of that to the mix. The change will start as of today.

💜 The Live Monthly Update will be recorded on Saturday, June 22nd at 10:30am EDT. The update will be done on YouTube, and then I'll be hanging out in the Discord voice chat afterward, so if you can join us, please do! It's a good time!

💜This month's Newly-SFW audio (remember, it's just one audio per month now!) for the tiers that get it (check your tier rewards to see if this is you if you're in one of the new tiers!) will be posted on Saturday, June 8th. If there are any NSFW audios that you'd like to see receive the SFW treatment, please send me a message!

💜 Commissions are on hold until early July, while I get caught up from being sick. Thank you for your patience!

💜 $3 and $5 Legacy Tiers and current $5 Blushing Beauty Tier - your new content for the month is already available, and the posts with links to which audios you now have access to went up yesterday. These posts will still go up on the 1st of each month, even with Subscription Billing in place, so be sure to check out the posts when you see them!

💜 The website is currently having issues with the new tiers and granting proper access, so for now all Patreon audios are available only on Patreon. It's an issue with the integration between Patreon and the site itself and my web designer is working on it. My apologies to anyone who uses the website for their Patreon audios. We will hopefully get it fixed shortly. All free audios are still available on the site.

That's it! That's my list for right now! If anything comes along as the month progresses, I'll post updates as needed. Updates are also added to the Discord server as they happen, too, so if you haven't joined us over there yet, definitely check it out. All you have to do is connect your Discord account to Patreon and you'll be automatically added to the group! There's always lots going on here in Beauty-land, so there's never a dull moment!

I know I say this every month, but I'll say it again now. If you want to comment on an audio but don't want to do so publicly, you can send me a DM. I love reading all your messages and comments. I may not always be able to respond to everything, but please know that I read and appreciate all of it. For the time being, I've had to change the way comments work on my website, for anyone who uses it to comment, so that you now have to be logged in before you can post.

As always, thank you for being part of my awesome little community, where we can embrace and celebrate being our true, authentic selves. And thank you for being part of my journey, for being with me as I do what I love every single day! You're the best Patrons anyone could ask for, and I'm so grateful and blessed to have you here with me.

Stay safe, everyone, take care of each other, and as always, thank you for being you!

I'll be around in the comments and in the Discord server, hopefully a bit more than I have been lately. Have a terrific month, y'all!

~B~ 💜💜💜




💜💜💜 excited for the heat of summer 😏 I would also like to say Happy Pride for all that celebrate and support the month and community. TBH not sure if that’s just a US thing or not 🏳️‍🌈🌈 I don’t think so but well wishes nonetheless!