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On the far side of the room, around the corner, three individuals were waiting for her. Two of them were two more nurses dressed in purple uniforms, and to Crystal’s shock she recognized not just the one she’d seen the other day, but the other nurse as well. The other nurse was Shannon! The same girl who’d been in the classroom taking the test the day Crystal had. The one who’d passed out the tests and who Crystal had cheated off of for most of the test. She wasn’t sure why the girl was wearing the same uniform as the other nurses, but she stood next to the nurse from the day of the test looking just as ready and professional as her.

On the other hand, there was the third individual.

Sitting on the floor next to the two nurses was... Amber! The girl was chained to the wall like some sort of captive. That wasn’t even the worst part though. The girl was almost completely naked except for wearing big pink mittens and booties on her hands and feet that seemed to be strapped on tight or possibly even locked on. Besides that, the girl was wearing nothing except for a white poofy thing around her waist. Undeniably... a diaper! A full blown diaper that was perfect for someone of her size. Amber’s eyes were huge and panicked and she stared at Crystal like she desperately wanted to tell her something (Like “Run” maybe.), but didn’t dare open her mouth. The girl was wiggling a little against the restraints on her wrist, but it was quite clear that she wasn’t going to be going anywhere.

As she stood there in complete and utter shock, Crystal could hear the sound of a few more locks being clicked closed on the door behind her. The message was clear: she was NOT getting out.

“My dear I know this all must be dreadfully confusing,” The main nurse said. “But I promise it’ll be much simpler if you just do as you’re told.” The woman walked over to Crystal and gently put her hand on the girls’ chin. Crystal wanted to move, or scream, or say anything at least; but she found herself frozen stiff. Were they going to do that same thing to her? “Oh yes, I think you’ll make a fine practice baby.” The nurse said as she turned Crystal’s face from side to side. “You’re just like little Amber over there with a bit of a naughty streak in you, but any of that I’m sure will be squashed before your first week is up.”

Crystal rapidly blinked her eyes as she got some of her sense back and pulled her chin away from the woman and backed away until she bumped into the wall. “W-what are you talking about?” Crystal asked. “What the h-hell is going on? I-I’m just here to start my job. I got accepted a-as one of your nurses!” She tried to stop her voice from stuttering, but was unable to do so as her hands grew sweaty and her knees shook.

The senior nurse sighed, then said, “Alright, I did promise you the short version at least didn’t I? You see, my dear, nursing is a very complex position. Lots of moving parts, lots of work to be done, lots of patients to take care of every hour. We don’t have time for lazy or naughty little brats in our ranks. Especially ones who cheat on their entrance exams...” She raised her eyebrow up the now intensely blushing Crystal who realized now that she was caught. Or maybe... the woman just knew all along.

She glanced again at Amber, meeting the girls’ worried eyes as she seemed to urge Crystal herself to try and escape. “I...I’m really sorry, okay?” Crystal said. “I won’t waste your time anymore. I should just...”

The woman surprised her as one of her shockingly strong hands wrapped around her wrist and tightened in a vice grip. “Oh no... Hehe. Don’t you worry dear, you won’t get to be a nurse, but we do have quite the suitable position for you after all. A perfect one for naughty little girls.” The senior nurse started yanking on Crystal’s arm to the point where it was painful, but she didn’t seem to care.

“What are you doing?! Let me go!” She cried out.

“Hush dear. That’s enough.” The senior nurse said sternly. Crystal was pulled up to stand right next to where Amber was locked up. She was then spun around to face away from her and then her other wrist was grabbed and held tight as well. “I’m sure you remember Shannon.” Shannon smirked a little at Crystal before bending down in front of her. She removed her socks and shoes and then started unbuttoning her denim shorts before pulling them down as well.

“Uh oh... hehehe. Ma’am it looks like you certainly made the correct choice with this one.” Shannon giggled out.

Crystal looked down and saw what the girl was giggling about, the front of her panties were damp with pee...

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :




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