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Part 2 – Rocky Introductions = After the long pause between the six girls and their new

counselor, Lexi is finally the one who speaks up first, as she chews her gum,

“Ugghhh, what is that smell?” She says, covering her nose at the rank scent that flows

into her nostrils, her perfectly manicured hand covering her makeup covered face to try and

block out the smell.

“We’re not too far off from the boys camp across the way, what do you expect?”

Annabeth answered first, leaning back contentedly on her bed, eating another piece of candy.

“They’re probably airing out their laundry, I’ve been here most of the day already and they

finished soccer practice not too long ago.”

“Perhaps I could take them up on that one day.” Sakura uttered with a competitive fire in

her eyes. She cracked her knuckles as she glanced out one of the cabins windows, her muscles

bulging. “I’d like to see if any of them could take me one on one.”

“You totally could Sakura!” Brandi the redhead, cried out. “Those silly boys wouldn’t

know what hit them!” The girl was giggling, literally bouncing up and down at even the idea of

it. “Hi there by the way! I’m Brandi!” She had a big smile on her crooked grin as she took Lexi’s

hand and gave it a big enthusiastic shake, despite Lexi’s complete lack of effort in return. When

Lexi pulled her hand away she looked at her palm in disgust as she found something sticky on it

from the girls’ hand; swiftly wiping it off on one of the beds’ hanging sheets.

Violet looked up from her book for a moment, “Sakura, soccer is such a juvenile sport, if

you wanted to crush your opponents you should at least do it in something more worthwhile. In

one book I read, in Ancient Rome, members of the patrician would duel each other to protect

their honor. Doing one of those would be much more exciting.” As she contemplated the girls’

words, Sakura seemed to be pretty fond of the idea.

As she popped her gum again, Lexi’s attention was brought back to reality as she noticed

one of the twins, Tori she believed, standing right next to her observing her. She reached out and

started feeling the fabric of Lexi’s lace shirt.

“Hey, what’s your deal?” She mumbled out annoyed as she took half a step back,

brushing the girls’ hand off her.

Annabeth chuckled “Oh don’t mind the two of them, they’re probably just doing

calculations in their head about you.”

Lexi gave all of them a bit of an appalled look, “Calculations? For what?”

Tina, still sitting crisscross on the floor spoke up, “We calculate all sorts of things. I

believe my sister was trying to determine how fast a material like the one your shirt is made of

could last in its current state in a location like this without being damaged.”

Tori glanced at her sister, “That is an interesting thought, but I was actually trying to

decide where she might come from based solely on her wardrobe and possessions.”

Lexi looked at the two girls with an outrageously confused expression, feeling like she

was talking to robots.

The blonde relaxing girl, Annabeth, chuckled at Lexi’s confusion and added, “What I

think they’re trying to say is that none of us expected to have Malibu Barbie for a counselor.”

Lexi let out a sharp gasp and readjusted her footing on her heels to look as tall as she

could, “Well I’ll have you know that Malibu is a beautiful place. Much more so than this

crummy shitty shack anyways. Humph.” She grabbed her sparkly pink suitcase and went over to

the only bed not taken in the corner of the room, the one intended for the counselor as it was the

only non bunk-bed.

“Um, Miss?” Brandi the redhead said in a happy yet concerned tone. “We were told that

one of the rules of the camp was that there would be no cursing.”

“Oh screw off.” Lexi muttered out, fanning the girl away from her. “If I have to be in this

damned place, I’m gonna do what I want, and no little 18 year olds are going to tell me


As Lexi placed her suitcase on the bed, the 6 younger girls in the large cabin all glanced

at each other as they found the air in the cabin suddenly much less playful and fun, given that

their counselor attendant didn’t seem to be kind one bit. Lexi got to unpacking her clothes,

though she was reluctant to do so given how disgusting the wardrobes for her to use were in her

eyes. All the girls couldn’t help but notice that apparently everything she’d packed was similar to

what she was wearing. Heeled boots, sparkly shirts, tight jeans and flashy dresses. Certainly not

any kind of normal camp clothes.

The girl flipped her long perfectly done blonde hair over her shoulder as she sat down on

a crappy lumpy and frumpy bed, cursing her Mother, this camp, and all the annoying girls she

had to share this cabin with. This summer was going to suck.

She had no idea...

This story was written by Zander Chesney

You can find more of his content here :



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