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 I will be posting the first 5 chapters retroactively so that the full story is available here! 

You will not be charged for those because they were available before I started my Patreon!

By the way I just hashtagged all my stories to make sure you could find them all more easily! For example if you click the WAS tag you'll find all the Wet American Summer chapters! 


Part 2

Sally  : Wake up sleepy head, rise and shine!

I woke up to the sound of aunt Sally’s voice. I froze up instantly. Frankie was there too, leaning in the doorway, looking at me with her wicked smile. It couldn’t be…

Sally  : Now I’m very sorry to have to do this, honey, but I’m going to check your Pull-Ups okay? I did the same with Frankie, she was all dry, as I’m sure you are. Come on now, up to your feet young lady.

I slowly complied, nervously anticipating what was gonna happen. Frankie had her eyes fixed on me. Sally got closer and without a warning, slid down my pajama pants, exposing my Goodnites entirely. Frankie chuckled as aunt Sally put her hand to my crotch, over the Pull-Up. She gave it a light squeeze, then looked me in the eyes.

She turned over to Frankie and declared  :

Sally  : Yup. All dry. Congratulations girls, no more Pull-Ups for you! Now, let’s go eat breakfast.

She left the room and me there, still with my pants to my knees. I quickly pulled them back up. Frankie sneered at me.

Frankie  : Welcome to the big girls club, Ash!

She followed aunt Sally upstairs and I got in the shower. I was so happy to finally remove that thing.

When I got back in my room, I noticed the second Goodnite was no longer on my dresser. Yes. Things were finally back to normal.

We spent our day at the beach. Frankie was oddly nice to me all day. She didn’t make any sarcastic comment like she used to. For the first time I could see that she had grown up. She was almost an adult too, and in fact we were closer in age than I was with my cousins. I had always thought of her as a manipulative brat, because she always found ways to get what she wants, but I guess now that she is more mature, she understand the consequences of her actions. 

Everything was fine up until one weird comment at the dinner table.

Frankie: You’re sure you want to drink another glass of water?

Ashley: What?

Frankie: I noticed you drank a lot, is all. Just looking out for you, Ash.

She winked at me. Aunt Sally turned to me as well.

Sally : Maybe that’s enough, dear?

What is wrong with them…

Ashley: I didn’t have more than usual… You don’t need to watch over me guys.

Sally gave me a weird look, but didn’t say anything else. Frankie never mentionned anything else during dinner. 

Night came and after the kids went to bed I hung out with my cousins again, this time in my regular clothes. I felt much better than the night before. I finally had the feeling to belong there, to be part of the adults group. They had always been over protective of me, but I could see that was slowly changing. They even let me have a glass of whine with them. Not without a disapproving look by Aunt Sally, but she didn’t say anything.

I went to bed and fell asleep with a smile on my lips.

When I woke up though, the smile disappeared. Something was horribly wrong. I was cold… and soaking wet.

No. It cannot be. Not now.

I got up in a hurry. My sheets were damp, there was a huge dark spot on my pajama pants. I couldn’t believe it.

I heard somebody call my name. It was aunt Sally. Shit.

Sally: Ashley, sweetheart, breakfast is served, you overslept my darling.

She entered the room without knocking, there was nothing I could do but stand there, helpless and wet, covered in shame and urine.

Ashley: Aunty, I’m sorry I don’t know what happened…

Sally: Ashley, that’s very dissapointing, I trusted you…

Frankie crept up behind her with a devilish look on her face.

Frankie: Grandma Sally, there’s something you should know… I found this hidden in the bathroom can.

She was holding a pair of soaked Goodnites, with the same printings as the one I had left on my dresser. It was then I knew it was her. She planned this all along. She probably sneaked into my room and put my hand in water during the night. I knew it couldn’t have been me.

Sally: I think you’ve got some explaining to do, Ashley.

Ashley: She’s lying aunt Sally, it was her! She made me wet the bed. I know it was her.

Frankie : I gave you two Goodnites yesterday Ash, where’s the second one? I think you wet this one and changed into it to make it look like you didn’t.

Ashley: You took it! You peed in that diaper! You lying brat!

Sally : Ashley stop it now. I’ve heard enough. I’m very cross with you. You lied to me and now you’re accusing Frankie… of what? Wetting her bed and blaming it on you? You’re standing in wet pajamas right now.

Ashley: That’s not what I’m saying! She made me wet last night, I don’t know how but she made me! And she peed in those Pull-Ups to make it look like I did!

Sally: Do you hear how ludicrous you sound, young lady? Not only did you lie to me and wet your bed two nights in a row, but you can’t admit it, can you? I saw you drinking a lot yesterday. And that wine glass? I knew it was a bad idea. I should’ve known better than to let you go to bed without protection. You’re just like your mother when she was your age. 

Ashley: Aunt Sally please…

Sally: I said enough. Now take off those wet clothes and go take a shower. I’ll try to save what’s left of this mattress and wash those sheets. Frankie, you get upstairs and eat your breakfast, but no word of this to anyone. Do I make myself clear?

Frankie: But grandma she tried to blame me!

Sally: I know, and for that she’ll be punished accordingly, but she is still your family and I don’t want you humiliating her over something she can’t control. Am I clear now?

Frankie: Yes…

Frankie left. Sally turned to me. 

Ashley: Aunt Sally…

Sally: Not one word. You listen to me now and you listen carefully. If you don’t do exactly as I say I swear to God I am dragging you in the living room and giving you the biggest spanking you’ve ever received in front of your cousins and their children. You would deserve no less for what you did. 

I felt paralyzed. I knew she was capable of doing it. If I hadn’t wet my bed I probably would’ve peed myself a little bit right then and there, but she changed her tone.

Sally: Look. I understand you’re an adult now and you want to prove you’re not a child anymore. I get it. It’s embarassing to have this problem, but all of this could’ve been avoided if you had simply been honest with me from the beginning. We wouldn’t have told anybody. But now lying about it? And blaming Frankie for it? That’s unacceptable. 

I didn’t know what to say. I knew she wouldn’t believe me even if I explained it to her and frankly appearances were against me. Even I would’ve believed I genuinely wet the bed last night if it wasn’t for the extra Goodnite bullshit Frankie pulled. That right there proved that I was right. If she went as far as peeing in a diaper to pin it on me, she had to make me wet myself too. 

Sally: You’re gonna be wearing protection every single night you’re here, that’s a given. Now, as punishment… I’m not going to spank you. I want it to be a lesson for you, so after your shower, you’re going to put on what you refused to wear in the first place and got you in so much trouble.

Oh no…

Sally: If I hear a single word of complaint, I won’t hesitate to go back on that offer and spank you in front of everyone. If you don’t want to live by the rules of this house, you’re an adult, you’re free to go. If you do, though… I will take it as defiance. You can either live by the rules and swallow your pride privately or you can make this a family matter. Think about it.

That was a threat…  If I didn’t comply she would get to tell her version of the story to everyone in the family as yet another cautionary tale of ‘’I told you so’’. There’s no way I was going to let that happen. I would never live it down, being the liar who peed her bed twice and tried to pin it on a kid. Shit. What would I do? I needed to keep this as private as possible… but at what price? I also needed to find a way to get my revenge on Frankie…

When I got out of the shower, my clothes were layed out on my bed. On top of them, I found what I feared would be there. A folded Goodnite diaper. There it was. The full pink package that had previously been in Frankie’s room was now sitting on my dresser. I quickly hid it in the top drawer, where my other undies were. I turned back to my clothes and picked up the garment. I swallowed my pride, stepped out of my towel and slid it up my legs.

I didn’t look at myself this time, I didn’t want to see. I wanted to pretend I was just in regular underwear. I put on the skirt that had been selected by my aunt over it. Of course she would’ve chosen clothes that would constantly remind me of my predicament. Next my bra and t-shirt and then I finally got a look at myself.

Alright Ashley. You are now about to walk out your door and you are back to wearing Pull-Ups. Only this time it’s during the day too, what progress has been made! One thing was for sure, I had murderous intentions.

When I got upstairs, everyone was done eating breakfast, the kids were back to playing, Nancy and Joyce were washing dishes. Aunt Sally was the first to come up to me.

Sally: Ah! Finally our sleepyhead is back with us!

She then leaned up close to me and spoke more softly.

Sally: I see you’re wearing what I selected for you. All of it, I assume.

She put her hand on my diapered butt, under the skirt and gave it a quick pat.

Sally : Good. Frankie is in the garden. I want you to go see her and apologize for trying to blame her for your accidents. Then we won’t speak of it again, okay? Go ahead now, honey.

I walked out of the house, my butt ever so crinkly now that the sound wasn’t muffled by any kind of pants, it was as if I wasn’t wearing anything over the Goodnite. I found Frankie sitting on the grass, on her cellphone. She looked up at me with her wicked smile.

Ashley: Aunt Sally wants me to apologize to you.

Frankie : Good. I’m listening.

Ashley: I’m not gonna do it. She doesn’t believe me but you and I know very well that it was you who made this happen and you’re gonna pay for it eventually.

Frankie: I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Ashley : You shouldn’t have gone for the overkill with the second Goodnite though, because I know damn well I didn’t pee in that thing, it was still on my dresser yesterday and then you took it.

Frankie: Maybe I did… but you still wet the bed yesterday.

Ashley: You sneaked into my room and… and did something to me. You put my hand in water or something. I know you did!

Frankie: You really believe that trick works? Have you ever tried it? The truth is I didn’t do anything to you. If you wet your bed last night, that’s on you. At first I was gonna try to make it look like you wet your Goodnite yesterday, but I couldn’t do it on time and grandma went to check you right away. I actually changed my mind about it then.

Ashley: I don’t believe you.

Frankie: Oh well… whatever helps you sleep at night… although I guess we found out what that is. Face it Ash, you know it in your heart that I wasn’t responsible for this. You’re just a little bedwetter. You know yesterday I thought you were cool. That finally I’d have somebody my age to hang out with. How disappointing to find out you’re even worse than the other little kids. At least they don’t need Pull-Ups during the day.

Ashley: I don’t NEED them!!

There was a twinkle in Frankie’s eye.

Frankie: Oh so it’s true then, you’re wearing one now? You actually put it on… that’s rich! We’re gonna have so much fun together little girl. Hope you don’t have any accidents today…

I was beet red.

Ashley: You won’t get away with this, I’ll find a way to expose what you did.

Frankie  : You’re not in any position to make threats, diaper girl. Or maybe you want me publicly asking questions about what’s under your little skirt?

She got closer to me and grabbed the hem of my skirt. I tried to back off, but I knew I shouldn’t risk ir. I would need to find another way to get to her if I didn’t want everyone in my family to remember me as the full-time diapered cousin. I swallowed my pride yet again when Frankie lifted up the front of my skirt.

Frankie  : Good girl! Your Huggies are all dry… for now.

I backed off and walked away immediately, accompanied by the soft rustling of my Pull-Ups. I was too ashamed to reply. I felt Frankie’s gaze following me, probably fixed on my diapered bum with a devilish grin upon her face.


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